Radio Chavura
Tomorrow: Herb Keinon & Election Eve Forum

Join us for a special
Radio Chavura Election Eve Forum featuring Herb Keinon, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent for The Jerusalem Post.  What will Tuesday's election mean for U.S.-Israel relations?

Bibi Netanyahu & Herb Keinon
The Denver Synagogue: BMH-BJ Congregation 
560 S. Monaco Parkway
Denver, CO 80224
Registration: 6:30 p.m.
Program: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Admission:  All students, free.  Adults only $5 each.

Other Expert Panelists*:
  • Ruth Benton, CEO, New West Physicians (Expert on Healthcare)
  • Dr. Shaul Gabbay, senior research associate, University of Denver (Expert on the Islamic World) 
  • Charles Gwirtsman, co-founder and managing director, KRG Capital (Expert on Corporate Finance and Private Equity)
  • Al Lewis, columnist, Dow Jones Newswires (Expert on the Economy)
  • Dr. Xiansheng Tian, professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver (Expert on China)
Mr. Keinon and the other experts will be questioned by exemplary Jewish students representing area high schools, including*:  Denver Academy of Torah, Denver Jewish Day School, Yeshiva Toras Chaim, Bnei Akiva youth group, and public high schools through the Jewish Student Connection.

Host:  Rabbi Ben Greenberg
Moderators:  Maxwell and Dean Rotbart, Radio Chavura Co-Hosts 
CoWe Support Jewish Day Schoolsme out BMH-BJ, learn a lot, and "kvell" at how smart are our local Jewish students.  Profits from the event will be donated to local Jewish schools and Jewish educational programs. 
Special thanks to BMH-BJ's Elaine Lichterman for her help in coordinating this special event, as well as the principals and faculty of our local schools; Dr. Steven Feldman, Bnei Akiva; and Rabbi Michael Sunshine, Jewish Student Connection.

*Scheduled.  Subject to Change


Maxwell, Rudy & Tami
Host Maxwell Rotbart interviews this week's guests, Dr. Rudolph Jacobson, a survivor of Kristallnacht, and Tami Ellison of The Yizkor Project. To listen online, click on photo.
On Tonight's Broadcast - 6:30 pm 990 KRKS AM
Ruth Lieberman
Ruth Lieberman


In the final countdown to the U.S. Presidential Election on Tuesday, Radio Chavura speaks with international political analyst Ruth Lieberman about what impact the elections will have on American-Israeli relations.


Ruth is well known in American-Israeli circles for the work she has done as a strategic consultant in both countries. Her clients have included politicians seeking election to the Knesset and U.S. Congress - including current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Ruth has studied the American and Israeli voters and has had her finger on the pulse of the American-Jewish electorate for many years. Ruth is interviewed from Ohio - where she is currently headquartered - to talk about the importance of supporting pro-Israel candidates in this week's election, as Israel faces nuclear and terrorist threats from around the world.


[Why wait until tonight? Hear the full show online right now!] 

Rudy Jacobson & Tami Ellison
Dr. Jacobson and
Tami Ellison


Before Ruth's segment this evening, Radio Chavura listeners will hear from Tami Ellison of The Yizkor Project, and Dr. Rudolph "Rudy" Jacobson


Tami - who has been a guest on Radio Chavura previously - is organizing the Kristallnacht Community Commemoration to be held at the East Denver Orthodox Synagogue on Sunday night, November 11th at 6:30 pm. 


Her program, which is free and open to the public, will feature local Jewish students reading actual survivor testimonies from the "Night of Broken Glass" - including Dr. Jacobson's personal remembrances.


Dr. Jacobson is also a survivor of the MS St. Louis (sometimes referred to as the SS St. Louis) - a ship full of Jewish refugees that managed to escape Germany in 1939, on the eve of World War II. The passengers of the St. Louis - which was subsequently nicknamed "The Voyage of the Damned" - were originally supposed to disembark in Havana, Cuba.


When Cuban government officials changed their minds and refused to accept the refugees who were en route, the ship's crew and passengers pleaded with the United States for help. 


Nonetheless, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt turned the ship away from the coast of Miami, FL, and Canadian officials subsequently declined to accept the Jewish refugees as well. The St. Louis was eventually forced to return to Europe, where most of the passengers found themselves once again within Hitler's murderous grasp. 


Dr. Jacobson's dramatic tale is one that underscores the importance of Jewish self-reliance


The Jewish people cannot always count on the assistance of the United States or other friendly nations, as was demonstrated during the St. Louis tragedy. It is a lesson to keep in mind in Iran's march to becoming a nuclear nation.


We never know what much-needed assistance the next President of the United States may be asked to provide Israel in her greatest hour of need - the exact point that Ruth Lieberman articulates in her election analysis on tonight's show.


Thank you to U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado's 5th Congressional District, who facilitated Ruth's appearance on Radio Chavura.  Congressman Lamborn has been a steadfast friend of Israel and the Jewish people.




Hear Radio Chavura's Exclusive Interview


Rabbi Harold S. Kushner

Rabbi Harold S. Kushner

The Book of Job: When Bad Things Happened to a Good Person 


Rabbi Kushner, who will be speaking on Tuesday, November 6th, in Denver, was our guest on last week's edition of Radio Chavura.   Click here to listen to our interview now.


MACC's 5th Annual JAAMM Festival - a celebration of Jewish culture - will present Rabbi Kushner as the keynote speaker, at 4 p.m. in The Elaine Wolf Theatre. Admission is only $18 and refreshments will be provided.  For additional details and tickets, visit: or phone: 303-316-6360.


Rabbi Kushner is the author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People and numerous other popular books.


Radio Chavura welcomes submissions and comments from our listeners.  Write us:
Can't listen tonight? You can hear the full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available at:
Dean and Maxwell Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts