Collage - 020314
Program Guide: March 30, 2014 (Adar Sheni 28, 5774) 
Collage by Avital Rotbart 
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There's a lot to look forward to in this week's newsletter, including:
  • Opportunity: Torah For Tycoons: The Ethics of Public Relations
  • Article: Gardner Leads Udall on IsraelScore Index - A Radio Chavura Exclusive
  • Audio: Being a Mentsch and Owning a Business
  • Links: Did You Spot These News & Feature Items?
  • Photo: Anti-Semitism at the H&M Department Store?
  • Events: Colorado Jewish Calendar
  • Opportunity: Rodef Shalom Membership
  • Audio: Passover Parodies: Short Plays for the Seder Table
  • Photos: Denver Academy of Torah Track Meet

 Talya Rotbart, our news and features editor, is now on Twitter! Follow her @IMAZionist!T4TAbba

Torah 4 Tycoons Logo
Wednesday, April 2nd, Noon

Please join award-winning journalist and Radio Chavura Co-Host Dean Rotbart, along with Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher of the Denver Community Kollel, for a lively discussion of the topic, In the Eye of the Beholder: The Ethics of Public Relations. This is a wonderful opportunity to network with fellow Jewish business executives and professionals, and enjoy a delicious kosher lunch.  

East Side Kosher Deli - 499 S. Elm Street, Denver, 80246.  Fee $20 per person.  Details, phone: 303-820-2855 or  Both men and women welcome! IsraelScore

Radio Chavura Exclusive: 

IsraelScore™ Index - Colorado Delegation 
(113th Congress)
Top Row (l-r): Senator Bennet, Congressman Coffman, Congresswoman DeGette
Middle Row (l-r): Congressman Gardner, Congressman Lamborn, Congressman Perlmutter
Bottom Row (l-r): Congressman Polis, Congressman Tipton, Senator Udall


When it comes to co-sponsoring meaningful pro-Israel legislation, or voting in favor of such legislation, Congressman Cory Gardner (R-04) has demonstrated a substantially better record than Senator Mark Udall during the current congressional session.


That is one of the eye-opening and exclusive findings from the inaugural Radio Chavura IsraelScore™ Index, comparing the legislative support that each of the nine members of Colorado's U.S. congressional delegation has given the State of Israel.


The results are reported here publicly for the very first time...


Read about the IsraelScore™ methodology here.


Listen to Radio Chavura's July 2013 interview with U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn here.

Coming Next Week To Radio Chavura: 


Paula's Window:  Papa, the Bielski Partisans, and a Life Unexpected

By Paula Burger (As told to Andrea Jacobs) 


Paula Burger was only a child when she and her younger brother, Denver's beloved Cantor Isaac Koll, survived the Holocaust with the Bielski partisans.  Now Paula, an accomplished painter and grandmother, has written an account of her harrowing childhood experiences and the heroic efforts of her father, Wolf Koladicki (z'l), to protect his children under the most trying of circumstances.


Writes Robert Bielski in the foreword to the book: "Paula's story brings the pain and suffering of her experience to the forefront so that her family, students and all generations to come will learn of the evil brutality that Paul, her brother Isaac and her father Wolf endured."


Did You Know...?

That the Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center, outside of Tel Aviv, maintains its U.S. headquarters in the Greater Denver Area? Assaf HaRofeh is well known for its work building an underground emergency room in case of a WMD missile attack.

Be sure to listen to our recent interview with Shaul Amir, director of resource development at the hospital.T4TEisbart


Business Ethics: Being a Mentsch and Owning a Business  

Featuring Yosh Eisbart, principal and co-founder of NIMBL

Winner of the 2013 Small Business of Year Award

Yosh and RMF
NIMBL's Yosh Eisbart and Denver Community Kollel's Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher

Radio Chavura is proud to support the Denver Community Kollel and to help showcase its highly regarded business ethics lunch-and-learn series, Torah for Tycoons.  

To mark the start of Torah for Tycoons' 10th year of bringing together local business leaders and Torah scholars in a lively discussion of business and personal ethics, Radio Chavura featured a special broadcast edition of Torah for Tycoons on Sunday, September 22, 2013, including an extended online-only bonus version.

Our distinguished guest was Yosh Eisbart, principal and co-founder of NIMBL, winner of this year's Small Business of the Year award, presented by the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.  Founded in 2009, NIMBL is one of Colorado's most dynamic technology sector companies, recently named by Inc. magazine to its prestigious list of America's fastest-growing private companies. 

The topic for this special broadcast is: "Being a Mentsch and Owning a Business."    


Leading the conversation and offering Torah insights is Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher, director of community education at the Kollel.  

Since 2003, Torah for Tycoons has attracted the participation of more than 500 men and women from diverse backgrounds to explore the importance of Torah-inspired ethics in business.  The series is made possible thanks to a generous grant from the Harry H. Beren Trust Z.B.TalyasNews



Talya Rotbart

Edited by 


Thanks to the following individuals whose keen eyes helped us identify articles of interest in recent editions: Richard Behar, Dr. Herzl MelmedDr. Donald Salem, Lela Kay, Rabbi Daniel AlterCheryl and David Fellows, Tamari Gruszow, and Shirley Lewis. If you spot a news feature that is worth including in a future edition of this newsletter, please email the URL to Talya at

by Tovah Lazaroff (March 30, 2014)

Makarim Wibisono
Photo courtesy of
"[The United Nations Human Rights Council] is now likely to appoint Indonesian diplomat Makarim Wibisono to the six-year post of special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, according to UN Watch.


That decision is problematic because Indonesia does not have diplomatic ties with Israel and Wibisono has already shown bias in his strong statements in favor of the Palestinians, said UN Watch executive director Neuer.


Wibisono has in the past "accused Israel of 'unconscionable use of force against the Palestinians,' 'untenable acts of aggression,' and of having a 'policy of retribution against the entire Palestinian nation,'" according to Neuer.


"Wibisono has referred to the 'stark and brutal nature of the policies pursued by the occupying power,' accused Israel of being 'the aggressor and the perpetrator of wanton violence,' and repeatedly minimized Israeli suffering, speaking of 'the handful of Israelis who have died,' and of Israel's battle with rocket and other terrorist attacks as a 'flimsy pretext,'" Neuer said."


Be sure to also read:
Netanyahu: UNHRC continues its 'march of hypocrisy' against Israel


E.T. would be quite confused by the "peace process"

by Ronn Torossian (March 29, 2013)


Photo courtesy of

Some questions which a Martian may ask:

  • How can releasing murderers bring "peace" to a region which has suffered from violence for many years?
  • How can there be negotiations between the two parties when one does not recognize the other? (Palestinian Arabs will not recognize Israel as a Jewish State.)
  • When everyone talks about "compromise" in the peace process, what is it that the Arabs have compromised
  • How can there be peace when Abbas doesn't even control all of the Palestinian Arabs? Who's "negotiating" for Gaza?
  • How about the fact that Jews cannot live anywhere in the Arab world, but Arabs live all over Israel? Is that at all relevant?

by Jordan Hoffman (March 27, 2014)

(r-l) Douglas Booth as Noah's son, Shem, and - in a departure from the text of the Bible - Emma Watson as Noah's adopted daughter, Ila
"To recap: The value of the movie isn't the entertainment - which I think is not great - nor in its faithfulness to the Bible - which it doesn't have much of - but it doesn't have to have. But, this movie discusses an issue that is both ancient and modern. It asks one of the biggest questions of all: What is religion's purpose?

Noah is not a hero in Jewish lore. The Bible says that Noah was a righteous man "in his generation." He was only a righteous man compared to the others who were far worse than he.


Now, why wasn't he righteous? Because righteousness is all about what you do for your fellow man. And Noah does NOTHING for his fellow man. He doesn't care, he has no compassion. He executes God's commandment to the letter. So when God says "I'm going to kill everybody," Noah says, "will you save my skin? Oh, I get an Ark? Okay, fine." This is a traditional explanation of why Noah is not the father of the Jewish people.


The word "Islam" means "obedience before God" or "submission before God." Soren Kierkegaard the great Danish theologian sums up Christianity as being a "leap of faith."


Judaism has no leap of faith. "Israel" means "he who wrestles with God." You see none of that in Noah. Neither in the Torah or in this film, so in that regard, this movie portrays this very well. No other religion does this, they would see this as heresy. It's amazing, it's breathtaking!"


Campus brownshirts on the march
by Caroline Glick (March 27, 2014)  
Dr. Schneiderman  
Photo courtesy of Vassar College


"Jill Schneiderman is an unlikely warrior for Jewish rights. A professor of Earth sciences at Vassar College and a lesbian activist, Schneiderman's political passions put her smack in the middle of the far-Left academic mainstream. At least they did until she decided to organize a student trip to Israel to study water issues...


