News from the IUPUI Solution Center
Building university-community partnerships in Central Indiana. |
2014 IUPUI Research Day Celebrated Research and Creative Activity at IUPUI
On April 11, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research in collaboration with the IUPUI Center for Research and Learning and the IUPUI Solution Center hosted the sixth annual 2014 IUPUI Research Day, a daylong open-house celebration of IUPUI research and creative activity held at the IUPUI Campus Center. The theme this year was "Research and Creative Activity Matter: From IUPUI to the World."
 Vice Chancellor Kody Varahramyan and Dr. Yuichiro Takagi |
Research Day commenced in the morning with a plenary session kicked off by Vice Chancellor for Research Kody Varahramyan with a welcome and opening remarks. Stephan Viehweg, interim director of IUPUI Center for Translating Research Into Practice, served as the session's moderator. There were two presentations by recipients of the 2014 Research Frontiers Trailblazer Award, a program that recognizes outstanding IUPUI researchers who are showing great promise in becoming nationally and internationally known for their accomplishments in advancing the frontiers of knowledge. The recipients Yuichiro Takagi, Ph.D., from the IU School of Medicine presented his research on "Protein-engineering and structural biology of molecular machineries in gene expression," and Alexey Kuznetsov, Ph.D., from the School of Science presented his research on midbrain dopaminergic neuron.
 Kendrea Williams |
A student speaker presentation was given by Kendrea Williams, an outstanding student who has made a tremendous impact in her community and on the IUPUI campus. She presented some of her work conducted in the community as an undergraduate research scholar, and expressed gratitude for the research opportunities provided by IUPUI. This was followed by an exceptional keynote presentation by Mr. Richard Blanco, President Obama's 2013 Inaugural Poet. Mr. Blanco is internationally known as a poet, author and civil engineer who, as a keynote speaker, connected the audience to a wistful portrait of his memories through poetry and storytelling.
Research Day included two poster sessions, consisting of 300 posters and exhibits, showcasing the innovative research of IUPUI faculty, staff, and students (graduate, professional and undergraduate). Close to 100 faculty participated in the "Grand Challenge Initiative Research Roundtable Discussions," which were facilitated roundtable discussions on the six main topics associated with the IUPUI Grand Challenge Initiative on Urban Health and Wellbeing. Read More
Three IUPUI Students Traveling to Seattle, Washington to give Poster Presentation at American Alliance of Museums

With assistance from the IUPUI Solution Center's Venture Fund, three students from the IUPUI Museum Studies program will travel to Seattle, Washington, on May 19, 2014, to give a Poster Presentation at the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) Marketplace of Ideas. The students' presentation will highlight learning from a 2013, three-week Summer Field School in Alaska. The Summer Field School was created by Holly Cusack-McVeigh, Assistant Professor in Anthropology, with support from the IUPUI Solution Center's Venture Fund.
Alyssa Bogge working in the tribal museum
IUPUI School of Liberal Arts students Alyssa Bogge, a first-year graduate student pursuing a degree in Museum Studies, Lauren Baker, a Museum Studies graduate student, and Caitlin Kegley, also a second-year graduate student in Museum Studies, will present their poster titled, "Lessons Learned in the Land of the Midnight Sun." This poster focuses on the learning and engagement that took place in Sugpiaq Alutiig, a native village in Nanwalek, Alaska.
McVeigh states, "This is a unique way for the student team to share their experiences, generate new ideas about community-outreach and showcase this unique IUPUI educational community-based, collaborative project which took place in Nanwalek's tribal museum. This student team has the opportunity to impact the direction of their field by sharing a new model for community collaboration and encouraging other museum professionals to explore new understandings of museum best practice." Read More
 | Lauren Baker cleaning paper-based objects |
 | Caitlin Kegley (center-IUPUI shirt) leaving the village |
Solution Center Community Partner "Use What You've Got Prison Ministry" Annual Appreciation Breakfast
On April 17, 2014, " Use What You've Got Prison Ministry" (UWYGPM) held it's annual Appreciation Breakfast at Ivy Tech Community College with the theme "Keeping Families Connected." UWYGPM received support through the IUPUI Solution Center's Venture Fund.  |
Vop Osili
"Use What You've Got Prison Ministry" is a faith-based organization whose mission is to ensure that families maintain contact by providing transportation for prison visitation and through promoting a holistic approach to family wellness. The organization provides at least one trip per month to Indiana correctional facilities, while also providing other supplemental services such as a women's support group (Girl friends), an annual women's retreat, Holiday Assistance that provides much needed toys and clothing gifts to the children of UWYGPM riders, a Speakers Bureau of thoughtful speakers, and a Family Advocate program that provides family support. Vop Osili, City-County Councillor-District 15, Indianapolis, provided the keynote address. Osili spoke about the researched disparity of employment for ex-offenders, the issues of fairness and equality, the importance of breaking down the barrier especially when it comes to bias', the importance of reducing the amount of offenders going back into prison, and the cost of the state for each return into prison. Cecelia Whitfield, Founder of UWYGPM, gave insight on the accomplishments of the ministry. She outlined the positive effects of this ministry on the families, offenders and the correctional system as a whole. Through providing affordable transportation to the families, Whitfield said the visits have shown to positively influence the behavior of the offenders, and also carries with them after they get out of prison, which in return helps reduce the chances of them returning to prison. She added that this ministry also prepares the families to receive the offenders when they return home, and provides the families with much needed emotional and spiritual support.
SC Partner Indiana Music Education Association to Hire Interns
 In March, Indiana Music Education Association (IMEA) was awarded match funding from the IUPUI Solution Center to support the hiring of three interns, to develop projects and focus on objections that will positively impact thousands of Indiana Music Educators and Students from throughout the State of Indiana. The interns will work directly on the IMEA's marquee events. These events are the largest professional development events offered in the state of Indiana for music educators.
