Volunteers' Voice

News for and about the Visiting Pet Program

 October, 2016

Volume 16, Issue 2

Take Note! 

Join the fun at 
Boxers, Brew and BBQue 
Saturday, October 1
The Kamp, Harahan
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 2th
Christ Church Cathedral
St. Charles Ave

 Volunteers are needed for:

Tulane Medical School Exam Break 
Tuesday, Nov. 15th

131 S. Robertson Street

Free parking available 
Pet Fest
Sunday, November 20 
2 hour shifts available 
Lafreniere Park

Contact Lee Gaffney at


to attend any of these events 
New Volunteer Orientation

October 15, 2016
2:00pm to 4:00pm
 Harahan Senior Center
 100 Elodie
  Pre-registration required
Contact Claire Sommers paws4visits@gmail.com  

Pet/Handler Evaluation
January 7, 2017
 Harahan Senior Center
 100 Elodie
Pre-registration required

Barbara Hyland

to register at
greytpets2@gmail.com   if you would like to have an additional pet tested.

Reading To Rover

 On the East Bank
   Held on the third Tuesday of each month at the East Bank Regional Library
 4747 W. Napoleon in Metairie

In Orleans Parish  
Held on the second Thursday of each month, Rosa Keller Library, 
4300 South Broad

New Orleans

6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  
    Contact Fay Schultz
 to confirm your slot at any of these

Reading To Rover

 Quick Links



Our August evaluation was a tremendous success thanks to the continued efforts of Danna Morris and her amazing evaluation team. We were able to evaluate  26 teams, of which 22 teams will proceed to their probationary training phase.  Of those 22 teams, 3 are current members. We had 4 teams deemed "Not Ready", but they had a lot of potential and we hope to see them back at a later evaluation.  
Our thanks also to Barbara Hyland, Probationary Volunteer Coordinator, for supporting our new volunteers as they go through their probationary period.  Barbara is the resource for all things VPP for our new volunteers. She has her hands full with 22 new volunteers this fall. Many have already started on their visits. Be sure to welcome them as you meet them on your visits. And, I know Barbara would like me to thank her "buddies" in advance for the time they devote to helping VPP grow.

On another note, I've noticed an increased number of personal pets and service dogs in the facilities we visit. Remember to always keep the VPP pets away from any "unknown" dog no matter what the other handler tells you. It has been my experience that the handlers are not very adept at dog handling, so it's up to you to be assertive and get out of the way. YAYABA....YOU are your animal's best advocate.   

With thanks for all you do,
Lee Gaffney
Happy Retirement to

Frances Hecker's beloved dog. They joined VPP in 1993 and were regular visitors at St Anthony's.   

and to

Anna Breaux's beautiful dog. They joined VPP in 2012 and were regular visitors at Chateau Living Center.

Guardian Angels

A donation was received from

Pamela Dean

Donations were received from

Barbara Hyland, Lee Gaffney and Kathleen Crago

in memory of

Creevy Clay'
s dog


A donation was received from

Jill Dolese

Donations were received from

Your Cause - ATT Corp Employee Giving Program

A donation was received from

New Orleans Fleas Market

A donation was received from

Barbara Hyland and Lee Gaffney

in honor of the many years of service of

Francis Heckler and Lambkin
A donation was received from

Nina Bourgeois

in memory of

Tatty Cara and Cheeks
About the

Visiting Pet Program

The Visiting Pet Program is an all volunteer 501 (C)(3) non-profit animal assisted therapy organization serving Orleans, Jefferson and St. Tammany parishes.

For the past 29 years, the volunteers of the VPP have lived up to their motto of "Bringing Love and Leaving Smiles" to the residents of nursing homes and hospitals.

Our literacy project,

Reading to Rover,

offers young readers the opportunity to practice their reading aloud skills to the gentle therapy dogs.

If you would like to make a donation to the Visiting Pet Program, please click on the button below or mail your check to P.O. Box 24748, New Orleans, LA 70184. Please note if your donation is in memory of a person or a pet.

We will be happy to send an acknowledgment of your donation to the family. Please include the name and address to send the acknowledgment. Because we are a 501(C)(3) organization, your donation is tax deductible. We are an all volunteer organization. Your donation goes directly to the support of our mission.

Thank you 


Visiting Pet Program | P.O. Box 24748 | New Orleans | LA | 70184-4748