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Donations are used to support Colorado's adoptive families.
In This Issue
Twitter COCAF!
Family Corner
Camp Teen Fundango
Domestic Adoption Camp
NACAC Conference
NACAC Scholarships
Transportation for People With Disabilities
Free Larimer County Camp
Post-Adoption Support Push
Key Research on Post-Adoption Services
A New Vision for Adoption
Support Groups
Classroom Training

AdoptCare Network Training Advanced


June 4, 2014

9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Fort Collins, CO

Click here for more info.

Empowering Principles�


June 7, 2014

12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Denver Dept of Human Services

1200 Federal Blvd

Denver, CO 80204

Click here for more info.

Parenting a Child Who Experienced Trauma


June 10, 2014

5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Ca�on City, CO

Click here for more info.

Teens, Tween and Everything In-Between


June 11, 2014

8:00 a.m. - noon

2573 Midpoint Drive

Fort Collins, CO 80525

Click here for more info.


Helping Children Cope


June 11, 2014

1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

2573 Midpoint Drive

Fort Collins, CO 80525

Click here for more info.


 Caring for Children Who Have Been Sexually Abused

June 13 & 14, 2014

Friday, 4:40 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Northeast Regional Training Center

2573 Midpoint Drive
Fort Collins CO 80525

Click here for more info.


Correcting Principles of TBRI�


June 14, 2014

12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Denver Dept of Human Services

1200 Federal Blvd

Denver, CO 80204

Click here for more info.


Nurturing Children with Special

Health Care Needs


June 18, 2014

8:00 a.m. - noon

195 West 14th Street

Rifle, CO 81650

Click here for more info.


Promoting Placement Stability


June 18, 2014

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

195 West 14th Street

Rifle, CO 81650

Click here for more info.


Trust-Based Relational Intervention


June 19, 2014

5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Parker, CO

Click here for more info.


Multi-Racial Families & Cultural Identity in Adopted Children


June 21, 2014

9:00 a.m. - noon

Christ Community Church

1301 15th St

Greeley, CO

Click here for more info.

Mental Health and Medications

June 23 & 24, 2014

Monday 9:00 a.m. -4:30 p.m.

Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

172 Justice Center Rd

Canon City, CO 81212

Click here for more info.


Starting Over:  

An Intensive Family Intervention Training for Defiant & Out-of-Control Children

Saturday & Sunday

July 12-13, 1014

Denver, CO

Click here for more info.




Using Emotional CPR (eCPR) to Implement Systems Transformation


June 4, 2014

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Click here for more info.





17th Conference on Family Group Decision Making

Tuesday - Friday

June 10-13, 2014

Vail, CO

Click here for more info.     



2014 NACAC Conference

Permanency Matters:

A Family for Growing Up and Growing Old 

Wednesday - Saturday

July 23-26, 2014

Kansas City, MO

Click here more information. 



27th Annual
National Independent Living Conference  

"Growing Pains 2014"

  For Adults and Youth


August 26-29, 2014
Sheraton Downtown Denver

1550 Court Pl

Denver, CO 80202

Click here for more info.



2014 Reading in the Rockies Conference


October 10-11, 2014

Hyatt Beaver Creek

More info to come. 




These webinars have been recorded and are available 24X7


Supporting Youth in Transition: The Importance of Case Worker Visits

Click here to for more info.


Adoption Tax Credit: A Guide for State Advocates

Click here for more info.


Child Welfare and the Affordable Care Act

Click here for more info.


Improving the Economic Security of Children in Foster Care & Young People Who Are Transitioning out of Care


Privatization of Child Welfare Services: A Guide for State Advocates

Click here to download.


Collaborating with Kinship Caregivers Curriculum and TA

Click here to download.


Finding What Works: Helping Young Adults Transition into Adulthood

Click here to download.


The Uninterrupted Scholars Act: How Do Recent Changes to FERPA Help Child Welfare Agencies Get Access to School Records?

Click here to download.

The 50 State Chartbook on Foster Care: A Web-Based Data Resource for Child Welfare Professionals

Click here to download.

  Improving the Economic Security of Children in Foster Care and Young People Who Are Transitioning from Foster Care
FREE Online Courses
FREE AFP Online Classes

These classes are available free to families who have adopted internationally or privately. To get your online training code and instructions for accessing your free training class, contact Michelle Betsch at mbetsch@adoptex.org or



Conspicuous Families

  Discipline and the Adopted Child: Ain't Misbehavin'


Finding the Missing Pieces 


The Journey Of Attachment 


 Tough Starts: Brain Development Matters  

 Kempe Center Webinars

The Kempe Center for the Prevention & Treatment of Child Abuse & Neglect has announced the dates for their free upcoming webinar series on Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) and other family engagement approaches.  This series, for child and family serving professionals, advocates, foster parents, and other community stakeholders, will include a wide range of topics by presenters representing many areas in the field of family inclusion in decision making.


