Program Guide: July 21, 2013 (Av 14, 5773)
Collage by Avital Rotbart
Document Photo by Maxwell Rotbart
Jewish Travel: The Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri
Excerpt: What makes the Kansas City area so unique to Judaic scholars is that, in addition to housing a treasure trove of documents related to the founding of Israel in 1948, it was the location of Westport Men's Wear, a haberdashery on the corner of 39th and Main. Owned and operated by Eddie Jacobson, an old army acquaintance and business partner of Harry Truman from the late 1910s and early 1920s, Westport Men's Wear was the point of origination of a series of letters from Jacobson to Truman urging the President to recognize Israel's independence when it would be declared. Jacobson's position was in stark contrast to many of Truman's closest policy advisors, including Secretary of State George Marshall, who threatened to vote against the President in the November 1948 elections if Truman recognized the independence of the soon-to-be Jewish state. Historians generally recognize Jacobson as having had a profound influence on the President's decision to acknowledge the government established by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion on May 14, 1948. The street corner where Jacobson's shop once stood - one of the most important in American Jewish-Presidential history - has no plaque or marker to commemorate its special role. The intersection is now the home of a CVS pharmacy, an H&R Block, a local FM radio station, and a non-descript law office. To read the full article, click here. To see related photos, click here.
Invite your family and friends to join our Radio Chavura. Please share this weekly e-mail newsletter and encourage members of your community to subscribe. The more people who see our weekly newsletter, the more visibility we can provide to our local Jewish institutions, events and noteworthy individuals.
Every Sunday at 6:30 PM
990 KRKS AM in Denver
This Week on Radio Chavura
Groundbreaking Opportunity to Visit Jewish Cuba:
A Preview of the January '14 Boulder JCC Mission
For 30 to 40 Colorado residents, the trip will present a rare opportunity as Americans to experience first-hand the culture, history and people of the communist island nation. Rarer still, they'll be exploring Cuba through a Jewish lens.
Kathryn Bernheimer
Boulder JCC
Organized by Menorah and the Boulder Jewish Community Center, the 8-day, 7-night journey is structured as a learning and humanitarian undertaking, aimed at fostering a clearer understanding of Cuban Jewry, which saw its first significant wave of Jewish immigration as early as 1910.
Lore holds that Jews likely were among the crew of Columbus's voyage to the New World in 1492 and first docked in Cuba along with him. In 1906, according to the Jewish Virtual Library, 11 American Jews founded Cuba's first synagogue, which islanders consider the beginning of the modern Cuban Jewish era.
The Cuba mission is both the first organized excursion of any Boulder Jewish group to Cuba and the first travel experience being offered by the Boulder JCC.
Kathryn Bernheimer, the Boulder JCC's program director, who is coordinating the mission, has a very personal Cuba connection. She visited her German refugee grandparents in Cuba when she was only 6 or 7 years old, and her grandfather is buried there.
Bernheimer is the featured guest on the first segment of the July 21st edition of Radio Chavura, which can be heard at 6:30 pm on 990 KRKS AM in Denver. To hear the program online 24/7, click here.
"We not going to sit on the beach," Bernheimer tells hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart, who recently interviewed her in Boulder. In fact, all of the activities will revolve around the Cuban Jewish community, both past and present, including lectures; cultural exchanges with community members in Havana, Cienfuegos and Santa Clara; and visits to landmarks, such as the Jewish cemetery in Guanabacoa.
Prior to the revolution that brought Fidel Castro to power in 1959, the Cuban Jewish community numbered about 15,000. As of 2007, according to the New York Times, that number dwindled to an estimated 1,500.
"They are very much in decline and small today" Bernheimer says.
Escorting those travelling on the Boulder JCC mission will be Chicago's Miriam Levinson, herself a Cuban-born Jew, who has lead more than 100 such trips to Cuba since 2000.
"One of the things that appealed to me about Miriam is that she really understands Cuban Jewish History," says Bernheimer, praising Levinson's ability to spot the Jewish component of art and cultural icons that other tour guides would likely overlook.
While the Boulder JCC mission to Cuba will serve as a unique travel experience for those who participate, Bernheimer says she anticipates the benefits will also accrue to participants upon the group's return to Boulder, in the form of newly formed friendships, camaraderie, and a sense of local community.
Those interested in participating in the Boulder JCC Cuba mission have only until August 15th to register. The cost is $3,500 per person, double occupancy, not including roundtrip airfare to Miami, and some other incidental expenses.
The trip departs Miami on Tuesday, January 14th and returns to Colorado on Monday, January 21st. For more information, contact Bernheimer via
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Segment Sheini (2)
Dafna's Travels: The Lessons This Jewish
Community Leader Gathered Visiting All 50 States
[Hear the show now]
The ancient Greek, Diogenes of Sinope, went in search of an honest man. Dafna Michaelson Jenet of Denver went in search of problem solvers and idea generators. She had better luck.
