A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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Daily Lesson 137
Sarah's Reflections
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.
In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...

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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


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Peace Lies in Oneness
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To "single out" is to "make alone" and thus make lonely. God did not do this to you. Could He set you apart, knowing that your peace lies in His Oneness? He denied you only your request for pain, for suffering is not of His creation. Having given you creation, He could not take it from you. He could but answer your insane request with a sane answer which would abide with you in your insanity. [And this He did. No one who hears His answer but will give up insanity.] For His answer is the reference point beyond illusions from which you can look back on them and see them as insane. But seek this place, and you will find it, for love is in you and will lead you there.  


ACIM OE CH 12, 22  


Son ship Video 

 L e s s o n 137
When I am healed, I am not healed alone.




 Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

Today's idea remains the central thought  

on which salvation rests. For healing is 
the opposite of all the world's ideas 
which dwell on sickness and on separate states. 
Sickness is a retreat from others, and 
a shutting off of joining. It becomes 
a door that closes on a separate self, 
and keeps it isolated and alone.| 


Sickness is isolation. For it seems 
to keep one self apart from all the rest, 
to suffer what the others do not feel. 
It gives the body final power to make 
the separation real and keep the mind 
in solitary prisons, split apart 
and held in pieces by a solid wall 
of sickened flesh which it can not surmount.| 
The world obeys the laws <that> sickness serves, 
but healing operates apart from them. 
It is impossible that anyone 
be healed alone. In sickness must he be 
apart and separate. But healing is 
his own decision to be one again, 
and to accept his Self with all its parts 
intact and unassailed. In sickness does 
his Self appear to be dismembered and 
without the Unity Which gives It life. 
But healing is accomplished as he sees 
the body has no power to attack 
the universal Oneness of God's Son.| 
Sickness would prove that lies must be the truth, 
but healing demonstrates that truth is true. 
The separation sickness would impose 
has never really happened. To be healed 
is merely to accept what always was 
the simple truth, and always will remain 
exactly as it has forever been. 
Yet eyes accustomed to illusions must 
be shown that what they look upon is false. 
And healing, never needed by the truth, 
must demonstrate that sickness is not real.| 
Healing might thus be called a counter-dream 
which cancels out the dream of sickness in 
the name of truth, but not in truth itself. 
Just as forgiveness overlooks all sins 
<that> never were accomplished, healing but 
removes illusions that have not occurred. 
Just as the real world will arise to take 
the place of what has never been at all, 
healing but offers restitution for 
imagined states and false ideas which dreams 
embroider into pictures of the truth. 
Yet think not healing is unworthy of 
your function here. For antichrist becomes 
more powerful than Christ to those who dream 
the world is real. The body seems to be 
more stable and more solid than the mind. 
And love becomes a dream, while fear remains 
the one reality which can be seen 
and justified and fully understood. 
Just as forgiveness shines away all sin, 
and the real world must occupy the place 
of what you made, so healing must replace 
the fantasies of sickness you have held 
before the simple truth. When sickness has 
been seen to disappear in spite of all 
the laws which hold it cannot but be real, 
then questions have been answered. And the laws 
can be no longer cherished nor obeyed.| 
Healing is freedom. For it demonstrates 
that dreams will not prevail against the truth. 
Healing is shared. And by this attribute 
it proves that laws unlike the ones which hold 
that sickness is inevitable are 
more potent than their sickly opposites. 
Healing is strength. For by its gentle hand 
is weakness overcome, and minds which were 
walled off within a body free to join 
with other minds, to be forever strong.| 
Healing, forgiveness, and the glad exchange 
of all the world of sorrow for a world 
where sadness cannot enter are the means 
by which the Holy Spirit urges you 
to follow Him. His gentle lessons teach 
how easily salvation can be yours; 
how little practice you need undertake 
to let His laws replace the ones you made 
to hold yourself a prisoner to death. 
His life becomes your own as you extend 
the little help He asks in freeing you 
of everything that ever caused you pain.| 
And as you let yourself be healed, you see 
all those around you or who cross your mind 
or whom you touch or those who seem to have 
no contact with you, healed along with you. 
Perhaps you will not recognize them all, 
nor realize how great your offering 
to all the world when you let healing come 
to you. But you are never healed alone, 
and legions upon legions will receive 
the gifts that you receive when you are healed.| 
Those who are healed become the instruments 
of healing. Nor does time elapse between 
the instant they are healed and all the grace 
of healing it is given them to give. 
What is opposed to God does not exist. 
And who accepts it not within his mind 
becomes a haven where the weary can 
remain to rest. For here is truth bestowed, 
and here are all illusions brought to truth.| 
Would you not offer shelter to God's Will? 
You but invite your Self to be at home, 
and can this invitation be refused? 
Ask the inevitable to occur 
and you will never fail. The other choice 
is but to ask what cannot be to be, 
and this cannot succeed. Today we ask 
that only truth will occupy our minds 
that thoughts of healing will this day go forth 
from what is healed to what must yet be healed, 
aware that they will both occur as one. 
We will remember, as the hour strikes, 
our function is to let our minds be healed 
that we may carry healing to the world, 
exchanging curse for blessing, pain for joy, 
and separation for the peace of God. 
Is not a minute of the hour worth 
the giving to receive a gift like this? 
Is not a little time a small expense 
to offer for the gift of everything? 
Yet must we be prepared for such a gift. 
And so we will begin the day with this, 
and give ten minutes to these thoughts with which 
we will conclude today at night as well: 
"When I am healed, I am not healed alone, 
 and I would share my healing with the world 
 that sickness may be banished from the mind 
 of God's One Son, Who is my only Self.
Let healing be through you this very day. 
And as you rest in quiet, be prepared 
to give as you receive, to hold but what 
you give, and to receive the Word of God 
to take the place of all the foolish thoughts 
that ever were imagined. Now we come 
together to make well all that was sick, 
and offer blessing where there was attack. 
Nor will we let this function be forgot 
as every hour of the day slips by, 
remembering our function with this thought: 
"When I am healed, I am not healed alone,
and I would bless my brothers, for I would
be healed of them as they are healed through  
         ~ Original Handscript of ACIM  


