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It's Not Snowing on the Radio!
A Freilichen Purim: Celebrate and Laugh with Us
Radio Chavura Mobile
In This Week's Newsletter


Have you heard the 710 KNUS AM - Small Business Drives Colorado™ radio commercial featuring Michael and Marcy Schreiber and the East Side Kosher Deli?  It is currently broadcast on a frequent basis, Monday-Friday. Listen here.  

This week on Radio Chavura: Purim 5773

The Radio Chavura Players Present the Exclusive World Debut of

Some Shtik and a Kleine Shpiel by Maxwell Rotbart, a.k.a. "Dr. History"
Radio Chavura Players
[L-R] Dr. History, Adam, Julia, Shmuel and Dean
Click on photo to view photo essay  

Every Sunday @ 6:30 p.m. on 990 KRKS AM in Denver 
24/7 at

Featuring (in alphabetical disorder):

"DR. HISTORY" a.k.a. Maxwell Rotbart as Himself
TEVYE the MILKMAN as Himself

View Photos of the Radio Chavura Players Recording this week's skit.
The Legend of Dr. History

A prescription for knowledge
When he's not hosting Radio Chavura or taking education courses as a graduating senior at Metropolitan State University of Denver, Maxwell Rotbart, 20, assumes the persona of "Dr. History," a self-created character who loves nothing more than prescribing to K-12 students the wonderments and enlightenment that come with acquiring the knowledge and lessons of history.

Dr. History is especially well versed in U.S. Presidential History, Jewish-American History, and Colorado History.  The Doctor is always available to speak to school groups and clubs on his favorite topics.  Just ask!

While Maxwell is a long-time evangelist for the study of history, he selected Purim 5773 to publicly debut both his skills as a playwright - When Paul Newman Met Golda Meir - and his double life as Dr. History.

Photo by Avital Rotbart 

Congregation Rodef Shalom: Celebrating 60 Years

Annual Dinner Honoring Janet Smith & Leslie Tjarks
TONIGHT - 6:00 pm
Available 24/7 on

As Congregation Rodef Shalom prepares to celebrate its annual dinner tonight, we sat down with two of the congregation's longtime members - Janet Smith and Leslie Tjarks - to discuss the virtues of the Rodef Shalom community. Janet and Leslie will both be honored at the synagogue's Diamonds & Delicacies Gala on February 24th at 6:00 pm. (Weather permitting.  Check with the synagogue if you plan to attend.)


Janet first came to Rodef Shalom in 1964 as an out-of-state college student looking for a warm and embracing community that reminded her of her close-knit congregation in Waco, TX. Leslie joined Rodef Shalom in 1976, and instantly fell in love with the synagogue's participatory and egalitarian services. Since then, the two women have been dedicated leaders in the greater Colorado Jewish community.


Rabbi Bernard Gerson - senior rabbi and chief Colorado Rockies fan - also joined us to talk about the many wonderful educational, community and spiritual offerings that Rodef Shalom provides.

To attend the Rodef Shalom annual dinner:  303-399-0035
Listen to the show now!


Golda Meir
Goldie Mabovitch

100 Years Ago This Week: Goldie Enrolled at Denver's North High School 


GoldieGoldie Mabovitch, a precocious 14-year-old who had run away from her parents' home in Milwaukee, enrolled as a student at Denver's North High School one hundred years ago this week. It was as a student at North High that Goldie fell in love with the Zionist movement, politics, and her future husband.


She later wrote: "Denver was a turning point [in my life] because my real education began [there]." In 1969, Goldie Mabovitch - who became known as Golda Meir - was elected Israel's 4th Prime Minister, and (to this day) remains the only woman to have held the post.



People around the country and as far away as Mongolia - no kidding - are listening to this special edition of Radio Chavura and writing us to say how much they enjoyed the episode.  If you haven't heard the show yet, what are you waiting for?

StudioJHomegrown Colorado Jewish Music
Host: Julie Geller

Maybe it's the crisp mountain air. Maybe it's the snowmelt. Maybe it's the spiritual influence of our great Jewish day schools and educational programs. 


Regardless, it is undisputed that Colorado's Jewish musical artists generate a unique vibe - a special feel that distinguishes them from the sounds of other Hebrew and Jewish groups.

Julie Geller


Last week, we launched Studio J at Radio Chavura, an all-music edition of our program that will be hosted several times a year by our multi-talented musical director, Julie Geller.


Each edition of Studio J at Radio Chavura will highlight bands that are channeling the Rocky Mountain energy and producing awesome, original Jewish music.  


In fact, the first band that Julie featured on last week's show was Sababa: Cool. Jewish. Music. 


Sababa features Temple Emanuel's artist-in-residence, Steve Brodsky; Scott Leader of Arizona and Robbi Sherwin of Texas. 


Julie also showcased two of the beloved songs of Or Zimrah, the house band of Congregation Har HaShem in Boulder, and the fun, rockin' tunes of Rocky Mountain Jewgrass: High Octane Jewish Bluegrass


WARNING: Studio J at Radio Chavura has been known to cause listeners to leave their seats and start dancing. if you find yourself enjoying the show, please subscribe at

Chavura Community Calendar



February 26 (Tuesday)


Denver Community Kollel - 15th Anniversary Celebration * Awarding 

Rabbi Yehuda Amsel  * McNichols Civic Center Building - @ 6:30 pm * More information 



March 2 (Saturday)


Yeshiva Toras Chaim Board of Directors and Women's Auxiliary - Melave Malka * Featuring world-renown musical sensation Sruli Williger * 1555 Stuart Street, 80204 - @8 pm.  RSVP: 303-629-8200


March 3 (Sunday)


DAT School - 20th Annual Dinner * Honoring Dr. Peggy KasloffCantor Zachary Trude Kutner, and Jeff Wilson. Cocktails and silent auction @ 5:00 pm.  Dinner @ 6:30 pm. Location: The Denver Synagogue (BMH-BJ Congregration). Registration.