In fact, Dafna, a dedicated member of the Colorado Jewish community and founder and president of The Journey Institute, traveled to all 50 states and Washington DC to hunt down people doing extraordinary things on behalf of their businesses and communities.
Dafna detests whiners. Her philosophy is straightforward: If you want to complain about some aspect of your business or community, then you have to be willing to do something about it. And if you can't do it yourself, find those who can and cheerlead for them.
This week during the second segment of Radio Chavura, Dafna explains how she's mobilizing people to solve their own problems.
Were You There? Who Do You Recognize?
Bais Menachem: Shmuel and Zeldy's Engagement Party
Radio Chavura: Year One's Most Popular Audios
These are the ten audios (broadcast and bonus) that attracted the most online listeners during our first season.
AUGUST 18th: One-hour special High Holidays edition of Radio Chavura - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, 990 KRKS AM
 | Beth Ginsberg The Bagel Store |
- Beth Ginsberg, owner, The Bagel Store. Making great-tasting kosher bagels is no simple task. Beth is a master of the art, and she tells Radio Chavura that she has a plan to bring fresh, hot bagels directly to your kitchen.
- Rabbi Yaakov Menken, founder, Project Genesis, creator of many Jewish websites, including
- Jeff Hecht discusses his family's roots and the legacy of his father, Emil, z'l
- Cheryl and David Fellows, founders and publishers, The Boulder Jewish News
Why wait? You can place your free personalized High Holiday greetings to family and friends in the special Radio Chavura 5774 New Year's Edition of our e-newsletter and program guide. Our colorful weekly digital guide reaches a wide cross-section of Colorado's Jewish community, stretching from Colorado Springs through greater Denver and the Front Range, to Boulder and Fort Collins.
In addition, your free New Year's greetings will be seen by Radio Chavura fans throughout the United States, as well as our increasing audience in Israel, Europe and Australia.
Even if you plan to send out individual greeting cards, this is a wonderful way to broadcast your best wishes to the widest possible circle of friends - a true Chavura! Participate now, here. 
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Special Announcement: Save A Life!
Jeff Helfman needs a Blood Stem Cell donor to survive Acute Myeloid Leukemia. We need to find a donor for him soon. Due to the nature of the disease, people from the same heritage have the best chance of being a match.
Jeff is of Jewish/Russian/Romanian/Moldovan descent. Because time is of the essence, if you fit this description, please call Chandra at 213-446-3798 to have a kit overnighted to you. All others, please go to and register today. It is a painless and simple procedure to register online at
In Our Community:
Share your special thanks, mazel tovs, birthdays, anniversaries and memories with the entire Radio Chavura community. Insertion rates begin at only $18.
Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email:
Yasher Koach: To Dr. Terry Samuel and Shlomo Fried for organizing the annual Yeshiva University Summer Kollel classes in Denver.
Mazel Tov: To Mindy and Jeff Hecht, who have been named the 2013 Honorees at the Annual EDOS dinner, to be held October 24th. Also Mazel Tov to Youth Leadership Award recipients Avi Mehler and Shlomo Fried. Jeff Hecht is scheduled to be an upcoming guest on Radio Chavura.
Mazel Tov: To Mara Leah Lampert and Nathanial Singer on their recent engagement. Parents are Ruth and Mark Lampert and Vivian and Phillip Singer.
Mazel Tov: To Noomi and Phillip Hirsch on the birth of a daughter, Shira, this week. Shira's siblings are Ari and Ezra Hirsch. Noomi's parents are Dr. Fred and Pia Hirsch.
Mazel Tov: Shevi and Phillip Brenig on the birth of a son. Grandparents are Agi and Yossi Fried and Mary and Jackie Brenig.
Mazel Tov: To Wally Halper, a member of East Denver Orthodox Synagogue, on his 85th birthday this week.
Mazel Tov: To Terri Smolensky and David Eshkenazi on their recent engagement.
Tzeitchem L'Shalom: To the Rapp Family, who leave Denver this week after spending the summer here, bringing engaging Judaic programming to our community.
Mazel Tov: To Cathy Smith and Matt Newman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, David, and to Amie and Ben Valore-Caplan on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Solomon, both held this past Shabbos in Boulder.
Thank You: To those families, businesses, and individuals who have made generous financial contributions to Radio Chavura recently, including: Shirley Lewis, Dr. James Ehrlich, Jim Storm, Tana and Richard Rosenberg ( Tana's Delights), Meir Cohen, and Alicia Vargo ( Pampered Passions).
Denver's Undiscovered Jewish-Community Treasure:
Awesome Kosher Cupcakes, Cookies and More

Listening to the first segment of last week's edition of Radio Chavura won't cost you a single calorie. But be forewarned, it could have a long-term impact on your diet. (And it's worth every belt and dress size.)
We were treated to an interview with Nancy Jacobson, owner of Denver's "undiscovered" kosher Flourpot Bake Shop, and her daughters, Chelsea and Jamie - who serve as the right and left hands of mom in the store.
