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Thursday, November 8, 2012



Sr. Patricia Chappell, SNDdeN, Executive Director of Pax Christi USA, has issued a letter to all Pax Christi members, friends, partners and allies, following the results of Tuesday's election. Below are excerpts from the letter. You can click here to read Sr. Patty's letter in its entirety on the Pax Christi USA website. Below are some excerpts from Sr. Patty's letter.


Pax Christi USA congratulates President Obama on his re-election, and we extend our best wishes to all those elected officials who will be assuming positions of leadership both nationally and locally. We also congratulate the millions of volunteers who worked on the campaigns to help elect their candidates, though not all were victorious. It is to these grassroots people we pay special homage on the day after the national elections...

With the end of this election we will see and hear familiar voices and faces, and become acquainted with new voices and leaders in the halls of Congress, in state legislatures and in local boards and councils. Many citizens might consider the work of the electorate over. But for members of Pax Christi USA, I want to emphasize that our work has just begun. No election achieves the goals to which we are dedicated...


The long election process and watching the election returns made it clear who Pax Christi USA has yet to invite to the table of the Catholic peace movement. In this election year, our African American and Latino sisters and brothers demonstrated the power of solidarity and inclusion. The results speak for themselves. Can Pax Christi USA re-embrace our resolve for a just and sustainable peace movement that is inclusive of the true face of the Catholic Church in our nation? We are called to build community, not to create division that alienates the faithful from their baptismal call. As Pax Christi USA, we are on the right path to becoming humble, but confident and prophetic peace makers... 


To read this letter from Sr. Patty in its entirety, click here.


We invite you to join in the conversation by posting comments and responses on the PCUSA website just below the letter and on our Facebook page

In Christ's peace,


Johnny Zokovitch

Director of Communications, Pax Christi USA