March 8 (Friday)


Congregation Har HaShem - Or Zimrah * Musical Shabbat Service and Dinner * (3950 Baseline Road * Boulder, CO * 80303 - @ 6:00 pm) * RSVP:


March 14 (Thursday)

Denver Jewish Day School Annual Dinner - "Heart & Soul" - honoring Marla & David Brown, Lisa & Jonathan Perlmutter, and Amy Tolz-Miller.  Location: BMH-BJ Congregation.  Cocktails @ 5:30 pm. Program and Dinner @ 6:15 pm.  Learn more at:

March 16 (Saturday)


Temple Micah's Wild West Saloon * Put on yer best Western duds and a poker face too for a night of gaming, do-si-do, good grub, carousin' and schmoozin' (Crystal Rose * 9755 E. Hampden Ave. - @ 7:00 pm) * RSVP @ 303-388-4239 x1


April 7 (Sunday)


Colorado Holocaust Survivors Memorial Service * Scheduled speakers include Rabbi Raphael LebanRabbi Zev Pomeranz, and Adam Leventhal * Chairwoman: Tana Rosenberg (JCC - @ 4:00 pm) 


Send calendar notices for your organization's upcoming events to us at: 

Pampered Passions - Radio Chavura  
Thank You!

We are proud to enjoy the friendship and sponsorship of these fine businesses. Please visit them and let them know you are part of the Radio Chavura community.

Photo Essay - Holocaust Remembrance
PhotosClick on Image Above to View Full Page

On Sunday, January 27th, the greater Denver Jewish community gathered at the Hebrew Educational Alliance to commemorate the 68th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The ceremony, which was organized by Tami Ellison and The Yizkor Project, featured local guest speakers; the moving music of the Carol Kozak Ward's Colorado Hebrew Chorale; and the talents of the Kol Ami Community Players, directed by Alan Schreiber.


The Kol Ami Community Players produced Voices from Auschwitz - Where Truth Speaks, a portrayal of post-Holocaust war crimes trials. Many of the participants in the program were students from the Denver Academy of Torah and Denver Jewish Day School, each reflecting a dedication to ensuring that the horrors of the Shoah will not be forgotten. To learn more about The Yizkor Project and its mission, please visit






  • Dr. Herzl Melmed, one of Denver's premier Zionist leaders and Chairman of ActionIsrael, a grassroots organization dedicated to actively supporting Israel. Dr. Melmed is also co-founder of the highly regarded Middle East Study Group, which meets monthly.    
  • Mordechai Kedar
    Dr. Kedar
    Lt. Col. Dr. Mordechai Kedar
    , a professor of Arab Studies at Bar-Ilan University and an expert on Islam, Islamic movements, gender issues in Islam, Arabic mass media, popular culture in the Arab world, state and society in the Arab world.
  • Rabbi Yehuda Amsel, a teacher and friend to hundreds of grateful Colorado families. He will be the recipient of a Denver Community Kollel award at the Kollel's 15th Anniversary Celebration on February 26th.

September 23, 2012:


Sue GersonTwo of Colorado's premier Jewish educational directors: Sue Parker Gerson of the Colorado Agency for Jewish Education and Mordechai Hoffman of Hillel Academy of Denver.  Both Sue and Mordechai stress the importance of life-long Jewish learning and what their individual institutions contribute to our community.






July 8, 2012As he returns to Australia, Rabbi Selwyn Franklin, the departing BMH-BJ Congregation senior rabbi, shares some highlights of his time in Colorado and a recommendation for his successor.



Talya Rotbart

Edited by Talya Rotbart*

(CBS - Denver) 
Joshua Fine
Josh Fine

By Rabbi Levi Brackman (Ynet News)

 From Ethiopian Orphanage to Jewish Day School: Mesfin Hodes  Makes Inspirational Journey of Hope (The Jewish Daily Forward)



 Sonny's Rocks Closing Jewelry Store (Denver Business Journal) 



Sheldon and Miriam Adelson




* For additional articles, videos and photos of interest throughout the week, follow Talya on Facebook.

It's Time to Address Jewish Day School Tuition 


TuitionDenver has five top-tier Jewish schools - Beth JacobDenver Academy of TorahDenver Jewish Day SchoolHillel Academy, and Yeshiva Toras Chaim
We Support Jewish Day SchoolsSadly, these schools are often under-funded, and parents increasingly must struggle to afford Jewish day school tuition.

As 2012 drew to a close, hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart shared two of their ideas for solving the day school tuition crisis without raising rates, refusing students, or turning to government funding. How is this possible? 


Hear the full show online now by clicking here


Listen to the full show - without music - by clicking here.


We invite you to share your thoughts on how to best fund Jewish day schools.  Email: or phone 1-855-JEWISH-4.


Can't listen live to Radio Chavura? You can hear this week's full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available at:
Dean and Maxwell Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts
Radio Chavura Is An Official Sponsor

We Support Jewish Day Schools