ProgenyWealth specialises in financial planning for both individuals and corporates, whose needs and resources are often beyond the scope of conventional Financial Advisors.
They provide the specialist skills and knowledge you need to make the most of your financial future, by making the right decisions now. Their approach is to work with clients to provide truly independent, totally transparent wealth management solutions in an open, relaxed and confident manner to enable them to reach their financial goals.
New for 2016 at The Clubhouse, ProgenyWealth will be hosting monthly drop-in sessions for members and quarterly breakfast seminars on topics such as:
- Auto Enrolment
- Pensions Freedoms
- Changes to Pension Allowances - LTA and Annual
- Protection for SMEs and Owner Managed Businesses
- Succession Planning (IHT)
- Investment Planning - Effective use of wrappers
- Readying a business for sale
- Business Funding
- Financial Planning for Property Investors
Dates of the above will be released shortly.....