Radio Chavura
Today: 11 a.m - 2 p.m.
Celebrate Survival! - Featuring Julie Aigner Clark, creator of Baby Einstein and winner, Ernst & Young's 'Entrepreneur of the Year.' 

Pampered Passions Fine Lingerie
9615 E County Line Road, Suite D
Englewood, CO 80012

No admissions charge.  A portion of sales to benefit AMC Cancer Fund.  Champagne brunch. Kosher wines available.

For our mothers, our sisters, our daughters and ourselves!

Celebrate Survival
On Tonight's Broadcast - 6:30 pm 990 KRKS AM
Maxwell Barbanell
Maxwell Barbanell


If the head of the Colorado Jewish community was still determined by Davidic descent [as it was in the days of the Bible], then Maxwell Barbanell, a sophomore at the Colorado Film School, would likely be our leader.


Maxwell, who hails from a long line of Jewish scholars, community leaders, and - indeed - royalty, joins us on Radio Chavura to talk about the genealogical work that he has done and another famous ancestor of his [other than King David] - Don Isaac Abravanel.


[Why wait until tonight? Hear the full show online right now!]


Don Isaac Abravanel was the Treasurer of Spain in 1492, the same year that the Jews were expelled. Although Don Isacc tried to use his wealth [that same year it is widely held that he financed Christopher Columbus's voyage to the Americas] and influence [he worked tirelessly to free Jewish captives from around the world, often paying a large ransom] to save the Spanish Jewish community, he ultimately did not prevail. After the expulsion, Don Isaac moved to Naples - serving as an advisor to the King there - before dying in poverty in 1508 at age 71.


We interviewed Maxwell Barbanell on 29 Tishrei (October 15th) - 504 years to the day since Don Isaac's passing.




Maxwell Rotbart and Rabbi Michael Sunshine
Maxwell Rotbart and Rabbi Michael Sunshine

This week we also have the opportunity to speak with Rabbi Michael Sunshine, head of the Jewish Student Connection [formerly known as the Jewish Student Union] in Colorado, about the valuable mission that he oversees in our community.


Rabbi Sunshine travels throughout Denver and Boulder, visiting public and private secular high schools to bring Judaic enrichment programs to the students. The work that Rabbi Sunshine does in these schools is of utmost importance to our community. The majority of Jewish high school students in Colorado are not enrolled in Jewish schools and many don't attend synagogue youth groups or outside Jewish organizations.


By visiting these schools [towing with him bagels, cream cheese, and lots of fun programs and meaningful discussion topics], Rabbi Sunshine ensures that the students' connection to Judaism is nurtured. To learn how to help JSC so that Rabbi Sunshine can further his work, listeners can contact him at



We Support Jewish Day Schools  

November 5th: Join us at BMH-BJ Congregation to hear Jewish high school students question the experts about the outcome of the 2012 Presidential election in this special Election Eve Forum. Program: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.  Registration: 6:30 p.m.


Herb Keinon - Radio Chavura Keynote Speaker: Herb Keinon, chief diplomatic correspondent, The Jerusalem PostFree to all students

Only $5 for adults.  Phone 1-855-JEWISH-4 to reserve seats. Net proceeds benefit Denver's vital Jewish day schools. 




Radio Chavura welcomes submissions and comments from our listeners.  Write us:
Can't listen tonight? You can hear the full show right now, here. All previous broadcasts are available at:
Dean and Maxwell Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts