Invite your family and friends to join our Radio Chavura. Please share this weekly e-mail newsletter and encourage members of your community to subscribe. The more people who see our weekly newsletter, the more visibility we can provide to our local Jewish institutions, events and noteworthy individuals.
Chavura Community Calendar
Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at: radiochavura@gmail.com.
990 KRKS AM - Denver
6:30 pm
Homegrown Colorado Jewish Music
This Week on Studio J at Radio Chavura
[Hear the full program now!]
Celebrate Lag BaOmer this evening with Studio J at Radio Chavura and three of Colorado's most engaging and entertaining musical talents:
Hosted by Denver's own multi-talented singer and songwriter, Julie Geller.
Maybe it's the crisp mountain air. Maybe it's the snowmelt. Maybe it's the spiritual influence of our great Jewish day schools and educational programs.
Regardless, it is undisputed that Colorado's Jewish musical artists generate a unique vibe - a special feel that distinguishes them from the sounds of other Hebrew and Jewish groups.
In February 2013, we launched Studio J at Radio Chavura, an all-music edition of our program.
Each edition of Studio J at Radio Chavura highlights bands that are channeling the Rocky Mountain energy and producing awesome, original Jewish music.
Listen now to this week's featured Studio J songs:
Hal Aqua and the Lost Tribe:
Bryan Zive & Kol Echad:
Danya and Eyal:
If you'd like to be a featured musical guest on an upcoming edition of Studio J at Radio Chavura, please contact Julie Geller at: julie@chavura.com. We are always on the lookout for fresh Rocky Mountain Jewish talent!
Last Week on Radio Chavura:
TEMPLE EMANUEL: Everyone Is Welcome!
[Listen to the Program Right Now]
On last Sunday's edition of Radio Chavura, we were joined by Temple Emanuel's dynamic director of membership and programming, Susie Sigman.
As the go-to person at Colorado's largest and oldest synagogue, Susie manages a congregation that consists of more than 2,000 Jewish families with diverse backgrounds, levels of observance and interests.
And she does it with professionalism and plenty of ruach (spirit)!
Susie works tirelessly to ensure that members of Temple Emanuel feel at home and are part of a meaningful, dynamic community. Susie told us about Temple Emanuel's many religious, educational, and social activities; the synagogue's (quite musical) religious leaders; and the inclusive nature of Reform Judaism.
If you think you already know Temple Emanuel, think again!
Next Week on Radio Chavura:
Jewish & Widowed: A New Community Group
A new community-wide initiative, Jewish & Widowed, will be the focus of our program next week on Radio Chavura.
The group, offering a safe, non-threatening way to begin new friendships, will hold its first event on Wednesday, May 8th. The program is open to Jewish men and women of all ages who have lost a spouse or significant other.
Joining us to discuss the creation of Jewish & Widowed, as well as its goals, are Connie Suson and Lisa Thorner.
Connie, programming director at Congregation Rodef Shalom, came up with the concept for a community-supported program to connect Jewish men and women who've lost a spouse or partner. Connie's own father is a widower.
Among those who quickly embraced the concept and shared in its development is Lisa Thorner, programming director at Temple Sinai, who also has a widowed parent.
Connie (l) and Lisa
Connie and Lisa stress that Jewish & Widowed is not a dating service, nor is it a forum for a "group cry." Rather, it's aimed at fostering friendships and fun among individuals who, in time, will direct their own social functions.
Our interview with Connie and Lisa will be especially interesting to potential group members; their friends and family; and to other community leaders who will enjoy hearing how Connie, Lisa and others have found common purpose, even though they represent different Jewish congregations, religious affiliations and organizations.
Radio Chavura is proud to join these other organizations as co-sponsors of Jewish & Widowed: Allied Jewish Apartments; BMH-BJ: The Denver Synagogue; B'nai Havurah; Congregation Rodef Shalom; Feldman Mortuary; Hebrew Educational Alliance; JFS at the JCC; Keshet; Shalom Cares; Temple Emanuel; and Temple Sinai.
For more information, contact Connie at 303-399-0035.
Everyone is welcome to kibbutz, kvel and laugh - just not to kvetch (this is an upbeat group)!
