Collage - 020314
Happy Purim!
Program Guide: March 16, 2014 (Adar Sheni 14, 5774) 
Collage by Avital Rotbart 
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There's a lot to look forward to in this week's newsletter, including:
  • Flashback: When Paul Newman Met Golda Meir and Inadvertently Inspired Sholem Aleichem
  • Photos: The Denver Community Kollel's 16th Anniversary Celebration - 139 Exclusive Photos
  • Audio: Only in Israel: Building an Underground Hospital
  • Photos: Purim Party @ Reb Noam's
  • Article: Even Though My Dad Said "No"...
  • Links: Did You Spot These News & Feature Items?
  • Photo: Hillel Academy of Denver Helicopter Fun
  • Photo: The Tomb of Mordechai and Esther
  • Events: Colorado Jewish Calendar
  • Opportunity: Rodef Shalom Membership
  • Photos: All-Judaic and Israeli Art & Jewelry Festival
  • Audio: The Denver Community Kollel's 16th Anniversary Celebration
  • Audio: Denver Jewish Day School Annual Dinner

Hey! Talya Rotbart, our news and features editor, is now on Twitter! Follow her @IMAZionist!Flashback


The Radio Chavura Players Present:

Some Shtik and a Kleine Shpiel by Maxwell Rotbart, a.k.a. "Dr. History"
Radio Chavura Players
[L-R] Dr. History, Adam, Julia, Shmuel and Dean
Click on photo to view photo essay  

Featuring (in alphabetical disorder):

"DR. HISTORY" a.k.a. Maxwell Rotbart as Himself
TEVYE the MILKMAN as Himself
DEAN ROTBART as Himself KollelPhotos

139 Exclusive Radio Chavura Event Photos:
The Denver Community Kollel's 16th Anniversary Celebration
(March 11, 2013)
View all of Radio Chavura's exclusive event photos by clicking on image above.

Only in Israel: Building An Underground Hospital
Interview with Shaul Amir


The former Israeli emissary to the Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado (now JEWISHcolorado), Shaul Amir, was traveling the United States earlier this month to raise awareness for a project that could save many hundreds of lives in the event of a biological, chemical, or radiological attack on Israel.


As the director of resource development at Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in the suburbs of Tel Aviv, Shaul oversees fundraising for one of the few hospitals in Israel equipped to handle mass casualty situations.


Now, Assaf Harofeh is planning to transform its parking garage into a 400-bed underground emergency medical facility that would be used in case of attack.


This visionary project, which seeks $20 million in funding from private investors, will help prepare the greater Tel Aviv area for a potential hit on the country. It is an incredible project that is inspiring to learn about.

Listen to Shaul Amir's full interview here. To donate, or for more information, visit You can also mail checks, payable to American Friends of Assaf Harofeh Medical Center: 12367 E. Cornell Ave., Denver, 80014.


A special thank you to the Hagler Family for hosting us as we interviewed Shaul Amir.DATTrack

17 Exclusive Photos:
Purim Party @ Reb Noam's
(March 16, 2013)

Even Though My Dad Said "No"...
by Maxwell Rotbart
This candid shot of Dean Rotbart, subject of this article, was taken
at a Denver Academy of Torah track meet earlier this month.* 
My father is a modest person and - as someone who has dedicated his life to helping other people manage their public reputations - is more focused on shining the spotlight on the community than on himself.

So, when I urged him to use this issue of the newsletter to promote two Jewish community events that he will be keynoting next month, he told me he'd rather strictly promote the events.

But, as the promoter for the promoter, I couldn't do that. So - even though my dad said "no" - these are the two Jewish community events that he will be appearing at next month:

April 2, 2014:
Torah For Tycoons Luncheon

For those community members who don't know about the Denver Community Kollel's monthly Torah For Tycoons monthly luncheon series, there is no better time than the present to get acquainted. My father will be discussing "In the Eye of the Beholder: The Ethics of Public Relations." 

Questions he and moderator Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher will address over the course of the hour lunch (12:00 pm - 1:00 pm) will include:
  • Is it okay to present a front that may be misleading? 
  • What are the ethics of making contributions to make an impression of generosity when ulterior motives are the driving force behind them? 
  • Does the Torah actually obligate one to put on a good face for the general public? 
  • How far does halacha expect one to go to avoid suspicion of wrongdoing, even when nothing has been perpetrated? 
The discussions are always intense, the issues compelling, and the food delicious (the lunch is held at the East Side Kosher Deli - 499 S. Elm Street). If you want to know more about the Jewish perspectives on self-promotion, this is an event not to be missed.  Full details at:

April 27, 2014:
Colorado Holocaust Survivors Memorial Service

As the number of 1st generation Holocaust survivors dwindles, the mantle of carrying on the lessons of the Shoah has fallen to members of the 2nd and 3rd generations. This annual event - now in its 62nd year - which my father is emceeing, will focus on the next steps for Holocaust education in the United States.

