A Helping of Hope
The E-Newsletter for Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada
& the St. Vincent's Programs


In This Issue
Squeeze In Restaurant Onwer Pays it Forward
New Donation Drop-off Center Opening Soon
Plates to Ease Poverty is SOLD OUT!
Click here to make a charitable donation to help us ease the pain of poverty in Northern Nevada.
A Quick Look at Our Program Numbers

With nine unique programs, we help hundreds of people daily. Here are a few highlights from last month that best tell the story of what we do to ease the pain of poverty in our community.

Program Statistics for Summer 2013:

953 - Record number of people served in the St. Vincent's Dining Room on July 31st, 2013 
18 out of 21 - Number of beds now occupied at our collaborative supportive living program "The Park House"
979 - Record number of people served during the month of July through our Kids to Seniors Korner Program 
Squeeze In
 The Squeeze In family: (from left) Shila Morris, Chad Morris, Misty Young, Gary Young. While they now own and operate the Squeeze In, the family once stood in line at St. Vincent's for food.
Multi-million dollar business owner remembers days of standing in line for food at   St. Vincent's Food Pantry
     Misty Young, owner of local restaurant chain, Squeeze In, says the irony of it all continues to amaze her. "I think back in my life and how many times St. Vincent's has helped me. Whether it was clothing my children, putting furniture in my house, or putting food on my table, St. Vincent's never asked anything of me. That's an incredibly valuable example that I still continue to live by."

     Young, who now lives in a small fishing town in Oregon, purchased the original Squeeze In location in Truckee in 2004, and grew the business into the four-location, multi-million dollar business it is today. Her daughter and co-owner, Shila, now operates the restaurants while Young and her husband, Gary, focus on their next big goal of franchising their business throughout the West Coast. Young is also currently touring and promoting her brand new book, titled From Rags to Restaurants: The Secret Recipe, which outlines her history as a business owner and how loving her restaurant and her customers helped her achieve success.
     While Young and her family are now financially comfortable, things weren't always easy for them. In fact, Young says she remembers standing in the monthly food lines at St. Vincent's in the late 1980's in order to pick up food commodities like butter, cheese and canned meat. "We were so poor. Some of my daughter's first memories were of us standing in those lines. The concept of owning a restaurant wasn't even in my head at that time. I was just trying to serve my family," says Young.
     Now more than 25 years later, Young's restaurants are giving back to our St. Vincent's Programs by holding a food and hygiene drive in order to collect nonperishable goods and toiletry products for local people in need. During the months of August and September, all four locations of Squeeze In are offering free breakfast to guests who donate one of these items. "I make it part of my business to always give back to my community. St. Vincent's is what inspired me to do that." Young says her restaurants donate to about 350 local nonprofits and causes each year by giving free gift baskets, gift certificates, and auction items. "People come to us daily and we never say no. It makes me very happy to be able to do this," she says.
     Young says she's amazed that while she once came to St. Vincent's for food and furniture out of necessity, she now comes to us in order to purchase fun, retro pieces to furnish her restaurants. "I like the fact that the money I spend at St. Vincent's goes back to the community and serves a purpose," she says. Over the years, her restaurants have also donated leftover food to the St. Vincent's Dining Room. Her goal has always been to do even more. "It has always been my business goal to be able to give out a million dollars a year to charity. We're going to get there one day."
     While Young lovingly refers to her days of standing in food lines as the "Top Ramen days," she feels so grateful to have achieved business and personal success in her later life. But what sets her apart from other successful business owners is that she always remembers her history and where she came from.
     "I love what St. Vincent's is and what it does and how it serves people. I mean, really, it's just such a beautiful testament to human kindness."
     Squeeze In and Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada are hoping to turn this year's food and hygiene drive into a larger, annual event. For more information about Squeeze In, including their menu, hours and location, please visit

www.squeezein.com. To learn more about the St. Vincent's Programs, www.ccsnn.org. 