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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

When I am healed, I am not healed alone.
Sarah's Commentary:

This Lesson reminds us once again that the world is about separation. At no time do we feel that more, and feel more shut off and alone, than when we are sick, whether physically or emotionally. That is when there is a tendency to withdraw into ourselves and look only for those special relationships, where our need for relief from our perceived condition can be met. This is precisely the purpose of sickness, which is to focus our attention on the body and our specialness and to keep us from awareness of the love that we are. Thus, it is a defense. It keeps us in separation by establishing the body as real and proves God is not. With sickness, the body becomes the whole focus of our attention. Our challenge is to learn that the mind is what is actually powerful.

I remember a conversation I had with Willis Harmon, who was the one who introduced me to the Course. At the time I met him, he was the head of the Institute for Noetic Sciences at Stanford University, founded by the astronaut Edgar Mitchell. The purpose of the institute was to investigate phenomena beyond the realm of ordinary science. One of the areas they were researching at that time was remission in cancer patients and the difference between those who were able to achieve remission and those who weren't. Most often, they found that it was the release of grievances, and the letting go of investment in this world and how things go, that made the difference. Unfortunately, the project suffered from lack of good information from doctors whose files were sadly lacking with regard to the emotional state of their patients. The focus of their interest seemed to be restricted to the body. Having said that, while the body will reflect the healing in the mind, the state of the body will not affect the peace in the mind. As we read in Chapter 2, "Healing is inner peace." (T.2.I.5.11)(ACIM OE T.2.I.17) If that is the case, would it really make a difference if the body seemed to stay sick, but you no longer identified yourself with it and still had peace?
This was apparent to me recently when a friend was going through his sickness, which resulted in his seeming death. After much turmoil on learning of his condition and as the sickness of the body progressed, it seemed apparent that his mind increasingly chose peace and joining, as he welcomed so much love into his life. His last words were, "I am happy". The condition of the body is not where the sickness is. It is all in the mind. As Byron Katie said recently: "My life is full of joy and love, but what is my life? It is awareness. It is not a physical body." That is what this Lesson is about, to heal our belief that life is a physical body. Life did not start with birth nor will it end with death. This is not what life is. It is our eternal Self that never dies and is not a body.

Sickness, in this Lesson, is described as a "retreat from others, and a shutting off of joining. It becomes a door that closes on a separate self, and keeps it isolated and alone. Sickness is isolation" (W.137.1.3-4) It seems to keep us in a solitary prison of our own suffering, which seems to separate us from the One Self. Sickness appears to have power to attack the truth of our reality. It is not that sickness has this power, but that we have given power to the ego thought system, which says that when I am in pain, whether emotionally or physically, I have chosen against the love that I am. Both can't be true. Either I am the experience of pain in a body or I am Love. If I identify with the sickness and distress, I have stepped out of the truth of my reality as love.
Healing operates apart from the laws of the world, because healing is only of the mind, which is outside of our body and our true identity. Since sickness is the belief in separation, healing must undo that belief. Healing is basic to undoing the belief that our reality is this body, living in this world. In other words, it is a process of undoing the illusion, which is what forgiveness is. Forgiveness says that what I think you did to me has not occurred. In the same way, healing says that sickness of the body can't be real. Healing reminds us who we really are, not these experiences of pain. Thus, to heal is to step out of this dream, above the battleground, and see the figures in the dream, including ourselves, as not the truth. From this perspective, we look with Jesus at figures in the dream and see their unreality. Without separation, there can be no separate self to be sick.

