California Housing Consortium 

The United Voice for Affordable Housing

May 29, 2013

Campaign News

We did it! The the California Homes and Jobs Act just passed the Senate 27-12. Thank you to our CHC members and supporters for your last minute calls to Senators and to our HUGE coalition of over 600 endorsers - we could not have gotten it this far without you!


Show Our Senate Supporters Some Love - Send a Thank You Note

We've all worked hard to get these yes votes. Every Senator who said YES to homes and jobs deserves a heart-felt "thank you." Legislators joining bill author Senator DeSaulnier speaking on behalf of the bill and urging an aye vote included Senate President pro Tem Steinberg and Senators Correa, Torres, and Wright.


Take Action:Take a moment to thank all the Senators who said YES. Make a phone call, send an e-mail or card, or Tweet. View contact info for Senators who said yes.  


Sample Tweets:

  • Thank you [insert legislator's handle], for saying #YesonSB391!
  • [insert legislator's handle] voted #YesonSB391 to create 10,000 affordable homes per year!
  • Thank you [insert legislator's handle] for voting #YesonSB391 to get CA building again! 
  • [insert legislator's handle] knows the housing crisis isn't over for CA families, thanks for voting #YesonSB391!
  • Thank you [insert legislator's handle] for voting #YesonSB391 to create over 29,000 jobs! 
 Example: Thank you @SenDeSaulnier, for saying #YesonSB391!   

What's Next?
SB 391 now moves to the state Assembly. We will keep you posted as to which Assembly committees will hear the bill and when. 


Until then, take a moment to celebrate this huge victory. Great job everyone!


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Agoura Hills, CA 91301

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