In Our Community:
Special thanks and best wishes to Stephen Ehrlich, from his younger brother Jim, who shares with Radio Chavura how much he admires and cherishes his big brother.
Jim, an avid fan of our program, is a highly respected physician, medical innovator and educator. Thanks, Jim, for your ongoing support!
Yasher Koach to Marcy and Michael Schreiber, owners of the East Side Kosher Deli, for the amazing job they did (again) in transforming the Deli into a Kosher-for-Pesach grocery and then returning it to its chametz norm. The Schreibers were previous guests on our program.
Birthday wishes this week to Joel Susel and Michael Minsberg, dear friends of our program. Go Bold Forbes!
63 years ago today (Lag BaOmer), Helen Ruth Richtol of Denver married Max Rotbart of Klodawa, Poland, at the westside home of her parents, Miriam and Louis Richtol. Rabbi Manuel Laderman officiated. May the memories of Max, Miriam, Louis and Rabbi Laderman be for a blessing - zikron l'vrach.
Share your special thanks, mazel tovs, birthdays, anniversaries and memories with the entire Radio Chavura community. Insertion rates begin at only $18.
Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email: radiochavura@gmail.com.
Infant Nursery Supervisor
Small Jewish Preschool looking for an Infant Nursery Supervisor to open a new infant room. Must have Infant/Toddler classes and experience working with this age group. For more information contact Anita Hill at 303-256-1061.
Part-Time Educator
Are you knowledgeable in Reform Judaism? Have you studied Judaism at a college or graduate level? Do you have experience as an administrator? Been a teacher for 2-3 years? Well then! This part-time educator job - overseeing Temple Micah's religious school - might be perfect for you!
Journalism Interns High school and college students who would like experience reporting and writing about the Denver Jewish community and producing this weekly newsletter and program guide are invited to contact either Maxwell or Dean: radiochavura@gmail.com. Positions are available year-round.
Share you Help Wanted positions with Metro Denver's vibrant Jewish community. We reach a wide cross-section of Jewish families and professionals. Contact us: radiochavura@gmail.com.
Chavura Community Calendar
April 29 (Monday):
ACT! for America founder, Brigitte Gabriel, will speak on the rise of Islamic radicalism in our nation. Friendship Assembly of God, 3685 New Center Point, Colorado Springs 80922. 7pm. Free.
 | Brigitte Gabriel - April 29th |
May 1 (Wednesday):
Jewish National Fund Annual Breakfast. Keynote speaker: Gil Tamary, Washington Bureau Chief, Israel's Channel 10 News. Hebrew Educational Alliance. 7:45 am. For more information: Helene Ellis, 303-573-7095, or hellis@jnf.org.
- Student Celebration for Jewish high school seniors and Jewish college students. Student will receive resources to feel proud, safe and supported on campus. 6-8 pm. Music. Free food. Loup Jewish Community Center.
- Torah 4 Tycoons presented by The Denver Community Kollel. The Responsibility of Those Who Promote Acts of Terror, featuring David Japha, attorney; and Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher. 12-1 pm. East Side Kosher Deli. $20. For men and women.
May 4 (Saturday):
Youth Led Shabbat at the Hebrew Educational Alliance. This is a special Shabbat when the Youth of HEA takes a large role in leading the 2 services. Followed by Kiddush and Ice Cream. Shir Hadash Service, 10 am. Traditional Service 8:50 am.
May 5 (Sunday):
2013 AIPAC Colorado Annual Event featuring Bret Stephens, deputy editorial page editor of The Wall Street Journal and 2013 Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary. Event chairs: Tara & David Rontal. The Grand Hyatt Denver Downtown, 1750 Welton Street. 9:45 am. For reservation information, contact Hadas Levy at 832-380-7706 or by email: hlevy@aipac.org.
- BMH-BJ Women's League Annual Book Review & Lunch. The Heretic by Lewis M. Weinstein. Review and discussion led by Cantol Joel Lichterman. 11 am. Book available in the Women's League Gift Shop. 560 S. Monaco Parkway, Denver, 80224. $22 before April 30th. $25 at the door. Call: 303-951-8226.
