Program Guide: September 22, 2013 (Tishrei 18, 5774) 

Collage by Avital Rotbart
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Every Sunday at 6:30 PM  

990 KRKS AM in Denver 


Celebrating A Decade of Torah for Tycoons

Tonight on the Radio!

Business Ethics: Being a Mentsch and Owning a Business  

Featuring Yosh Eisbart, principal and co-founder of NIMBL

Winner of the 2013 Small Business of Year Award

Yosh and RMF
NIMBL's Yosh Eisbart and Denver Community Kollel's Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher

Radio Chavura is proud to support the Denver Community Kollel and to help showcase its highly regarded business ethics lunch-and-learn series, Torah for Tycoons.  

To mark the start of Torah for Tycoons' 10th year of bringing together local business leaders and Torah scholars in a lively discussion of business and personal ethics, Radio Chavura will feature a special broadcast edition of Torah for Tycoons on Sunday evening, September 22nd, as well as an extended online-only bonus version.

Our distinguished guest is Yosh Eisbart, principal and co-founder of NIMBL, winner of this year's Small Business of the Year award, presented by the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.  Founded in 2009, NIMBL is one of Colorado's most dynamic technology sector companies, recently named by Inc. magazine to its prestigious list of America's fastest-growing private companies.

NIMBL's clients include such globally recognized brands as Pepsi, Nestle, JohnsManville, Newmont, Janus, ExxonMobil, Toms, Crocs, White Wave, and Shane Co.  NIMBL is an SAP professional services firm focused on high-value high-impact technical consulting.

The topic for this special broadcast is: "Being a Mentsch and Owning a Business."    

Among the ethical questions to be addressed: What does the Torah instruct when it comes to a business owner's treatment of customers and employees?  Does a business owner have a right - perhaps an obligation - to earn a profit, even if that means firing under-performing workers?  Where is the line between going the extra mile to serve one's customers and maintaining a healthy livelihood?

Leading the conversation and offering Torah insights is Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher, director of community education at the Kollel.  Rabbi Fleisher is a regular Torah for Tycoons moderator, as are Roshei Kollel Rabbi Aron Yehuda Schwab and Rabbi Shachne Sommers.

Since 2003, Torah for Tycoons has attracted the participation of more than 500 men and women from diverse backgrounds to explore the importance of Torah-inspired ethics in business.  The series is made possible thanks to a generous grant from the Harry H. Beren Trust Z.B.

The first regular Torah for Tycoons lunch-and-learn of the new year will be held on October 2nd at noon at the East Side Kosher Deli. The topic will be: Listening In: The Issues of Tracking and Snooping on Other People.  For more information, contact the Kollel at 303-820-2855 or visit its website,




[Listen Now]


Jewish Day Schools Are A Community Resource 


Join Radio Chavura's Dean and Talya Rotbart on Tuesday evening, October 1st, as they co-chair the 2013 Annual Campaign Parlor Meeting on behalf of the Denver Academy of Torah.  The entire Jewish community is invited and encouraged to attend.
Jewish schools are a vital - shared - community asset - like our mikvahs and cemeteries.  Whether or not you have children or family members currently enrolled, it is every Jew's responsibility and obligation to provide support for these educational institutions.
Tomorrow's Jewish leaders and community role models are enrolled in Denver's Jewish schools today.  Please be generous with your support. 
We Support Jewish Day Schools

Denver Academy of Torah Annual Campaign Parlor Meeting
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
6:30 pm
Location:  DAT High School at Temple Sinai
3509 S. Glencoe Street

Chairs:  Chuck & Sara Michaels - Rabbi Michael and Ariella Sunshine - Dean and Talya Rotbart

A kosher parve reception featuring hors d'oeuvres and desert will be served.  Please RSVP to Kathy Bashari at 720-941-6455 or email her  Whether you are able to contribute $5 or $50,000, your show of support is much needed and appreciated!

Elementary.  Middle. High School. A Vibrant Continuum of Excellence.



Hear the New National Edition of Radio Chavura

Featuring  Russell F. Robinson,

CEO of the Jewish National Fund



JNF LOGO In anticipation of the Jewish National Fund conference to be held in Denver from October 25th through October 28th, Radio Chavura will produce a special, online-only weekly edition of its popular broadcast, celebrating and covering the Jewish World from a Rocky Mountain perspective.

Scheduled guests include a mix of prominent global, national and Colorado-based Jewish personalities, including distinguished JNF administrators and conference speakers. Russell F. Robinson, JNF's CEO and a member of its global board of directors, is the featured guest on the inaugural edition, now available online here.  

In his Radio Chavura interview, Robinson divulges that at this year's national conference, JNF will formally announce an unprecedented 10-year, $1 billion fundraising campaign, that he says will be "the most innovative, most bold campaign" even untaken by a Jewish organization.  


Russell Robinson
JNF's Robinson

The annual JNF conference is being held for the very first time in Colorado, bringing together hundreds of committed Jewish leaders from across the United States to learn about JNF's ongoing work on behalf of the land and people of Israel. Those attending will also have the opportunity to meet and interact with committed volunteers of all ages, as well as to contribute their own ideas for enriching the work of JNF.