While the Flourpot Bake Shop, located in the Aish Denver neighborhood, has been open for nearly three years, it only became kosher in November 2012. Many members of the Jewish community have yet to discover the truly delicious cupcakes, cookies and other baked goods that are Scroll K certified kosher and available both for catering and retail.
With all due respect to King Sooper's, which has a wonderful selection of kosher baked goods in some of its stores, the yummies at the Flourpot Bake Shop are unsurpassed in quality, taste, variety and value.
When friends and other guests (or even the in-laws) are coming over for Shabbos, you'll be proud to serve them delightful desserts from the Flourpot Bake Shop.
Nancy explains her decision to undertake the lengthy and complex transformation to all-kosher, as Maxwell and Dean sample the Flourpot's buttery cookies and cupcakes. All in the name of quality Jewish broadcast journalism.
Visit the Flourpot Bake Shop:
8923 E. Union Avenue Greenwood Village, 80111
Phone: 303-730-3131
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Segment Sheini (2)
On Nablus: Looking Back, Looking Forward
The city of Nablus (located in Israel, but under the control of the Palestinian Authority) has been on the mind of politically aware Jewish residents of Boulder for the past several months, as a proposal to the City Council to pair Nablus with Boulder as Sister Cities generated quite a bit of controversy.
Much of Boulder Jewry was torn between a desire to show altruism towards the Palestinian people, and a realization that the core backers of the Boulder-Nablus partnership were motivated primarily by anti-Semitism.
 | Bill Cohen
Photo from Boulder Jewish News |
Those who thought that a Boulder-Nablus Sister City program would be unwise included Rabbi Marc Soloway of Congregation Bonai Shalom; Rabbi Joshua Rose of Congregation Har Hashem; Scott Levin of the Anti-Defamation League; and a representative from the Jewish Community Relations Council.
The opposition coordinators of the Boulder-Nablus connection were residents Bill Cohen, Joan Nagel, and Jane Rubinstein. Despite the aggressive campaign conducted the advocates of the Boulder-Nablus partnership, the bill was defeated at a City Council meeting on June 10th by a vote of 7-2.
For Bill Cohen, the debate hearkened back to a similar proposal which he fought in the 1980s - to link Boulder with Dushanbe, the capital of Soviet Tajikistan.
Cohen was the second-segment guest last week on Radio Chavura. Cohen recalled that as Boulder pondered becoming Sister Cities with Dushanbe, much of world Jewry was focused on human rights violations in the USSR and the plight of the Refuseniks, Jews who were denied permission to emigrate to Israel.
"[I] decided to look into the question of were there Jews in Tajikistan, in Dushanbe - because most of us had never heard of it, and if so were there Refuseniks there," Cohen said. He found that, indeed, Tajikistan boasted a Jewish population of around 20,000 - one hundred of whom were classified as Refuseniks. So he launched an education campaign similar to the 2013 anti-Nablus effort.
Dushanbe eventually became one of Boulder's Sister Cities in 1987, but not without considerable attention to the plight of Soviet Jewry and the Refusenik population.
Although Cohen stood against the Boulder-Nablus proposal because of its highly-politicized nature and anti-Israel roots, he says he still hopes to find ways to increase cooperation between the residents of Boulder and the true peace partners among the Palestinians.
Indeed, after months of fighting the proposed Boulder-Nablus Sister City Program, Cohen plans to meet with community leaders to determine how to make a similar partnership viable for the future.
Through Sunday, September 1st, you can help your favorite Denver-area Jewish charity win a $1,000 publicity package, donated by Radio Chavura. There is zero cost or obligation to participate.
To help, simply tell us which Jewish charity you'd like to see receive our prize. It takes less than a minute to cast your ballot here.
 You can also register by depositing your business card or registration form at:

Radio Chavura Jewish Colorado Calendar
July 22 (Monday):
Communicating with People with Alzheimer's Disease: Part 2; With David Hoppe of the Colorado Alzheimer's Association; at the HEA Chapel; 6:30 - 8:30 pm; RSVP appreciated to Naomi Kirshner.
L'Dor v'Dor: Jewish Grandparent University - Teaching grandparents and grandparents-to-be 'best practices' in supporting your children throughout the new-parenting process; Facilitated by Daniel Hettleman, Ph.D., P.C.; 6:30 - 8:30 pm; $18/person. Jewish Community Center. Contact Melanie Gruenwald, family programs director, for more information or to register.
July 23 (Tuesday):
Julie Geller
Poolside concert featuring Julie Geller, presented by JCC Family Programs at the JCC outdoor pool. Part of the Family Summer Concert Series. 10:30 am. $5. Free for Sports & Fitness members.
July 24 (Wednesday)
Merkaz Summer Shiurim lecture by Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim, "Ascending, Befriending, Amending." 8 pm. 295 S. Locust St.
