First Sunday of Advent

December 1, 2013



Below you will find a short reflection for today, the First Sunday of Advent. We encourage you to share this reflection by forwarding this email to others who you think might appreciate it.


First Sunday of Advent


Isaiah 2:1-5 | Romans 13:11-14 | Matthew 24:37-44


By Darleen Pryds


"Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your God is coming" (Mt. 24:42)


Advent is a time of waiting in anticipation for the arrival of Christ. The challenge for us today is to really wait for that birth without planning and without assuming we know when and how Christ will appear in our lives.


Babies arrive on their own time. As I write this, just yesterday the wife of a colleague gave birth. Because of complications, labor was induced early in the morning, so we knew it was coming. A request for prayers was sent out. After a few hours, people started checking in to hear the latest word. Hours passed and another email update related that mom was still in labor...

To read this entire reflection, click here.

In Christ's peace,


Johnny Zokovitch

Director of Communications, Pax Christi USA

P.S. To see more Advent reflections from Pax Christi USA, click here.