Collage - 020314
Program Guide: February 9, 2014 (Adar Rishon 9, 5774) 
Collage by Avital Rotbart 
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Lessons For Denver's Jewish Schools and Educators
From A Leading National Expert
Dr. Gil Graff, BJE
Parents and grandparents of Jewish school-age children, as well as educators and other supporters, will not want to miss this week's thought-provoking episode of Radio Chavura.
Dr. Gil Graff, executive director of the Builders of Jewish Education organization in Los Angeles, has spent the last 20-years helping to mold that city's Jewish educational system into one of the finest in the nation. In an exclusive interview, Dr. Graff shares his experiences, and identifies ways that smaller communities - such as Denver - can adapt the Los Angeles model to buttress their finances and increase the quality of their educational offerings.
Among the topics that Dr. Graff explores are:
  • Building educational endowments for Jewish schools
  • Working collaboratively amongst schools on professional development
  • Pooling purchasing power to reduce the costs of technology and other common expenses
Dr. Graff also discusses methods to help encourage wealthy Jewish philanthropists - who often favor construction projects - to understand the value of making large donations toward the operations of Jewish schools and educational groups.  Explains Dr. Graff:

"Buildings are not enduring. Buildings come and go. What is eternal is education. What you teach a person, that person incorporates in his or her life; they teach it to the next generation. It is education which is enduring and which represents eternity."


Hear Dr. Graff's many valuable insights now, by clicking here.

Were You There? Who Do You Recognize?

Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate
Click here to view all 84 exclusive photos!
The Jewish Experience held its annual Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate fundraiser on Saturday night, February 8th. Rabbi Ahron Wasserman, Rabbi Raphael Leban, and the entire TJE team were wonderful hosts, and we wish them a hearty "Mazel Tov" on the upcoming opening of their new center at 399 S. Monaco Parkway.

Historic Match-Up:
First Ever Basketball Game 
Between Two Jewish Colorado High Schools


Denver Jewish Day School Tigers v. Denver Academy of Torah Wolves
February 3, 2013 @ Denver JDS

(l-r) Members of the DAT women's team pose for a group portrait after the game,
DAT men's team captain Tzvi Fischer is blocked by Denver JDS co-captain Sam Boscoe
Click here to view photos from the game!

Both the mens and the womens basketball teams from Denver Jewish Day School and Denver Academy of Torah faced off in separate games on Monday evening, February 3rd, marking the first time in Colorado history that teams from two different local Jewish high schools competed head-to-head.

Liat Fischer, women's team captain for the DAT Wolves (and a guest on last week's edition of Radio Chavura), fought hard to keep her team - in only its second game ever - from floundering against the Denver JDS Tigers, lead by co-captains Noemi GuiotRikki Wedgle, and Kirya Jultak

The Tigers are part of the 5280 League; the Wolves are not yet officially sanctioned. The game was played as a friendly tournament between the two Jewish schools. 

Following the women's match, which the Tigers won 48-10, the mens teams faced off, led by Denver JDS co-captains Kyle NowakSam Boscoe, and Daniel Bush, and DAT captain Tzvi Fischer. The mens Tigers defeated the Wolves 59-25.

Avital Rotbart, Radio Chavura's staff photographer, attended both games to capture the energy and history. Click here to view her complete photo essay.

Denver Academy of Torah High School - the state's newest Jewish high school - opened its doors in 2010 under the leadership of Rabbi Daniel AlterDr. Juli Kramer, and Mrs. Naomi Lev. Denver Jewish Day School is headed by Mr. Avi HalzelMr. Bryan Hay, and Rabbi Mark Goodman.
Please click on the images below to show your support for each of Denver's top-tier Jewish day schools:




Talya Rotbart

Edited by 


Thanks to the following individuals whose keen eyes helped us identify articles of interest in recent editions: Richard Behar, Dr. Herzl MelmedDr. Donald Salem, Lela Kay, Cheryl and David Fellows, Tamari Gruszow, and Shirley Lewis. If you spot a news feature that is worth including in a future edition of this newsletter, please email the URL to Talya at


Iran's Bomb In The Basement

by Caroline Glick (February 7, 2014)


"Far from feeling the need to protect its agreement with the mullocracy, it appears that the administration's main goal in that campaign was to weaken and discredit AIPAC, which supported the sanctions bill.

As Lee Smith noted this week in Tablet, weakening the pro-Israel advocacy group has become one of the administration's major second-term goals.


