Collage - 020314
Program Guide: March 25, 2014 (Adar Sheni 23, 5774) 
Collage by Avital Rotbart 
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There's a lot to look forward to in this week's newsletter, including:
  • Audio: Passover Parodies: Short Plays For The Seder Table
  • Photos: Denver Academy of Torah Track Meet
  • Flashback: Passover Bingo: A New Family Tradition
  • Links: Did You Spot These News & Feature Items?
  • Photo: Biblical River Refills After Years of Drought
  • Events: Colorado Jewish Calendar
  • Opportunity: Rodef Shalom Membership
  • Audio: Only in Israel - Building An Underground Hospital
  • Photos: Purim Party @ Reb Noam's
  • Photos: The Denver Community Kollel's 16th Annual CelebrationParodies

This Week on Radio Chavura:

Passover Parodies: Short Plays For The Seder Table
An Interview With Rabbi Shoshana Hantman



In her first published book, Shoshana Hantman - a Reconstructionist rabbi based in New York - has compiled short Pesach shpiels, to be read at the seder, adding humor and accessibility to the meal, while serving as ethical conversation starters. On this week's edition of Radio Chavura, Rabbi Hantman discusses the release of Passover Parodies and the skits contained within it, which include:
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Horseradish
  • Much Ado About Bupkes
  • The Lambshank Redemption
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Exodus
  • Dial M For Moses
We had fun reading from Passover Parodies on the radio, and know you will too (not necessarily on the radio, but at home). You can order Rabbi Hantman's book - a must-have for the modern Seder table - here.TrackMeet

17 Exclusive Photos:
Denver Academy of Torah First Spring 2014 Track Meet
(March 12, 2014)
Click on the above image to view all 17 exclusive photos

Radio Chavura Flashback:  2013 Passover Edition

Passover Bingo: A New Family Tradition
Segment Two: Student Composer Yoni Gottlieb 
Tamara Pester - Radio Chavura
Attorney Tamara Pester

"A central theme of the Passover holiday." 


"Freedom!" "Bingo!" 


This week on Radio Chavura, we play Passover Bingo on the radio!  


This wonderful family game - on the shelves for the first time this year [2013] - is the brainchild of Denver business and intellectual property attorney Tamara Pester, who created Passover Bingo to keep her young niece and nephew engaged during the lengthy Seder.


Encouraged by her family, Tamara spent a year-and-a-half innovating, and finally has a finished product for all
kinderlach to enjoy. Passover Bingo is available at the BMH-BJ gift shop, Temple Emanuel gift shop, Tattered CoverBookiesEast Side Kosher Deli, and from  


Our interview with Tamara highlights the entrepreneurial spirit that permeates the Colorado Jewish community - the same community that brought the world Samsonite LuggageHot Pockets, and the Barbie doll.  


Highlighted at the start of this week's program is an excerpt of Rabbi Joe Black's Afikomen Mambo song - available for purchase through the iTunes store. Rabbi Black is the spiritual leader at Temple Emanuel.News



Talya Rotbart

Edited by 


Thanks to the following individuals whose keen eyes helped us identify articles of interest in recent editions: Richard Behar, Dr. Herzl MelmedDr. Donald Salem, Lela Kay, Rabbi Daniel AlterCheryl and David Fellows, Tamari Gruszow, and Shirley Lewis. If you spot a news feature that is worth including in a future edition of this newsletter, please email the URL to Talya at

by The Staff of the Boulder Jewish News (March 17, 2014)

Adventure Rabbi Jamie Korngold is interviewed for the June 16, 2013 edition of Radio Chavura
"Boulder Rabbis Jamie Korngold and Marc Soloway were both named to the Jewish Daily Forward's 2014 list of America's Most Inspiring Rabbis today... 
In addition, Rabbi David Segal of Aspen made the list, putting Colorado in second place behind New York as states home to inspiring Rabbis."

