On Sunday's Broadcast - 6:30 pm 990 KRKS AM
Just on time for Chanukah 2012, singer-songwriter Julie Geller has released her latest song, Chanukah Hymn, which like the holiday itself, celebrates the miracles in our lives.
Julie, Radio Chavura's musical director, will perform her new song on this week's edition of the program, airing on 990 KRKS AM radio at 6:30 p.m. on December 9th.
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Julie's latest tune incorporates Hebrew verses from the traditional Al Hanisim Chanukah song into a modern, folk rendition blended with her own original English lyrics.
Julie will also be performing Chanukah Hymn and other seasonal favorites live at 11 a.m. on Sunday the 9th at the Allied Jewish Apartments, 22 S. Adams Street in Denver, in a joint concert with local musician David Ross. Admission is free and will be followed by Chanukah refreshments.
In addition to her radio performance and live concerts, Julie has produced a video version of Chanukah Hymn that is available for viewing on YouTube.
Julie, in an interview with Radio Chavura co-hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart, explains that her motivation in writing Chanukah Hymn was her own personal need of "a miracle, a light, something positive" to give her strength and optimism in a world that is filled with too much hate and darkness.
During the Chanukah season, Julie notes, "we gather with all sorts of lights but, as always, the lights that shine the brightest are those that originate within each of us."
Chanukah Hymn is Julie's contemporary take on the traditional Hebrew Chanukah prayer, Al Hanisim. Its Hebrew lyrics include this (translated) verse:
For the miracles and for the salvation
And for the mighty deeds and for the victories
And for the battles which you performed for our forefathers
In those days, at this time.
Julie's popular Jewish folk tunes are featured on each edition of Radio Chavura. On this week's edition of the show, which falls on the second night of Chanukah, Julie performs four songs "unplugged" - using only her voice and accompanying herself on guitar at the 990 KRKS AM studios. Each of her tunes is notable for its devotion and thankfulness to G-d and its roots in traditional Jewish prayer or biblical verse.
Click on photo to view Julie's video
Julie, who has recorded four full-length albums - available at www.JulieGeller.com- has a loyal and growing following throughout the United States and in Israel. In addition to her own performances, she conducts workshops on how to access one's creative potential and how to succeed as an independent musician.
Julie is very spiritual in discussing her own creative process and inspirations, crediting G-d for bestowing upon her the skills she relies upon to write, perform and promote her songs.
She is an honors graduate of Harvard University and earned a certificate of contemporary improvisation from the New England Conservatory of Music. At the Conservatory, she studied with Ran Blake and Hankus Netsky (The Klezmer Conservatory Band). Julie also spent a year studying enthnomusicology at Bar Ilan University in Israel.
Around Denver, Julie and her husband, Josh Fine, are well known as local community leaders. They are active in a variety of charitable and Jewish causes. The couple has three young children.
Julie's parents, Rabbi (Dr.) Ivan and Barbara Geller, are dedicated and much beloved members of the Colorado Jewish community.
Julie graduated from the Denver Jewish Day School, where she first began writing songs.