AIPAC was the target of the administration's campaign rather than the sanctions themselves because the sanctions regime against Iran - painstakingly cobbled together over a decade - disintegrated last November."


by Oren Aharoni (February 6, 2014)
Team Israel at the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia.  Photo courtesy of the Times Record News via the AP.

"Andrea Davidovich was born in Burlington, Vermont in 1997, to American Jewish parents who had previously lived in Israel. She and partner Evgeni Krasnopolski were the first Israeli skaters to qualify for the pairs' competition at the Winter Olympics...
Alexei Bychenko was also born in Kiev, Ukraine and is also competing in the figure skating, albeit solo. Aged 26 (he celebrated his birthday this week), he started out as a skater for his country of birth, before switching to represent Israel in 2010...
Belgian born 19-year-old Virgile Vandeput may be entering the alpine skiing competition under the Israeli flag, but he actually lives in France, where he can train under maximal conditions...


Vladislav Bykanov, 24, will be competing in the short track skating, both 1,000 and 1,500 meters. Byankov is Israel's greatest hope for the Games, aiming to reach at least the quarter-finals in his sport, and possibly the semi-finals." 

Read about other Jewish participants at the 2014 Olympic Games here.

by Shmuley Boteach (February 6, 2014)

"[Current U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Powers] quotes [current Nation Security Advisor Susan] Rice in her 2002 book [referring to the 1994 Rwandan Genocide] as saying, "If we use the word 'genocide' and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November congressional election?" That Rice would have brought up the midterm elections as a more important consideration than stopping the fastest slaughter of human life in all history - 330 dying every hour - is one of the saddest pronouncements ever to be uttered by American public official...

It's nearly as painful watching Rice lecture the Jewish state, which lost one third of its entire people in a genocide of four short years, about how unacceptable it is for them to criticize those who claim to know how to protect them better than they know themselves."

by Guilio Meotti (February 4, 2014)
Pope Paul VI was in Israel (above) for 11 hours in 1964
Pope Paul VI was in Israel (above) for 11 hours in 1964


"In 1964, when Pope Paul VI made the first papal visit to Jerusalem and the terror-organization PLO was formed by Arafat (not surprisingly, the Vatican was one of the first to recognize it), Jerusalem was divided by barbed-wire and snipers crouched on the roofs. Jews and Christians with Israeli passports were barred from entering the Old City...


The Vatican never raised its voice to protest against the apartheid imposed by the Jordanian Muslims. Israeli leaders and rabbis asked the Vatican to use its "good offices" to intervene in order to stop the desecration, but during this dark period, the rape of Jewish Jerusalem did not lead to any expression of concern from Vatican diplomats." 


Kerry's Israel Supporters

by Caroline Glick (February 4, 2014)


"The anti-Semitic undertones of Kerry's constant chatter about Jews having too much money are obvious. But beyond their inherent bigotry, Kerry's statements serve to legitimize the radical Left's economic war against the Jewish state


Administration supporters and fundraisers from Code Pink and other pressure groups, as well as the EU understand that if they escalate their economic and political persecution of the Jewish state, their actions will be met with quiet understanding, and even support from the Obama administration."


Did You Spot This Photo?
Excavations of Medieval Jewish Quarter in Cologne, Germany
Reveals Fascinating History


Click on the above photo to read about the excavation process and the history of medieval Cologne's Jewish community.
Click here to participate in a virtual 'tour' of what the site would have looked like in the Middle Ages.

[February 24 - March 2, 2014]
Click here to view more posters

Hebrew Calendar

Radio Chavura Jewish Colorado Calendar 
18th JCC Film Festival
Click to view schedule
February 5 - February 16: 18th Annual Denver Jewish Film Festival, presented by the Mizel Arts & Culture Center (MACC).  For schedule, click here. Opening reception honoring Udi Baron and family at 5:30 pm.  All seating is reserved.  350 S. Dahlia Street, Denver, 80246.  
February 11 (Tuesday): The JCC South Denver brings Jewish Outreach Initiative educator Sarah Lehrfield to teach a "Jewish Values for Jewish Moms" series of classes, also to be held on March 11th. The topic for the February 11th class (11:00 am - 12:00 pm) will be "Challah Baking." Cost is $5/class.
February 13 (Thursday): The Allied Jewish Apartments will be hosting an event at Rodef Shalom (450 S. Kearney * Denver), featuring Israeli emissary Yoni Alon. The topic of his remarks will be "The Lost Tribes of Israel Revisited." He will speak from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. RSVP at 303-399-0035.
Starting at 8:00 pm at Steep (4100 E 8th Ave.), Radio Chavura's musical director, Julie Geller, will camp out with community members at the site of Colorado's new Trader Joe's. She is organizing a celebratory concert featuring David Ross (keyboard), Shanti Hazan (percussion) and Kolby Morris (vocals). Along with a midnight campfire, "goodies" from Trader Joe's, hot tea, and plenty of spirit, community members who join Julie will be the first people to step inside a Colorado Trader Joe's when the store opens at 8:00 am the next morning. See the fun promotional video that Julie made for the store's opening below.
I'm Camping Out at Trader Joe's (in Denver, Colorado!)
Julie Geller at the new site of Trader Joe's
February 17 (Monday): The Ladies of Beth Jacob luncheon takes place from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm at 1261 Zenobia Street. RSVP at 303-893-1333.


