Program Guide: July 7, 2013 (Tammuz 29, 5773)
'Look, let's show leadership.... What other country in the world doesn't get to name its own capital?'
COMMUNITY NEWS: (Click to read)
The 17th Annual Leadville Jewish Cemetery cleanup * Limoncello, the latest piano composition from Denver Jewish Day School student Yoni Gottlieb * Rabbi Sara Gilbert * Visitors: Rabbi Shmuel Gluck, Rabbi Dani and Dr. Chaya Rapp, and Ari and Meira Federgrun * Wedding: Shmuel Engel and Zeldy Duchman * Birthdays: Jack Greenwald and Jeffrey Mechanik * Rabbi Menachem Tenenbaum
- Radio Chavura begins its second season, featuring an exclusive interview with U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05). His record of supporting Israel is impeccable.
- Read new articles about our exclusive second-season interview with U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn
- Cranberry: U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn defies stereotypes in his ardent support of Israel
- U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn to receive Jewish community award
 | Volunteers at last week's Leadville Cemetery Cleanup
Photo by Avital Rotbart |
Awesome Certified Kosher Cupcakes and Baked Goods
Once You've Tasted Them, There Is No Going Back!!
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Greenwood Village, 80111
Phone: 303-730-3131

Invite your family and friends to join our Radio Chavura. Please share this weekly e-mail newsletter and encourage members of your community to subscribe. The more people who see our weekly newsletter, the more visibility we can provide to our local Jewish institutions, events and noteworthy individuals.
Every Sunday at 6:30 PM
990 KRKS AM in Denver
U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn Explains His
Unwavering Support for Israel and Its Origins
A Pillar of the Colorado Jewish Community
One of Israel's staunchest allies in the U.S. House of Representatives is Congressman Doug Lamborn, representing Colorado's 5th District.
As the co-chair of the bipartisan Israel Allies Caucus, and co-chair of the Republican Israel Caucus, Congressman Lamborn is a consistent and strong supporter of the special strategic, economic and cultural ties that exist between the United States and Israel. In recognition of his dedication to the welfare of the people of Colorado and his unwavering support for the State of Israel, Congressman Lamborn will receive the " Pillars of the Colorado Jewish Community" award during tonight's special broadcast of Radio Chavura, marking the start of our second year on the air. Part of what makes Congressman Lamborn's support of Israel so remarkable is that his district - encompassing Colorado Springs and Buena Vista - is anything but a "Jewish" district. Indeed, Congressman Lamborn represents a minuscule Jewish population, estimated at only 500 families,  So why does he stand steadfast with Israel? Congressman Lamborn explains that he backs Israel because doing so is the right thing to do morally, is consistent with the best interests of America, and because his strongly held Christian values are closely aligned with a pro-Israel stance. Congressman Lamborn's actions match up with his rhetoric. Three times since he first took office in 2007, Congressman Lamborn has led the effort to pass legislation that would relocate the United States Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (the country's lawful capital). He has also been the lead sponsor of a legislative amendment that would prohibit the distribution of taxpayer funds to any individual, private entity or government that does not expressly recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist. In tonight's exclusive sit-down interview with Congressman Lamborn, taped recently at the studios of 1460 KZNT AM in Colorado Springs, we discuss the roots of the Congressman's awareness of the special role that Israel plays in the world and its friendship with the United States. We also talk about his strong Christian faith and values - shared with his wife, Jeanie - and how they have deepened his respect for the State of Israel. In particular, Congressman Lamborn notes the Biblical verse, where G-d speaks to Abraham, saying " And I will bless those who bless you and curse him who curses you (Genesis 12:3)." Among other topics that Congressman Lamborn covers are the reasons why the U.S. and Israel are so often the target of radical Islamic groups and whether America's support of Israel makes it a greater target for terrorists. Congressman Lamborn also serves on the Congressional Task Force Against Anti-Semitism and the International Religious Freedom Caucus. Those wishing to comment on Congressman Lamborn's support of Israel may visit his website, or call him at 719-520-0055.
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Were You There? Who Do You Recognize?