July 25 (Thursday):
An update on Temple Sinai's Building for Our Future Project will be held at 5:15 pm, to be followed by the summer concert (next item). 3509 S. Glencoe Street, Denver, 80237. Phone: 303-759-0755.
Temple Sinai Summer Courtyard Concert Festival featuring Saul Kaye, Jewish Blues Musician. Opening act: Bryan Zive and Kol Echad. BBQ food for sale. 6 pm See for pricing. Or phone Chazzan Bryan Zive at 303-759-1827.
July 26 (Friday):
Jewish Astrology: Signs of the Zodiac - The Myths. The Lies. The Fantasy. Community Shabbat dinner at the
Western Center for Russian Jewry (295 S. Locust Street, Denver, 80224). $18/person, $30 couple, $40/family. Sponsor at $180; RSVP to Rabbi Sirota at 303-355-8223 or 303-437-4728.
July 27 (Saturday):
Music, Belief and the Soul: A Discussion with Rabbi Josh Rose and Michael Christie, director, Colorado Music Festival. Exploring the relationship between the musical and religious themes in Ernst Bloch's Sacred Service. Congregation Har HaShem in Boulder. 7 pm. Free. RSVP here.
July 28 (Sunday):
Ekar's 4th Annual Tour de Farm bike ride. 8 am to 1 pm. A 16-mile bike ride from
Ekar Farm to Delaney Farm and back along the High Land Canal bike path. More than 125 riders are expected. All proceeds directly benefit Ekar's programming and donation of produce to Jewish Family Service's Weinberg Food Pantry. $25 for each rider over 13 years old. $5 for children under 13. $70 maximum fee per family. Details and registration:
- DAT Minyan family trip to Boondocks Fun Center in Northglen, featuring bumper boats, go-karts, miniature golf and much more. Save the date!
- 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Runs through Tuesday, July 30th. Keynotes: Dr. Jane Gerber, author of "The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience," and Dr. Gretchen Starr-LeBeau, author of "In the Shadow of the Virgin: Inquisitors, Friars, and Conversos in Guadalupe, Spain." For additional details and registration, click here.
Attend 'Jazz in the Park' with JConnect starting at 6:00 pm in City Park. For details, contact Danielle Menditch.
July 29 (Monday):
Colorado Hebrew Chorale's Annual Summer Sight-Singing Romp. You be the chorus! 7:30 pm at the Hebrew Educational Alliance, 3600 S. Ivanhoe Street, Denver, 80237. Info and RSVP at 303-355-0232. Contact: Carol Kozak Ward. July 30 (Tuesday):
Tour the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration in Boulder with the Hebrew Educational Alliance.1:00 pm. NOAA David Skaggs Research Center, 325 Broadway, Boulder, 80305. Free. RSVP at 303-497-4091. Be prepared to present valid photo ID card.
July 31 (Wednesday):
Picnic and Rocky Mountain Jewgrass Concert at Four Mile Park; Music starts at 6:30 pm; Tickets are $10 at the gate ($7 for Swallow Hill members, seniors and those who bike to the event). $2 for children 12 and under.
August 2 (Friday): Temple Micah will host a Shabbat-in-the-Park for kids at Cheesman Park. 6 pm.
August 3 (Saturday):
A Nechama Z event featuring musical artist Zevi Kaufman at East Denver Orthodox Synagogue. In conjunction with Chai-Life. 10 pm. FREE. For more details, keep watch on the Facebook page of Elise Hamburger Zakroff, who is enthusiastically helping to promote the event.
August 9 (Friday):
A Shabbat Weekend of Fun at JCC Ranch Camp in Elbert, Colorado. Begins Friday at 10 am and ends Sunday morning following a fabulous breakfast. A wonderful way to cap off the summer! Details from Melanie Gruenwald, family programs director, at
August 11 (Sunday): NW Denver Jewish Community Picnic & BBQ at Berkeley Park, with the Denver Community Kollel. More information to follow. August 17 (Saturday):
Join members of Temple Emanuel for a Shabbat Morning Hike. 9:30 am. Visit for additional info and to register.
Temple Sinai Congregational Picnic at Centennial Center Park. 5 pm to 9 pm. Hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks and activities. Underwritten by the Brotherhood and Sisterhood. $20 per family or $5 for individuals. RSVP by Friday, August 10th, to Lisa Thorner at or 303-759-1827. 13050 E. Peakview Ave., Centennial, 80112.
August 18 (Sunday):
 | New Year's 5774 |
Special one-hour High Holidays broadcast edition of Radio Chavura on 990 KRKS AM. Airing from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, featuring special guests, music, and community-wide New Year's greetings. For sponsorship opportunities, contact us at 1-855-JEWISH-4 (855-539-4744). Rodef Shalom Annual Picnic at Cook Park. 4 pm to 7 pm. August 25 (Sunday): A Back To School New Year's Concert featuring the amazing a cappella talent of Boulder's FACE Vocal Band. Pre-register for only $10 ($50 family maximum), or pay $15 at the door ($60 family maximum). Hosted by the Loup JCC Denver, 350 S. Dahlia Street, 80246, in the Phillips Social Hall. Contact Melanie Gruenwald, family programs director, at for more information or to register.
Family Food, Fun, & Fitness Festival in Boulder, presented by Hadassah. 9 am to 1 pm at the Boulder JCC. Music by Kol No'ar (Har HaShem Youth Choir). Rock wall, Zumba, Archery, Healthy Snack Food Samples. 3800 Kalmia Avenue, Boulder. For information and to register: Sandy Friedman, co-president, Boulder Hadassah- See advertisement below.
 | Mrs. Goldberger |
11th Annual Keshet of the Rockies dinner, honoring Mrs. Ida Goldberger, Woman of Valor Award. BMH-BJ Congregation, 6 pm. Also presenting Student of the Year to
Nechama Zakroff and the Lev Tov Award to Avi and Shoshi Schwalb. For information and reservations, contact Lola Zussman at 303-720-4643.
August 28 (Wednesday):
JCC Denver's High Holiday Highlights Prep Class: A thought-provoking and interactive class for mothers of other religious backgrounds raising Jewish children, exploring the themes of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. 9:15 am in the Board Room. Contact Melanie Gruenwald, family programs director, for more information or to register.
September 4 (Wednesday): Rosh Hashanah 5774 begins at sundown. October 24 (Thursday): Join the East Denver Orthodox Synagogue community for their annual dinner, honoring Mindy and Jeff Hecht and young leaders Avi Mehler and Shlomo Fried. Details to follow.
 | Click on ad to view and purchase |
- Temple Sinai Israel Tour - March 26 to April 6, 2014. Led by Rabbis Rick and Susan Rheins. Visit Tel Aviv, Caesaria, Ramat HaNegev, Masada, the Dead Sea and, of course, Jerusalem.
- Women's Israel Trip with Tammy Dollin - October 27 to November 6, 2013. Interact with Israeli women making a difference, including members of the Knesset and the military. Includes a jeep tour in the Judean desert at night and an afternoon at the luxurious spa in Rosh Pina. Information: or 303-246-1943.
- Colorado Community Mega Mission to Israel - December 7 to December 17, 2013. A
solidarity trip featuring briefings by political and media analysts. Sponsored by Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado. Phone: 303-316-6499.
Energetic, Inspiring High-School Educator
Congregation Rodef Shalom is seeking a part-time Coordinator who is self-motivated, innovative and passionate about teens and Jewish education to start a high school program for 8th - 10th grade. He/she will be an energetic and positive role model and will create meaningful, inspiring and inclusive programming for our high school students. The Coordinator will report to the Education Committee and Executive Director and work closely with other members of the synagogue's educational team.
The position will require an average of 10-15 hours per month. Send resume to Sandy Greene
Bookkeeper/Accountant Needed
If you are looking for a bookkeeper/accounting position on the West Side, please contact Rabbi S. Melamed at 303-893-2206.
Jewish Family Bloggers Wanted
The JCC Family Programs department is seeking people who are already blogging for young families or who are interested in becoming active bloggers. If you are interested, please contact Melanie Gruenwald at 303-316-6325 or by email:
Part-Time Sales Representative
Radio Chavura is seeking an experienced salesperson to help us expand our family of sponsors and advertisers. This is a perfect opportunity to help business owners and organizations reach our growing audience of Jewish and non-Jewish listeners and readers. If you have experience and enjoy sales, phone us at 1-855-JEWISH-4 (855-539-4744) for complete details.
Paid Journalism Interns
High school and college students who would like experience reporting and writing about the Denver Jewish community and producing this weekly newsletter and program guide are invited to contact either Maxwell or Dean: Paid positions are available year-round.
Share your Help Wanted positions with Colorado's vibrant Jewish community. We reach a wide cross-section of Jewish families and professionals. Contact us:
Jewish war veterans in Colorado have a rich and proud history of service to our nation and our local communities.
Since 1896, Jewish War Veterans of the USA has stood for Jewish pride, identity, and military service to our country.
Here in Denver, J-W-V Post 344 - the Captain Ellis David Greene chapter - actively works to honor and support veterans in general, and Jewish veterans and active duty personnel in particular.
Post 344 is looking to involve new members and leaders to help it carry on its important mission and perpetuate its many fine traditions - which include the fight against anti-Semitism and unwavering support for the State of Israel.
If you are an American Jewish veteran, members of J-W-V Post 344 would be honored to have you join their group and actively participate in their meetings and activities. If you are not a veteran, but know of one who has not yet joined J-W-V Post 344, we hope you'll alert eligible Jewish veterans to the opportunity.
For more information, contact Post Commander Jim Barnard at 303-791-6114.
