I like to make January our busiest month by implementing a laser-like focus on growing our consulting business. For me, this means abstaining from Candy Crush Saga, ignoring Twitter, and scaling back my time on Facebook. I call this Dr. Drew's 30-day Social Media Diet. Without the distractions of social media, I find it much easier to get the momentum needed to enjoy another terrific year of opportunity.
| Richard St. John on the Importance of Focus |
Apparently, I am not the only one who sees benefits in nurturing a laser-like focus on your goals. In the video above, Richard St. John shares how great leaders have benefited from increasing their powers of focus and concentration. I think this video is worth watching because these are two powers which are particularly important to successful grant writing campaigns.
Plan Ahead: Tips for Building Your Focus as a Lightning Fast Grant Writer
Typically, new non-profits and new grant writers come to me with massive projects. From my experience, these projects are so broad and so ambitious that no one except Superman and Lois Lane could get them done. My most important advice is usually to scale back their ambitious plans and focus their attention on the most important 10% of what they originally planned to do for their clients.
| New Oil Paintings by Dr. Drew |
Too often, charities and grant writers think they can get ahead by creating a broad, general, comprehensive project that covers all the bases. This is usually due to a misplaced sense of perfectionism. It is as if they are saying they are irrationally convinced they will win funding only if they offer to do everything possible for their clients virtually free.
Create Your Ideal Environment: Tips for Building Your Concentration as a Lightning Fast Grant Writer
Ironically, I did not start getting interested in ergonomics until I had my own consulting practice. For some reason, I neglected my posture and health while I worked for various charities. Nevertheless, once I started working for my own company, I found myself getting fascinated with the details of what it takes to create a highly optimum work environment. I suppose that I got a lot more interested in my own productivity and comfort when the only employee at work -- at first -- was me.
| Nine Tips for a Healthy Workstation from the Mayo Clinic |
As I like to share with my workshop participants, I purchased an expensive ergonomic chair when I started Drew & Associates. The chair had great cushions and a flexible back that moved with my body in a manner that kept my muscles relaxed instead of tense. To my surprise, I learned from this new chair that physical discomfort had been harming my powers of concentration for decades. Once I started using the new ergonomic chair, I found I could blissfully write for an hour or two with barely a thought about my physical environment.
Dr. Drew's Two Day Grant Writing Retreats: The Best Way to Learn About Grant Writing is to Write a Grant
My two day grant writing retreat is designed to meet the educational needs of grant writers from city, county, and state agencies as well as non-profits, K-12 schools, colleges and universities. You will emerge from this retreat with all - or a large portion - of your grant proposal written and ready to submit to an appropriate national, state or local funder.
This retreat will help you: - Develop a top-notch and quality grant proposal
- Get funders interested in your project
- Identify at least 10 funders for your project
- Discover the best ways to approach funders
- Develop effective budgets that make sense
- Discover the best practices and trends in grant writing
- Learn insider secrets on making great grant proposals
- Save time with grant writing strategies and more
This practical, down-to-earth retreat is being offered at a special, discounted rate of $495 at the following community colleges:
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday March 19 & 20, 2016.
Gavilan College, Gilroy
Tel: (408) 852-2801
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday February 16 & 17, 2016.
Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday March 1 & 2, 2016.
Only twelve (12) spots are available at each retreat location. These retreats are organized, step-by-step, to provide you with my expert-level guidance on how to draft each portion of your grant. We will also have time together for you to read, write and critique your application. In the process, I will also teach the ideas I use to improve staff and individual resumes from the perspective of grant reviewers. Samples of each element of the full grant proposal will be included with the course package. Day One: 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. Topics: Cover letters, introduction, background and organizational history. Day Two: 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. Topics: Objectives, plan of operation, evaluation and budget. The best way to learn grant writing is to write a grant. Often the fastest way to write a grant is to do so with the help of a friend and a mentor. In these retreats, we can quickly overcome a delay or barrier that might otherwise prevent an agency or an individual from succeeding at grant writing. Often, it is the little things can gum up the works of creativity and forcefulness. With the individual attention you'll receive at one of these retreats, however, your grant will surpass the most important hurdle - your own expectations. Read more
Upcoming Drew & Associates Workshops in California
Grant Writing Fundamentals will be taught from
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 10, 2016.
Grant Research will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 17, 2016.
Intermediate Grant Writing will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 24, 2016.
Fund Raising Fundamentals will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 1, 2016.
