Chag Sameach: Hear this week's program online now or at 6:30 p.m. on 990 KRKS AM.
- In 1941, having captured and occupied Kiev, the Nazis rounded up the city's Jewish population and took them to Babi Yar, a ravine outside the Ukrainian capital. There, over the course of the Rosh Hashanah holiday, they butchered 33,771 Jews. By the time the Russians wrested control of Kiev from the Germans in 1943, approximately 100,000 people had been murdered at Babi Yar.
Cantor Kutner
Last week at Denver's Babi Yar Park, the annual commemoration of the massacre was held. Radio Chavura was in attendance to record and photograph the moving ceremony. This week on Radio Chavura, we play brief excerpts of the remarks by AIPAC's Jessica Milstein - who lost relatives at Babi Yar - and University of Colorado professor Dr. David Shneer - an expert on Soviet Jewry.
Anton Antonov
Our program this week also features Anton Antonov, the first-ever artist-in-residence at the Mizel Museum. Born in Soviet-occupied Belarus in 1981, Anton didn't learn that he was of Jewish heritage until he was already in grade school. Anton moved to Israel at age 15 where he joined the Yemin Orde Youth Village and then the IDF. After leaving the army, Anton realized his life's dream of being an artist.
November 5th: Join us at BMH-BJ Congregation to hear Jewish high school students question the experts about the outcome of the 2012 Presidential election in this special Election Eve Forum. Program 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Keynote Speaker: Herb Keinon, chief diplomatic correspondent, The Jerusalem Post. Free to all students. Only $5 for adults. Phone 1-855-JEWISH-4 to reserve seats. Net proceeds benefit Denver's vital Jewish day schools.
Support Our Friends
- How wonderful that our friends Alicia and John Vargo of Pampered Passions Fine Lingerie have designed web pages for Radio Chavura listeners with a special focus on modest fashions. Alicia and John not only support our radio program, they are very active in providing support and comfort to Colorado's breast cancer survivor community.
Can't listen tonight? You can hear the full show (and all previous editions) now at:
Dean and Maxwell Rotbart Radio Chavura Co-Hosts |