Do you know somebody who needs grant writing services? If the person 
you refer becomes a Drew & Associates' client, we will pay you $700.00.

December 2015
Dana Point's Illuminocean Display - December, 2014
Dana Point's Illuminocean Display - December, 2014

Traditionally, the holidays are a slow time for our consulting practice. It is difficult to get much done in the non-profit world at this time of year because so many of us are involved with holiday festivities and family events. Accordingly, I advise our clients to take it easy in December and spend their time planning for the year ahead. 

Here at Drew & Associates it is part of our culture to take our own advice. Accordingly, I will be out-of-the-office for most of this month. 

I still want you to be prepared to succeed as a grant writer in 2016. I am providing some of my most important tips for starting off strong when you get back to work. Probably my most important tip is to follow the funder's directions. As crazy as those directions get, you will never go wrong by following them to the best of your ability.

Follow the Funder's Guidelines: The Most Important Tip for Winning Massive Grants   

Promotional Trailer: Two Day Retreat with Dr. Drew
Promotional Trailer: Two Day Retreat with Dr. Drew
Whenever I teach one of our Two Day Grant Writing Retreats, I'm usually quite insistent that the number one most important rule of successful grant writing is the follow the funder's directions. Ironically, I often find myself tempted to violate this iron clad rule myself, especially when I am in a hurry, facing a tough deadline or in the mood to dismiss the funder's tedious requirements as mistakes instead of directions. Luckily, my wife and staff are quick to remind me of this necessity. 

When is it harder to follow the funder's directions?  
My Disconcerting Truth: Write the Grant First and Then Do the Research

Every once in a while, I'm surprised at the power of my own techniques. Recently, I was putting a grant application together for a new client with a new potential funder. Following my usual strategy, I started writing the client's application without doing any research - except, of course, interviewing a staff member and a Board member. 

Drew & Associates booklet
Check Out Everything You Need to Know About Securing Grant Money for Yourself

The Nine Greatest Pathways for Profiting from Grants: How to Get the Resources You Need from Corporate, Foundation, and Government Sources

This 45-page, bound copy of The Nine Greatest Pathways for Profiting from Grants 
gives you state-of-the-art information on how to get started in obtaining
government benefits, scholarships, individual grants, and Small Business Administration (SBA) guaranteed loans. It gives you directions on how to start-up your own non-profit organization or how to establish yourself as a grant writing consultant. Finally, it provides effective tips for winning federal funding for both non-secular and faith-based organizations. Price: $30.00 plus shipping and handling.


Upcoming Drew & Associates Workshops in California

Antelope Valley College, Lancaster
Tel: (661) 722-6300
Antelope Valley College 


Two Day Grant Writing Retreat with Dr. Drew will take place 
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday 
March 19 & 20, 2016. Sign-up early and save $100 with the early bird rate.

Grant Writing Fundamentals will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 10, 2016.

Grant Research will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 17, 2016.

Intermediate Grant Writing will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 24, 2016.

Fund Raising Fundamentals will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 1, 2016.

City of Riverside - Public Utilities
Tel: (951) 492-9497

Dr. Drew's Lightning Fast Grant Writing Techniques will be presented to Riverside City employees only at 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 17, 2016.

Gavilan College, Gilroy
Tel: (408) 852-2801


Two Day Grant Writing Retreat with Dr. Drew will take place 
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday February 16 & 17, 2016. Sign-up early and save $100 with the early bird rate.

Grant Writing Fundamentals will be taught from 
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 5, 2016.

Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa
Tel: (714) 432-5993
Orange Coast College


Two Day Grant Writing Retreat with Dr. Drew will take place 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday March 1 & 2, 2016. Sign-up early and save $100 with the early bird rate.

Grant Writing Fundamentals will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 30, 2016.

Santa Ana College, Santa Ana
Tel: (714) 564-6594
Santa Ana College


Mission Statement

Drew & Associates is a management consulting firm that applies Dr. Drew's expertise in assisting clients in adopting transformational, sustainable options that lead to peak performance in grant writing, fundraising and non-profit management. Drew & Associates stands by its Never Quit Guarantee: "We keep writing for free until your charity wins."

Visit Our Website
John C. Drew, Ph.D. | Drew & Associates | 949.643.8058 | |

Drew & Associates pays $700.00 apiece for referrals that turn into grant writing
work for us. If you know someone who needs the help of a professional grant writer,
please give us a call at (949) 643-8058. This $700.00 referral replaces our normal
marketing expenditures and our prices to the client do not change from our standard
rates. We will make out a check straight to you or to the charity of your choice.

Offer Expires 12/31/2015.

The Affinity 4 A Cause program has been developed to provide non-profit organizations with a passive way to generate on-going contributions from the businesses in their giving base. If your non-profit organization refers Affinity 4 A Cause to a business that switches their merchant account to them, then your charity will begin receiving revenue based on the referred business's credit card processing. Affinity 4 A Cause will also reduce the business's costs of using merchant services too. For more information, please contact Tim Pidcock at or call him at (949) 677-9428. 

Affinity24 is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank,  N.A. Walnut Creek, CA.