May 6 (Monday):
42nd Annual Meeting of the Allied Jewish Apartments. Honoring Frances Stern. Installation of David Fogel as Board President. 22 S. Adams Street, Main Dining Hall. 6-8 pm. $18 per person. Information and RSVP: 303-399-1146 or rsvp@ajsh.org.
- Screening of the award-winning documentary, "the Last Flight of Petr Ginz," presented by The YIZKOR Project and Greeley Holocaust Memorial Observances. Johnson & Wales University - Auditorium, 18th & Olive Street, Denver 80220. Free. 6:30 pm. Post-screening discussion at 7:30 pm.
A special Café Europa Dinner Reception will be held for survivors and their descendants at 5:00 pm. The dinner requires reservations: 720-560-0271.
May 7 (Tuesday):
Anti-Defamation League Centennial Dinner honoring Jordon and Essie Perlmutter. Cocktails 5:30 pm. Program begins at 6:30 pm. Information: 303-830-7177.
May 8 (Wednesday):
'Jewish & Widowed' a newly formed community-wide initiative featuring a kick-off gathering at Brio Restaurant in Cherry Creek. 5:30 pm. Free.
May 9 (Thursday):
4th Annual Youth Directions Fundraiser and Auction. Rabbi Levi Brackman, executive director. 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Artwork Network, 878 Santa Fe Drive, Denver 80204. Former Denver School Board President, Nate Easley, is this year's recipient of the annual Youth Dedication award. Tickets $50.
- Shalom Cares Annual Fundraiser - Best of Broadway. Lone Tree Arts Center. 7-9:30 pm. Musical Review and Desert Reception. Proceed benefit the residents of Shalom Park Nursing Home. Call: 303-680-5000. Seats starting at $100.
May 19 (Sunday):
Walk for Israel and Celebrate Family Festival. Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel Independence Day. Pre-ceremony begins at 2 pm and the walk takes off at 2:30 pm. Jewish Community Center.
May 21 (Tuesday)
Annual Morning of Music at the Hebrew Educational Alliance. 11 am. A piano concert featuring Gabriela Gottlieb, Debbie Center and Blanche Greenberg. Free. RSVPs appreciated to Naomi Kirshner at 303-758-9400 x. 213. [See Advertisement Above]
The Effect of Obamacare-Healthcare Reform on Your Business, presented by The Denver Jewish Chamber of Commerce. Speakers: Katherine A. Blair, Health Policy Advisor, the Office of Governor John Hickenlooper and Jim Sugden from the Colorado Health Exchange. Registration required no later than May 20th at noon. Members $25. Non-Members $36.
May 30 (Thursday):
History of the Jewish Community of Leadville * Presented by Bill Korn * JCC South (9625 East Arapahoe Road * 80112) @7:30 pm * More Info @ 303-799-6975
June 2 (Sunday):
Community talent show produced by Randy Shapiro Weiss, featuring participants from west, east, southeast and other Metro Denver communities. Save the date. Details to follow.
June 7 (Friday):
Shabbat Service and Concert, featuring Sababa, at Temple Micah. Made possible by Temple Micah's Frances Reed Music Fund. Free. Sababa was featured in February on STUDIO J at Radio Chavura. Sababa members are: Cantor Robbi Sherwin, Steve Brodsky and Scott Leader. 6 pm. 2600 Leyden Street. Questions: Elaine Lee at 303-388-4239, ext. 1.
June 9 (Sunday):
Boulder Jewish Festival, a one-day celebration of Jewish culture, featuring live entertainment, fine art and Judaica, ethnic food, community organizations and activities for all ages. Boulder County Courthouse Lawn and Pearl Street Mall. 11 am to 5 pm. Free. www.BoulderJewishFestival.org
June 18 (Tuesday):
Annual Meeting of the Denver Jewish Chamber of Commerce. Election of directors and officers.
7 pm-9 pm. Jewish Community Center.
Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at: radiochavura@gmail.com.
Recently on Radio Chavura:
RADIO DEBUT: They've Got Kisharon (Talent)!
[Listen to the Program Right Now]
Georgie Seserman
Click on Photo for Larger Image
Earlier this month on Radio Chavura, we spoke with two outstanding students from the Jewish Student Connection: Georgie Seserman and
Ben Weil.