All these webinar are free of charge.


Competencies for Strengths-based Family Workers

Thursday, August 14, 2014, noon


Leading the Way: Supervisors Promoting Critical Thinking in FGDM Practice

Tuesday, September 16, 2014, noon


Family Group Decision Making: Engaging, Encouraging, and Empowering Families to Succeed

Wednesday, October 15, 2014, noon


Believe it or Not: The Interplay between Child Welfare Agency Staff Attitudes and Knowledge about FGDM and Implementation

Thursday, November 13, 2014, noon


Click here for more information.


Click here to register for one of the webinars.                

AMC Autism Logo  
Sensory Friendly Films
AMC Theatres (AMC) and the Autism Society have teamed up to bring families affected by autism and other disabilities a special opportunity to enjoy their favorite films in a safe and accepting environment on a monthly basis with the "Sensory Friendly Films" program.

May 31
June 21


Click here for more info.



Twitter @Adopt_Colorado 


Check us out at http://www.twitter.com/Adopt_Colorado  and follow us!  You'll get up to the minute news on classes, resources, and adoption issues. 



While You Shop!

Use AmazonSmile when you shop Amazon, and support COCAF at the same time! Shop at AmazonSmile and 0.5% of your eligible Amazon purchases can be donated to the nonprofit of your choice - including COCAF. Your donations help adoptive families in Colorado find the services they need to keep their families safe, healthy, and thriving. Click here to start shopping.

I received several very nice emails about last month's enewsletter. The writers told me that they enjoyed hearing about my children, and that made me think that maybe we'd all like to hear about your children. So if you have a story about your child (or children) that you'd like to share with the world (at least our little enewsletter world), please email it to me at colleen.tarket@cocaf.org. I can't promise that we can include everything we receive in our enewsletter, but we'll try!


In the meanwhile, I hope that you all have a wonderful June AND don't forget to give lots of love to all the fathers out there!


Happy Fathers' Day! 


K. Colleen Tarket, COCAF Board of Directors




Family Corner


At COCAF, we constantly struggle to find adequate resources for adopted families in two critical areas: Respite and adoption-competent mental health care. So we've decided to go to the experts - you adoptive parents - and ask for help.


Currently, we have an adoptive family that needs respite care for their 16-year old son for June 5-11, 2014. The family is willing to provide reciprocating respite services or to pay for respite. If you would like to help this family, please contact mom Kari at Kari.Volf@Coalfire.com.


PLEASE NOTE: COCAF is providing this as a service to our permanency families, but is not responsible for any arrangements made between families. Before agreeing to provide respite to anyone, please make sure that you are well informed about the situation to ensure the best outcome for all involved.


Camp Teen Fundango


Friday, June 6- Sunday, June 8, 2014


Registration fee $30.00

Space is limited to the first 24 teens.


Camp Teen Fundango challenges kids to step outside of their comfort zone, connect with new and unexpected friends, and to discover their sense of self and leadership. The weekend is full with fun activities including rock climbing, mountain boarding, and hiking!


For more information and registration information, call 970-223-1230 or email director@kidsatheartfundango.org.


Click here for more information.


Domestic Adoption Camp, July 24-27

The theme this year is "Family Ties: What Holds Us Together." Through art, music, movement, play, team building, outdoor activities, and more, children from the age of 3 to 18 joyfully will explore and celebrate being adopted.  Children's counselors will be young adult adoptees. Experts in the fields of adoption, education, trauma ,and child development are invited to speak with parents and with older teens.  Parents have an opportunity to be with a group of people who "GET IT." No explanations, no crazy questions, no judgments. Come learn and share with other adoptive families.  Registration is open. Scholarships are available for those who need financial assistance.   Click here for more information.

NACAC Conference Registration Is Now Open!

Registration is now open for the annual NACAC conference in Kansas City, Missouri, on July 23-26, 2014. You can download a registration booklet or view all of the information and register online. This year's conference includes three pre-conference sessions:

  1. Permanency for Older Children and Youth: Critical Work Before, During, and After Placement

  2. Creating Trauma-Competent Homes to Nurture Permanency and Attachment

  3. Improving Services and Outcomes with Older LGBTQ Youth in Care

 This nationally recognized adoption conference includes more than 90 workshops for all members of the adoption and foster care community; programming for children ages 6 to 17; and a 2-day conference for youth (July 24 & 25) , sponsored by Jockey Being FamilyTM, for youth advocates ages 18 to 25.


Click here for more information or to register.



NACAC Scholarships Available 


The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) is pleased to announce the availability of a limited number of scholarships, funded by Jockey Being Family, to attend NACAC's 40th annual conference in Kansas City, Missouri, July 24-26, 2014.

