Radio Chavura
Rabbi Daniel Alter
Rabbi Daniel Alter - Denver Academy of Torah
Tonight's Guests: 6:30 p.m. - 990 KRKS AM

  We Support Jewish Day Schools

It's back to school this week for Colorado's Jewish students. We speak with Rabbi Daniel Alter, head of school at the Denver Academy of Torah, about the importance of Jewish day schools and why they merit greater support from the community - even from those families without children currently enrolled in a Jewish day school.   


Rabbi Alter points out that the first generation of day school graduates are now entering leadership positions in their communities - and what that means for the future of the Jewish people. 


Read: It's Time To Adopt a Community Jewish Education Fee

Phone us at 1-855-539-4744 (1-855-JEWISH-4) to learn how your business or professional practice can proudly display the "We Support Jewish Day Schools™" logo.

Channa Weiss - Radio Chavura
Chana Weiss, Beth Jacob High School


Randy Shapiro Weiss and Wendy Greenwald - directors of the Jewish Denver Drama Girls - discuss the decision to start a Jewish girls acting group and what gap it fills. They'll also tell us about their personal backgrounds in the theater. 


And we'll hear another special preview of the Jewish Denver Drama Girls' next play - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


Women and children are invited to attend the full performance on Sunday, August 26, 2012 @ 4:00 pm at Aish Denver: 9550 E. Belleview Avenue * Greenwood Village, CO * 80111.
Can't listen tonight? You can hear the full show (and all previous editions) tomorrow at:

Last week: Dr. Seth Ward on Crypto-Judaism and Elizabeth Naidu on the Jewish community in India.  Listen now!
Alicia Vargo - Pampered Passions
Alicia Vargo
Support Our Friends
How wonderful that our friends Alicia and John Vargo of Pampered Passions Fine Lingerie have designed web pages for Radio Chavura listeners with a special focus on modest fashions.  Alicia and John not only support our program, they are very active in providing support and comfort to Colorado's breast cancer survivor community.  

Visit the special Radio Chavura pages of Pampered Passions here.
Coupon: Save $20 on Your Next Order here.

Be sure to see what other discounts are available exclusively for Radio Chavura listeners: 
Dean and Maxwell Rotbart
Radio Chavura Co-Hosts

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