When giving comes full circle
     Welcome friends of Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada & The St. Vincent's Programs. Thank you for your continued support of our nonprofit organization.
     We are often reminded about the true meaning of philanthropy when people who donate to us tell us they once used to be our clients. It's uplifting to hear from people who say they want to give back to our nonprofit in order to thank us for helping them through a difficult situation in their past.
     In August, the owner of a local chain of restaurants holding a collection drive for us informed us that several years ago, she had used the St. Vincent's Food Pantry when she was down on her luck. The help she received in her past is what drives her to give back now. To us, this is exactly what it means to truly be a volunteer from the heart. We value all of our supporters, donors and friends--but especially those who know what it feels like to walk in the shoes of someone in need.

Peter Vogel
Executive Director
Our brand new donation drop off center, located at 4670 Sparks Boulevard. Open M - S 8:00 to 6:00 and Sun 8:00 to 5:00. Our Grand Opening Celebration and Donation Drive is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 6th.
     If you live in Sparks or the North Valleys, getting rid of your unwanted household items will soon get a little easier. A conveniently located donation drop off center is opening on September 23rd at 4670 Sparks Boulevard near Disc Drive. All furniture, clothing, and other donations that are delivered to the drop off center will be sold in our St. Vincent's Thrift Shop at 500 East Fourth Street in Downtown Reno.
     "We realize that it's not always easy for people who live in Sparks and outer Reno to get downtown to drop off items to us, so we wanted to expand their options and hopefully increase the number of donations we get for our store," says John Fisher, Director of the St. Vincent's Thrift Shop.
     All proceeds on items sold in the thrift shop go toward funding the nine human needs programs of Catholic Charities and the St. Vincent's Programs. Donated clothing and furniture translates into food, clothing and other assistance for local people in need. Thrift Shop revenue makes up 21 percent of the total yearly operating budget for CCNN.
     "The ultimate goal is to get more donations, which leads to more transactions in our store, and finally, our ability to help even more people in need," says Fisher, who hopes to double the number of donations to St. Vincent's Thrift Shop by opening the donation center.
     "People are already so generous, and we know they want to help. This just makes it more convenient for them," he says.
     The 1,300 square foot drop off center is currently under construction and will be finished and ready for the September 23rd soft opening. The drop off center is located in the Scolari's parking lot at Sparks Blvd. and Disc Drive, right next door to the Squeeze In Restaurant. In additional to Thrift Shop donations, locals can also bring canned food and other non-perishable items, which will be given away to people in need through our St. Vincent's Food Pantry.
     The Grand Opening Celebration for the donation drop-off center is scheduled for Sunday, October 6th. For more information about the new drop off center, please call (775)322-7073 ext. 235. For weekly updates on the St. Vincent's Thrift Shop as well as photos of great items on our sales floor, find us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/StVincentsThriftShop?ref=hl 
Plates to Ease Poverty logo

Plates 2013 is a sellout!   
     The 2013 Plates to Ease Poverty dinner and auction sold out more than eight weeks before the date of the gala, making it our largest expected attendance in the event's six-year-history. As of September 1st, 600 guests had RSVP'd for the event, and close to 100 silent and live auction items had been packaged and secured.
     "We are so thrilled with the support of our community this year, and we're so excited for the big evening!" says Debbie Rossi, event chair. "This year, we are honoring the Nell J. Redfield Foundation with the Bishop's Humanitarian Award, and we're so happy to have so many supportive community members in the room with us to help congratulate them."
     All proceeds from the annual event go toward funding our nine basic human needs programs at St. Vincent's. In order to make or event a success, we are still looking for live and silent auction item donations, beer and wine, and auction underwriters. If you'd like to make a donation or sponsor an item, please contact Director of Marketing & Public Relations Auburn Harrison at (775)322-7073 ext 235 or ddirector@ccsnn.org.
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