J-W-V Post 344 also offers associate memberships to those who did not serve, but wish to show their support and appreciation.
Return to the index above
We Welcome Your Support
Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community. It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.
If you would like to support our efforts and the unique role we play, you can now make a donation (in any amount of your choosing) using a credit card via PayPal. You need not be a PayPal member to contribute to Radio Chavura.
If you wish to use your donation in honor of a special occasion or as a memorial tribute, we are happy to make note of it in our weekly e-newsletter with a minimum donation of $18.
You may also mail your donation, made payable to Radio Chavura, to:
Radio Chavura Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart 200 Quebec Street Bldg 300 - #111-49 Denver, Colorado 80230
Thank you for being a part of our Radio Chavura.
Maxwell and Dean |
For young Jewish couples/families welcoming a new baby into their family, the Robert E. Loup JCC Denver offers caring support, a connection to community resources, a way to meet other new parents, and a gift basket that includes, CDs, books, other fun gifts, and information on child development and parenting skills from Colorado Bright Beginnings. If you are a new parent or new to our community with a baby 6 months or younger, and would like a FREE Warm Welcome visit, please contact Jill Katchen at 303-316-6336.
 | Sorah Larimer |
The Torah Fashion District of Denver is a collaboration of small businesses that cater to women, teens and children who prefer to dress in a modest manner. Appointments and fashion consultations are available. Contact Sorah Larimer at 720-854-9328.
Rabbi Levitt
Rabbi Refoel Levitt, a gifted educator and scholar, is accepting summertime Judaic Studies tutoring and enrichment assignments for either adults or children. Both individuals and group are welcome.
Contact Rabbi Levitt at 303-329-8226.
The East Denver Eruv serves the Orthodox communities encompassing Hilltop, Lowry and surrounding areas. The Eruv relies on the support of everyone in the area to meet its annual operating budget. To donate contact Rabbi Daniel Alter or Andy Kark. The Eruv hotline is 303-836-3788. Visit
Tomchei Shabbat of Denver welcomes your support. Contact Elana Shapiro at 303-355-7173.
Reach more than 800 active and engaged members of Colorado's Jewish community by placing an advertisement for your upcoming event, fundraiser or job openings in our weekly e-newsletter. If you wish, we can also promote your special occasion on our weekly broadcast. Insertion rates begin at $18.
We are proud to reach a wide cross-section of interests and affiliations.
Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email:
Thanks to the following individuals whose keen eyes helped us identify articles of interest in recent editions:
Dr. Donald Salem, Nurit Greenger, Herzl Melmed, Cheryl and David Fellows, David Kimel, Jennifer Harris Schrutt, and Shirley Lewis.
If you spot a feature that is worth sharing, please email the URL to Talya at
19th Maccabiah Games Open - Israel Welcomes the World In Style (The Jerusalem Post)
The 19th Maccabiah Games opened with a phenomenal flourish at a jam-packed Teddy stadium in Jerusalem on Thursday night in which a dazzling display of lights and breathtaking fireworks set the sky - and all hearts in attendance - aflame.
Jewish pride was the prevalent sentiment as the opening ceremony welcomed more than 9,000 of the finest Jewish athletes as 78 delegations from around the world expressed their joy at being in Israel before an announced crowd of almost 35,000.
Israel Doesn't Need Anyone's Recognition by Ronn Terossian (Israel National News)
Imagine the world headlines if homosexuals were not permitted to board certain planes which emanated from New York's John F. Kennedy Airport? Could one imagine the world headlines? Or, even more so, if in the Year 2013 blacks weren't permitted to fly on a certain nations' national airline?
Yet that is what is happening to Jews and it's largely a non story. Saudi Arabian Airlines refuses to allow Israeli citizens to fly from American airports. So, while U.S. Federal law says an "air carrier or foreign air carrier may not subject a person in air transportation to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or ancestry", Saudi Arabia Airlines continues to operate from the U.S. Is discrimination ok if it's only directed at citizens of the Jewish State?
Israeli Swimmer Wins Gold Medal in Youth Olympics (Jerusalem Online)
The Israeli delegation in the European Youth Olympics in Utrecht saluted swimmer Mark Hinaui, who won the Gold Medal in the 400 meter freestyle heat, after finishing first and setting a new age group record. Hinaui finished with a time of 3:57.73 minutes and passed his achievement from a previous competition by 2 seconds. Delegation Head Danny Oren was heard screaming "Gold! We've won Gold!"