On June 30th, the Radio Chavura crew made the 107-mile drive to Leadville to chronicle the annual "Hebrew Cemetery" cleanup, which attracted more than 50 volunteers from Denver, Buena Vista, Aspen, Vail and surrounding towns.
The cemetery, which has been in active use since 1880 (the most recent funeral held there was that of one-time state historian - and Jewish Leadville descendent - Stanley Oliner in 2012), was neglected for many years, the exact location of many of its grave sites unknown.
That was before Bill Korn, a guest on the May 12th edition of Radio Chavura, started investigating and became a driving force behind the Leadville Cemetery cleanup, now in its 17th year. The event is organized by B'nai B'rith in Denver.
Sponsors of this year's cleanup included The Temple Israel Foundation, B'nai Vail Congregation, Synagogue of the Summit, The Aspen Jewish Congregation, BBYO, Birthright Israel Next Colorado, Chabad of Vail, and JConnect.
Radio Chavura: Year One's Most Popular Audios
These are the ten audios (broadcast and bonus) that have attracted the most online listeners over the past 52 weeks:
Season Two Begins Tonight:
Radio Chavura 2.0 - The Spirit of the Colorado Jewish Community
Today marks the successful conclusion of one year on the air and the start of our second broadcast season of Radio Chavura.
Over the course of the past 12 months, we have been privileged to interview more than 100 upstanding members of the Colorado, U.S., and global Jewish communities.
Every week, we welcome new loyal subscribers to our weekly e-newsletter (thank you!) and count a growing body of listeners who stream or download our program 24/7 online. With our newly redesigned website, also launching today, it is easier than ever to listen to past episodes.
We now enjoy regular online listeners in every state and on every continent (except Antarctica). Colorado, of course, is our largest market, but we also attract a sizable listening audience in California, New York, Washington (state), Washington D.C., Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.
Overseas, we have many listeners in Israel and throughout western Europe. But we also reach a diverse group of countries, including Japan, Mongolia, Chile, and Morocco. One of our largest foreign markets, go figure, is Beijing, China.
Our exclusive Chavura photographs, most of them taken by Avital Rotbart, have been viewed thousands of times to date. Avital is gifted at capturing the bonds forged and memories made at Jewish community events - both joyful and those tinged with sadness.
Our base of sponsors and donors is also growing. While Radio Chavura is underwritten by the Rotbart Family, the support of area businesses, organizations and listeners does allow us to expand and enhance our programming.
As we enter our second season, our mission remains unchanged: Celebrate our Jewish community and highlight all the positive attributes that we as Jews have in common. Oh yes, there is also plenty of noshing, music, kibbitzing and kvelling along the way.
NEXT SUNDAY: We speak with Bill Cohen, a Boulder resident who helped organize the successful defeat of a City Council proposal that would have economically and culturally partnered Boulder with Nablus (a city in Israel under the control of the Palestinian Authority).
Bill and his allies argued that the proponents of the two-city partnership were motivated by hatred of Israel, rather than a legitimate desire to expand Boulder's role in the "Sister Cities" program.
Bill discusses past social justices issues that he has worked on (including on behalf of Soviet Jewry), and the efforts of Boulder residents to prevent the Boulder-Nablus link from coming to fruition.
Also: We speak with Nancy Jacobson, owner of Denver's Flourpot Bake Shop, and her daughters, Chelsea and Jamie, about their decision last December to convert to a Kosher establishment. We also sample the many delicious cupcakes, cookies and other treats that they bake with love (and butter) for the community.
AUGUST 18th: One-hour special High Holidays edition of Radio Chavura - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, 990 KRKS AM
Dafna Michaelson (l) and Nancy Jacobson
- Dafna Michaelson, founder, The Journey Institute, on the personality characteristics of true community problem solvers
- Jeff Hecht discusses his family's roots and the legacy of his father, Emil, z'l
- Kathryn Bernheimer, program director at the Boulder JCC, shares details of the January 2014 Jewish Mission to Cuba
Why wait? You can place your free personalized High Holiday greetings to family and friends in the special Radio Chavura 5774 New Year's Edition of our e-newsletter and program guide. Our colorful weekly digital guide reaches a wide cross-section of Colorado's Jewish community, stretching from Colorado Springs through greater Denver and the Front Range, to Boulder and Fort Collins.