Scholarships are available to parent group leaders if (1) your parent group is or becomes a current parent group member of NACAC and (2) the applicant has NOT previously attended an annual NACAC conference.

The scholarship can cover:

  • NACAC conference individual registration fee
  • up to three nights of lodging (you share a room with another scholarship recipient)
  • all or most of airfare (arranged by NACAC) or mileage for driving to Kansas City

Applicants are encouraged to access other resources or commit personal funds to cover some of these costs, which would allow us to increase the number of scholarships NACAC awards. Please note your willingness/ability to cover any of your expenses on the application.

Scholarship recipients may attend one of the pre-conference sessions on July 23 (see registration booklet for descriptions)-but these sessions are not covered by the scholarship. Attendees would be responsible for the registration fee ($100) and lodging for Tuesday night.

NACAC has an extremely limited number of scholarships available. To apply for a scholarship, complete an application; click here to go to the online application.
If you cannot use the online application, please contact Christina Romo for a paper copy of the application. NACAC must receive the entire application packet by May 15, 2014 by Survey Monkey, mail, fax, or email:

Christina Romo, NACAC
970 Raymond Avenue, Suite 106
Saint Paul, MN 55114-1149
Fax: 651-644-9848         christinaromo@nacac.org
Phone:  651-644-3036, x17 


Transportation for People With Disabilities

From the Colorado Development Disabilities Council

Monday, June 2, 2014

Police Station, District 33

1625 South University Boulevard

Denver, CO 80210

1:00-3:00 pm

Accessible, affordable, and flexible means of transportation are important to everyone, but often unavailable to people with disabilities.  Sometimes, the simple act of commuting to work, keeping a doctor's appointment, going to the grocery store, or just visiting friends poses insurmountable challenges.   



This is especially true in a state such as Colorado, whose layout ranges from the urban centers of the Front Range to the rural communities of the Western Slope.

To register, or obtain more information, please contact Lionel at: lionel.llewellyn@state.co.us or at 720-941-0176.


Free Larimer County Camp

Larimer County teens aged 13 to 16, have the opportunity to attend a free, 6-day outdoor adventure camp July 7-12. To read more about the camp and how to apply, click here.
Post-Adoption Support Push

Many national adoption advocacy groups have joined together to ask Congress to improve post-adoption support for those who adopt from the foster care system. Access to appropriate post-adoption resources is an issue in Colorado, as it is in most other states. Read the recommendations for changes here.


Adoption Institute Issues Key Research on Post-Adoption Services



The Donaldson Adoption Institute recently published two important reports on the current state of post-adoption services and the need for additional supports:

  • Keeping the Promise: The Case for Adoption Support and Preservation - This new report summarizes research related to post-adoption instability and the positive effect of post-adoption services. Based on new data gathered from eight states and other data, it outlines the imperative need for children and families to receive post-adoption support services. Key findings include: (1)about 10 percent of children adopted from foster care re-enter care; (2) of those about one-quarter or one-third experience a dissolved adoption; (3) another 10 percent of children leave their homes after the adoption for at least some period of time; and (4) another 20 to 30 percent of children and youth adopted from care face significant challenges.  Click here to go to the report.
  • Supporting and Preserving Adoptive Families: Profiles of Publicly Funded Post-Adoption Services - This companion report catalogs and analyzes the types and range of post-adoption support provided by each state, state eligibility criteria for support services, and funding of services. The report also recommends the types of support services that states should be providing. Click here to go to the report.
A New Vision for Adoption
From National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections (NRCPFC)

Webcast: Re-Envisioning Foster Care in America-The Treehouse Community

Wednesday, June 4, 2014, 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

In this free NRCPFC webcast, NRCPFC Director of Information Services, Tracy Serdjenian, speaks with various members of the Treehouse Community about their experiences of being a part of this unique community. Treehouse is a multi-generational community, located in Easthampton, Massachusetts, designed to support families who are fostering and adopting children from the public foster care system. Judy Cockerton, Founder/Executive Director of the Treehouse Foundation, provides viewers with the history of the Treehouse Community and discusses how Treehouse has engaged and partnered with various groups and stakeholders through their initiatives and projects to support children, families, and elders. She offers an overview of Treehouse Foundation's various projects and initiatives, and shares lessons they learned as the community grew and developed. Treehouse Community Elders share their stories of how they came to live at Treehouse, their experiences living within the community, and ways they engage with children and other families. Parents in the Treehouse Community share their experiences living at Treehouse, including how it has supported their children and families, and how they are involved in the community. Kerry Homstead, Community Facilitator, discusses her role in connecting Treehouse Community members with resources and helping to meet their emerging needs, as well as best practices and programs at Treehouse that support children and youth in flourishing. Beth Spong, Development Consultant, talks about the Treehouse Community in relation to the larger context of the region and country.  Learn more and register, click here.



