May Photo Challenge Answer
Contributed by Benjamin Helle, Olympia Branch Archivist
Did you guess the nickname of Olympia Brewing Company's signature 11 ounce bottle introduced in 1935? Many of you correctly guessed "Stubby," and one reader still had some in his fridge!
The Olympia Brewing Company's "stubby" was the West Coast's first no-deposit, no-return bottle with space saving benefits - its squat shape fit easily into home refrigerators and stacked neatly in grocery store displays. Click here to read more about the "stubby ."
June Photo Challenge
Contributed by Benjamin Helle, Olympia Branch Archivist
Now for a new challenge! Can you guess the location of this port? Click on the image to enlarge, and maybe you can pick out some identifying features.
We'll even give you a hint: the photograph was taken in 1963.
Washington History on the Sixes
Here we are with another installment of History on the Sixes, featuring bits of history from years ending in six.
The year is 1966, and the City of Lacey incorporates on December 5th. That means Lacey celebrates its 50th birthday this year! Don't let their presumed youth fool you, though. The first school was constructed as early as 1853, and by 1895, Lacey had a college, race track, hotel, and train depot. You can read more about the evolution of the City of Lacey and its fight for incorporation here.
Medicine Creek Treaty Tree Memorial
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Students of Timberline High School's Indian Studies class add cement to their memorial, May 1976. WSDOT Collections, Washington State Archives.
Contributed by Benjamin Helle, Olympia Branch Archivist
On a bluff overlooking Interstate 5 and the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge sits an imposing marker you've likely never seen, but has been part of the landscape for almost 40 years.
As part of the American Bicentennial celebrations in 1976, a group of teachers and students from Timberline High School organized the Medicine Creek Treaty Tree Memorial Committee to construct a monument for the nearby dying Treaty Tree and to commemorate the importance of peaceful resolution between peoples. Click here to read the story behind this spherical monument.
History Day Award Winners
Contributed by Mike Saunders, Puget Sound Archivist
Did you know the State Archives gives out awards for outstanding research on History Day projects?
The State Archivist's Award goes to a project that makes the best use of State Government Archives collections.The State Archives Regional and Local Research Award goes to a project that effectively uses the Regional Branch Archives or special collections held by other organizations.
This year's winners were honored at a reception in the State Archives Research Room, where they presented their projects on May 25th. Click here to read about the winners and their work.
It's Also Dairy Month!
Contributed by Mike Saunders, Puget Sound Branch Archivist
Washington State ranks 10th in the country's total milk production, and touts rBST-free dairy farming across the state. Our Puget Sound Regional Branch holds the records of the Washington State Dairy Products Commission, making available a wealth of information about the state's dairy farming history.
| Seattle World's Fair Photograph Collection, Puget Sound Branch Archives. |
Created by an act of the Legislature in 1939, the Washington Dairy Products Commission promotes the use of dairy products and fosters communications within the dairy industry. The Commission operates out of offices in Lynnwood, and has been transferring records to the Puget Sound Branch Archives since 2010. Records held in our collections date back to 1920, and include: Dairy Products Commission minutes, scrapbooks, dairy trade publications, promotional posters, advertisements, public service announcement videos, and the papers of L.W. Hanson, a Washington state dairy inspector. For further information, you can email the Puget Sound Branch Archives or call 425-564-3940.
Meet Nita Brown, Administrative Assistant at the Olympia Branch Archives
Contributed by Dave Sullens, Acquisitions Assistant
Nita Brown has been referred to as "the glue that holds this place together." As Administrative Assistant, she supports the managerial staff and helps keep things running smoothly for the rest of us.
Nita has been checking things off her bucket list at a rapid pace, but still finds time to curl up with popcorn and a "Game of Thrones" episode! Click here to find out more about the exciting things that keep her occupied.
The Office of the Secretary of State routinely updates a blog entitled "From Our Corner," in order to provide from-the-source information about important state news and public services. Often, stories of note from the Archives are included on this page. Click here to check out past stories.
Legacy Washington: Who Are We?
Washington is a kaleidoscope of more than 7 million people-each with a unique story to tell. Where do we originate and who do we become? In our in-depth profiles and upcoming exhibit, meet a diverse cast of standouts influencing our communities. Read the inspiring profiles here.
We hope you enjoyed this edition of "Out of the Archives!"
Banner Image: Dairy Herd and Barn in the Yakima Valley, ca. 1930, by Asahel Curtis, Conservation Department, Planning and Development Division, Lantern Slide Shows, Washington State Archives.