In addition, your free New Year's greetings will be seen by Radio Chavura fans throughout the United States, as well as our increasing audience in Israel, Europe and Australia.
Even if you plan to send out individual greeting cards, this is a wonderful way to broadcast your best wishes to the widest possible circle of friends - a true Chavura! Participate now, here. 
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In Our Community:
Share your special thanks, mazel tovs, birthdays, anniversaries and memories with the entire Radio Chavura community. Insertion rates begin at only $18.
Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email:
Mazel Tov: To Yoni Gottlieb, a junior at Denver Jewish Day School, on the release of the video for his third piano composition, Limoncello. Yoni, one of Denver's outstanding Jewish students, was featured on our March 24th episode. He is the son of Dr. Peter and Gabriela Gottlieb. Mazel Tov: To Synagogue of the Summit's Josh Gelman, son of Julie and Lee Gelman, who celebrated his Bar Mitzvah last month in Golden.
Happy Birthday: To Jack Greenwald, past president at EDOS, who recently turned 85.
Happy Birthday: To Aish Denver congregant Jeffrey Mechanik, who recently turned 70
Yasher Koach: To Bill Korn, BIll Berger, Danielle Menditch, and everyone who helped organize the Leadville Jewish Cemetery cleanup last Sunday.
Mazel Tov: To Rabbi Sara Gilbert of Greeley's Beth Israel Congregation, who, along with Reverend Jack Stapleton and Pastor Dieter Skowron, was a special guest at the concluding session of the Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra's 102nd season in May.
Welcome: To Rabbi Shmuel Gluck of New York, who will be visiting Denver on July 14th to speak before an audience at Aish Denver and at Zera Abraham on behalf of Areivim, a "Crisis To Control" mentoring organization.
Rabbi Dani and Dr. Chaya Rapp
Welcome: To Rabbi Dani and Dr. Chaya Rapp, and Ari and Meira Federgrun, who are this year's YU Summer Kollel leaders. A complete schedule of classes is available here.
Mazel Tov: To Shmuel Engel and his kallah, Zeldy Duchman of Crown Heights, NY. Shmuel's proud parents are Leah and Rabbi Yisroel Engel.
Yasher Koach: To the Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado, which raised close to $16,000 on behalf of the victims of the recent Colorado wildfires.
Rabbi Tenenbaum
Yasher Koach: To Rabbi Menachem Tenenbaum (a.k.a. "Rabbi T."), who serves lunches to Cherry Creek Middle School and Cherry Creek High School students on a monthly basis. Anyone who wishes to help Rabbi Tenenbaum fulfill this Kiddush Hashem, should email him at
Radio Chavura hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart welcome the opportunity to speak before local Jewish organizations and groups about Radio Chavura and how non-profits can use the media to heighten public awareness of their activities. To schedule a presentation call us at 1-855-Jewish-4 or email: There is no fee.
Thank You: To those families, businesses, and individuals who have made generous financial contributions to Radio Chavura recently, including: Shirley Lewis, Dr. James Ehrlich, Jim Storm, Tana and Richard Rosenberg ( Tana's Delights), Meir Cohen, and Alicia Vargo ( Pampered Passions).
Last Week on Radio Chavura
JNF's Mission Now Includes Water Desalination and Developing Israel's Deserts to Make Them Habitable
Come October 25, the eyes of the Jewish world will be focused on Denver, as the Mile High City hosts the annual Jewish National Fund national conference.
JNF, which is also known by the initials KKL (for its Hebrew name - Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael), is one of the largest and most prominent Israeli environmental groups, tracing its origins back to the days of Theodor Herzl and the Zionist Congresses (during which time it was tasked with buying land in Israel). Today, JNF is mostly often associated with reforestation efforts in Israel (planting 250 million trees in the last 100 years). But JNF is also deeply involved with other missions crucial to Israel and its people. Boaz Meir, the recently-appointed director of JNF's Mountain States region (encompassing Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho), joined us in the studio to discuss what JNF looks like today; the work of its Mountain States regional office; and what we can expect at the national conference this October. One of the most exciting endeavors that Boaz discussed with us is the work that the Mountain States office is doing to lend its support to JNF's campaign to populate the desert regions of Israel. Last week'ss show was the final episode of our first season. We began broadcasting Radio Chavura on Sunday, July 1, 2012. Our program airs weekly on 990 KRKS AM. For more information on JNF, contact Boaz and the Mountain States offices of JNF at 303-573-7095.
