Program Guide: August 4, 2013 (Av 28, 5773)
Collage by Avital Rotbart
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Every Sunday at 6:30 PM
990 KRKS AM in Denver
This Week on Radio Chavura
The Secret to Making A Great Kosher Bagel in Colorado
Dr. Herzl Melmed's 500-Mile Bike Trek for Israeli Children
There are only six, all-natural, finest-quality kosher ingredients - including real malt syrup - in a hard-on-the-outside, soft-and-chewy-on-the-inside, hot and fresh bagel from Denver's The Bagel Store, now in its 37th year.
Owner Beth Ginsberg, educated as an engineer, purchased the bakery at 942 S. Monaco Parkway four years ago and is thriving in an industry that, in general, is faltering under the burden of the very costly, laborious and challenging job of turning bagel dough into spendable scratch.
Beth is our guest on the first segment of this week's Radio Chavura. Read the full article about Beth and The Bagel Store here.
In our second segment on this week's program, we feature a recorded interview with
Dr. Herzl Melmed, who has embarked on a 500-mile bike ride from Bandon, Oregon to hilly San Francisco to raise funds to purchase bicycles and support bike clubs for Israeli children who live under the perpetual threat of rockets fired from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
Dr. Melmed, a fit 76 years old, is the founder of ActionIsrael, a Denver-based non-profit that relies on grassroots campaigns and empowered volunteers to engage in pro-Israel advocacy programs.
Read Maxwell Rotbart's full article about Dr. Melmed here.
Watch the moving "Biking For Kids Under Fire" video here.
Mail your tax-deductible donations to:
ActionIsrael P.O. Box 18040 Denver, Colorado 80218
Return to the index above
Were You There? Who Do You Recognize?
Radio Chavura: Year One's Most Popular Audios
These are the ten audios (broadcast and bonus) that attracted the most online listeners during our first season.
 | Jewish Denver Drama Girls - August 19, 2012 |
Hear any of our previous editions and read their related program gui des here.
Last Week on Radio Chavura
Dor l' Dor: One Family's Legacy of Education & Zionism
Jeff Hecht on His Father, Emil z'l, and Unshakable Faith
Jeff Hecht and his father, Emil, z'l
The bloodline is unbroken, despite the harsh journey.
It runs from Svalava, Czechoslovakia through some of the finest pre-war yeshivot in Europe, surviving Auschwitz and Mauthausen, rescuing Jews for Palestine, immigrating to the United States, prospering and building here in Colorado, and finally, arriving at the present where the tradition of passing along a rich Jewish legacy to family and community continues.
Such is the trail of Emil Hecht, z'l, and his family, five recent generations of highly educated, committed Zionists, who have greatly enriched the Jewish world and shared - dor l' dor - the values and teachings that are the very mortar of the Jewish people.
Emil Hecht, who died in December 2010 in Denver at age 86, continues to serve posthumously as a role model and inspiration to many Jews, both in Colorado and around the world.
Through the darkest days of the Holocaust, Emil once recalled that he never gave up hope of his own survival and that of the Jewish people.
"It was my faith in the higher power we call G-d and the spirit and rule of morality instilled in me by my parents and teachers, that knowledge of what was right and what was wrong, as well as my understanding of Jewish history that kept me holding out against all odds and adversity," Emil said during a 2004 speech at Denver's Holocaust Awareness Institute.
Emil's legacy, and how his children and grandchildren are working to carry it forward and adapt it to today's realities, was the subject of the first segment of last week's Radio Chavura.
Jeff Hecht, Emil's son and a Denver-community leader, told hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart that he was aware of his family's strong educational and Zionistic roots from an early age, as well as his special place as a second-generation Holocaust survivor. Jeff's mother Eva, who still lives in Denver, is also a Holocaust survivor.
Jeff noted that education - both secular and Jewish - were always top priorities for the Hecht family. Emil's father and grandfather had great secular educations and the family owned one the largest, multi-language private libraries in all of Czechoslovakia.
In raising their own two children, Gillian and Tristan, Jeff said that he and his wife, Mindy, recognize, "every generation needs to create its own world."
That means, Jeff explained, that his children will have to take their rich Jewish heritage and find their own path to living it and sharing it.
As for his father, Jeff said, Emil would wish to continue to inspire the Jewish community to support Israel, even with its inevitable imperfections, because it is so vital to the continuation of the Jewish people and religion. "He believed very strongly in Jewish history, language and culture," Jeff said.
