December 2015                                                                                                                  Volume 16, Issue 5
Normal logo  December News
The sounds of holiday music are beginning to fill our studio, and we're looking forward to seeing all students perform in our upcoming holiday recitals! This time of year can be busy and at times stressful, but be sure to make time to enjoy the season by attending our recitals or one of the many upcoming holiday concerts in the Madison area. Thank you for your continued support of the arts at Rhapsody, and have a wonderful, safe holiday season!

Thanks for reading,
--Chelsea Rilloraza
   Executive Assistant
   (608) 848-2045
Student Holiday Recitals
Click here for recital information. Holiday recitals will be held Thursday, December 10-Sunday, December 13. The Thursday recital is for our adult students only; all other recitals are open to everyone. Online registration for recitals has ended, so call the office or e-mail Chelsea ASAP to find out what recitals are still open. This document shows you which recitals your teacher will be attending. If your teacher is not listed, you'll need to get their availability directly from them.  

Update: Looking for an extra opportunity to play your recital tunes and holiday favorites? We're looking for students to perform at Coventry Village and Badger Prairie on December 5th and 6th at 2:00 pm. Sign up at the counter in the office or e-mail Kim 
Upcoming Faculty Recital
Don't miss our faculty recital this Friday, December 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Rhapsody as we present Sounds of the Season. Enjoy a variety of holiday, winter, and classical tunes from Leo, Charlene, Chris, Ryan, Chelsea, Michael, Kim, Sebastian and Emily. Come support your teacher and all the other great teachers at Rhapsody!
Group Lesson Week #2
Our next Group Lesson week will be the week of December 14. We will continue our journey backwards in musical history at the next core class. Remember that we offer a great variety of specialty classes as well this week, and you can sign up for as many as you like! Go here to view class options. You do not need to re-register your child for a core class; they will automatically be signed up for the same class for the school year. Sign up for new classes by Monday, December 7
Kudos to Our Students!
  • Congratulations to all our students who participated in Sonatina Festival! Trophy winners: Lynn Trinkl, Bella Khan, Gillian Cartwright (Mickey); well-prepared participants: Karson Baumgartner (Mickey), Nathan Trinkl (Leo), Alex Klimm, Wesley Briquelet, Mia Schroeder-Oyler and Claire Rohn (Mickey).
  • Some of our students are performing in VACT's production of A Very Merry Hometown Christmas: Kate Veak (Julie), Elyse Mancilla (Meghan), James Bradley (Charlene) and Liam Bradley (Amber).
Inclement Weather Policy
snow-heavy-trees.jpg School cancellations due to weather do not imply lesson cancellations. If lessons are cancelled due to weather, notification will be on our outgoing phone message by noon, we'll post an announcement on Facebook, and our closure will be listed on our website under the Student Events block. Lessons or classes missed due to weather-related closure by Rhapsody will be made up. 
Leave Your Footprint at Rhapsody!
We have had a great year of music-making and art-creating! Thanks for your continued support of the arts in the Verona area. We are lucky to experience your generosity throughout the year, and we ask that you consider Rhapsody in your year-end giving. Donations are tax deductible!
Every gift we receive will go toward our scholarship fund so families in need can receive the gift of music.  

Help Waddles the Penguin get to the top of the hill! For every $50 donated, Waddles will make his way further in his journey to the top of the hill.  Every donation is acknowledged with a snowflake. Decorate your snowflake with your family's name or however you like!
We hope to have all Rhapsody friends and families support us however they can. Will you help us reach our goal of $1500?
Happy Holidays!
The Staff at Rhapsody
Rhapsody Arts Center
In This Issue

Music Calendar
Dec. 4:     Sounds of
                    Faculty Recital, 
                    7 p.m. 
Dec. 10-13:Student Holiday 
Dec. 14:   Group Lesson 
                    Week #2
Dec. 21:  Winter Break
Jan. 4:     Lessons Resume
Jan. 18:   MLK Day: 
                    Regular Lessons
                    Sign up for GL
                    Week Classes
Jan. 29:   Leo Van Asten in 
                    Recital, 7:30 pm

Do Your Holiday Shopping and Support Rhapsody!
Amazon Smile donates 0.5% of all your purchases to your designated charity or non-profit. Click here to make Rhapsody your chosen organization. Thank you!

Faculty Recital Series
Mark your calendars! Rhapsody faculty are presenting some excellent recitals this year. All recitals will take place at Rhapsody at. unless otherwise noted.
Dec. 4:   Sounds of the 
                 Season, 7:30 pm
Jan. 29:Leo Van Asten in 
                 Recital 7:30 pm 
Feb. 14: Sensory Friendly
                 Recital 2:00 pm 
Mar. 13:Charlene
                 Adzima-Michaels in
                 recital. A St. Paddy's
                 Day Celebration
                  1:00 pm
April 8: Works of Chopin &
                  Liszt 7:00 pm 

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Rhapsody Arts Center | 1031 North Edge Tr | Verona | WI | 53593