Return to the index above
Through Sunday, September 1st, you can help your favorite Denver-area Jewish charity win a $1,000 publicity package, donated by Radio Chavura. There is zero cost or obligation to participate.
To help, simply tell us which Jewish charity you'd like to see receive our prize. It takes less than a minute to cast your ballot here.
 You can also register by depositing your business card or registration form at:

Chavura Community Calendar
July 10 (Wednesday):
Merkaz Summer Shiurim will screen the video, Monsieur, the dramatic and personal story of Rav Yonah Tiefenbrunner, z'l, and the orphanage that he established in Belgium during the Holocaust. 8 pm. 295 S. Locust St.
July 12 (Friday):
Naomi Less
Outdoor worship and a concert with Naomi Less on the East Lawn at Temple Emanuel, 5:30 pm. Naomi founded Jewish Chicks Rock and Jewish Kids Rock. Bring your own picnic dinner. 51 Grape Street, Denver 80220
Shabbat Under the Stars at Rodef Shalom. Led by Cantor Saul Rosenthal. 7 pm on the patio of the Meditation Garden.
2nd Shabbat musical service, dinner and Oneg at Congregation Har HaShem
in Boulder. Reservations by noon, July 8th. Dinner menu will be vegetable lasagna, garlic bread and salad. $14 for adults. Children (4-12) are $8. Phone: 303-499-7077.
July 16 (Tuesday): Tisha B'Av
- The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation presents the Tisha B'Av worldwide event: Choice by Choice - Our Everyday Journey to Geulah. Held throughout the day at East Denver Orthodox Synagogue. See advertisement below.
July 17 (Wednesday):
2nd Annual Jewish Community Night with the Colorado Rapids. Rapids v. New England Revolution. 7 pm. $25. Includes commemorative scarf and East sideline ticket. To order: Call Jordan Allerding at 303-727-3591.
Merkaz Summer Shiurim lecture by Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim, "The Happiest Day of the Year." 8 pm. 295 S. Locust St.
July 20 (Saturday):
Shabbat Nachamu Communal Lunch at East Denver Orthodox Synagogue. Hosted jointly by EDOS, DAT Minyan, and YU. With Rabbi Dani and Dr. Chaya Rapp. 12:30 pm. to 3:30 pm. Registration in advance.
July 23 (Tuesday):
Poolside concert featuring Julie Geller, presented by JCC Family Programs at the JCC outdoor pool. Part of the Family Summer Concert Series. 10:30 am. $5. Free for Sports & Fitness members.
July 24 (Wednesday)
Merkaz Summer Shiurim lecture by Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim, "Ascending, Befriending, Amending." 8 pm. 295 S. Locust St.
July 25 (Thursday):
Temple Sinai Summer Courtyard Concert Festival featuring Saul Kaye, Jewish Blues Musician. Opening act: Bryan Zive and Kol Echad. BBQ food for sale. See for pricing. Or phone Chazzan Bryan Zive at 303-759-1827.
July 27 (Saturday):
Music, Belief and the Soul: A Discussion with Rabbi Josh Rose and Michael Christie, director, Colorado Music Festival. Exploring the relationship between the musical and religious themes in Ernst Bloch's Sacred Service. Congregation Har HaShem in Boulder. 7 pm. Free. RSVP here.
July 28 (Sunday):
Ekar's 4th Annual Tour de Farm bike ride. 8 am to 1 pm. A 16-mile bike ride from
Ekar Farm to Delaney Farm and back along the High Land Canal bike path. More than 125 riders are expected. All proceeds directly benefit Ekar's programming and donation of produce to Jewish Family Service's Weinberg Food Pantry. $25 for each rider over 13 years old. $5 for children under 13. $70 maximum fee per family. Details and registration:
- DAT Minyan family trip to Boondocks Fun Center in Northglen, featuring bumper boats, go-karts, miniature golf and much more. Save the date!
