California Housing Consortium 

The United Voice for Affordable Housing

June 27, 2013

Campaign News
SB 391 to Be Heard by TWO Committees During the Week of August 12 
Before SB 391 can go to the full Assembly for a vote, it first must pass Assembly committees. We just learned that the bill will be scheduled to be heard by both Housing and Community Development and Labor and Employment sometime during the week of August 12th.


First Stop: Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee

The first committee to hear our bill is the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee. We have already lined up a variety of supporters, including those from the business community, to testify on the impact California's severe shortage of affordable homes has on vulnerable individuals, families, and our economy.

Here's how you can help. We've got all the tools you need to make your voice heard.

1. Send Support Letters to Committee Members 


Take Action: Visit our Action Center to download our sample support letter to the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee.


2. Tweet Your Support to Committee Members

We saw a great amount of activity in the days before SB 391 was heard on the Senate floor and even during the vote! We know our virtual "voices" are being heard; Senators even retweeted our thank you tweets and boasted of their support for SB 391.

Five of the six committee members are on Twitter. Encourage them to vote YES on SB 391:
  • Assemblymember Ed Chau (@EdChau49)
  • Assemblymember Beth Gaines (@BethGaines)
  • Assemblymember Toni Atkins (@toniatkins)
  • Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (@QuirkSilva2012)
  • Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (@B_Maienschein)

Sample Tweets:

  • [your city] needs homes and jobs, @[insert Legislator], say #YesonSB391
  • The housing crisis isn't over for CA families, @[insert legislators] #YesonSB391 & get CA building again!
  • Vote #YesonSB391 to create 10,000 affordable homes per year @[insert legislator]
  • Get CA building to create 29,000 jobs annually. @[insert legislator] vote #YesonSB391
  • The CA Senate agrees that CA needs new home and jobs. @[insert legislator] vote #YesonSB391

3. Attend the Hearings


Live near Sacramento? Plan to join us at the state Capitol to attend the hearings and show your support. As mentioned above, TWO hearings will be scheduled for the week of August 12. We will notify you as soon as the dates and times are set. 

24 Legislators Signed On As Co-Authors
When it comes to creating homes and jobs for Californians, not only are legislators saying YES, but more and more are showing how important SB 391 is to their districts and constituents by joining bill author Senator DeSaulnier and signing on as co-authors.

Thank you to all these elected leaders for recognizing the importance of homes and jobs for Californians, California businesses, and our state budget.

Assembly Principal Co-Authors

Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) 
Raul Bocanegra (D-Los Angeles) 
Rich Gordon (D-Menlo Park)

Assembly Co-Authors

Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) 
Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) 
Susan Bonilla (D-Concord) 
Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) 
Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) 
Roger Hernandez (D-West Covina) 
Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) 
Kevin Mullin (D-South San Francisco) 
Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton) 
Mark Stone (D-Scotts Valley) 
Bob Weickowski (D-Fremont)
Senate Co-Authors

Marty Block
(D-San Diego)
Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana)
Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley)
Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo)
Mark Leno (D-San Francisco)
Ted Lieu (D-Torrance)
Fran Pavley (D-Agoura Hills)
Curren Price (D-Los Angeles)
Richard Roth (D-Riverside)
Norma Torres (D-Pomona) 
SB 391 in the News!
California Homes and Jobs Act Champion Eden Housing took the opportunity to connect a local news story to our statewide message on SB 391:

"This development is the result of a tremendous partnership between the city, the private foundation community and the county," said Linda Mandolini, president of Eden Housing. "Their funding and support, in conjunction with critical funding from the state and federal government, really made this happen."


Eden Housing supports the California Homes and Jobs Act, which will provide an ongoing funding source that helps the state live within its means, and increases California's supply of affordable homes, creates jobs, and spurs economic growth without incurring additional debt. The act imposes a $75 fee on documents related to real estate transactions, excluding home and commercial property sales.


"It will be hard to replicate this development with the loss of redevelopment funding and the federal cuts we face from sequestration," Mandolini said. "Our one glimmer of hope for the future is SB 391 the California Homes and Jobs Act, which we hope will pass. Without it, the waiting lists for homes in this county will only get longer."


View our Messaging Guide for tips on how to effectively talk about the California Homes and Jobs Act. 

What to Do When Legislators Break for Summer Recess

Between now and the August Assembly committee hearings, both the Senate and Assembly will take a four-week break for summer recess. This year, the Assembly will break a week earlier than the Senate (and will return a week earlier). During this time, legislators will return home to their districts.  

  • Assembly summer recess (July 4 - August 4)
  • Senate summer recess (July 13 - August 11)

Summer recess is the perfect time to bolster support for homes and jobs. You can:

  • Meet with legislators at their district offices to talk about the Homes and Jobs Act.
  • Take legislators on a tour to show what affordable homes look like and introduce them to people in their districts whose lives have been improved by having a stable, affordable place to call home.  
  • Hold a rally or other event and invite your legislators and the media. 
  • Place an OpEd in your local paper. 
Need support? We have campaign consultants and regional leaders throughout the state ready to help. John Simmons to get connected with a campaign leader in your region or Karen Naungayan for assistance with Op-Eds or help getting media to attend your rally/event.
30141 Agoura Road Suite 205
Agoura Hills, CA 91301

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