Collage - 020314
Program Guide: April 7, 2014 (Nissan 7, 5774) 
Collage by Avital Rotbart 
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There's a lot to look forward to in this week's newsletter, including:
  • Audio: Paula Burger Writes a Book About Her Holocaust Survival with the Bielski Partisans
  • Audio and Photos: Exploring the Jewish Ethics of Public Relations
  • Purchase: A Beautiful Hagadah is Available to Support Friends of the Israel Defense Forces
  • ReadSeparating Fact From Fabrication About Jonathan Pollard
  • Audio: Exclusive Interview with Esther Pollard (Flashback)
  • Photos: The Denver Academy of Torah's Third Track Meet
  • Links: Did You Spot These News & Feature Items?
  • Photo: Color War @ Denver Jewish Day School
  • Save The Date: April 27th Holocaust Memorial Event
  • Events: Colorado Jewish Calendar
  • Opportunity: Rodef Shalom Membership
  • ReadGardner Leads Udall on IsraelScore Index - A Radio Chavura Exclusive
 Talya Rotbart, our news and features editor, is now on Twitter! Follow her @IMAZionist!Burger

This Week on Radio Chavura: 


Paula's Window: Papa, the Bielski Partisans, and A Life Unexpected

By Paula Burger (As told to Andrea Jacobs) 


Paula's Window on Amazon
Paula Burger was only a child when she and her younger brother, Denver's beloved Cantor Isaac Koll, survived the Holocaust with the Bielski partisans. 
Now Paula, an accomplished painter and grandmother, has written an account of her harrowing childhood experiences and the heroic efforts of her father, Wolf Koladicki (z'l), to protect his children under the most trying of circumstances.  On this week's edition of Radio Chavura, Paula explains her reasoning for writing the book and the lessons it provides.  


Writes Robert Bielski in the foreword to the book: "Paula's story brings the pain and suffering of her experience to the forefront so that her family, students and all generations to come will learn of the evil brutality that Paula, her brother Isaac and her father Wolf endured."


[Note: Those who read Paula's Window will immediately recognize the skilled and moving writing of Andrea Jacobs, the senior writer at the Intermountain Jewish News.  For 2 1/2 years, Andrea met weekly with Paula to capture and relay Paula's experiences.  Andrea "possesses a rare and beautiful gift - a heart that hears," Paula writes in the book's acknowledgements.  "Without her talent, dedication, sensitivity and compassion, this book would not exist."


Paula will be featured at a BMH-BJ luncheon on Sunday, June 8th.  Come hear her speak and purchase a signed copy of her book.  


Torah 4 Tycoons Logo

Which is the true Fagin? 

Radio Chavura co-host Dean Rotbart explained during last week's Torah for Tycoons lunch discussion that the job of a public relations specialist is to showcase the good in people - even those who have been condemned by the rest of the world. 

Click on the image above to view a photo essay of the Kollel event. 
Click here to listen to the full audio of the event.

The topic of the April 2nd Torah for Tycoons lunch and learn series, presented by the Denver Community Kollel, was, "In the Eye of the Beholder: The Ethics of Public Relations." The panel was moderated by Daniel Woodrow, and featured Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher, senior lecturer, Denver Community Kollel; and Dean Rotbart, co-host of Radio Chavura and Business Unconventional (710 KNUS AM in Denver).


The questions discussed included:

  • Is it okay to present a front that may be misleading?
  • What are the ehtics of making contributions to make an impression of generosity when ulterior motives are the driving force behind them?
  • Does the Torah actually obligate one to put on a good face for the general public?
  • How far does Halacha expect one to go to avoid suspicion of wrongdoing even when nothing has been perpetrated?

Radio Chavura is proud to be a supporter of the Denver Community Kollel.FIDF

Show Your Support for the Israel Defense Forces

Listener David Robison shared with us a copy of this magnificent Friends of the Israel Defense Forces Passover Hagadah, and we want to pass it along to you.

"152 full-color pages featuring beautiful pictures and the full text of the Hagadah in both Hebrew and English. Printed in Israel."
At only $36, this Hagadah is a wonderful addition to the Seder table, and helps supports this important Jewish organization.

Order your own FIDF Hagadah today.


