Third Sunday of Lent, March 8, 2015



Below, you'll find a reflection for today, the third Sunday of Lent, March 8, by Joe Nangle, ofm. The reflection is from Lent 1997: Following Jesus on the Way to Calvary, published by Pax Christi USA. 


All our Lenten reflections and other resources can be found at this link, Lent 2015, on the website.  




By Joe Nangle, ofm


Exodus 20:1-17 | 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 | John 2:13-25


Cleansing the temple It's a scene that makes us uneasy - Jesus causing conflict. The modern view makes him out to be a consoler, a comfortable presence, just a nice guy. He is there to make us feel good about ourselves, not rocking our boats.


Yet in the Gospel today he's on a rampage, throwing the idolaters of money out of the temple's sacred space, then confronting those who challenge his right to this consuming zeal for God's house.


An angry Jesus, a Jesus who gets into disputes and shows himself disagreeable, throws us off. As products of our culture, we avoid confrontation. We like to be liked and likable. Yet here we have the Teacher being anything but likable-he's downright obnoxious as he drives the money-makers out of the Temple, knocking over their tables and spilling their coveted coins all over the place in the process.


The lesson for us is clear, a Lenten meditation. If our discipleship is authentic, we cannot avoid conflict any more than Jesus could. In fact, as the daily Lenten readings begin to remind us, a constant reality of Jesus's ministry was confrontation. As his public life unfolded and his agenda became known to the power structure of that time, he found himself in serious disagreement on a daily basis with those who had most to lose as a result of what he was saying...


In Christ's peace,


Johnny Zokovitch

Director of Communications, Pax Christi USA

P.S. To see more resources for Lent, visit us at