February 19 (Wednesday): The JCC South Denver invites Debbie Goodman, JCC Director of Jewish Life and Learning, to bring her "Lunch and Learn" series to southeast Denver. The class will also be held on March 12th. The February 19th class (11:45 am - 1:00 pm) will showcase the film Las Abuelas de Plaza Mayo, followed by a discussion. Cost is $5/person. 
The Colorado Section of the National Council of Jewish Women will have a panel discussion at Temple Sinai from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, moderated by CBS-4 anchor Gloria Neal, about "Women and Homelessness in Metro Denver: Looking for Safe Haven." Please bring feminine hygiene and other related products. Call 303-759-1827 for more information.
The annual dinner for the Temple Sinai Brotherhood will take place at 6:00 pm. Call Paul Levine 303-779-5625.
The Jewish Experience will host Rabbi Ken Spiro, author of "WorldPerfect - The Jewish Impact on Civilization," as the first guest at TJE's new home. Call 303-316-6412 for more information.  Tentative.
February 21 (Friday): At 7:00 pm, Temple Sinai will host a Social Action Shabbat Service honoring those community members who have spent many years engaged in various Tikkun Olam initiatives. 
February 22 (Saturday):  A fabulous evening of fun, gourmet feast and an array of incredible auctions are in store at the Yeshiva Toras Chaim Melave Malka.  8:00 pm. 1555 Stuart Street, Denver, 80204. Phone: 303-629-8200.
Congregations HarHashem and Bonai Shalom in Boulder will be hosting a "Special No Shushing Inclusion Havdalah Ceremony" at 7:00 pm for all community members. For more information, email Rachel Gehr at or Judy Megibow at

February 23 (Sunday): Chabad of Colorado presents a fashion show-style event titled "Jewish Women Through the Ages: An Evening of Tribute to Jewish Women." The event will take place at Artwork Network (878 Santa Fe Drive) from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Open to all women. RSVP with Chana Feige Abrahams at 720-838-4093. Fee.
The Areivim Taskforce of Denver offers an eight-hour class on Mental Health First Aid, starting at 9:15 am. The class takes place at Beis Menachem (400 S. Holly Street). Please RSVP by February 13. The class will also take place on March 23 at Congregation Zera Abraham (1560 Winona Court) starting at 10:00 am. Contact Rabbi Shraga Freedman at 303-335-8968 for more information or to RSVP.
February 24 (Monday):  JEWISHcolorado and Jewish Community Relations Council's "Date With The State" to be held in the Old Supreme Court Chambers at The State Capitol, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Reservations:  Janet Sherman, JCRC Director, at 303-316-6490 or  Event co-chairs: Glenda Kaufman and Jennifer Dechtman.
February 27 (Thursday): The Hebrew Educational Alliance will host an "All-Judaic & Israeli Art & Jewelry Festival." Runs through March 3rd. Contact Neal Price at 303-758-9400 for more information or to volunteer. [See ad below.]
Join Temple Emanuel at the Pepsi Center to watch the Denver Nuggets play the Los Angeles Clippers at 8:30 pm. Purchase tickets at
March 11 (Tuesday): The Denver Community Kollel will host its 16th annual celebration at 6:30 pm at Aish Denver, honoring Michael and Randy Weiss, Bob and Allison Weiss, and Jeremy and Sora Simblist. Guest speaker will be Rabbi Yochanan Zweig. RSVP (or place a journal ad) at 303-820-2855.
March 16 (Sunday):  The BMH-BJ Women's League will present its Annual Purim Carnival.  11:00 am to 3:00 pm

 Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at: 

From The Desk of Tami Ellison:

"John Pregulman grew up in a small Jewish community in Chattanooga, Tennessee and is a former professional photographer in New York City. He has lived in Denver for the past 13 years and has been very involved in the Jewish Community, having served on the Board of Directors of ADL, Allied Jewish Apartments and Shalom Cares. In the 1990's he started a project in Chattanooga to photograph all of the elderly Jews in the community. He has since become interested in doing a similar project for Holocaust survivors here in Denver and across the United States.