Georgie (who, in addition to playing five instruments, is a talented singer and songwriter) is a senior at the Denver School of the Arts and plans on attending the Berklee College of Music (Boston, MA) next year. She aspires to a career in music education. She uses the professional name Georgeta-Rae. Ben (who is a master of audio mixing and rap) is a junior at the Denver School of the Arts and is looking at attending Berklee College of Music or the California Institute of the Arts (Valencia, CA) when he graduates. He uses the professional name Bdub$.  |
Ben Weil
Click on Photo for Larger Image
Georgie and Ben talked with us about their college and career aspirations, and explain how Judaism has influenced their lives and music. Rabbi Michael Sunshine, who serves as the regional director of JSC, joined Georgie and Ben on the program. Rabbi Sunshine was previously a guest on the October 21, 2012 edition, when he discussed how important Jewish Student Connection is to ensuring that our children in public schools maintain a solid relationship with their religious and cultural identity. In making their radio performance debuts on Radio Chavura, Georgie and Ben also helped us inaugurate our "We've Got Kisharon (Talent)!" Showcase. We've Got Kisharon will regularly provide a broadcast stage to Colorado's talented Jewish young people - giving them an opportunity to share their special gifts with our growing audience of Jewish and non-Jewish listeners. If you or a student you know has got "Kisharon," then we'd like to hear from you. The student need not be a singer or musical artist. We're also interested in Jewish students with skills as actors and actresses, entertainers (of any variety), and even gymnasts and athletes. Send us an email at radiochavura@gmail.com, and we'll consider you for a future broadcast edition of "We've Got Kisharon."
Interested in joining Jewish Student Connection (and scoring some really good Kosher bagels in the process)? Contact Rabbi Sunshine "via smoke signal" or at rabbisunshine@myjsc.org.
 | Adam Leventhal |
Also featured on the second half of this edition of Radio Chavura are audio clips from the April 7th Holocaust Survivors' Memorial event at the JCC.
Portions of speeches by Rabbi Zev Pomeranz, Rabbi Raphael Leban, and Adam Leventhal are played, as well as an original song from the Hillel Academy Boys Choir.
We Welcome Your Support
Radio Chavura is a labor of love. We are proud to serve as Colorado's only radio voice of the Jewish community. It is our weekly mission to celebrate the organizations and individuals who enrich us all through their hard work, dedication and love of Judaism and Israel.
If you would like to support our efforts and the unique role we play, you can now make a donation (in any amount of your choosing) using a credit card via PayPal. You need not be a PayPal member to contribute to Radio Chavura.
If you wish to use your donation in honor of a special occasion or as a memorial tribute, we are happy to make note of it in our weekly e-newsletter with a minimum donation of $18.
You may also mail your donation, made payable to Radio Chavura, to:
Radio Chavura Attn: Maxwell and Dean Rotbart 200 Quebec Street Bldg 300 - #111-49 Denver, Colorado 80230
Thank you for being a part of our Radio Chavura.
Maxwell and Dean |
Reach hundreds of engaged members of Colorado's Jewish community by placing an advertisement for your upcoming event, fundraiser or job openings in our weekly e-newsletter. If you wish, we can also promote your special occasion on our weekly broadcast or via direct home delivery of our program flyer. Insertion rates begin at $18. We are proud to reach a wide cross-section of interests and affiliations. Contact us at 855-JEWISH-4 (539-4744) or email: radiochavura@gmail.com. |
ZOA Criticizes Dustin Hoffman For Being Special Guest At Radical, Anti-Israel Muslim Public Affairs Council Gala (Jewocity.com)
ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "We strongly criticize Mr. Hoffman's shocking and terrible decision to give aid, comfort and legitimacy to this group of Muslim haters of Israel and Jews by accepting an invitation to appear as a special guest at an MPAC function. We are also appalled that he withdrew from appearing at the Jerusalem Film Festival, something which emboldens extreme Boycott, Sanctions, Divestment (BDS) activists who seek to delegitimize Israel as a first step towards ultimately eliminating Israel.
Columbia Professors Against Israel (Israel National News)
Roughly 100 professors and lecturers at Columbia University in New York are demanding that their pension funds not be invested with companies that also do business with the IDF or with civilian security providers in Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria (Shomron) or eastern Jerusalem.
