California Housing Consortium 

The United Voice for Affordable Housing

August 20, 2013

Campaign News

Thanks to all your hard work, the California Homes and Jobs Act (SB 391) continues to move through the Assembly. On Friday, August 30th, the bill will be heard by the Assembly Appropriations Committee and put on the "suspense file." That same day, the committee will vote whether or not to move the bill "off suspense," so it can go to the full Assembly for a vote


Ask the Assembly Appropriations Committee Members to Vote YES!

Take Action:
Visit our Action Center to send letters to the Speaker of the Assembly, Chair of the Assembly Appropriations Committee, and select members of the Appropriations committee.

What Else Can You Do? Forward this e-mail to your listservs/contacts.


Thank you for all your work to help create homes and jobs for Californians! 

30141 Agoura Road Suite 205
Agoura Hills, CA 91301

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