Read the full story here.

by Varda Meyers Epstein (March 21, 2014)

"Simply put, is peaceful coexistence at all possible between Israeli Jews and Muslim Arabs?


What is peace, anyway?


I thought about this a great deal over the past few days. I thought about it when I saw articles about how Syrian snipers precisely target children's spines. Dr. Yoav Hoffman said, 'The injuries are very specific: gunshot wounds from a single bullet to the lumbar spine, near vertebrates 2 and 3. These shootings are not intended to kill, but to cause misery. They result in paralysis or slow death in Syria's conditions.'


Hoffman has seen 25 children come into his unit for treatment for these exact injuries. The children are treated in Israel and sent home to Syria in donated wheelchairs, paralyzed for life.


What possible purpose could there be in targeting the spines of children? Is it about marksmanship? Boredom? Letting off steam or tension, or perhaps pent up testosterone? (For statistics on children's suffering in Syria, click here)."


Israel in the Lead

Kathryn Jean Lopez's interview with Caroline Glick (March 20, 2014)


"GLICK: The two-state-solution policy assumes not only that guilt for the 65-year Arab war on Israel lies solely or predominantly on Israel's shoulders but that all Arab-related conflict too can be ascribed to the actions of Israel. The idea behind the policy model is that the root cause of instability in the region is the absence of a Palestinian state, and that the absence of a Palestinian state is Israel's fault.


Former president Bill Clinton put it this way: The establishment of a Palestinian state would "take about half the impetus in the whole world - not just the region, the whole world - for terror away. It would have more impact than anything else that could be done." And the party that most international actors view as guilty for the absence of a state of Palestine is Israel. Israel is blamed for the absence of that state because, in the common line of thinking, it refuses to give up sufficient quantities of land to the PLO to satisfy its leaders.


Now, if Israel is responsible for the terrorism - not just in the Middle East, but throughout the world - then there is no reason for anyone to think about anything that happens in the Arab world. Everything regionally and internationally will be better if Israel just straightens up and flies right. This is a shocking negation of Arab agency and humanity. If Israel is to blame, then why think about the treatment of women and girls in Arab societies? Why think about the endemic poverty, the illiteracy? Why think about jihad, and Islamic doctrines that preach it?


In other words, the two-state-solution policy, which places most of the blame for the pathologies of the Arab world on Israel, also ignores the Arab world, and so only harms the Arabs - and the U.S., which is basing its Middle East policy on pure nonsense."


Column One: The worst alternative

by Caroline Glick (March 20, 2014)


"PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas must have gotten a kick out of it on Monday when he visited the White House and President Barack Obama praised him as "somebody who has consistently renounced violence, has consistently sought a diplomatic and peaceful solution that allows for two states, side by side, in peace and security."

After all, the same day the men met, Abbas's regime continued its week-long celebration of the deadliest Palestinian terrorist attack on Israel to date.

On March 11, 1978, PLO terrorists commandeered a passenger bus on the coastal highway and massacred 37 people, including 12 children.

Dalal Mughrabi, a female terrorist, led the raid. Ever since, she has been lionized by the PLO.

While he met with Obama, Abbas's adviser Sultan Abu al-Einein proclaimed that Mughrabi was the ultimate role model for Palestinian women.

In Einein's words, (reported by Palestinian Media Watch), 'In March, [we mark] Palestinian Women's Day, in March, Palestinian Mother's Day also occurs, in March... [we remember Dalal Mughrabi] who would not agree to anything other than to establish her state between Jaffa and Lebanon in her special way.'" 


by Sharona Schwartz (March 19, 2014)


"During the hostilities between Israel and the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah in 2006, some Israeli troops found themselves in enemy territory, cut off from their units, and left without water to drink. As a result of that experience, Israeli entrepreneurs set out to find a way to provide drinking water to military troops in the most remote, inaccessible and dangerous locations.