2014 Champions for Children Golf Classic to Benefit The Adoption Exchange

Champions for Children Celebration Dinner on Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Denver Marriot South at Park Meadows


Champions for Children Golf Tournament on Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sanctuary Golf Course, Sedalia, CO

Click here for more information.


Support Groups


Sometimes our children provide us with challenges that we're just not quite ready to handle.  And sometimes support groups can help us find the answers we need, or at least make us feel okay about the unique challenges we're facing.  Here are some support groups that might be helpful.


Welcome Child Adoption/Foster Care Support Group

Second Sunday of the month (May 11 & June 8)

6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Timberline Church, Room 214

2908 S. Timberline Road

Fort Collins, CO  80525

For more information contact Michele Sanner by email at mlsanner@gmail.com or by phone at (970) 481-5749.

Click here to register for childcare.


Xpress Yourself Art & Play Therapy  

Support groups for internationally adopted children & adolescents


6920 S. Holly Circle

Centennial, CO 80112

Call 303-850-9998, ext 22


Called to Adopt Support Group

4th Saturday of the month, 6:00 p.m.,
Christ Community Church, Greeley, CO

Click here for more info.


The Men's Group for Adoptive Dads

Thursdays, 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.

Zoe's, 715 10th St, Greeley, CO 80631

For more information, contact Tim Paxton at 970-691-5737 or by email at timpaxton33@gmail.com.


 Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support Group

Facilitators:  Sarah Ahn and Jenny Burnsed, LPC

Last Monday of every month 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Bixby School,  3750 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder

There is no fee associated with this group, though donations are gratefully accepted.  Please contact Sarah at SarahA@bipr.org for questions.

Therapeutic Post-Adoption Support Group

2nd Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Windsor Timberline Church

360 E Crossroads Blvd, Windsor, CO

Click here for more information.


Aurora Mental Health

Adoption Support Group

2nd & 4th Mondays of the month

Aurora Mental Health

11059 E Bethany Drive, Aurora, CO 80014

Click here for more information.


The Be The Change Challenge

(For parents of challenging children)

2nd Tuesday of each month, 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

ACL Boulder, 5744 North 71st Street, Longmont, Colorado 80503

Call 630-841-0458

Click here for more info.


EMPOWER Colorado Adams County Rainbow Center

3rd Thursday of each month, 6:00 p.m. -  8:00 p.m.

2140 E 88th Ave, Thornton, CO  80229

Contact:  KimNichelle Rivera 303-226-5536


EMPOWER Littleton/Aurora/Englewood

1st & 3rd Thursday, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network

155 Inverness Drive West, Englewood, CO 80112

Contact Carol Villa at 303-790-1055 for more information or email Littleton@empowercolorado.com


NAMI Connections Recovery Support Group for Adults

Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m.

ADMHN Building, 3rd floor

5500 S. Sycamore St, Littleton, CO  80120

Contact:  Carol 



NAMI Family Support Group Teleconference

2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month

Contact:  eleslie15@gmail.com 


Louisville Parent Support Group

Second Tuesday of the month 7:00 - 8:30

Art Underground

 901 Front Street, Louisville, CO 80027

$25 per session; reservations required.

Call 720-352-1743.


COCAF strives to provide Colorado's adoptive families with the information and resources they need to keep their families healthy and happy.  If you have ideas for topics you think we should cover, please let us know.  And if you find a good resource -- definitely let us know.  Please forward your ideas or information to me at colleen.tarket@cocaf.org.  Materials received by the 20th of a month will be considered for inclusion in the next month's newsletter.

Wishing all families peace, serenity, and a good sense of humor,
Colleen Tarket, COCAF Board Member (and newsletter put-ter-together-er)

COCAF does not recommend or endorse any specific book, website, survey, study, or provider of services.  The purpose of the COCAF e-newsletter is to provide families with potential resources.  All information contained in this newsletter is for general informational purposes only and as is without warranty expressed or implied, and shall not constitute legal, medical, psychiatric, educational, or parenting advice.  COCAF is not be liable for any damages arising from using the information in this newsletter, including direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and/or consequential damages.


No information on this site should be considered legal advice.  Laws vary by state, so you are urged to research the specific laws, and your rights, within your state.  If you have specific questions regarding your rights, or the laws in your state, please contact an attorney.

Join Our Mailing List
Use this area to provide your subscribers information about your organization.

We believe that all children have the right to a permanent loving family. We are dedicated to improving services for every pre- and post-adoptive family and to increasing the knowledge and accountability of public systems. We are committed to advocacy in state and local service planning and delivery, in support of all pre and post adoptive families.

Deborah Cave, Executive Director