With the rising tide of global anti-Semitism, the effort to delegitimize Israel on college campuses, and concerns about worldwide Jewish demographics, it is more important than ever to arm our children with the tools they need to survive a potentially dangerous 21st century.

Please attend this important Holocaust memorial with your children. The fight for our future is underway.

In addition to my father (a member of the 2nd generation), speakers will include Julius Diezch-Reich (1st generation), Talia Zall (3rd generation), and spiritual leaders Rabbi Heyman and Cantor Kutner.

The event begins at 4:00 pm at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center's Philips Social Hall (350 S. Dahlia Street).

*My father also asked me not to use this photo of him, opting for one in which he was clean shaven. Oops.NewsOpinion




Edited by: 
(seen in above photo playing the part of Talya Rotbart)


Thanks to the following individuals whose keen eyes helped us identify articles of interest in recent editions: Richard Behar, Dr. Herzl MelmedDr. Donald Salem, Lela Kay, Rabbi Daniel AlterCheryl and David Fellows, Tamari Gruszow, and Shirley Lewis. If you spot a news feature that is worth including in a future edition of this newsletter, please email the URL to Talya at

by Ronit Treatman (March 16, 2014)

"When the Roman Catholic Church formally recognizes a person as a saint, this person is canonized. A person who has not been canonized may, however, still be referred to as a saint if it is believed that they are 'completely perfect in holiness.' The crypto-Jews took advantage of this loophole.


Although Queen Esther was not canonized by the Catholic Church, the anusim transformed her into Saint Esther. They called her Santa Ester or Santa Esterica. They were able to continue honoring Purim by reinventing it as 'The Festival of Saint Esther.'"


by Caroline Glick (March 14, 2014)

"In 2009, the British Supreme Court ruled that Jewish schools that followed religious tradition and only admitted children who have a Jewish mother were guilty of racial discrimination.

In other words, the British Supreme Court said that traditional Judaism is racist.

In country after country, campaigns to ban Jewish ritual practices are in full swing. Government after government has passed or moved toward passing bans on shechita, Jewish traditional slaughter of animals. Mila, infant male circumcision, is also under assault. Both, of course, are foundations of Jewish observance.

Denmark is the latest European state to ban shechita. And the movement to implement a similar ban in Britain has grown so popular that Prime Minister David Cameron felt compelled to oppose it during his speech at the Knesset on Wednesday...

But you cannot fight Jew-hatred by making distinctions between its various forms. They are all components of the same thing. And either you fight all of them, with no distinction, or you fight none of them, and even legitimize the bigotry." 
by Benjamin Weingarten (March 12, 2014)
Click on the above image to order this amazing book now!



by (March 11, 2014)

Click on above image to sign a thank you note to Mr. Sheehan and NCL


"We want to send a strong message to Tunisia and ports around the world that we will not tolerate such random acts of discrimination against our guests," said Kevin Sheehan, NCL's CEO. "We are outraged by this act and the fact that we were not notified in advance of this practice. We apologize sincerely to our guests who were affected and want them to know that we have taken the appropriate action in response."















by Alan Dershowitz (March 11, 2014)

"'But Israel is doing bad things to the Palestinians,' the European apologists insist, 'and we are sensitive to the plight of the underdog.'

No, you're not! Where are your demonstrations on behalf of the oppressed Tibetans, Georgians, Syrians, Armenians, Kurds, or even Ukrainians? Where are your BDS movements against the Chinese, the Russians, the Cubans, the Turks, or the Assad regime?

Only the Palestinians, only Israel? Why? Not because the Palestinians are more oppressed than these and other groups.

Only because their alleged oppressors are Jews and the nation-state of the Jews. Would there be demonstrations and BDS campaigns on behalf of the Palestinians if they were oppressed by Jordan or Egypt? 