Also on last week's Radio Chavura, Rabbi Yaakov Menken, founder of Project Genesis, and creator of many of its sites and programs, including, was interviewed. Based in Baltimore, Rabbi Menken described Project Genesis as one of the fastest-growing Jewish outreach programs, appealing to Jews of all affiliations, and to unaffiliated Jews.
Real Estate Listings*
Hilltop - Lowry - Aish Denver - Westside
Be Sure To Tell Them You Saw The Listing 'On the Radio'
4+ Bedrooms - Tri Level
Located at 509 S. Magnolia Lane in Winston Downs, this home boasts a great kitchen, eating space, large living-dining room, a cheerful family room and a main-floor utility room. Plenty of closet space. Double garage. Must see! Contact Ed Lampert, Ann Lampert Realty, Inc.
Be sure to tell Ed you saw this listing 'On the Radio'
Motivated Seller in Crestmoor Park
This remarkable property, priced for a quick sale, has a rich history of serving as a warm home for well-known local families. It's located at 295 S. Jasmine and weighs in at a roomy 3,203 square feet. Priced at $509,000 - a steal. Act quickly before it's gone. Contact Kevin Chambless at Re/Max Alliance, 720-273-1421.
Be sure to tell Kevin you saw this listing 'On the Radio'
* Radio Chavura will post free real estate listings for those selling or renting residential and commercial space in the Hilltop, Lowry, Aish Denver and Westside neighborhoods. Submit your listings to us:
AUGUST 18th: One-hour special High Holidays edition of Radio Chavura - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, 990 KRKS AM
 | Rabbi Gadi Levy |
- Rabbi Gadi and Eve Levy on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Jewish Marriages, presented by The Jewish Experience
- Cheryl and David Fellows, founders and publishers, The Boulder Jewish News
- Itamar Marcus, founder and director, Palestinian Media Watch
- Neil W. Levin, artistic director, Milken Archive of Jewish Music
Why wait? You can place your free personalized High Holiday greetings to family and friends in the special Radio Chavura 5774 New Year's Edition of our e-newsletter and program guide. Our colorful weekly digital guide reaches a wide cross-section of Colorado's Jewish community, stretching from Colorado Springs through greater Denver and the Front Range, to Boulder and Fort Collins.
In addition, your free New Year's greetings will be seen by Radio Chavura fans throughout the United States, as well as our increasing audience in Israel, Europe and Australia.
Even if you plan to send out individual greeting cards, this is a wonderful way to broadcast your best wishes to the widest possible circle of friends - a true Chavura! Participate now, here.

Radio Chavura Jewish Colorado Calendar
August 9 (Friday):
A Shabbat Weekend of Fun at JCC Ranch Camp in Elbert, Colorado. Begins Friday at 10 am and ends Sunday morning following a fabulous breakfast. A wonderful way to cap off the summer! Details from Melanie Gruenwald, family programs director, at
August 11 (Sunday):
NW Denver Jewish Community Picnic & BBQ at Berkeley Park, with the Denver Community Kollel. More information to follow.
The next Jewish & Widowed gathering, a picnic, will be held at 11:00 am at Cook Park. The event is free, but RSVPs are appreciated. Call Connie Suson at 303-399-0035 for more information. (See advertisement above)
A special EDOS membership meeting has been called at 8:30 pm. Eligible members are encouraged to come vote (on issues discussed during the semi-annual meeting) in person, or to send a proxy.
August 17 (Saturday):
Join members of Temple Emanuel for a Shabbat Morning Hike. 9:30 am. Visit for additional info and to register.
Temple Sinai Congregational Picnic at Centennial Center Park. 5 pm to 9 pm. Hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks and activities. Underwritten by the Brotherhood and Sisterhood. $20 per family or $5 for individuals. RSVP by Friday, August 10th, to Lisa Thorner at or 303-759-1827. 13050 E. Peakview Ave., Centennial, 80112.
August 18 (Sunday):
 | New Year's 5774 |
Special one-hour High Holidays broadcast edition of Radio Chavura on 990 KRKS AM. Airing from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, featuring special guests, music, and community-wide New Year's greetings. For sponsorship opportunities, contact us at 1-855-JEWISH-4 (855-539-4744).
Rodef Shalom Annual Picnic at Cook Park. 4 pm to 7 pm.
August 22 (Thursday):
Orientation meeting for Mishpacha!, Temple Micah's family education program, at 7:00 pm at 2600 Leyden Street * Denver * 80207
August 25 (Sunday):
The Jewish Women's Theatre Company (formerly the Jewish Denver Drama Girls), presents "Little Women: The Musical" at 1:30pm at Aish Denver (9550 East Belleview Avenue * Greenwood Village * 80111). Exclusively for female audience members age 6 and up. See advertisement above for details.