When the pain in our minds is healed, it may be that the state of the body becomes irrelevant, because it is not who we are. Thus, the seeming appearance of the sick body must be illusion. "In sickness does the Self appear to be dismembered, and without the unity that gives It life." (W.137.3.5) Jesus is saying, who we are seems to be crucified when we are sick and that the truth of who we are seems to become disempowered. Yet healing is accomplished when we see that the truth of who we are can never change. It is only that we are not aware of this truth about ourselves, but the truth is always there, waiting for our acknowledgement. We can only do this when we look at the ego's lies and give up the suffering. "Sickness would prove that lies must be truth." (W.137.4.1) And the lie that the ego has convinced us of is that we are bodies and that the separation actually happened. To see the unreality of this is to see it from above the battleground, outside of this dream.
With healing comes the demonstration that truth is true and that "The separation sickness would impose has never really happened." (W.137.4.3) All that is needed for healing is acceptance of this truth, which Jesus calls a simple truth, but we have become so identified with the body and personality that we have come to believe that it is the truth about us. That is why healing is needed, in order to demonstrate the unreality of this illusion of sickness. What healing does is demonstrate to us that sickness was never real in the first place. The belief in separation, which sickness demonstrates, showing us that we are vulnerable bodies, is an investment that we can withdraw with the help of Jesus. We have given power to something that is not real. It is not about denying the body, denying that there is pain, but only to step back from it and look at it through a different lens. By seeing our experiences here as part of a dream and not true, we start to distance ourselves from our identification with these experiences. We might question it by looking at "who is the me that is suffering?"
Jesus says, "Healing might thus be called a counter-dream, which cancels out the dream of sickness in the name of truth, but not in truth itself." (W.137.5.1) In other words, neither the sickness nor the healing are real, but he makes the comparison to forgiveness, as an illusion, which ends all illusions, because "forgiveness overlooks all sins that never were accomplished. (W.137.5.2) The healing of the body becomes a very powerful experience, and it does seem real to us, but all it does is offer "restitution for imagined states and false ideas which dreams embroider into pictures of the truth." (W.137.5.3) In spite of the unreality of sickness, Jesus is not saying, "Just get over it." Instead, he affirms that doing the healing work is very worthy of our function here. (W.137.6.1) The reason is that sickness (the anti-Christ) seems even "more powerful than Christ to those who dream the world is real."  (W.137.6.1-2) The body seems very real to us, and it is our right minds and the state of love that seem more like the dream or fantasy. We seem to be able to experience the body and fear more readily than concepts of love, oneness and God. Sickness seems to have triumphed over God and seems to have more power. It is important not to deny our beliefs, but to look at them, as this is the only way that they can be corrected. Now, sickness is shown as powerless, and, instead, the laws of love are demonstrated to have real power. The symbols in our lives, that show us the unreality of sickness, are thus helpful to our own recognition that we are not this body and can indeed laugh at the idea that who we are in truth could ever be sick.
Sickness is part of the classroom that offers us opportunities for learning about the healing of the mind. When the mind is healed, the condition of the body becomes irrelevant. Even "enlightened" beings leave their bodies sometimes through sickness. Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharishi both "died" from cancer. In an enlightened state, they would no longer be identifying with the body. Byron Katie, who does not call herself enlightened, but who can be seen as highly evolved, has had cancer, blindness, and  osteoporosis and finds it all irrelevant to her state of mind. She says she can't fear death because "you have to be born before you can fear dying and there is nothing born but a belief system, and we identify as the person we believe ourselves to be and that can never be. So who lives?"

Jon Mundy wrote that what having cancer did for his healing was to allow him to let go. "I let go of entanglements, hang-ups, regrets and remorse--all the nostalgia about what might have been--relationships that did not turn out better---the belief that anything 'had' to happen--even everything I've been ashamed of. I go deeper and deeper. I take a good look at my secret sins and hidden hates. And then comes the last thing, the biggest thing of all. I even forgive myself for not having done a better job."