When the Vassar chapter of the anti-Semitic hate group, Students for Justice in Palestine, got wind of her initiative, their members began picketing her pre-trip seminar. They stood outside the classroom and pressured students to drop the class.


Spooked by this thuggish behavior, Schneiderman complained to the college's administrators and sought redress for her students whose academic freedom and civil rights were being obstructed.

In response to her complaint, earlier this month the administration convened a meeting of the school's Committee on Inclusion and Excellence.

Rather than take action against the thugs from the SJP, both the members of the committee and the audience quickly joined forces with them and doubled down on their assault against all even mildly pro-Israel voices on campus.


As Scheneiderman wrote on her blog, at the meeting she was 'knocked off-center by a belligerent academic community dedicated to vilifying anyone who dares set foot in Israel.'"


Why Israel Insists on Palestinian Recognition of a Jewish State

by Ricki Hollander (March 25, 2014)


"Israel's position is that Palestinian recognition of the Jewish right to self-determination parallels Israel's recognition of a Palestinian right to self-determination, forming the basis of a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. 


The refusal by Palestinian negotiators to recognize Israel as the eternal homeland of the Jewish people thus lies at the heart of the conflict. 


A peace agreement that is not predicated upon acceptance of a sovereign Jewish state in the Middle East is seen as evidence that Palestinians do not view two neighboring sovereign states - Jewish and Palestinian - as a long term solution to the conflict, but rather as a temporary truce that can be altered at a more opportune time." 


America's Oldest Man Is Wearing Tefillin

by Mindy Rubenstein (March 26, 2014)


At 111, Alexander Imich has been officially verified as the oldest man in America and the second oldest in the world. A resident of Manhattan who lives on the Upper West Side, he had the honor of being congratulated by the New York State Senate last year, on his 110th birthday.

But recently, he received some more attention, as well as some unexpected help-putting on tefillin for the first time in almost 100 years, getting a mezuzah for his apartment door, receiving replacements for the much-needed hearing aids he had lost, and having round-the-clock home attendants to help care for him and new people to keep him company.

All of this was the result of a recent hospital visit by Rabbi Pinny Marozov, co-director of Chabad of Coney Island in Brooklyn, N.Y., with his wife, Chaya.PhotoWeek

Did You Spot This Photo?
Antisemitism at the H&M Department Store?
In a London branch of the Swedish retailer - which maintains a store at Denver's Cherry Creek Mall - the shirt shown above was put on sale for €9.95 (about $13.68). Although the chain's management apologized and removed the shirt from its store, Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center astutely wondered: 
"Was there no one [at H&M] who upon seeing the shirt would have immediately understood what the negative impact of juxtaposing the skull and Magen David would be on an entire community?"

The Jewish Experience Campaign

Hebrew Calendar

Radio Chavura's Colorado Jewish Calendar 
April 4 (Friday): Bnei Akiva, the University of Denver Hillel, and Chabad Southeast will be having a Shabbat 200 Shabbaton. Contact Steve Feldman at 720-394-3020 with questions or to register.
April 6 (Sunday): The Hebrew Educational Alliance will be hosting a trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to view Jerusalem 3D Imax at 5:00 pm. RSVP to Fee.

Allied Jewish ApartmentsJEWISHcoloradoShalom Cares, and Jewish Family Service present "You Only Live Once: Jewish Wisdom on Aging Well," featuring Rabbi Dayle Friedman at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center (350 South Dahlia Street). The event takes place from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. RSVP at

AIPAC Colorado's annual event will be held at 11:30 am at Infinity Park Event Center (4400 E Kentucky Ave). Call Paula Mermelstein at 303-864-9464 to register.


April 9 (Wednesday): Join the Colorado Jewish community at the Pepsi Center to watch the Denver Nuggets play the Houston Rockets at 7:00 pm. Contact Lyndsay Marchbanks at 303-405-7635 with any questions.
April 7 (Monday) until April 13 (Sunday): Jewish Family Service of Colorado is joining with the Mile High United Way and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints to facilitate the Easter/Passover Denver Community Food Drive. Call 303-597-5000 for more information.

April 14 (Monday): Temple Micah's Community Passover Seder will take place at 6:00 pm at 5209 Montview Boulevard. Hal Aqua will participate. RSVP to Elaine Lee at 303-388-4239 x. 1.
Temple Emanuel's First Night Community Seder - with Rabbis Black and Immerman and Cantors Heit and Sacks - will take place at 51 Grape Street at 6:00 pm. Register at Fee.