- 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Runs through Tuesday, July 30th. Keynotes: Dr. Jane Gerber, author of "The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience," and Dr. Gretchen Starr-LeBeau, author of "In the Shadow of the Virgin: Inquisitors, Friars, and Conversos in Guadalupe, Spain." For additional details and registration, click here.
July 29 (Monday):
Colorado Hebrew Chorale's Annual Summer Sight-Singing Romp. You be the chorus! 7:30 pm at the Hebrew Educational Alliance, 3600 S. Ivanhoe Street, Denver, 80237. Info and RSVP at 303-355-0232. Contact: Carol Kozak Ward.
August 17 (Saturday):
Join members of Temple Emanuel for a Shabbat Morning Hike. 9:30 am. Visit for additional info and to register.
August 18 (Sunday):
 | New Year's 5774 |
Special one-hour High Holidays broadcast edition of Radio Chavura on 990 KRKS AM. Airing from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, featuring special guests, music, and community-wide New Year's greetings. For sponsorship opportunities, contact us at 1-855-JEWISH-4 (855-539-4744).
Rodef Shalom Annual Picnic at Cook Park. 4 pm to 7 pm.
August 25 (Sunday):
Family Food, Fun, & Fitness Festival in Boulder, presented by Hadassah. 9 am to 1 pm at the Boulder JCC. Music by Kol No'ar (Har HaShem Youth Choir). Rock wall, Zumba, Archery, Healthy Snack Food Samples. 3800 Kalmia Avenue, Boulder. For information and to register: Sandy Friedman, co-president, Boulder Hadassah- See advertisement below.
 | Mrs. Goldberger |
- 11th Annual Keshet of the Rockies dinner, honoring Mrs. Ida Goldberger, Woman of Valor Award. BMH-BJ Congregation, 6 pm. Also presenting Student of the Year to Nechama Zakroff and the Lev Tov Award to Avi and Shoshi Schwalb. For information and reservations, contact Lola Zussman at 303-720-4643.
September 4 (Wednesday)
Rosh Hashanah 5774 begins at sundown.
 | Click on ad to view and purchase |
- Temple Sinai Israel Tour - March 26 to April 6, 2014. Led by Rabbis Rick and Susan Rheins. Visit Tel Aviv, Caesaria, Ramat HaNegev, Masada, the Dead Sea and, of course, Jerusalem.
- Women's Israel Trip with Tammy Dollin - October 27 to November 6, 2013. Interact with Israeli women making a difference, including members of the Knesset and the military. Includes a jeep tour in the Judean desert at night and an afternoon at the luxurious spa in Rosh Pina. Information: or 303-246-1943.
- A Jewish Mission to Cuba - January 13 to January 21, 2014. Join Menorah and the Boulder JCC to learn first-hand about today's Jewish community in Cuba. The trip is limited to 40 people. Contact Kathryn Bernheimer: - 303-998-1021.
- Colorado Community Mega Mission to Israel - December 7 to December 17, 2013. A
solidarity trip featuring briefings by political and media analysts. Sponsored by Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado. Phone: 303-316-6499.
Part-Time Sales Representative
Radio Chavura is seeking an experienced salesperson to help us expand our family of sponsors and advertisers. This is a perfect opportunity to help business owners and organizations reach our growing audience of Jewish and non-Jewish listeners and readers. If you have experience and enjoy sales, phone us at 1-855-JEWISH-4 (855-539-4744) for complete details.
Paid Journalism Interns
High school and college students who would like experience reporting and writing about the Denver Jewish community and producing this weekly newsletter and program guide are invited to contact either Maxwell or Dean: Paid positions are available year-round.
Share your Help Wanted positions with Colorado's vibrant Jewish community. We reach a wide cross-section of Jewish families and professionals. Contact us:
Jewish war veterans in Colorado have a rich and proud history of service to our nation and our local communities.