The challenging scenario inspired the 'Atmospheric Water-Generator Unit,' a field device designed to suck water droplets out of the air and collect them into clean drinking water. The unit was invented by the Israeli company Water-Gen, founded by a former special forces commander in the Israel Defense Forces."RiverRefills


Did You Spot This Photo?
Biblical River Refills After Years of Drought
The River Zin, which served as the southern border of Israel during the days of the Tanach, has been empty for years. After heavy rains in Israel's north, the river refilled this week. View a film of the river filling up may be viewed here.

The Jewish Experience Campaign

Hebrew Calendar

Radio Chavura's Colorado Jewish Calendar 

March 27 (Thursday): 
Israeli emissary Yoni Alon discusses the IDF Program to Poland at 9:30 pm at Congregation Rodef Shalom's Social Hall (450 S. Kearney Street).


March 28 (Friday): B'nai Havurah will have a Kabbalat Shabbat featuring Hal Aqua and other musicians playing the sounds of Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen. Service at 6:30 pm and dinner at 7:30 pm. RSVP here. Fee. 


March 30 (Sunday): The Women's Community-Wide Rosh Hodesh Program - A Spiritual Tune-Up - will take place at 2:30 pm at Temple Emanuel (51 Grape Street). Keynote speaker is Ellyn Hutt. This event is co-sponsored by the Rodef Shalom SisterhoodRSVP at 303-321-7430. Fee. 



April 2 (Wednesday):  


Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher
Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher
For those community members who don't know about the Denver Community Kollel's monthly 
Torah For Tycoons monthly luncheon series, there is no better time than the present to get acquainted. Radio Chavura co-host Dean Rotbart will be discussing "In the Eye of the Beholder: The Ethics of Public Relations." 


Questions he and Kollel moderator Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher will address over the course of the hour lunch (12:00 pm - 1:00 pm) will include:
  • Is it okay to present a PR front that may be misleading? 
  • What are the ethics of making contributions to make an impression of generosity when ulterior motives are the driving force behind them? 
  • Does the Torah actually obligate one to put on a good face for the general public? 
  • How far does halacha expect one to go to avoid suspicion of wrongdoing, even when nothing has been perpetrated? 
The discussions are always lively, the issues compelling, and the food delicious (the lunch is held at the East Side Kosher Deli - 499 S. Elm Street). If you want to know more about the Jewish perspectives on self-promotion, this is an event not to be missed.  Details at:

April 6 (Sunday): The Hebrew Educational Alliance will be hosting a trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to view Jerusalem 3D Imax at 5:00 pm. RSVP to Fee.


Allied Jewish ApartmentsJEWISHcoloradoShalom Cares, and Jewish Family Service present "You Only Live Once: Jewish Wisdom on Aging Well," featuring Rabbi Dayle Friedman at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center (350 South Dahlia Street). The event takes place from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. RSVP at

AIPAC Colorado's annual event will be held at 11:30 am at Infinity Park Event Center (4400 E Kentucky Ave). Call Paula Mermelstein at 303-864-9464 to register.


April 9 (Wednesday): Join the Colorado Jewish community at the Pepsi Center to watch the Denver Nuggets play the Houston Rockets at 7:00 pm. Contact Lyndsay Marchbanks at 303-405-7635 with any questions.
April 7 (Monday) until April 13 (Sunday): Jewish Family Service of Colorado is joining with the Mile High United Way and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints to facilitate the Easter/Passover Denver Community Food Drive. Call 303-597-5000 for more information.

April 14 (Monday): Temple Micah's Community Passover Seder will take place at 6:00 pm at 5209 Montview Boulevard. Hal Aqua will participate. RSVP to Elaine Lee at 303-388-4239 x. 1.

April 17 (Thursday): Congregation Rodef Shalom's Passover BBQ will take place at 5:00 pm. Entertainment will be provided by Cantor Saul Rosenthal and Shir Rodef. Contact Gayle Bush at 303-420-2778 for more information or to RSVP. Fee.