Flashback: Exclusive Interview with Esther Pollard 

Esther Pollard with her husband, Jonathan.
Photo courtesy of Israel National News via
Israel This Week producer Maxwell Rotbart (l) 
and host Dean Rotbart (r)
In November 2006, Radio Chavura co-host Dean Rotbart conducted a broadcast interview with Esther Pollard, wife of Jonathan Pollard, the former American naval intelligence analyst who pled guilty to passing classied secrets to Israel, and who has been in prison since 1985.

Joining Dean was Dr. Donald Salem, a respected Los Angeles dentist and an expert on the Pollard case and Israel advocacy.

While Pollard's actions were illegal, this program highlights the inequity of his extended jail sentence and the duplicity of American politicians and citizens who argue for Pollard's continued incarceration.

Mrs. Pollard was interviewed for Israel This Week, a precursor to Radio Chavura. The program was broadcast live in 2006 on Sunday nights in Los Angeles on 870 KRLA AM, a leading news/talk station.

Although Radio Chavura co-host Maxwell Rotbart, then only 14 years old, was not featured on air, he served as a behind-the-scenes producer for the program.

Sim Shalom, the opening and closing song on Israel This Week, was performed by Talya Rotbart.

For more information on Jonathan Pollard and the facts of his case, click here.

Read Maxwell's recent story here, dispelling fact from fabrication in the Jonathan Pollard case.


Did You Know...?

That the Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center, outside of Tel Aviv, maintains its U.S. headquarters in the Greater Denver Area? Assaf HaRofeh is well known for its work building an underground emergency room in case of a WMD missile attack.

Be sure to listen to our recent interview with Shaul Amir, director of resource development at the hospital.T4TEisbart

Exclusive Photo Essay:
The Denver Academy of Torah's Third Track Meet
 - Holy Family High School in Broomfield, CO -
(14 Photos)

Click on the image above to view all 14 exclusive photos



Talya Rotbart

Edited by 


Thanks to the following individuals whose keen eyes helped us identify articles of interest in recent editions: Richard Behar, Dr. Herzl MelmedDr. Donald Salem, Lela Kay, Rabbi Daniel AlterCheryl and David Fellows, Tamari Gruszow, and Shirley Lewis. If you spot a news feature that is worth including in a future edition of this newsletter, please email the URL to Talya at [email protected].

by Uzi Baruch (April 6, 2014)
Michael Hayden

Former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden said this week that if Jonathan Pollard were to be released, it should be on humanitarian grounds and not as part of a deal that would see Israel freeing hundreds of terrorists from its prisons...
"The man has spent a quarter-century in jail. He had a plea bargain between himself and the prosecutors that the judge threw out. He got a particularly harsh sentence. So if you've got a humanitarian question here, look at it in due time as a humanitarian question," said Hayden... 
Abe Foxman
On Thursday, Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), told MKs with whom he had met that he believed Pollard was still in jail because of anti-Semitism on the part of the Americans.


"The only explanation I have is that it borders on anti-Semitism," Foxman stated. "Today I have no rational explanation as to why he is still being held."




by Ben-Dror Yemini (April 1, 2014)

Most countries in the world are nation-states. Yugoslavia split into seven separate entities; Czechoslovakia into two; Pakistan broke off from India. Other states in Europe maintain national identities, even religious identities. In England, the religion of the state is Anglican, and if the next king marries a Jew their children won't be able to inherit the crown. In Denmark, Article 4 of its constitution establishes the religion of the state as Evangelical - Lutheran, which is granted support and assistance from the state, and its King can only be of that religion. In Lichtenstein, the constitution recognizes Catholicism as the religion of the state. And the list can go on and on to many more states...


As long as the Palestinians stubbornly demand the 'right of return', which is tantamount to an end to the State of Israel, the insistence on recognition of a Jewish state is basically an insistence on the solution of two states for two peoples. And anyone who justifies the Palestinian refusal is not bringing peace any closer, but rather pushing the chances of a two state solution further away.


by Faygie Levy (March 30, 2014)

Imagine going to school one morning and being bullied, taunted and picked on.


Now imagine that the bully isn't a schoolmate, but your teacher. And the reason you're being targeted? Because you are Jewish.


That's just one of many anti-Semitic situations facing Jewish children who currently attend public schools in France. Other children encounter taunts of "dirty Jew" or have been made to eat non-kosher food by school officials.