5 Videos Congress Should Watch Before Confirming Samantha Power as a New Ambassador (The Blaze)
1. U.N. Security Council Needs A Shakeup - And Permanent Islamic Member (2004)
2. Some Current Security Threats Stem From America's Past Human Rights Practices (2003) 3. War on Terror is Not An Excuse For Abetting Possible Genocide By Nations Like Russia (2002) 4. America Should Accept the Authority of The International Criminal Court (2003) 5. Obamacare is "Human Rights Leadership" (2012)
Israel Is A Global Leader In Medical Innovation - Healing the World, Literally! It is a Question of Justice, Decency and Mercy by Giulio Meotti (Arutz Sheva) The Arabs who murdered Baruch Goldstein have never been brought to trial. The Shamgar Commission, a whitewash and coverup for Israeli government responsibility, in its investigation shows that Dr. Goldstein's act was not an unprovoked act of violence, but a pre-emptive strike against a looming Arab pogrom of the Jewish population of Hevron. More than forty Jews have been killed in Hevron since 1993. But only one incident, that of Baruch Goldstein, was considered worthy of attention by the international press. The CrossFit Rabbi by Rabbi Levi Brackman( Like fitness, the spiritual benefits one can gain from the religious practices of Judaism take effort and dedication. 'Kosher Cowboy' Wants Every Jewish Door in Montana to Have a Mezuzah (USA Today) Montana's small Jewish population is scattered across a huge U.S. state that has more rodeos than rabbis, but one man is logging thousands of miles (kilometers) to seek out the faithful one doorway at a time. Egypt's Future: There Are the Dreams and Then There is the Reality ( There are only three things that are knowable about the future of Egypt. First it will be poor. Egypt is a failed state. It cannot feed its people. It has failed to educate its people. It has no private sector to speak of. It has no foreign investment. VIDEO: The National Anthem - Hasidic Baseball Version The Shadow War Against Syria's Christians (National Review) Though no religious community has been spared egregious suffering, Syria's ancient Christian minority has cause to believe that it confronts an 'existential threat.' BBYO Teens Helped Repair Hurricane Sandy Damage (JSpace) The teens were separated into two groups. One group of 25 volunteers beautified the main entrance of a residential area, while another 65 teens began work on a sustainable greenhouse made out of water bottles. The kids also shoveled mulch, sorted clothes and distributed food.
RECIPE: Kosher Cheese Bourekas by The Shiksa in the Kitchen An Israeli Soldier's Mother: July 4th Memories by Paula R. Stern (Arutz Sheva) The Israeli air force had flown 1,500 miles under the radar, undetected. They'd landed in Entebbe, and the hostages were free. The ships sailed quietly along the Hudson but those of us listening to that radio were distracted, desperate to hear what was happening. It was the first time in days I felt like smiling, like cheering - and as I looked at the ships, I thought - this is on the river, and there in Africa. Israeli Satirist, Ronit Avrahamof Shapira, and Her Family Survive Rock Terror Ambush (Israel National News) "Pieces of glass everywhere. On my body, in every possible place, on our babies. They are reclining innocently in their seats and a million bits of glass, large and small, cover them. And a kind of glass dust, that only G-d knows how to clean off of them. And off of me." Why Are So Many Jewish Parents Opting Not to Vaccinate Their Kids for HPV? (Tablet Magazine) Two friends also said they felt the vaccine was a way of slut-shaming girls (who are still the primary recipients of the vaccine; not many parents know that it's now recommended for boys as well), trying to make them fear sex. U.S. Congressman Louis Gohmert - Another Strong Friend of Israel (Arutz Sheva)  |
Ronit Avrahamof Shapira
"If Israel lays down its weapons, there will be no Israel. If the Palestinians lay down their weapons there will be peace." 'How Dare You Accuse Me of Murder" - Pamela Geller (The Blaze) "My ads said, 'in any war between the civilized man and the savage, you support the civilized man. Defeat jihad. Support Israel.' Are you supporting jihad? Is that what you're saying?" Yaakov Lappin: Hamas Grows Stronger in Gaza, Again (Jerusalem Post) Hamas is entrenching itself further as the sovereign, and rearming itself with rockets. It once again has thousands of short-range rockets - around 5,000 of them - and possesses medium-range rockets which can strike greater Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Europe is In Denial Over the Cost of Trying to Appease Its Growing Arab Population (FrontPage Mag) We're talking here about people... who were brought up to believe that the lesson of World War II is to exalt peaceful coexistence above all else and to reject the idea of fighting for anything; people who were raised with thoroughly secular identities and who consequently don't care very much what they put on the dotted line above the word "religion"; people who just want to be left alone (but who don't yet quite grasp, alas, that Islam is the religion that never leaves you alone). We're talking, in short, of the triumph of pragmatism (tragically misguided though it may be) over principle.