A Back To School New Year's Concert featuring the amazing a cappella talent of Boulder's FACE Vocal Band. Pre-register for only $10 ($50 family maximum), or pay $15 at the door ($60 family maximum). Hosted by the Loup JCC Denver, 350 S. Dahlia Street, 80246, in the Phillips Social Hall. Contact Melanie Gruenwald, family programs director, at for more information or to register.
Family Food, Fun, & Fitness Festival in Boulder, presented by Hadassah. 9 am to 1 pm at the Boulder JCC. Music by Kol No'ar (Har HaShem Youth Choir). Rock wall, Zumba, Archery, Healthy Snack Food Samples. 3800 Kalmia Avenue, Boulder. For information and to register: Sandy Friedman, co-president, Boulder Hadassah- See advertisement above.
11th Annual Keshet of the Rockies dinner, honoring Mrs. Ida Goldberger, Woman of Valor Award. BMH-BJ Congregation, 6 pm. Also presenting Student of the Year to
Nechama Zakroff and the Lev Tov Award to Avi and Shoshi Schwalb. For information and reservations, contact Liz Halpern at 303-591-5296 or Lola Zussman at 303-720-4643.
August 27 (Tuesday):
Presentation of the Allied Jewish Federation and Jewish Women's Philanthropy Center's 33rd Annual Golda Meir Award to Henny Kaufmann will take place at 11:00 am. Location TBA. RSVP at 303-316-6443. Cost is $50.
August 28 (Wednesday):
JCC Denver's High Holiday Highlights Prep Class: A thought-provoking and interactive class for mothers of other religious backgrounds raising Jewish children, exploring the themes of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. 9:15 am in the Board Room. Contact Melanie Gruenwald, family programs director, for more information or to register.
August 31 (Saturday):
The entire Jewish community is invited to the following Temple Micah events, beginning with Selichot services this Saturday: Erev Rosh Hashanah services, September 4th; Rosh Hashanah services, September 5th; Shabbat Shuva Hike at Bluf Lake, September 7th; Kol Nidre services, September 13th, Yom Kippur services. $120/family for one or two events; $240/individual for all events; $360/family for all events. Call Elaine Lee at 303-388-4239 x.1 for more information.
September 4 (Wednesday): Rosh Hashanah 5774 begins at sundown. October 1 (Tuesday): 
The entire community is invited to show its appreciation for the vital role played by Jewish day schools by attending the Denver Academy of Torah annual parlor meeting, to be held at Temple Sinai, the new home of the DAT High School. Among the evening's speakers will be Dean Rotbart, co-host of Radio Chavura. 6:30 pm. For more information, contact Kathy Bashari, DAT's director of development, at 720-941-6455.
October 24 (Thursday):
Join the East Denver Orthodox Synagogue community for its annual dinner, honoring
Mindy and Jeff Hecht and young leaders Avi Mehler and Shlomo Fried. Details to follow.
Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at:
Bookkeeper/Accountant Needed
If you are looking for a bookkeeper/accounting position on the West Side, please contact Rabbi S. Melamed at 303-893-2206.
Jewish Family Bloggers Wanted
The JCC Family Programs department is seeking people who are already blogging for young families or who are interested in becoming active bloggers. If you are interested, please contact Melanie Gruenwald at 303-316-6325 or by email:
Part-Time Sales Representative
Radio Chavura is seeking an experienced salesperson to help us expand our family of sponsors and advertisers. This is a perfect opportunity to help business owners and organizations reach our growing audience of Jewish and non-Jewish listeners and readers. If you have experience and enjoy sales, phone us at 1-855-JEWISH-4 (855-539-4744) for complete details.
Paid Journalism Interns
High school and college students who would like experience reporting and writing about the Denver Jewish community and producing this weekly newsletter and program guide are invited to contact either Maxwell or Dean: Paid positions are available year-round.
Share your Help Wanted positions with Colorado's vibrant Jewish community. We reach a wide cross-section of Jewish families and professionals. Contact us:
Jewish war veterans in Colorado have a rich and proud history of service to our nation and our local communities.
Since 1896, Jewish War Veterans of the USA has stood for Jewish pride, identity, and military service to our country.
Here in Denver, J-W-V Post 344 - the Captain Ellis David Greene chapter - actively works to honor and support veterans in general, and Jewish veterans and active duty personnel in particular.