Gavilan College, Gilroy
Tel: (408) 852-2801
Grant Writing Fundamentals will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday,
March 5, 2016.
Grant Writing Fundamentals will be taught from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday,
January 30, 2016.
Mission Statement
Drew & Associates is a management consulting firm that applies Dr. Drew's expertise in assisting clients in adopting transformational, sustainable options that lead to peak performance in grant writing, fundraising and non-profit management. Drew & Associates stands by its Never Quit Guarantee: "We keep writing for free until your charity wins." Visit Our Website
Why Not Hire Dr. Drew to Repair Your Broken Resume?
One of my secrets of success as a grant writing consultant is my ability to tweak the resumes of the organization's key talent so that they are more likely to win really big grants. Surprisingly, a professional looking, strategically designed resume can be the difference between winning or losing a multi-million dollar grant.
I thought it would be fun to make a special offer in January 2016 for everyone who is seeking to find, or get, a better job in the coming year. Below, I have provided a description of my resume repair services.
Here's What Dr. Drew Will Do to Improve Your Prospects for 2016
Dr. Drew will ask you to email him a copy of your existing resume or curriculum vita which he will 1) read and analyze, and 2) discuss with you by phone for one (1) hour. Then, he will 3) rewrite your resume curriculum vita, improve its format and look, so that it will tell a positive, uplifting, and attractive story about your life, your value to others, and the special skills you bring to the marketplace.
Payment by Check
For payment by check, mail to: Drew & Associates,
25195 Via Catalina, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677.
Please make checks payable to "Drew & Associates."
Payment by PayPal
Read What One Professional Says About Dr. Drew's Resume Writing Services
I highly recommend John Drew's resume writing services for anyone in the job market. As a full time community college faculty member and department chair, I decided to expand my job goals to seeking a position in administration. John helped me immensely with updating my curriculum vitae and creating a new cover letter tailored to the specific job I am seeking.
I felt his knowledge of the community college system, strong writing skills and his connections were extremely valuable to me - helping me gain insight and add information that I would not have considered myself.
He gave me a lot of time from our first phone conversation until we came up with a final product I felt good about. His interpersonal style made me feel as if I were speaking to a motivational coach who was helping me discover my strengths and abilities to move toward my career goals.
I strongly recommend his services - personable, well-qualified, knowledgeable and outstanding writing skills. Thank you!
-- Dr. Irat Gat, Antelope Valley College
Read More
John C. Drew, Ph.D. | Drew & Associates | 949.643.8058 | john.drew@drdrewguaranteedgrants.com | http://drdrewguaranteedgrants.com/
Check Out Everything You Need to Know About Securing Grant Money for Yourself
The Nine Greatest Pathways for Profiting from Grants: How to Get the Resources You Need from Corporate, Foundation, and Government Sources
This 45-page, bound copy of The Nine Greatest Pathways for Profiting from Grants gives you state-of-the-art information on how to get started in obtaining
government benefits, scholarships, individual grants, and Small Business Administration (SBA) guaranteed loans. It gives you directions on how to start-up your own non-profit organization or how to establish yourself as a grant writing consultant. Finally, it provides effective tips for winning federal funding for both non-secular and faith-based organizations. Price: $30.00 plus shipping and handling.
The Affinity 4 A Cause program has been developed to provide non-profit organizations with a passive way to generate on-going contributions from the businesses in their giving base. If your non-profit organization refers Affinity 4 A Cause to a business that switches their merchant account to them, then your charity will begin receiving revenue based on the referred business's credit card processing. Affinity 4 A Cause will also reduce the business's costs of using merchant services too. For more information, please contact Tim Pidcock at tim@bluewatersps.com or call him at (949) 677-9428. Affinity24 is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Walnut Creek, CA.
A number of my readers have expressed interest in learning more about Constant Contact and how to use it for their own businesses or charities. If you would like to tryout Constant Contact yourself, then please press on this link and get $30 off on your first month's use. Constant Contact is one of my most important marketing resources. If you end up ordering it for yourself, be sure to give me a call and I'll share with you some of the tricks I've used to leverage it to the maximum extent. Offer Expires 02/28/2016.
Drew & Associates pays $700.00 apiece for referrals that turn into grant writing work for us. If you know someone who needs the help of a professional grant writer, please give us a call at (949) 643-8058. This $700.00 referral replaces our normal marketing expenditures and our prices to the client do not change from our standard rates. We will make out a check straight to you or to the charity of your choice. Offer Expires 2/28/2016.