 April 27 (Sunday):


As the number of 1st generation Holocaust survivors dwindles, the mantle of carrying on the lessons of the Shoah has fallen to members of the 2nd and 3rd generations. This annual event - now in its 62nd year - which Radio Chavura co-host Dean Rotbart is emceeing, will focus on the next steps for Holocaust education in the United States.

With the rising tide of global anti-Semitism, the effort to delegitimize Israel on college campuses, and concerns about worldwide Jewish demographics, it is more important than ever to arm our children with the tools they need to survive a potentially dangerous 21st century.

Please attend this important Holocaust memorial with your children. The fight for our future is underway.

In addition to Dean Rotbart (a member of the 2nd generation), speakers will include Julius Diezch-Reich (1st generation), Talia Zall (3rd generation), and spiritual leaders Rabbi Heyman and Cantor Kutner.

The event begins at 4:00 pm at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center's Philips Social Hall (350 S. Dahlia Street).
May 3 (Saturday): Temple Sinai's Second Annual Spirituality Retreat, led by lay members of the congregation, will take place from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call Susan Bernhardt at 303-523-5289 for more information or to RSVP. Space Limited. Fee. 
May 7 (Wednesday): The Shalom Cares Annual Fundraising EventOutside the Music Box - will take place at the Lone Tree Arts Center from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Call Marilyn Bogan at 303-680-5000 to RSVP. Fee.

 Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at: radiochavura@gmail.comRodef

Last Week on Radio Chavura:

Only in Israel: Building An Underground Hospital
Interview with Shaul Amir


The former Israeli emissary to the Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado (now JEWISHcolorado), Shaul Amir, was traveling the United States earlier this month to raise awareness for a project that could save many hundreds of lives in the event of a biological, chemical, or radiological attack on Israel.


As the director of resource development at Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in the suburbs of Tel Aviv, Shaul oversees fundraising for one of the few hospitals in Israel equipped to handle mass casualty situations.


Now, Assaf Harofeh is planning to transform its parking garage into a 400-bed underground emergency medical facility that would be used in case of attack.


This visionary project, which seeks $20 million in funding from private investors, will help prepare the greater Tel Aviv area for a potential hit on the country. It is an incredible project that is inspiring to learn about.

Listen to Shaul Amir's full interview here. To donate, or for more information, visit You can also mail checks, payable to American Friends of Assaf Harofeh Medical Center: 12367 E. Cornell Ave., Denver, 80014.


A special thank you to the Hagler Family for hosting us as we interviewed Shaul Amir.PurimParty

17 Exclusive Photos:
Purim Party @ Reb Noam's
(March 16, 2014)

139 Exclusive Radio Chavura Event Photos:
The Denver Community Kollel's 16th Anniversary Celebration
(March 11, 2014)
View all of Radio Chavura's exclusive event photos by clicking on image above.

To Contact Avital, Phone 1-855-539-4744

 "You don't make a photograph just with a camera.  You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved." 


- Ansel Adams



Avital has quickly earned a reputation for her stunning ability to capture priceless moments of joy and celebration.  In addition to her work on behalf of Radio Chavura and Business Unconventional, she serves as a staff photographer at Girls Inc. and Camp Maayan.


Avital puts her heart and soul into photography - and it shows.  Talk to her about capturing the "spirit" of your loved ones and your most important moments.  

Email: or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744).


Please click on the images below to show your support for each of Denver's top-tier Jewish day schools:


Stars for Israel Logo

Today marks 10,350 days since Jonathan Pollard ( was imprisoned in the United States.
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Click on image to view video 

Today marks 1,573 days since Alan Gross ( was imprisoned in Cuba.

Jacob Ostreicher was imprisoned in Bolivia in June 2011.  He was released on December 16, 2013.

You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available for free from

This week's program is not available in a No-Music version.
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Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts
We Welcome Your Support

Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community.  It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.  

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Radio Chavura
Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
200 Quebec Street
Bldg 300 - #111-49
Denver, Colorado 80230

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Maxwell and Dean 
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