 Israeli Researcher Helps Unlock Key to Naked Mole Rat Cancer Immunity (Jspace) Demagoguery: Demography Does Not Threaten Israel's Future ( It is Israel's Jewish population that is undergoing a remarkable surge, rising from about 80,000 per year in 1995 to 130,000 in 2012. "Anyone suggesting that Jews are doomed to become a minority west of the Jordan River is either dramatically mistaken or outrageously misleading." Camp Inc. Heads West (Boulder Jewish News) Not only will we be reaching students from pretty much every high school in America, we'll also be speaking with high school teachers and advisers who can then go back to their respective schools and spread the word about Camp Inc.  |
Orthodox Rapper: Nissim Black
The Journey from D-Black, Hip-Hop Artist, to Nissim Black, Orthodox Jew (JTA) Newlywed with an infant girl and then called Damian Black, he found himself at a crossroad after a friend was shot and killed at a nightclub where Black had been performing. Soon after, he lost his day job working with autistic children. The Investigative Project on Terrorism: Yusuf Qaradawi's Deputy Visits the White House Bin Bayyah is vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), a group founded by and headed by Qaradawi. The IUMS has a long history of supporting Hamas - a top Hamas leader is an IUMS member - and of calling for Israel's destruction. Palestinians: "No Jews Allowed!" (Gatestone Institute) What is clear is that Palestinian Authority officials do not hesitate to state in public that they do not want to meet with any Jew or Israeli. Our Money Buying School Books that Show No Trace of Israel's Existence (Arutz Sheva) The funding for the schools are provided by Western countries, led by the US, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia and others. If Israel Has No Right To Exist, What Is America's Right to Exist? by Michael Medved ( No Arab nation ever existed in this area, only ill-defined pieces of various Islamic, Turkic, Byzantine and Roman empires over the course of 2,000 years. The only time any national identity existed centered on this particular piece of real estate, that national identity was Jewish. Muslim Television Miniseries Aims To Expose the 'Naked Truth' About the Jews and their Untrustworthiness (Commentary) The popularity of such smears should send a chill down the backs of those who continue to argue that Palestinians and the Arab world are ready to give up their hundred-year-old war to eradicate the Jewish presence in the region. Jewish Civil Rights and Privatization by Caroline Glick ( The supposedly grassroots groups of local rioters - including children - attacking IDF soldiers and Israeli civilians with bullets, firebombs and stones are not at all independent or grassroots. They are wholly owned and operated franchises of the PA. And the ones leading the attacks are the US-trained Palestinian security services.
The Religion News Service accepts as fact "Israel's land confiscation, home demolitions, and the segregated systems of transportation, water, and laws that discriminate against Christians and Muslims."
What is Religion News Service? A non-profit group, based at the publicly owned
University of Missouri School of Journalism, that strives "to inform, illuminate and inspire public discourse on matters relating to belief and convictions." Except, of course, when it comes to Israel and the Jews.
Who's on the RNS Advisory Board?
Bob Mong, editor, Dallas Morning News
Gustav Niebuhr, associate professor in Religion and Media, Syracuse University
Ari L. Goldman, professor of journalism, Columbia University
Samuel G. Freedman,On Religion columnist,The New York Times;
Charles C. Haynes, senior scholar, First Amendment Center and director of Religious Freedom Education Project, Newseum; and others.
Why not take a few minutes to write or phone these Board members and ask them when they began supporting such biased, uninformed, propaganda passing itself off as journalism?
Tori Ave
Shmaltz has embraced its Jewish side with a gusto unmatched by any of the others. Its newest addition, David's Slingshot Hoppy Lager, joins a host of quirky labels including Funky Jewbilation, Hop Manna, Genesis Dry Hopped Session Ale, Messiah Nut Brown Ale and Rejewvenator.
The World Is Beating A Path to Israel in a Rush to Partner with its Tech Companies (Israel National News)
Over a dozen foreign delegations visited the 2013 BioMed show, sponsored by IATA, an organization that promotes Israel's high-tech industry.
Is It Possible that al-Qaeda Is Behind Colorado's Black Forest Fire? (Atlas Shrugged)
Fire wars are not limited to Europe and the U.S. Palestinan jihadists have been setting fire to Israel's modest forests for many years. However, political correctness seems to override Israeli and Russian warnings of that jihadist modus operandi. How many Tzarnaevs are hiding in Colorado's woods?
Meet the Famous Israeli Singer Who Has Taken His Talents to Branson, Missouri (TheBlaze)
Fisher's father was saved from the Nazis and Polish vigilantes by a Christian family in Poland during World War II. The couple, Alfred and Maria Kwarchak, hid 17 members of Fisher's family in a bunker for 18 months and were later recognized by Israel's Holocaust memorial museum Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations.
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* For additional current articles, videos and photos of interest throughout the week, follow Talya on Facebook.
It's Time to Address Jewish Day School Tuition
 Denver has five top-tier Jewish schools - Beth Jacob, Denver Academy of Torah, Denver Jewish Day School, Hillel Academy, and Yeshiva Toras Chaim.
Sadly, these schools are often under-funded, and parents increasingly must struggle to afford Jewish day school tuition.
As 2012 drew to a close, hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart shared two of their ideas for solving the day school tuition crisis without raising rates, refusing students, or turning to government funding. How is this possible?
Hear the full show online now by clicking here.
Listen to the full show - without music - by clicking here.
We invite you to share your thoughts on how to best fund Jewish day schools. Email: or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4.
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