And Tomas Vieira wrote, at the end of his process with the body, to look beyond appearances, as there was no one there to suffer. When the concept of the "me" that I identify with has been healed, there is no one there to suffer, meaning that I am seeing the self that I have identified with from outside of the dream. It is a process of becoming empty. And in that becoming, the debris of our misperceptions is cleared from our minds and now we become a channel of healing for the world, not by doing anything, but by recognizing that "Healing is freedom." (W.137.8.1) It is a reflection of the Oneness of Heaven, that acceptance of healing anywhere in the Sonship is accepting it for all.

When we have had this experience of healing whatever the pain is, whether emotional or physical, we begin to realize that our minds are not limited by our bodily experience. We just don't realize the power of our minds. And the impact of our healing on the world is beyond our ability to comprehend. It is hard to imagine that when we heal our minds, it actually affects all those in our lives, those who cross our mind, those who seem to have no contact with us, and all those around us. (W.137.10.1) We are also told that we just have no idea of how great this offering is to the world: "And legions upon legions will receive the gift that you receive when you are healed." (W.137.10.4) It is an amazing thought, because there is only one mind!

Our whole purpose is about letting our minds be healed, so that we could carry this healing to the world. And this is the only way that healing can happen. It won't happen by changing anything in the world, but only our own minds! Today, let us bless those who have hurt us instead of cursing them. Let us share our joy with them, instead of attacking them. And let us share our love, instead of moving into withdrawal and separation. (W.137.13.1) Today, I choose my healing, so I can be a channel for blessing the world. That is my only function here. No other purpose can bring me joy. To heal is to share, because, as we let go of our separation, it restores the truth of who we are in our awareness. Then healing can flow through my mind to other minds.

We are challenged to give the time to this practice, because it is a very small expenditure for the gift of everything in return. It is a huge contribution we make to the healing of the world. Jesus is urging us to follow him, telling us that his Lessons are gentle, showing us how easily salvation can be ours. It take practice, which is why we have these Lessons. We have made laws that hold us prisoner to death, (W.137.9.2) but the Holy Spirit needs our help, if these laws we have made are to be replaced by His laws. He needs our help to free us from all the pain we have caused ourselves. Bodies get sick, wither, and die, and so if we are betting on our bodies, we are betting on a losing proposition. Today, we are again being asked to question what we are believing about who we are. Those thoughts we identify with become our reality, not in truth but in our beliefs. When we open the mind to the truth, we can experience the infinite Self that we are.

Longer practice: We are asked to take ten minutes in the morning and again in the evening and start the practice period with the statement:  "When I am healed I am not healed alone. And I would share my healing with the world, that sickness may be banished from the mind of God's one Son, Who is my only Self." (W.137.14.3-4)
First, become aware of the pain, the thoughts of sickness, of not being well, of physical symptoms you feel, of discomfort of any kind in your mind, of anger, of attack thoughts, of grief and sadness, and recognize that these thoughts are secret decisions to exclude yourself from love. The cause of these thoughts is in the mind and not in some external event or agent. Now, be willing to look at those thoughts. This practice of healing does not make sense if we don't apply it to something going on in our minds that keep us separate. Recognize that the discomfort in your body is a reflection of discomforting thoughts in your mind. Remember that you can have the peace of God instead of the experience you are holding onto.

Then, we rest in quiet and receive the Word of God to replace all our insane thoughts. Try not to let this Lesson be forgotten today, remembering your purpose at least hourly with this thought: "When I am healed I am not healed alone. And I would bless my brothers, for I would be healed with them, as they are healed with me." (W.137. 15.5-6)
Love and blessings, Sarah


TEXT Paused for Weekend

A Course in Miracles 


Chapter Twelve

III. The Fear of Redemption                        

10 You may wonder why it is so crucial that you look upon your hatred and realize its full extent. You may also think that it would be easy enough for the Holy Spirit to show it to you and dispel it, without the need for you to raise it to awareness yourself. Yet there is one more complication which you have interposed between yourself and the Atonement, which you do not yet realize. We have said that no one will countenance fear if he recognizes it. Yet in your disordered state, you are not afraid of fear. You do not like it, but it is not your desire to attack which really frightens you. You are not seriously disturbed by your hostility. You keep it hidden because you are more afraid of what it covers.


11 You could look even upon the ego's darkest cornerstone without fear if you did not believe that, without the ego, you would find within yourself something you fear even more. You are not afraid of crucifixion. Your real terror is of redemption. Under the ego's dark foundation is the memory of God, and it is of this that you are really afraid. For this memory would instantly restore you to your proper place, and it is this place that you have sought to leave.