John has begun the project in Denver under the auspices of The Yizkor Project, and is solely interested in creating these special portraits for the preservation of memory, for the survivors and their families and for future generations.


Photographs will be printed in black and white and a digital copy will also be made available to survivors.


In addition, the YIZKOR project is pleased to be working with HEA Denver on an upcoming exhibit entitled, "DOROT" (Generations), planned for Yom HaShoah 2014. Survivors and family members may choose to share these special photographic memories in the exhibit and/or to share a story, memory or reflection as part of the community program. The photography exhibit along with the YIZKOR project's Holocaust Remembrance Quilt will also be on display at the AJSH.


To arrange for your portrait to be taken, please contact John at (303) 961-8761." 


Jewish Students Fondly Recall Rabbi Uriel Malka, z'l, Namesake of Denver's Beit Uriel Congregation
Top Row (l-r): Niso Aharonian, Rabbi Uriel Malka, z'l, and Eliana Azoulay Bottom Row (l-r): Liat Fischer, Josh Khalepari, and Yehuda Alter
Top Row (l-r): Niso Aharonian, Rabbi Uriel Malka, z'l, and Eliana Azoulay
Bottom Row (l-r): Liat Fischer, Josh Khalepari, and Yehuda Alter
Beit Uriel is spearheading
an effort to raise funds for Rabbi Malka's widow and six young children, and is asking the help of the Denver Jewish community.


For more information about Rabbi Malka and his legacy, or to donate, visit


On last week's edition of Radio Chavura, we spoke with Niso Aharonian, co-founder of Beit Uriel, a new synagogue in Denver that follows the Sephardic tradition of prayer.


Niso, who started Beit Uriel with his brother, Avraham, was joined on the first half of the program by Eliana Azoulay and Josh Khalepari, two of the regular congregants at the synagogue.


Niso, Eliana, and Josh share with listeners the warmth that they feel at Beit Uriel, located at 295 S. Locust Street, Denver, 80224, and discuss the beautiful sense of community that has developed among members of this young Sephardic congregation.


While most Colorado synagogues follow the Ashkenazic tradition of prayer, based on the customs of European Jewry, Sephardic prayers follow the style of the Jews of the Islamic world. The moving services at Beit Uriel are infused with melodies rarely heard elsewhere in Jewish Colorado.


On the second half of the program, Niso spoke about the namesake of Beit Uriel, Rabbi Uriel Malka, z'l. Rabbi Malka was a beloved Judaics teacher at the Denver Academy of Torah, who - tragically - was killed in the Mount Carmel Forest Fire in Israel in November 2010 at age 32.


Two of Rabbi Malka's former students, Yehuda Alter and Liat Fischer, joined Niso to reflect on Rabbi Malka's legacy in Colorado. Yehuda and Liat both fondly remember how Rabbi Malka used to engage them in class by re-enacting battles from Jewish history.


Listen to last week's show here.

To Contact Avital, Phone 1-855-539-4744

 "You don't make a photograph just with a camera.  You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved." 


- Ansel Adams



Avital has quickly earned a reputation for her stunning ability to capture priceless moments of joy and celebration.  In addition to her work on behalf of Radio Chavura and Business Unconventional, she serves as a staff photographer at Girls Inc. and Camp Maayan.


Avital puts her heart and soul into photography - and it shows.  Talk to her about capturing the "spirit" of your loved ones and your most important moments.  

Email: or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744).


Stars for Israel Logo

Today marks 10,307 days since Jonathan Pollard ( was imprisoned in the United States.
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Top US Officials: Free Jonathan Pollard Now!
Click on image to view video 

Today marks 1,530 days since Alan Gross ( was imprisoned in Cuba.

Jacob Ostreicher was imprisoned in Bolivia in June 2011.  He was released on December 16, 2013.

You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available for free from

This week's program is not available in a No-Music version.
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Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts
We Welcome Your Support

Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community.  It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.  

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Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
200 Quebec Street
Bldg 300 - #111-49
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Maxwell and Dean 
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