A new campaign in France aims to ameliorate the situation. Its goal is to provide a Jewish education to any Jewish child, regardless of their current grade, Jewish background or knowledge, or financial or social circumstances. Called �cole Juive Pour Tous ("A Jewish School for All"), the program is being offered by the Chabad school-�cole Chne-Or, the Shneor school-in Aubervilliers, France, about 15 minutes north of Paris.



by Clay Risen (March 28, 2014)
Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath (with Torah) and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (r) march with the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
Photo courtesy of the Union for Reform Judaism

While the history of the Civil Rights Act is often told through a parade of bold-faced-names-starring figures like Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert H. Humphrey - its passage was due just as much to the work of foot soldiers like Joe Rauh, Arnold Aronson, and Marvin Caplan. All three were Jewish, and all three were crucial to the eventual enactment, nearly a year later, of the landmark bill...

American Jews played a central role in the civil rights movement from the start of the 20th century. In 1909 the Columbia professor Joel E. Spingarn helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and then went on to serve as chairman from 1914 to 1939. Jews gave extensively to other African-American causes; by one estimate, in 1935 as many as 40 percent of black children in the South attended a school funded by William Rosenwald, whose father owned Sears, Roebuck. In the 1930s Samuel Leibowitz, a Brooklyn lawyer, drew national praise in the black press for representing the Scottsboro boys...ColorWar


Did You Spot This Photo?
Color War @ Denver Jewish Day School
As part of its annual Color War festivities, the students at Denver Jewish Day School
- split into teams Yom (day) and Laila (night) - created some fun and impressive lip sync choreographies. Click here to watch a video of Yom's submission. Laila's video may be viewed here.Holocaust

Save The Date: Sunday, April 27th


As the number of first generation Holocaust survivors dwindles, the mantle of carrying on the lessons of the Shoah has fallen to members of the 2nd and 3rd generations. This annual event - now in its 62nd year - which Radio Chavura co-host Dean Rotbart is emceeing, will focus on the next steps for Holocaust education in the United States.
Cantor Kutner
Cantor Kutner

With the rising tide of global anti-Semitism, the effort to delegitimize Israel on college campuses, and concerns about worldwide Jewish demographics, it is more important than ever to arm our children with the tools they need to survive a potentially dangerous 21st century.

Please attend this important Holocaust memorial with your children. The fight for our future is underway.

In addition to Dean Rotbart (a member of the 2nd generation), speakers will include Julius Diezch-Reich (1st generation), Talia Zall (3rd generation), and spiritual leaders Rabbi Heyman and Cantor Kutner.

The event begins at 4:00 pm at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center's Philips Social Hall (350 S. Dahlia Street).Calendar

Hebrew Calendar

Radio Chavura's Colorado Jewish Calendar 


April 8 (Tuesday): From 4:00 pm until 9:00 pm, the Chipotle at 12073 East Arapahoe Road will - as part of a Temple Sinai deal - donate 50% of your bill to the congregation. Contact Lisa Thorner at [email protected] to get your flyer.
April 9 (Wednesday): Join the Colorado Jewish community at the Pepsi Center to watch the Denver Nuggets play the Houston Rockets at 7:00 pm. Contact Lyndsay Marchbanks at 303-405-7635 with any questions.
April 7 (Monday) until April 13 (Sunday): Jewish Family Service of Colorado is joining with the Mile High United Way and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints to facilitate the Easter/Passover Denver Community Food Drive. Call 303-597-5000 for more information.

April 11 (Friday): This is the deadline for children age 2 through 18 to submit their Mitzvah Day Poster Contest submission to Temple Emanuel's Susie Sigman ([email protected]). The winning design will be printed on the Mitzvah Day t-shirt. Mitzvah Day will be held Sunday, June 1. Event details to follow.

Boulder's Congregation Har HaShem (3950 Baseline Road, 80303) will be having a musical Shabbat dinner following services, featuring Rabbi Joshua Rose and house band Or Zimrah. Services at 6:00 pm. RSVP here by Monday, April 7.

April 12 (Saturday): At 12:00 pm at the Congregation Rodef Shalom library (450 S. Kearney Street), Rabbi Bernard Gerson hosts a Tisch - "a fun and relaxed setting in which you can pose questions you have always wondered about."