Since 1896, Jewish War Veterans of the USA has stood for Jewish pride, identity, and military service to our country.
Here in Denver, J-W-V Post 344 - the Captain Ellis David Greene chapter - actively works to honor and support veterans in general, and Jewish veterans and active duty personnel in particular.
Post 344 is looking to involve new members and leaders to help it carry on its important mission and perpetuate its many fine traditions - which include the fight against anti-Semitism and unwavering support for the State of Israel.
If you are an American Jewish veteran, members of J-W-V Post 344 would be honored to have you join their group and actively participate in their meetings and activities. If you are not a veteran, but know of one who has not yet joined J-W-V Post 344, we hope you'll alert eligible Jewish veterans to the opportunity.
For more information, contact Post Commander Jim Barnard at 303-791-6114.
J-W-V Post 344 also offers associate memberships to those who did not serve, but wish to show their support and appreciation.
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We Welcome Your Support
Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community. It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.
If you would like to support our efforts and the unique role we play, you can now make a donation (in any amount of your choosing) using a credit card via PayPal. You need not be a PayPal member to contribute to Radio Chavura.
If you wish to use your donation in honor of a special occasion or as a memorial tribute, we are happy to make note of it in our weekly e-newsletter with a minimum donation of $18.
You may also mail your donation, made payable to Radio Chavura, to:
Radio Chavura Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart 200 Quebec Street Bldg 300 - #111-49 Denver, Colorado 80230
Thank you for being a part of our Radio Chavura.
Maxwell and Dean |
 | Sorah Larimer |
The Torah Fashion District of Denver is a collaboration of small businesses that cater to women, teens and children who prefer to dress in a modest manner. Appointments and fashion consultations are available. Contact Sorah Larimer at 720-854-9328.
Rabbi Levitt
Rabbi Refoel Levitt, a gifted educator and scholar, is accepting summertime Judaic Studies tutoring and enrichment assignments for either adults or children. Both individuals and group are welcome.
Contact Rabbi Levitt at 303-329-8226.
The East Denver Eruv serves the Orthodox communities encompassing Hilltop, Lowry and surrounding areas. The Eruv relies on the support of everyone in the area to meet its annual operating budget. To donate contact Rabbi Daniel Alter or Andy Kark. The Eruv hotline is 303-836-3788. Visit
Tomchei Shabbat of Denver welcomes your support. Contact Elana Shapiro at 303-355-7173.
Reach more than 800 active and engaged members of Colorado's Jewish community by placing an advertisement for your upcoming event, fundraiser or job openings in our weekly e-newsletter. If you wish, we can also promote your special occasion on our weekly broadcast. Insertion rates begin at $18.
We are proud to reach a wide cross-section of interests and affiliations.
Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email:
Thanks to the following individuals whose keen eyes helped us identify articles of interest in recent editions:
Dr. Donald Salem, Nurit Greenger, Herzl Melmed, Cheryl and David Fellows, David Kimel and Shirley Lewis.
If you spot a feature that is worth sharing, please email the URL to Talya at
The CrossFit Rabbi by Rabbi Levi Brackman (
Like fitness, the spiritual benefits one can gain from the religious practices of Judaism take effort and dedication.
'Kosher Cowboy' Wants Every Jewish Door in Montana to Have a Mezuzah (USA Today)
Montana's small Jewish population is scattered across a huge U.S. state that has more rodeos than rabbis, but one man is logging thousands of miles (kilometers) to seek out the faithful one doorway at a time.
Egypt's Future: There Are the Dreams and Then There is the Reality (
There are only three things that are knowable about the future of Egypt. First it will be poor. Egypt is a failed state. It cannot feed its people. It has failed to educate its people. It has no private sector to speak of. It has no foreign investment.
VIDEO: The National Anthem - Hasidic Baseball Version
The Shadow War Against Syria's Christians (National Review)
Though no religious community has been spared egregious suffering, Syria's ancient Christian minority has cause to believe that it confronts an 'existential threat.'