IMEA was founded in the 1940s, and is a not-for-profit professional membership organization for music teachers, kindergarten through collegiate levels, with almost 2,000 educator members throughout the state. The mission of IMEA is to advance music education in Indiana by advocating for the best musical interests of all students and by providing quality programs, professional development, and services. The three interns will be taking lead on certain aspects of each program/event and have a visible impact on the success of IMEA's programs. Two Graphic Design interns will have the opportunity to grow their portfolios by creating and developing all materials for IMEA's new events and back to school feature. An Event Planning intern will have the ability to develop events from start to finish by working with several types of event venues, working on various aspects of event planning, having the ability to work independently as a "Lead Event Planner," and meeting with vendors that will be utilized for IMEA's events. Lane Velayo, Executive Director for IMEA stated, "These three interns will gain important new skills and make critical professional contacts that could lead to jobs after graduation." To apply for these internships go to jagjobs.org and search for numbers 18034 &18035. |
IUPUI 10th Annual Robert G. Bringle Civic Engagement Showcase and Symposium
Paula Means speaking at the Networking Lunch
At this year's 10th Annual Robert G. Bringle Civic Engagement Showcase & Symposium, IUPUI celebrated campus and community impact with the theme "Healthy and Engaged Communities: Campus and Community Partnerships as Strategies to Support the Well-Being of Indianapolis and Beyond," on April 23, 2014 at the Campus Center. Hosted by the IUPUI Center for Service and Learning, this engagement recognized the impact of service, partnership and research on the IUPUI campus and in the community. "As the state's largest health and life sciences campus, IUPUI has a unique responsibility to work with community partners to address the quality of life in our local communities. The well-being of our community, however, is multifaceted and is relevant to every discipline from art, to history, to languages, and to technology," said Julie Hatcher, Executive Director for the IUPUI Center for Service and Learning. The schedule included a Networking Lunch with a discussion of themed issues, a keynote presentation by Paula Means, Program Manager of the Indiana Clinical Translational Sciences Institute's Community Health Engagement Program (CHEP), two Poster Showcases, and two Symposium sessions centered on the topics of supporting the well-being of the community from a wide range of disciplines. Following the presentations, guests attended the Plater Civic Engagement Medallion Awards Reception and Ceremony that recognized graduating students who have demonstrated exemplary commitment to their communities over the course of their academic careers.
View the 2013 IUPUI Research Report
Where Research and Creative Activity Matter - From IUPUI to the World.
Congratulations recent Community Venture Fund recipients!
In March and April 2014, the following organizations received $29,824 in Venture Fund matching grants:
Please pass on these Venture Funded internship openings!
The following opportunities are available to currently enrolled IUPUI students in good standing through a partnership with the employers and the IUPUI Solution Center. These paid internships are partially supported by the IUPUI Community Venture Fund. IUPUI students can look for these opportunities in JagJobs ( www.jagjobs.org) or their school's career services site, and apply soon! - Graduate Intern - Riverview Hospital Foundation
- $12 per hour, 15 hours per week, Fall 2014
- Programming/Events Intern, Marketing/Design Intern - Indiana Music Education Association
- $10 per hour, 15 hours per week, Summer/Fall 2014
- Graduate Intern- Indiana Soccer Association
- $12 per hour, 20 hours per week, Spring 2014
- Communication Assistant Intern - Freetown Village
- $10 per hour, 20 hours per week, Spring 2014
- Electronic Communications Intern - Family Voices Indiana
- $10 - $12 per hour, 10-26 hours per week, Summer/Fall 2014
- Dual Diagnosis Research Ally - Autism Society of Indiana
- $12 per hour, 15 hours per week, Summer/Fall
- Nonprofit Research Intern, Marketing & Events Intern- Achieve
- $10 - $12 per hour, 20 hours per week, Spring 2014
Don't miss these upcoming university & community events!
Indianapolis a Host For Italian Film Festival USA
For the third year, Indianapolis will participate with ten other U.S. cities in the Italian Film Festival USA to showcase Italian culture through films. The Italian Film Festival USA brings to Indianapolis the best lineup of recent Italian cinema from award-winning directors, highlighting debut films from exciting new talent. All films are free and open to the general public. Films will be in Italian with English subtitles. There will be two venues: the Lilly Auditorium in the University Library and the Campus Center Theatre, both on the IUPUI Downtown Indianapolis campus.
Information on films screening dates and times. Here
For more IUPUI event information Here
Nominate an Indiana Nonprofit for the 2014 Indiana Achievement Awards
Application deadline to nominate an Indiana Nonprofit is May 9th for this year's Indiana Achievement Awards that recognizes Indiana's nonprofits for exemplary practices and demonstrated effectiveness. Nominees are judged by a coalition of Indiana foundation, nonprofit, and business leaders for the organizations' ability to demonstrate highly effective and high-impact practices. Each award winner receives an unrestricted cash grant and a professionally produced organizational video to help tell its story.
This year's winners will be announced on Tuesday, October 21, 2014, at 12pm at the Sheraton City Centre in Indianapolis.
Nomination Guidelines Here
IUPUI 2014 Commencement
Congratulations to the IUPUI 2014 Graduates! Commencement will take place Saturday, May 10, and Sunday, May 11, at the Indiana Convention Center in downtown Indianapolis. The School of Medicine, the Robert H. McKinney School of Law, and the School of Dentistry will hold recognition ceremonies at the Convention Center on Saturday, May 10, at 10 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 6 p.m., respectively. All other schools will hold ceremonies on Sunday, May 11. For more information about commencement click Here.
719 Indiana Ave, Indianapolis, IN · 317.278.9170