Oh, wait! The Palestinians were oppressed by Egypt and Jordan. Gaza was an open-air prison between 1948 and 1967, when Egypt was the occupying power. And remember Black September, when Jordan killed more Palestinians than Israel did in a century? I don't remember any demonstration or BDS campaigns -- because there weren't any."

by Adam Kredo (March 5, 2014)


Congressman Lamborn Questions Sec. Hagel Regarding the Proposed 2015 DoD Budget
Watch as U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
questions Secretary of State Chuck Hagel over the proposed cuts to Israel

"Rep. Doug Lamborn (R., Colo.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee [and co-chair of the bipartisan Israel Allies Caucus], slammed the administration for insufficiently funding the joint missile projects, which benefit both Israeli and American security.


'Once again, the administration is proposing hundreds of millions of dollars in cuts to our cooperative missile defense work with Israel,' Lamborn said. 'This is very disappointing and it is irresponsible to cut funding to a steadfast ally in an extremely volatile region of the world.'"



Did You Spot These Two Photos?

Photo One: Helicopter Lands at Hillel Academy of Denver As A Purim Treat
Click on image above to view more photos of the occasion.EstherGrave

Photo Two: The Reported Burial Site for Mordechai and Esther
(Hamedan, Iran)
Esther wasn't guaranteed to be the heroine of the Purim story. Initially ambivalent about personally intervening to save the Jews, she changed her mind following Mordechai's historic charge:

"Do not think that you will escape [the fate of] all the Jews by being in the king's palace. For if you will remain silent at this time, relief and salvation will come to the Jews from another source, and you and the house of your father will be lost. And who knows if it is not for just such a time that you reached this royal position." (Esther 4:13-14)
What is your "royal position"? Radio Chavura wants to support Colorado citizens this year as they engage in social justice in our community. Email us a description of what you are doing:

Maxwell Rotbart Presents:
The Radio Chavura Colorado Jewish Calendar 
File Photo of Maxwell Rotbart

March 19 (Wednesday): Come to a special free screening of Orchestra of Exiles - The Story of the Birth of the Israel Philharmonic at 7:00 pm at Elvis Cinemas-Tiffany Plaza. Space is limited! Contact Temple Sinai's Lisa Thorner for more information at (303) 759-1827.

March 20 (Thursday): Denver JDS Annual Dinner honoring Sandy & Lisa Feld, David & Allison Foster, and David & Nancy Kaufman at the Grand Hyatt Denver. Keynote speech by Snapchat Developer, Daniel Smith. Register at


A special youth series, taught by various community rabbis, will begin this week at Temple Emanuel (51 Grape Street). The series, titled iEngage: Engaging Israel As Young Adults, will be held Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
March 22 (Saturday): Temple Micah will host a "Sock Hop" dance and costume contest at 7:00 pm at 5209 Montview Blvd. "Don't forget your saddle shoes, pony tail, chiffon scarves, sharp blouse and poodle skirt... OR how about slick hair, leather or letter jacket, white t-shirt and keen rolled-up jeans?" Call Elaine Lee at 303-388-4239 x1 for more information.
The entire community is invited to join Congregation Rodef Shalom's Rabbi Bernard Gerson for a Shabbat morning Tisch at 12:30 pm in the Social Hall (450 S. Kearney Street). "This is a fun and relaxed setting in which you can pose questions you have always wondered about!" 

March 23 (Sunday): The Areivim Taskforce of Denver offers an eight-hour class on Mental Health First Aid, starting at 10:00 am. The class will take place at Congregation Zera Abraham (1560 Winona Court). Contact Rabbi Shraga Freedman at 303-335-8968 for more information or to RSVP.



Join the DAT Minyan at the Pepsi Center to watch the Denver Nuggets play the Washington Wizards at 3:00 pm. Purchase tickets at


The Temple Emanuel Brotherhood blood drive, held in conjunction with the Bonfils Blood Center, will take place from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Social Hall (51 Grape Street). For more information, contact Matthew Heit at 303-773-6415.


March 27 (Thursday): Israeli emissary Yoni Alon discusses the IDF Program to Poland at 9:30 pm at Congregation Rodef Shalom's Social Hall (450 S. Kearney Street).


April 2 (Wednesday):  Torah For Tycoons presented by the Denver Community Kollel.  This month's topic will be, "In the Eye of the Beholder: The Ethics of Public Relations."  Radio Chavura's Dean Rotbart and Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher will lead the discussion.  Noon.  East Side Kosher Deli. Fee.


April 6 (Sunday): The Hebrew Educational Alliance will be hosting a trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to view Jerusalem 3D Imax at 5:00 pm. RSVP by March 17 to Fee.


