Volunteers' Voice

News for and about the Visiting Pet Program

 December 2016
Volume 16, Issue 3

Take Note! 
Spring 2016 Visit Confirmation  
The 2016 Spring visit schedule  
is now on the web site.  
Be sure to confirm your Spring visits 
no later than 
December 15th
 New Volunteer Orientation
Saturday, June 11, 2016
10:00am to 12:00pm
Sunday, July 10, 2016
2:00pm to 4:00pm
Saturday, October 15, 2016
2:00pm to 4:00pm
Harahan Senior Center
100 Elodie
Pre-registration required
Contact Claire Sommers at paws4visits@gmail.com 
to register

Pet/Handler Evaluation
January 9, 2016
Saturday, August 6, 2016
 Harahan Senior Center
   100 Elodie
 Pre-registration required
Barbara Hyland

to register at
 if you would like to have an additional pet tested.

Reading To Rover
 On the East Bank
   Held on the third Tuesday of each month at the East Bank Regional Library
 4747 W. Napoleon in Metairie
 Contact Fay Schultz
 to confirm your slot at any of these Reading To Rover
Our Deepest Sympathy to
Dot McIntyre, who lost her beloved Sheltie, Stormy

Stormy joined the VPP in  2004 and was a regular at Our Lady Of Wisdom and Reading to Rover. Stormy's gentle spirit touched many, many lives in the 11 years with VPP.

and to

Dawn Hagmann, who lost her beloved dog, Hanna.
Hanna joined VPP in 2004 and was a regular at Chateau Living Center and the New Orleans Children's Hospital.  Everyone could always count on Hanna to give lots of kisses!
 Quick Links


It's hard to believe another year is over. Seems like yesterday was Halloween and tomorrow is the New Year! It all happens so quickly. Thank you for all that you do to make our year go quickly and smoothly. Your professionalism and dedication to our mission is what makes the VPP so successful.

Mark your calendars now for our volunteer appreciation picnic and annual meeting...now know as Tara's Toast to Volunteers! Our 2016 date is Sunday, March 6th from 1pm-3pm at a new location, The Kamp on Hickory Avenue in Harahan. A photo of the location is below. We'll send more details in the event invitation but, for now, save the date! For the first time ever, adult beverages will be available for purchase at the event!

Have wonderful holidays and the Happiest of New Years as you embark on your visits for 2016 and the VPP enters it's 29th year of service
Lee Gaffney


Four Paw Salute

Barbara Hyland would like to thank members of the Buddy Program who joined her in assisting with the probationary pet visits for the September'15 evaluation group. Cooperation from everyone is the key to the success of this program.
Buddy members included Jeannette Albert, Diana Alcazar, Mike Azzarello, Connie Back, Pam Bellone, Cathy Burch, Kathleen Caulkins, Brenda Chetta, Creevy Clay, Kimberley Clayton, Lee Gaffney, Jerry Gibel, Dawn Hagmann, Malay Ghose-Hajra, Kevin Hand, Gayle Kroeger, Helen Schneidau, Fay Schultz, Diane Smith, Claire Sommers, Patty Spampneto, Monica Stephens and Joy Sturtevant. In addition, the following members assisted with observation visits:  Emilie Airhart, Bob Klare, Deirdre LeDoux and Sandy Woods.
A thank you is extended to all who helped to welcome the new volunteers.
Guardian Angels

A donation was received from
New Orleans Fleas Market

A donation was received from Elizabeth Geary

Donations were received from Annemarie Fisher and
Barbara Hyland

in memory of Dot McIntyre's dog,

Donation was received from United Way

A donation was received from Leslie Davis
in memory of
Rusty Haeuser,
husband of Lori Haeuser

A donation was received from Network for Good 
About the Visiting Pet Program

The Visiting Pet Program is an all volunteer 501 (C)(3) non-profit animal assisted therapy organization serving Orleans, Jefferson and St. Tammany parishes.

For the past 28 years, the volunteers of the VPP have lived up to their motto of "Bringing Love and Leaving Smiles" to the residents of nursing homes and hospitals.

Our literacy project, Reading to Rover, offers young readers the opportunity to practice their reading aloud skills to the gentle therapy dogs.

If you would like to make a donation to the Visiting Pet Program, please click on the button below or mail your check to P. O. Box 24748,New Orleans, LA 70184-4748. Please note if your donation is in memory of a person or a pet. We will be happy to send an acknowledgment of your donation to the family. Please include the name and address to send the acknowledgment. Because we are a 501(C)(3) organization, your donation is tax deductible. We are an all volunteer organization. Your donation goes directly to the support of our mission.
Thank you