April 17 (Thursday): Congregation Rodef Shalom's Passover BBQ will take place at 5:00 pm. Entertainment will be provided by Cantor Saul Rosenthal and Shir Rodef. Contact Gayle Bush at 303-420-2778 for more information or to RSVP. Fee.
April 20 (Sunday): The HEA Young Ladies Group will be having a Mother-Daughter Brunch and Origami Owl Party from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Goldberger Youth Center (3600 S. Ivanhoe Street). Fee.


 April 27 (Sunday):


As the number of first generation Holocaust survivors dwindles, the mantle of carrying on the lessons of the Shoah has fallen to members of the 2nd and 3rd generations. This annual event - now in its 62nd year - which Radio Chavura co-host Dean Rotbart is emceeing, will focus on the next steps for Holocaust education in the United States.
Cantor Kutner
Cantor Kutner

With the rising tide of global anti-Semitism, the effort to delegitimize Israel on college campuses, and concerns about worldwide Jewish demographics, it is more important than ever to arm our children with the tools they need to survive a potentially dangerous 21st century.

Please attend this important Holocaust memorial with your children. The fight for our future is underway.

In addition to Dean Rotbart (a member of the 2nd generation), speakers will include Julius Diezch-Reich (1st generation), Talia Zall (3rd generation), and spiritual leaders Rabbi Heyman and Cantor Kutner.

The event begins at 4:00 pm at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center's Philips Social Hall (350 S. Dahlia Street).
May 3 (Saturday): Temple Sinai's Second Annual Spirituality Retreat, led by lay members of the congregation, will take place from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call Susan Bernhardt at 303-523-5289 for more information or to RSVP. Space Limited. Fee. 
May 7 (Wednesday): The Shalom Cares Annual Fundraising EventOutside the Music Box - will take place at the Lone Tree Arts Center from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Call Marilyn Bogan at 303-680-5000 to RSVP. Fee.

 Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at: radiochavura@gmail.comRodef

Last Week on Radio Chavura:

Passover Parodies: Short Plays For The Seder Table
An Interview With Rabbi Shoshana Hantman



In her first published book, Shoshana Hantman - a Reconstructionist rabbi based in New York - has compiled short Pesach shpiels, to be read at the seder, adding humor and accessibility to the meal, while serving as ethical conversation starters. On last week's edition of Radio Chavura, Rabbi Hantman discussed the release of Passover Parodies and the skits contained within it, which include:
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Horseradish
  • Much Ado About Bupkes
  • The Lambshank Redemption
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Exodus
  • Dial M For Moses
We had fun reading from Passover Parodies on the radio, and know you will too (not necessarily on the radio, but at home). You can order Rabbi Hantman's book - a must-have for the modern Seder table - here.Track

17 Exclusive Photos:
Denver Academy of Torah First Spring 2014 Track Meet
(March 12, 2014)
Click on the above image to view all 17 exclusive photos

To Contact Avital, Phone 1-855-539-4744

 "You don't make a photograph just with a camera.  You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved." 


- Ansel Adams



Avital has quickly earned a reputation for her stunning ability to capture priceless moments of joy and celebration.  In addition to her work on behalf of Radio Chavura and Business Unconventional, she serves as a staff photographer at Girls Inc. and Camp Maayan.


Avital puts her heart and soul into photography - and it shows.  Talk to her about capturing the "spirit" of your loved ones and your most important moments.  

Email: or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744).


Please click on the images below to show your support for each of Denver's top-tier Jewish day schools:


Stars for Israel Logo

Today marks 10,356 days since Jonathan Pollard ( was imprisoned in the United States.
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Click on image to view video 

Today marks 1,579 days since Alan Gross ( was imprisoned in Cuba.

Jacob Ostreicher was imprisoned in Bolivia in June 2011.  He was released on December 16, 2013.

You can read about the IsraelScore Index right now, here. All previous broadcasts of Radio Chavura are available for free from

Support Our Program

Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts
We Welcome Your Support

Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community.  It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.  

If you would like to support our efforts and the unique role we play, you can now make a donation (in any amount of your choosing) using a credit card via PayPal. You need not be a PayPal member to contribute to Radio Chavura.

You may also mail your donation, made payable to Radio Chavura, to:

Radio Chavura
Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
200 Quebec Street
Bldg 300 - #111-49
Denver, Colorado 80230

Thank you for being a part of our Radio Chavura.

Maxwell and Dean 
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