BBYO Teens Helped Repair Hurricane Sandy Damage (JSpace)
The teens were separated into two groups. One group of 25 volunteers beautified the main entrance of a residential area, while another 65 teens began work on a sustainable greenhouse made out of water bottles. The kids also shoveled mulch, sorted clothes and distributed food.
RECIPE: Kosher Cheese Bourekas by The Shiksa in the Kitchen
An Israeli Soldier's Mother: July 4th Memories by Paula R. Stern (Arutz Sheva)
The Israeli air force had flown 1,500 miles under the radar, undetected. They'd landed in Entebbe, and the hostages were free. The ships sailed quietly along the Hudson but those of us listening to that radio were distracted, desperate to hear what was happening. It was the first time in days I felt like smiling, like cheering - and as I looked at the ships, I thought - this is on the river, and there in Africa.
Israeli Satirist, Ronit Avrahamof Shapira, and Her Family Survive Rock Terror Ambush
(Israel National News)
"Pieces of glass everywhere. On my body, in every possible place, on our babies. They are reclining innocently in their seats and a million bits of glass, large and small, cover them. And a kind of glass dust, that only G-d knows how to clean off of them. And off of me."
Why Are So Many Jewish Parents Opting Not to Vaccinate Their Kids for HPV? (Tablet Magazine)
Two friends also said they felt the vaccine was a way of slut-shaming girls (who are still the primary recipients of the vaccine; not many parents know that it's now recommended for boys as well), trying to make them fear sex.
U.S. Congressman Louis Gohmert - Another Strong Friend of Israel (Arutz Sheva)
Ronit Avrahamof Shapira
"If Israel lays down its weapons, there will be no Israel. If the Palestinians lay down their weapons there will be peace."
'How Dare You Accuse Me of Murder" - Pamela Geller (The Blaze)
"My ads said, 'in any war between the civilized man and the savage, you support the civilized man. Defeat jihad. Support Israel.' Are you supporting jihad? Is that what you're saying?"
Yaakov Lappin: Hamas Grows Stronger in Gaza, Again (Jerusalem Post)
Hamas is entrenching itself further as the sovereign, and rearming itself with rockets. It once again has thousands of short-range rockets - around 5,000 of them - and possesses medium-range rockets which can strike greater Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Europe is In Denial Over the Cost of Trying to Appease Its Growing Arab Population (FrontPage Mag)
We're talking here about people... who were brought up to believe that the lesson of World War II is to exalt peaceful coexistence above all else and to reject the idea of fighting for anything; people who were raised with thoroughly secular identities and who consequently don't care very much what they put on the dotted line above the word "religion"; people who just want to be left alone (but who don't yet quite grasp, alas, that Islam is the religion that never leaves you alone). We're talking, in short, of the triumph of pragmatism (tragically misguided though it may be) over principle.

Israeli Researcher Helps Unlock Key to Naked Mole Rat Cancer Immunity (Jspace)
Demagoguery: Demography Does Not Threaten Israel's Future (
It is Israel's Jewish population that is undergoing a remarkable surge, rising from about 80,000 per year in 1995 to 130,000 in 2012. "Anyone suggesting that Jews are doomed to become a minority west of the Jordan River is either dramatically mistaken or outrageously misleading."
Camp Inc. Heads West (Boulder Jewish News)
Not only will we be reaching students from pretty much every high school in America, we'll also be speaking with high school teachers and advisers who can then go back to their respective schools and spread the word about Camp Inc.
Orthodox Rapper: Nissim Black
The Journey from D-Black, Hip-Hop Artist, to Nissim Black, Orthodox Jew (JTA)
Newlywed with an infant girl and then called Damian Black, he found himself at a crossroad after a friend was shot and killed at a nightclub where Black had been performing. Soon after, he lost his day job working with autistic children.
The Investigative Project on Terrorism: Yusuf Qaradawi's Deputy Visits the White House
Bin Bayyah is vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), a group founded by and headed by Qaradawi. The IUMS has a long history of supporting Hamas - a top Hamas leader is an IUMS member - and of calling for Israel's destruction.
Palestinians: "No Jews Allowed!" (Gatestone Institute)
What is clear is that Palestinian Authority officials do not hesitate to state in public that they do not want to meet with any Jew or Israeli.