Asian American academic group backs Israel boycott (Jewish News of Greater Phoenix)
The resolution calling for a boycott passed unanimously and accused Israeli universities of being complicit in violations of international law by the Israeli government. In addition to other claims, the resolution also accused Israeli universities of discriminating against Palestinian students and academics.
Meet '100 Most Influential Jews' (Arutz Sheva)
The time has come for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to confront US President Barack Obama.
A top emergency medicine doctor at a Boston hospital where many of the wounded from Monday's bombing attack were being treated credited Israel with training the hospital's first-response team and readying it to deal with mass-casualty incidents.
Surely the Marathon bombing was the work of either the right-wing extremists Janet Napolitano has been warning us about since 2009, or those notoriously violent Catholics and Evangelicals that today's Army equates with Hamas and Hezbollah.
Moral relativism is based on a refusal to call evil evil and a concomitant willingness to denigrate truth if truth requires you to notice evil.
A 13-minute video that would have made Abba Eban very proud. "Let's talk about Jewish civil rights!"
 | Caroline Glick |
VIDEO: Caroline Glick on the Holocaust - Competing Visions of 'Never Again'
Silence as the Christians Die by Charles Jacobs
(Jewish Advocate)
From Nigeria to Malaysia, from Pakistan to Iraq, from
Uzbekistan to Tanzania, Christians are arrested, harassed and threatened. Murder is in the air.
Greeting Party for 80 New Immigrant 'Lone' IDF Soldiers (Arutz Sheva)
France Honors Group that Spawned Fogel Murders by Giulio Meotti (Arutz Sheva)
France, which equipped Saddam Hussein with his most advanced and deadly weapons, whose President Mitterrand treated Yasser Arafat like royalty, where the PLO opened its first European office with a charter calling for "the elimination of Israel", now sponsors Israel's destruction by giving medals, microphones and front pages to the worst Palestinian terror masterminds.
Israel Population Hits 8 Million (Jerusalem Post)
Rambam Teaches International Teams to Treat Trauma Victims (Arutz Sheva)
VIDEO: An Israeli-Made Car That Runs on Air, Water. Really! (Bloomberg TV)
Protestors storm Israeli pianists recital (Ynetnews.com)
The American consulate seems to be exclusively aimed at benefiting West Bank and east Jerusalem Palestinians.
Naomi Ragen
The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking (New York Times Sunday Review)
Thirteen years ago, researchers at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum began the grim task of documenting all the ghettos, slave labor sites, concentration camps and killing factories that the Nazis set up throughout Europe. What they have found so far has shocked even scholars steeped in the history of the Holocaust.
(CBS - Denver)
Josh Fine
Follow Talya on Facebook
* For additional articles, videos and photos of interest throughout the week, follow Talya on Facebook.
Thank You!
We are proud to enjoy the friendship and sponsorship of these fine businesses. Please visit them and let them know you are part of the Radio Chavura community.
It's Time to Address Jewish Day School Tuition
 Denver has five top-tier Jewish schools - Beth Jacob, Denver Academy of Torah, Denver Jewish Day School, Hillel Academy, and Yeshiva Toras Chaim.
Sadly, these schools are often under-funded, and parents increasingly must struggle to afford Jewish day school tuition.
As 2012 drew to a close, hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart shared two of their ideas for solving the day school tuition crisis without raising rates, refusing students, or turning to government funding. How is this possible?
Hear the full show online now by clicking here.
Listen to the full show - without music - by clicking here.
We invite you to share your thoughts on how to best fund Jewish day schools. Email: radiochavura@gmail.com or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4.
Hear our exclusive interview - available online only - with Andrew Hollinger, director of communications at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. USHMM is marking its 20th anniversary this month.
Andrew talks about the progress the museum has made over the past two decades and the many challenges ahead. Read Radio Chavura's National News Release About This Special Audio (featuring the voices of Denver Holocaust survivors, as well as 2nd and 3rd Gen speakers):
Listen Now Visit the museum's website 20 Actions to Mark 20 Years Donate now to the museum
Can't listen live to Radio Chavura? You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available at: www.chavura.com
This week's broadcast is not available in a No-Music version.
Support Our Program
Dean and Maxwell Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts |
Radio Chavura Is An Official Sponsor