12 Your fear of attack is nothing compared to your fear of love. You would be willing to look even upon your savage wish to kill God's Son if you did not believe that it saves you from love. For this wish caused the separation. You have protected it because you do not want the separation healed, and you realize that, by removing the dark cloud that obscures it, your love for your Father would impel you to answer His call and leap into Heaven. You believe that attack is salvation to prevent you from this. For still deeper than the ego's foundation, and much stronger than it will ever be, is your intense and burning love of God, and His for you. This is what you really want to hide.


13 In honesty, is it not harder for you to say "I love" than "I hate"? You associate love with weakness and hatred with strength, and your own real power seems to you as your real weakness. For you could not control your joyous response to the call of love if you heard it, and the whole world you think you control would vanish. The Holy Spirit, then, seems to be attacking your fortress, for you would shut out God, and He does not will to be excluded.


14 You have built your whole insane belief system because you think you would be helpless in God's Presence, and you would save yourself from His love because you think it would crush you into nothingness. You are afraid it would sweep you away from yourself and make you little. For you believe that magnitude lies in defiance and that attack is grandeur. You think you have made a world which God would destroy; and by loving Him, which you do, you would throw this world away, which you would. Therefore, you have used the world to cover your love, and the deeper you go into the blackness of the ego's foundation, the closer you come to the love that is hidden there. And it is this that frightens you.


15 You can accept insanity because you made it, but you cannot accept love because you did not. You would rather be slaves of the crucifixion than Sons of God in redemption. For your individual death is more valued than your living oneness, and what is given you is not so dear as what you made. You are more afraid of God than of the ego, and love cannot enter where it is not welcome. But hatred can, for it enters of its will and cares not for yours.


16 The reason you must look upon your delusions and not keep them hidden is that they do not rest on their own foundation. In concealment they appear to do so, and thus they seem to be self-sustained. This is the fundamental illusion on which they rest. For beneath them and concealed as long as they are hidden is the loving mind that thought it made them in anger. And the pain in this mind is so apparent when it is uncovered that its need of healing cannot be denied. Not all the tricks and games you offer it can heal it, for here is the real crucifixion of God's Son.


17 And yet he is not crucified. Here is both his pain and his healing, for the Holy Spirit's vision is merciful, and His remedy is quick. Do not hide suffering from His sight, but bring it gladly to Him. Lay before His eternal sanity all your hurt, and let Him heal you. Do not leave any spot of pain hidden from His light, and search your minds carefully for any thoughts which you may fear to uncover. For He will heal every little thought which you have kept to hurt you and cleanse it of its littleness, restoring it to the magnitude of God.


18 Beneath all your grandiosity, which you hold so dear, is your real call for help. For you call for love to your Father as your Father calls you to Himself. In that place which you have hidden, you will only to unite with the Father in loving remembrance of Him. You will find this place of truth as you see it in your brothers, for though they may deceive themselves, like you they long for the grandeur that is in them. And perceiving it you will welcome it, and it will be yours. For grandeur is the right of God's Son, and no illusions can satisfy him or save him from what he is. Only his love is real, and he will be content only with his reality.


19 Save him from his illusions that you may accept the magnitude of your Father in peace and joy. But exempt no one from your love, or you will be hiding a dark place in your mind where the Holy Spirit is not welcome. And you will exempt yourself from His healing power, for by not offering total love, you will not be healed completely. Healing must be as complete as fear, for love cannot enter where there is one spot of fear to mar its welcome.


20 You who prefer specialness to sanity could not obtain it in your right minds. You were at peace until you asked for special favor. And God did not give it, for the request was alien to Him, and you could not ask this of a Father Who truly loved His Son. Therefore you made of Him an unloving father, demanding of Him what only such a father could give. And the peace of God's Son was shattered, for he no longer understood his Father. He feared what he had made, but still more did he fear his real Father, having attacked his own glorious equality with Him.


21 In peace he needed nothing and asked for nothing. In war he demanded everything and found nothing. For how could the gentleness of love respond to his demands except by departing in peace and returning to the Father? If the Son did not wish to remain in peace, he could not remain at all. For a darkened mind cannot live in the light, and it must seek a place of darkness where it can believe it is where it is not. God did not allow this to happen. Yet you demanded that it happen and therefore believed that it was so.


22 To "single out" is to "make alone" and thus make lonely. God did not do this to you. Could He set you apart, knowing that your peace lies in His Oneness? He denied you only your request for pain, for suffering is not of His creation. Having given you creation, He could not take it from you. He could but answer your insane request with a sane answer which would abide with you in your insanity. [And this He did. No one who hears His answer but will give up insanity.] For His answer is the reference point beyond illusions from which you can look back on them and see them as insane. But seek this place, and you will find it, for love is in you and will lead you there.






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