Issue: Summer 2016

As the summer season comes to a close, it's a great time to upload phenology observations you've been keeping on paper datasheets, or start thinking about new activities for next year. 

This fall, we're pleased to have a NASA Space Grant intern, Julianna Renzi, who will be analyzing the data collected by the 15 Refuges that have submitted observations to the National Phenology Database. Julianna will be investigating patterns in the data and creating summaries that will both inform the Refuge that collected the data and inspire Refuges that are hoping to begin phenology monitoring. 

Are you looking to get started with phenology monitoring at your Refuge? We have an opportunity below for you to apply for an in-person workshop! 



USFWS Liaison
Education Coordinator
Phenology on the Refuges
Participants at Grand Bay NWR/NERR workshop, 2016
Apply for a pheno workshop at your Refuge


Are you interested in implementing a phenology monitoring program at your Refuge? USA-NPN is taking applications for a free in-person, 2 day workshop that will be held right at your Refuge. Our staff will help you to design and implement a phenology monitoring program that can be carried out by professional and/or citizen scientist observers. 


Rio Grande Phenology Trail is hiring
The Rio Grande Phenology Trail, which was spearheaded by Valle de Oro NWR and now also includes Sevilleta NWR, is seeking an educator/biologist to coordinate activities on the Trail. This educator/biologist will be hired through the Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program, and will work closely with staff at the Valle de Oro NWR. The preferred application deadline is September 30th, 2016. Position is open until filled. 

See the position description �

Mayfly Watch wraps up second season
The second season of Mayfly Watch has come to a close. Preliminary results indicate there were fewer large emergences than expected this year. We are still getting observations uploaded and summarizing data, but check back soon on the Mayfly Watch webpage for updates! 

Learn more about Mayfly Watch �

Gulf Coast Phenology Trail gears up


The new Gulf Coast Phenology Trail will include Refuges and other collaborating organizations across the Southeast in monitoring phenology of focal species. The Trail is currently hiring a Trail Coordinator through the Student Conservation Association who will set up the trail, recruit participants and engage stakeholders and the public. 


See the position at � 

New Resources for our Refuge Partners
Minnesota Valley NWR Phenology Trail
Looking for a way to engage middle and high school students on your Refuge? Minnesota Valley NWR has a great example of a Refuge Phenology Trail that includes 15 easily identifiable species of interest to the Refuge and Region. 

Students will make observations and interns will quality-check the data before entering them into Nature's Notebook. The Refuge will use the data to track how first and last sightings of species change from year 
to year, and compare these changes to seasonal weather patterns. 

Refuge citizen scientist job description

One of the great things about the Nature's Notebook program is that it can be used by professional and citizen scientists alike! The Prairie Wetlands Learning Center has created a volunteer job description specifically for engaging citizen scientists to assist with phenology monitoring. We welcome you to adapt it for your own use! 

USA-NPN maps support Landscape Conservation Design
The USA-NPN's new phenology maps provide landscape conservation designers with tools to understand ecological consequences of climate change on a landscape scale. Knowing which areas are changing, and how the phenology of plant and animal species is shifting will allow managers to best implement strategies for adapting to changing conditions. 

What's New at USA-NPN
New, improved way to download the data
We've revamped our tool for downloading data from the National Phenology Database with a more user-friendly format! You can now also download data summarized at the level of the site, or Nature's Notebook observation location. This new data type makes it even easier to compare phenophase onset and end dates to climate drivers like seasonal temperature and precipitation.

Video tutorials for USA-NPN phenology maps
We've added two new suites of maps to the USA-NPN Visualization Tool that allow you to look at trends in climate patterns. You can explore maps of accumulated growing degree days (often used to predict the timing of life cycle transitions) and the Spring Indices (an indicator of the "start of spring") to learn how spring unfolds in a particular year, how spring compares between years, and more. 

Upcoming Events
The Wildlife Society Annual Conference
Attending the Wildlife Society Annual Conference this year? So are we! You can find USFWS Liaison Erin Posthumus at the oral session "Natural Resource Applications Of The Phenology Data And Information Housed In The National Phenology Database" on Wednesday, October 19th at 11:10 am.

If you will be attending, Erin would love to meet up with you! Send her an email to find a time to meet: [email protected].

Stay Connected
Erin Posthumus
US Fish & Wildlife Service Liaison and Outreach Coordinator
 LoriAnne head shot
LoriAnne Barnett
Education Coordinator
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