Our Money Buying School Books that Show No Trace of Israel's Existence (Arutz Sheva)
The funding for the schools are provided by Western countries, led by the US, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia and others.
If Israel Has No Right To Exist, What Is America's Right to Exist? by Michael Medved (
No Arab nation ever existed in this area, only ill-defined pieces of various Islamic, Turkic, Byzantine and Roman empires over the course of 2,000 years. The only time any national identity existed centered on this particular piece of real estate, that national identity was Jewish.
Muslim Television Miniseries Aims To Expose the 'Naked Truth' About the Jews and their Untrustworthiness (Commentary)
The popularity of such smears should send a chill down the backs of those who continue to argue that Palestinians and the Arab world are ready to give up their hundred-year-old war to eradicate the Jewish presence in the region.
Jewish Civil Rights and Privatization by Caroline Glick (
The supposedly grassroots groups of local rioters - including children - attacking IDF soldiers and Israeli civilians with bullets, firebombs and stones are not at all independent or grassroots. They are wholly owned and operated franchises of the PA. And the ones leading the attacks are the US-trained Palestinian security services.
The Religion News Service accepts as fact "Israel's land confiscation, home demolitions, and the segregated systems of transportation, water, and laws that discriminate against Christians and Muslims."
What is Religion News Service? A non-profit group, based at the publicly owned
University of Missouri School of Journalism, that strives "to inform, illuminate and inspire public discourse on matters relating to belief and convictions." Except, of course, when it comes to Israel and the Jews.
Who's on the RNS Advisory Board?
Bob Mong, editor, Dallas Morning News
Gustav Niebuhr, associate professor in Religion and Media, Syracuse University
Ari L. Goldman, professor of journalism, Columbia University
Samuel G. Freedman,On Religion columnist,The New York Times;
Charles C. Haynes, senior scholar, First Amendment Center and director of Religious Freedom Education Project, Newseum; and others.
Why not take a few minutes to write or phone these Board members and ask them when they began supporting such biased, uninformed, propaganda passing itself off as journalism?
Tori Ave
Shmaltz has embraced its Jewish side with a gusto unmatched by any of the others. Its newest addition, David's Slingshot Hoppy Lager, joins a host of quirky labels including Funky Jewbilation, Hop Manna, Genesis Dry Hopped Session Ale, Messiah Nut Brown Ale and Rejewvenator.
The World Is Beating A Path to Israel in a Rush to Partner with its Tech Companies (Israel National News)
Over a dozen foreign delegations visited the 2013 BioMed show, sponsored by IATA, an organization that promotes Israel's high-tech industry.
Is It Possible that al-Qaeda Is Behind Colorado's Black Forest Fire? (Atlas Shrugged)
Fire wars are not limited to Europe and the U.S. Palestinan jihadists have been setting fire to Israel's modest forests for many years. However, political correctness seems to override Israeli and Russian warnings of that jihadist modus operandi. How many Tzarnaevs are hiding in Colorado's woods?
Meet the Famous Israeli Singer Who Has Taken His Talents to Branson, Missouri (TheBlaze)
Fisher's father was saved from the Nazis and Polish vigilantes by a Christian family in Poland during World War II. The couple, Alfred and Maria Kwarchak, hid 17 members of Fisher's family in a bunker for 18 months and were later recognized by Israel's Holocaust memorial museum Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations.
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* For additional current articles, videos and photos of interest throughout the week, follow Talya on Facebook.
It's Time to Address Jewish Day School Tuition
 Denver has five top-tier Jewish schools - Beth Jacob, Denver Academy of Torah, Denver Jewish Day School, Hillel Academy, and Yeshiva Toras Chaim.
Sadly, these schools are often under-funded, and parents increasingly must struggle to afford Jewish day school tuition.
As 2012 drew to a close, hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart shared two of their ideas for solving the day school tuition crisis without raising rates, refusing students, or turning to government funding. How is this possible?
Hear the full show online now by clicking here.
Listen to the full show - without music - by clicking here.
We invite you to share your thoughts on how to best fund Jewish day schools. Email: or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4.
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