Post 344 is looking to involve new members and leaders to help it carry on its important mission and perpetuate its many fine traditions - which include the fight against anti-Semitism and unwavering support for the State of Israel.
If you are an American Jewish veteran, members of J-W-V Post 344 would be honored to have you join their group and actively participate in their meetings and activities. If you are not a veteran, but know of one who has not yet joined J-W-V Post 344, we hope you'll alert eligible Jewish veterans to the opportunity.
For more information, contact Post Commander Jim Barnard at 303-791-6114.
J-W-V Post 344 also offers associate memberships to those who did not serve, but wish to show their support and appreciation.
We Welcome Your Support
Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community. It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.
If you would like to support our efforts and the unique role we play, you can now make a donation (in any amount of your choosing) using a credit card via PayPal. You need not be a PayPal member to contribute to Radio Chavura.
If you wish to use your donation in honor of a special occasion or as a memorial tribute, we are happy to make note of it in our weekly e-newsletter with a minimum donation of $18.
You may also mail your donation, made payable to Radio Chavura, to:
Radio Chavura Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart 200 Quebec Street Bldg 300 - #111-49 Denver, Colorado 80230
Thank you for being a part of our Radio Chavura.
Maxwell and Dean |
Aish Denver's Bikur Cholim (visiting the ill) Committee is in need of volunteers for driving, preparing meals, and visiting the ill. Please contact Mrs. Ilana Hamer at to participate.
Jewish & Widowed is looking for volunteers to staff its next event (August 11 at 11:00 am at Cook Park) and to bring watermelons and drinks. Contact Connie Suson at 303-399-0035 to participate.
For young Jewish couples/families welcoming a new baby into their family, the Robert E. Loup JCC Denver offers caring support, a connection to community resources, a way to meet other new parents, and a gift basket that includes, CDs, books, other fun gifts, and information on child development and parenting skills from Colorado Bright Beginnings. If you are a new parent or new to our community with a baby 6 months or younger, and would like a FREE Warm Welcome visit, please contact Jill Katchen at 303-316-6336.
The East Denver Eruv serves the Orthodox communities encompassing Hilltop, Lowry and surrounding areas. The Eruv relies on the support of everyone in the area to meet its annual operating budget. To donate contact Rabbi Daniel Alter or Andy Kark. The Eruv hotline is 303-836-3788. Visit
Tomchei Shabbat of Denver welcomes your support. Contact Elana Shapiro at 303-355-7173.
Reach more than 1,000 active and engaged members of Colorado's Jewish community by placing an advertisement for your upcoming event, fundraiser or job openings in our weekly e-newsletter. If you wish, we can also promote your special occasion on our weekly broadcast. Insertion rates begin at $18.
We are proud to reach a wide cross-section of interests and affiliations.
Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email:
Thanks to the following individuals whose keen eyes helped us identify articles of interest in recent editions:
Dr. Donald Salem, Nurit Greenger, Herzl Melmed, Cheryl and David Fellows, David Kimel, Jennifer Harris Schrutt, and Shirley Lewis.
Red Flag Warning of Anti-Semitism on the March!
If you spot a feature that is worth sharing, please email the URL to Talya at
Ikea Israel Customer
Did You Read About How the IKEA Store In Israel Handled A Customer Who Fell Asleep a a Display Bed? (The Blaze)
"I never saw anything like it," another eyewitness told the Hebrew news site.
ATTENTION: Day School Administrators and Synagogue Directors: This Life-Saving Jewish Safety Guide is For You! (
"The goal is to make people aware of areas they can work on and improve on them," he says. "We're giving them the easy tools for people to look at and be able to grade themselves."
VIDEO: This YouTube Post - 225,000-Plus Views- Features a Biting 5-Minute Monologue Exposing the Utter Hypocrisy of the United Nations and Its Israeli-Related Resolutions
What Gift Did The Jerusalem Post's Herb Keinon Bring When His Niece Was Recently Wed In Denver? (The Jerusalem Post)
Herb Heinon
What gift to give a bar or bat mitzva kid? How much to give for a wedding? Do you send invitations to people abroad whom you know will not be coming to your simcha - or is that just too obviously a request for a gift? Should the value of a present depend on your fondness for the person? Is it right to "go in" on a gift with others?
Israel, The Boycotters and The Islamic Emirate of France by Giulio Meotti (Israel National News)
Some brave Israeli writers, if there still are some out there, should also write a letter to France's newspapers, which have turned so prolific against Israel, proposing to label that country's goods as follows: "Produced in the territory of the former collaborationist Vichy regime and soon-to-be Islamic Emirate of France".
