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Hi GWS Board members,

I wanted to let you all know that we have some exciting news here at GWS.  After lots of hard work on the part of GWS staff and Board alike, things are really looking up!  Following, please find updates on funding and programming.


Jennifer Lawrence
Executive Director


1) EPA CARE Grant: Groundwork Somerville was chosen as one of 4 Level II selectees for the 2008 CARE Grant.  We will be focusing our efforts on a 2-year community visioning process along the Green Line Extension corridors in Somerville, in partnership with SCC, STEP and the Somerville Community Health Agenda.

2) Llewellyn Foundation: For the second year in a row, GWS was chosen as the recipient of this wonderful award -- this year our funding was increased by 60% to $25,000 to fund Green Team work in Somerville!

3) Urban Forestry Environmental Justice Grant: GWS was chosen to receive this highly competitive award from the Commonwealth Department of Conservation and Recreation to do a Tree Planting Block Party in East Somerville this August.  The award amounts to almost $28,000.

4) Tree Planting party in September: GWS is in discussions to receive $25,000 for tree plantings in Somerville from a to-this-point anonymous company.  Keep your fingers crossed!

5) Thanks to a wonderful new Board member (can you imagine who??), Federal Realty will be participating in a GWS site visit in the near future -- Keep your fingers crossed on this one as well!


GWS Summer Adventure Camp through 21st Century:

GWS will host 130 elementary aged students at the Healey School Garden on Monday, Wednesday and Friday through August 22nd.  Yay to our new Gardens Coordinator Aviva Asher and our Garden Assistant, Tai Dinnan for all of the wonderful work they are putting in there!

GWS Green Team

GWS has hired 12 WONDERFUL youth to work with us this summer on Tree Planting Block Parties, Data Collection along the Green Line Corridor, and community service.  They begin this Monday, June 30th!  We were also lucky enough to find two new wonderful Coordinators, Jon and Mischa!  Welcome :)  Sadly, we must say good bye to a GREAT addition to our team, Amy Greene.  Good luck at your new position - you'll do WONDERFULLY!

Garden Youth Crew

Partnering with Prospect Hill Academy for the first time this year, the Garden Youth Crew will work to maintain our Gardens, sell at the Farmers' Market, and participate in community service outings across the area.  GOOD LUCK!
Thank you for all of your hard work -- things are looking up and we are moving ahead full steam!
Jennifer Lawrence
Groundwork Somerville

240 Elm Street, Suite B7
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144
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