The national edition of Radio Chavura will be available weekly to stream or download for free through the iTunes store and from

"Colorado has a flourishing and vibrant Jewish community which couldn't be more excited to welcome the JNF national conference," says Maxwell Rotbart, co-host of Radio Chavura.

Rotbart notes that the Colorado Jewish community, which predates statehood in 1876, gave rise to the United Way and helped inspire Golda Meir's Zionism during her sojourn in Denver as a high schooler.  Well-known global brands that have Jewish roots in Colorado, include Samsonite Luggage, Hot Pockets, and perhaps most famous of all, the Barbie doll.  (Inventor Ruth Mosko Handler was born and raised in Denver.)

Today, Colorado is an incubator of many cutting edge companies in the technology and health sectors, serving as the global headquarters of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, which educates and connects biomedical and health innovators who seek to commercialize their ideas, inventions and discoveries.

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, who recently returned from an inspiring visit to Israel, will be the JNF conference's opening speaker on Friday, October 25th.  Other Coloradans scheduled to participate in the program include Rabbi Joe R. Black, spiritual leader of Temple Emanuel; Jerome "Jerry" Tinianow, chief sustainability officer for the City of Denver; and Dr. Jeanne Abrams, an historian and professor at the University of Denver.  

At the breakfast and closing plenary on Monday, October 28th, Ken Salazar, former Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior and a former U.S. Senator from Colorado, will be the speaker.  During the breakfast, longtime JNF lay leaders, Eugene "Gene" Kay and Stanley Kamlet will be honored for their years of service. 


[Listen Now]

The National Edition of Radio Chavura:

Hosts: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart

Musical Director:  Julie Geller

Audio Production:  Blane Nichols

Additional Audio Elements:  Jason Hickman

Director of Research:  Talya Rotbart

Staff Photographer:  Avital Rotbart

Maxwell and Dean
Maxwell and Dean

Opening Announcement: Eugene Kay

Opening Music (Hinei Mah Tov) and Closing Credits (Elokai):  Julie Geller



  • Zum Gali Gali - Fred Fastow, Jewish Songs for Classical Guitar
  • Maym Mayin - Israeli Folk Group, Authentic Israeli Folk Songs & Dances
  • Lo Yisa Goy - Miami Boys Choir
  • Yism'Chu - Rabbi Joe Black, Sabbatical

JNF Liaisons:  Neta Yoffe (New York) and Boaz Meir (Colorado)

Click on ad for more information or to register

Support Our Program

September 15th:  Guests Perri Klein, Shira Teed and Allison Schwartz discuss and the many support resources that it provides to expectant parents and Jewish families with young children.  Allison's sons, Elijah and Morris, joined mom for the taping at the 990 KRKS AM studios. is a Rose Community Foundation Initiative.  [Listen Now]
September 8th:  Guests Rabbi Gadi and Eve Levy of The Jewish Experience share their insights for fortifying Jewish marriages and building happy homes.  The Levys, who are blessed with six children of their own, teach a workshop titled, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Jewish Marriages."
Also, in the second segment, lifelong bowler David Suson, who has rolled three perfect games, discusses the newly repositioned Denver Jewish Bowling League.  [Listen Now


September 22nd:

  • Ekar's Sukkot and Fall Harvest Festival - 11:30 am to 2 pm, 181 S. Oneida, Denver 80230   
  • Torah for Tycoons Special Radio Edition - 6:30 pm, 990 KRKS AM
    Presented by the Denver Community Kollel and Radio Chavura 
    See ad below  

October 1st:  

  • Denver Academy of Torah's Annual Parlor Meeting - 6:30 pm, 3590 S. Glencoe, Denver 80237
October 2nd:
  • Listening In: The Issues of Tracking and Snooping on Other People - Torah for Tycoons
    Noon - East Side Kosher Deli
    Presented by the Denver Community Kollel

October 10th:

  •  Rehearsals Begin for Kol Nashim - Women's Choir - 7 pm, Goldberger Building, 3599 S. Ivanhoe
    See ad below 
Radio Chavura's High Holidays Specials

September 1st:  Part Three

The Palestinian Authority continues to hide its true intentions toward Israel from the non-Arab world, while consistently pushing a three-part anti-Israeli message to the Palestinian people, says Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch, and the special guest on the final installment of our three-part High Holidays series.
Palestinian Media Watch Logo 
"When people understand the true Palestinian ideology, they realize that the victimhood [storyline] is a mask," Marcus explained during a pre-recorded telephone interview from Israel.  That internal Palestinian message has three consistent components, he said:  First, to deny Israel's right to exist; second, to demonize Israel and Jews, and third, to promote violence.
Since 1996, PMW has monitored the Palestinian media, speeches and schoolbooks to showcase what the Palestinians are saying - in their very own words, and how their Arab-language messaging differs from the mask the Palestinians present to the English-language world. 
Itamar Marcus
Itamar Marcus
While numerous global news organizations do report on PMW's findings, Marcus told Radio Chavura that too often the news media miss a critical aspect of the Palestinians' messages to their own people - what the journalists call "incitement."
"We say there is no incitement," said Marcus, who grew up in the U.S. and now lives in Israel. "They're expressing their honest beliefs and opinions. They're saying it and we should listen to them and believe them."
The PMW has a staff of nine translators who read the Palestinian newspapers and watch the newscasts of two Palestinian TV stations.