BDS Activist Appointed Student Regent at University of California Berkeley (Arutz Sheva)
Saifuddin is a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Muslim Students Association (MSA), as well as Students for Justice in Palestine.
Israel Will Be Damaged By EU's Economic Sanctions, But It Is Not Powerless by Caroline B. Glick (Jerusalem Post)
Israel has for years been operating under the misguided belief that the EU would eventually come around and side with Israel against its enemies.This belief has been informed by equal doses of innocence and wishful thinking. The EU's decision to initiate an economic war against the Jewish state forces Israel to abandon its long-held illusions.
Fatah Honors Terrorist for Murdering 61 Israelis (Arutz Sheva)
Barghouti is serving 67 life sentences for preparing explosives for terror attacks in which 67 people were murdered - Sbarro restaurant (15 killed, Aug. 9, 2001), Sheffield Club (15 killed, May 7, 2002), Moment Café (11 killed, March 9, 2002), triple attack at Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall (11 killed, Dec. 1, 2001), Hebrew University (9 killed, July 31, 2002), and Bus 4 in Tel Aviv (6 killed, Sept. 19, 2002).
19th Maccabiah Games Open - Israel Welcomes the World In Style (The Jerusalem Post)
The 19th Maccabiah Games opened with a phenomenal flourish at a jam-packed Teddy stadium in Jerusalem on Thursday night in which a dazzling display of lights and breathtaking fireworks set the sky - and all hearts in attendance - aflame.
Jewish pride was the prevalent sentiment as the opening ceremony welcomed more than 9,000 of the finest Jewish athletes as 78 delegations from around the world expressed their joy at being in Israel before an announced crowd of almost 35,000.
Israel Doesn't Need Anyone's Recognition by Ronn Terossian (Israel National News)
Imagine the world headlines if homosexuals were not permitted to board certain planes which emanated from New York's John F. Kennedy Airport? Could one imagine the world headlines? Or, even more so, if in the Year 2013 blacks weren't permitted to fly on a certain nations' national airline?
Yet that is what is happening to Jews and it's largely a non story. Saudi Arabian Airlines refuses to allow Israeli citizens to fly from American airports. So, while U.S. Federal law says an "air carrier or foreign air carrier may not subject a person in air transportation to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or ancestry", Saudi Arabia Airlines continues to operate from the U.S. Is discrimination ok if it's only directed at citizens of the Jewish State?
Israeli Swimmer Wins Gold Medal in Youth Olympics (Jerusalem Online)
The Israeli delegation in the European Youth Olympics in Utrecht saluted swimmer Mark Hinaui, who won the Gold Medal in the 400 meter freestyle heat, after finishing first and setting a new age group record. Hinaui finished with a time of 3:57.73 minutes and passed his achievement from a previous competition by 2 seconds. Delegation Head Danny Oren was heard screaming "Gold! We've won Gold!"
5 Videos Congress Should Watch Before Confirming Samantha Power as a New Ambassador (The Blaze)
1. U.N. Security Council Needs A Shakeup - And Permanent Islamic Member (2004)
2. Some Current Security Threats Stem From America's Past Human Rights Practices (2003) 3. War on Terror is Not An Excuse For Abetting Possible Genocide By Nations Like Russia (2002) 4. America Should Accept the Authority of The International Criminal Court (2003) 5. Obamacare is "Human Rights Leadership" (2012) Israel Is A Global Leader In Medical Innovation - Healing the World, Literally! The CrossFit Rabbi by Rabbi Levi Brackman ( Like fitness, the spiritual benefits one can gain from the religious practices of Judaism take effort and dedication.
Follow Talya on Facebook
* For additional current articles, videos and photos of interest throughout the week, follow Talya on Facebook.
It's Time to Address Jewish Day School Tuition
 Denver has five top-tier Jewish schools - Beth Jacob, Denver Academy of Torah, Denver Jewish Day School, Hillel Academy, and Yeshiva Toras Chaim.
Sadly, these schools are often under-funded, and parents increasingly must struggle to afford Jewish day school tuition.
As 2012 drew to a close, hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart shared two of their ideas for solving the day school tuition crisis without raising rates, refusing students, or turning to government funding. How is this possible?
Hear the full show online now by clicking here.
Listen to the full show - without music - by clicking here.
We invite you to share your thoughts on how to best fund Jewish day schools. Email: or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4.
Can't listen live to Radio Chavura? You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available for free from
This week's broadcast is not available in a No-Music version.
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Maxwell and Dean Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts |
Radio Chavura Is An Official Sponsor