Allied Jewish Apartments, JEWISHcolorado, Shalom Cares, and Jewish Family Service present "You Only Live Once: Jewish Wisdom on Aging Well," featuring Rabbi Dayle Friedman at the Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center (350 South Dahlia Street). The event takes place from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. RSVP at


AIPAC Colorado's annual event will be held at 11:30 am at Infinity Park Event Center (4400 E Kentucky Ave). Call Paula Mermelstein at 303-864-9464 to register.

April 9 (Wednesday): Join the Colorado Jewish community at the Pepsi Center to watch the Denver Nuggets play the Houston Rockets at 7:00 pm. Contact Lyndsay Marchbanks at 303-405-7635 with any questions.

 Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at: radiochavura@gmail.comRodef

49 Exclusive Photos:
All-Judaic and Israeli Art & Jewelry Festival 
Hebrew Educational Alliance

HEA Art Festival
Click on above image to view all exclusive photos

The Denver Community Kollel's 16th Anniversary Celebration
Interview with Honorees Mike and Bob Weiss
Rabbi Aron Yehuda Schwab, Rosh Kollel
On this segment of Radio Chavura, we speak with Mike and Bob Weiss, who - along with their respective wives, Randy and Allison, as well as Jeremy and Sora Simblist - were honored by the Denver Community Kollel at its anniversary celebration on March 11.

Mike and Bob discuss how they have - over the past decade - shteig'ed (climbed, grew, ascended) with the Kollel spiritually and in Torah knowledge.

From its headquarters at 1516 Xavier Street, as well as at numerous synagogues in the metro area, the Denver Community Kollel offers Torah and Talmud classes to Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations.

The anniversary celebration was held at Aish Denver (9550 East Belleview Avenue, Greenwood Village), where the Kollel recently opened its own dedicated learning space. The celebration featured great Chinese food, courtesy of the Kollel's Rebbetzins).DJDSDinner

Denver Jewish Day School Annual Dinner
Interview with Head of School and CEO Avi Halzel 

On this segment of Radio Chavura, we speak with Avi Halzel, head of school and CEO of Denver Jewish Day School, about the school's annual dinner, to be held March 20th at the Grand Hyatt hotel in downtown Denver.

The school will be honoring Sandy and Lisa FeldDavid and Allison Foster, and David and Nancy Kaufman.

Mr. Halzel talks about the great educational and extracurricular offerings at Denver Jewish Day School, pointing to the dinner's keynote speaker, 2008 alumnus Daniel Smith, as an important example. Mr. Smith is a co-developer of the popular Snapchat phone application, and has noted that Denver JDS's longstanding integration of new technology in the classroom served as a foundation for his own digital expertise.

Do you want to know more about Jewish education in Colorado? You can read Mr. Halzel's recent report on helping parents make intelligent school choices here.Links

Photography by Avital
Children - Parties - Graduation - Camp - Events - Reunions
"I can make anyone look like Emma Watson, even if it means substituting her photo for yours!"
- Avital Rotbart
(Pictured above verifying her own advertising)




Avital has quickly earned a reputation for her stunning ability to capture priceless moments of joy and celebration.  In addition to her work on behalf of Radio Chavura and Business Unconventional, she serves as a staff photographer at Girls Inc. and Camp Maayan.


Avital puts her heart and soul into photography - and it shows.  Talk to her about capturing the "spirit" of your loved ones and your most important moments.  

Email: or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744).


Please click on the images below to show your support for each of Denver's top-tier Jewish day schools:


Stars for Israel Logo

Today marks 10,342 days since Jonathan Pollard ( was imprisoned in the United States.
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Click on image to view video 

Today marks 1,565 days since Alan Gross ( was imprisoned in Cuba.

Jacob Ostreicher was imprisoned in Bolivia in June 2011.  He was released on December 16, 2013.

You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available for free from

This week's program is not available in a No-Music version.
Support Our Program

Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts
We Welcome Your Support

Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community.  It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.  

If you would like to support our efforts and the unique role we play, you can now make a donation (in any amount of your choosing) using a credit card via PayPal. You need not be a PayPal member to contribute to Radio Chavura.

If you wish to use your donation in honor of a special occasion or as a memorial tribute, we are happy to make note of it in our weekly e-newsletter with a minimum donation of $18.

You may also mail your donation, made payable to Radio Chavura, to:

Radio Chavura
Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
200 Quebec Street
Bldg 300 - #111-49
Denver, Colorado 80230

Thank you for being a part of our Radio Chavura.

Maxwell and Dean 
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