Hear this special High Holidays program online now.  Read more about Itamar Marcus and Palestinian Media Watch on our website.

AUGUST 25th: Part Two

Rabbi Black Interview
Rabbi Black with Maxwell and Dean Rotbart

With more than 6,000 members, Temple Emanuel is Colorado's largest synagogue and the largest congregation between Chicago and Los Angeles. 

Rabbi Joseph R. Black, the synagogue's spiritual leader, sat down with the Radio Chavura team in his office to discuss how he prepares himself and his congregants for the High Holidays, and the central role that Jewish music plays in his spiritual life and at Temple Emanuel. 

Key in Rabbi Black's High Holidays preparations are a series of reflective questions that he emails to members, either to answer for themselves or to share with those around them as part of a High Holidays discussion. Questions from this year (all 28 are available at focus on the celebration of Shabbat, support of the Colorado Jewish community, repairing damaged relationships, and taking care of our physical and spiritual health.

Rabbi Black also performed two songs from his large repertoire of Jewish music.

AUGUST 18th:  Part One

Dr. Neil W. Levin, a professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary and one of the world's leading experts on Jewish music, joined us for our hour-long High Holidays series kickoff. 
Dr. Levin presented seven classic Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur songs from the Milken Archive of Jewish Music, where he has served as the artistic director since 1993.  These stirring tunes are guaranteed to move and inspire you as we enter the Days of Awe. 
Neil Levin
Dr. Neil W. Levin

The seven featured melodies are listed and linked below.  By clicking on the links you'll be able to hear the unabbreviated versions of each song.

Ahot K'tanna
Herman Berlinski's Shofar Service - Malkuyot
Hattei - From the S'lihot Service
Hatzi Kaddish - From the S'lihot Service
Une Sane Tokef (or Une Tane Tokef)   

Asheres S'foseinu (or Asheres S'fateinu) 
Hayom T'amtzeinu

Dr. Levin has devoted his professional and academic life to the scholarly study of the music of Jewish experience from historical, musicological, ethnological, Judaic, and cross-cultural perspectives.  You can read his complete bio 

Hear this special High Holidays program online now.

Following Dr. Levin's interview, we aired a conversation we had with Chuck Michaels, a Denver attorney, whose ancestors were among the pioneering Jews who lived in Leadville, CO. 
The Michaels Family
The Michaels Family

Chuck, who - 17 years ago -  was at the very first B'nai B'rith Leadville Cemetery Cleanup with his wife Sara and then-infant daughter Shayna (now a senior at Beth Jacob High School), tells us about his ancestor, Solomon Flaks, and gives us a taste of life in late-19th century Leadville. We interviewed Chuck earlier this summer at the B'nai B'rith Leadville Cemetery Cleanup

Chuck and Sara's two other children are Shmuel, 15, and Benjamin, 13, both students at the Denver Academy of Torah.

Finally, at the conclusion of this episode, we receive a field report from
Dr. Herzl Melmed, 76, phoning in on the final leg of his 500-mile solo bike ride on behalf of "Biking for Kids Under Fire."


Real Estate Listings*
Hilltop - Lowry - Aish Denver - Westside

Be Sure To Tell Them You Saw The Listing 'On the Radio'
4+ Bedrooms - Tri Level
Located at 509 S. Magnolia Lane in Winston Downs, this home boasts a great kitchen, eating space, large living-dining room, a cheerful family room and a main-floor utility room.  Plenty of closet space.  Double garage.  Must see!  Contact Ed Lampert, Ann Lampert Realty, Inc.  

Be sure to tell Ed you saw this listing 'On the Radio'
Motivated Seller in Crestmoor Park
This remarkable property, priced for a quick sale, has a rich history of serving as a warm home for well-known local families.  It's located at 295 S. Jasmine and weighs in at a roomy 3,203 square feet.  Priced at $509,000 - a steal.  Act quickly before it's gone.  Contact Kevin Chambless at Re/Max Alliance, 720-273-1421.

Be sure to tell Kevin you saw this listing 'On the Radio' 

* Radio Chavura will post free real estate listings for those selling or renting residential and commercial space in the Hilltop, Lowry, Aish Denver and Westside neighborhoods. Submit your listings to us:


JCC South

Stars for Israel Logo

They Will Be Spending Yom Kippur In Prison - Do Not Forget Them!

Today marks 1,390 days since Alan Gross ( was imprisoned in Cuba.

Today marks 842 days since Jacob Ostreicher ( was imprisoned in Bolivia.

Help_060213Today marks 10,167 days since Jonathan Pollard ( was imprisoned in the United States.
Can't listen live to Radio Chavura? You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available for free from

This week's broadcast is not available in a No-Music version.
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Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts
Radio Chavura Is An Official Sponsor

We Support Jewish Day Schools
Jewish & Widowed