April 14 (Monday): Temple Micah's Community Passover Seder will take place at 6:00 pm at 5209 Montview Boulevard. Hal Aqua will participate. RSVP to Elaine Lee at 303-388-4239 x. 1.
Temple Emanuel's First Night Community Seder - with Rabbis Black and Immerman and Cantors Heit and Sacks - will take place at 51 Grape Street at 6:00 pm. Register at Fee.

April 17 (Thursday): Congregation Rodef Shalom's Passover BBQ will take place at 5:00 pm. Entertainment will be provided by Cantor Saul Rosenthal and Shir Rodef. Contact Gayle Bush at 303-420-2778 for more information or to RSVP. Fee.
April 20 (Sunday): The HEA Young Ladies Group will be having a Mother-Daughter Brunch and Origami Owl Party from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Goldberger Youth Center (3600 S. Ivanhoe Street). Fee.
April 30 (Wednesday): The JCC South Denver (9625 E. Arapahoe Rd, 80112) will be hosting an Essential Music of the Holocaust: History and Hope event from 7:00 pm until 8:10 pm, featuring Colorado Hebrew Chorale soprano and child survivor Estelle Nadel. RSVP at (303) 799-6975. Free.


May 3 (Saturday): Temple Sinai's Second Annual Spirituality Retreat, led by lay members of the congregation, will take place from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call Susan Bernhardt at 303-523-5289 for more information or to RSVP. Space Limited. Fee. 
May 7 (Wednesday): The Shalom Cares Annual Fundraising EventOutside the Music Box - will take place at the Lone Tree Arts Center from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Call Marilyn Bogan at 303-680-5000 to RSVP. Fee.
May 9 (Friday): Zalman Popack will be leading a Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat on Denver's East Side. Stay tuned for more details.

 Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at: [email protected]Rodef

Radio Chavura Exclusive: 

IsraelScore™ Index - Colorado Delegation 
(113th Congress)
Top Row (l-r): Senator Bennet, Congressman Coffman, Congresswoman DeGette
Middle Row (l-r): Congressman Gardner, Congressman Lamborn, Congressman Perlmutter
Bottom Row (l-r): Congressman Polis, Congressman Tipton, Senator Udall


When it comes to co-sponsoring meaningful pro-Israel legislation, or voting in favor of such legislation, Congressman Cory Gardner (R-04) has demonstrated a substantially better record than Senator Mark Udall during the current congressional session.


That is one of the eye-opening and exclusive findings from the inaugural Radio Chavura IsraelScore™ Index, comparing the legislative support that each of the nine members of Colorado's U.S. congressional delegation has given the State of Israel.


The results are reported here publicly for the very first time...


Read about the IsraelScore™ methodology here.


Listen to Radio Chavura's July 2013 interview with U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn here.

To Contact Avital, Phone 1-855-539-4744

 "You don't make a photograph just with a camera.  You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved." 


- Ansel Adams



Avital has quickly earned a reputation for her stunning ability to capture priceless moments of joy and celebration.  In addition to her work on behalf of Radio Chavura and Business Unconventional, she serves as a staff photographer at Girls Inc. and Camp Maayan.


Avital puts her heart and soul into photography - and it shows.  Talk to her about capturing the "spirit" of your loved ones and your most important moments.  

Email: [email protected] or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744).


Please click on the images below to show your support for each of Denver's top-tier Jewish day schools:


Stars for Israel Logo

Today marks 10,364 days since Jonathan Pollard ( was imprisoned in the United States.  Read Maxwell Rotbart's column, Separating fact from fiction about Jonathan Pollard, on
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Click on image to view video 

Today marks 1,587 days since Alan Gross ( was imprisoned in Cuba.

Jacob Ostreicher was imprisoned in Bolivia in June 2011.  He was released on December 16, 2013.

You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available for free from
Support Our Program

Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts
We Welcome Your Support

Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community.  It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.  

If you would like to support our efforts and the unique role we play, you can now make a donation (in any amount of your choosing) using a credit card via PayPal. You need not be a PayPal member to contribute to Radio Chavura.

You may also mail your donation, made payable to Radio Chavura, to:

Radio Chavura
Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
200 Quebec Street
Bldg 300 - #111-49
Denver, Colorado 80230

Thank you for being a part of our Radio Chavura.

Maxwell and Dean 
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