Pax Christi USA
Greetings of Peace!




Remembering the past with gratitude,



Living the present with enthusiasm,













Looking to the future with confidence and hope!










We are here to support your personal and community resource needs as you gather to pray, study and respond to the signs of the times in the world.  I offer these resources and links for your consideration and will be happy to assist you with your order or inquiry. 
 Click on the resource title below to order or to obtain more info available in our webstore
It's back!!!!  
OUR ALL TIME BEST SELLER is back in stock and ready for your orders. 
Peacemaking Day by Day
Quotes from peacemakers and justice-seekers around the world. Our best seller of all time, this original book of daily quotes is lively, practical, educational, and inspirational. 
Sample quote from Ambassador of Peace, Nancy Small - July 26:
"Our culture, increasingly addicted to external stimulation, is desperately in need of contemplation. And so are we.  If our peacemaking is to reach its fullest potential, we must take time for contemplation.  Working for the Peace of Christ can only be authentic if we take time to recognize Christ in each other and in creation around us, time to deepen our relationship with Jesus before acting in his name."
"Without a doubt, over the years of daily reading and sometimes marking the year with some worry or some gratitude, this book permeates my soul."  
"The daily quotes are all beautiful and inspiring. Also, suitable for people who are not religious."
"My order recently was for a "peace award" given out to a senior at each of several Catholic high schools..."  
Make it a point to get a copy today or better yet get enough to share!!


We also want you to know that we are busy working on our 2013 Advent Reflection booklet and will be bringing you reflections this year based on our Spirituality of Nonviolence priority initiative.


Check out our website in the coming months to see what two of our authors, Dr. Darleen Pryds - Professor of History and Christian Spirituality - Franciscan School of Theology, GTU Berkeley, CA and Dr. Alex Mikulich, Professor of Theology with the Jesuit Social Research Inst. of Loyola Univ. have to share with you.  Dr. Mikulich is also a member of the Pax Christi Anti-Racism Team.

MORE TO COME SOON but we hope you will plan to include Pax Christi in your Advent planning.

Please continue to share the message of faith, hope and love and let us help you do that -- visit our website shopping area
For more information please feel free to contact me via email at
Lori Swanson Nemenz
Pax Christi USA Resource Coordinator