Observation records collected at Audubon California Nature's Notebook sites. 

Across much of the country, December brings a period of dormancy and reduced activity for many plants and animals. What a great time to look back at the phenology observations that have been carefully documented by your group members! Below, we give you some ideas of ways that Local Phenology Leaders are summarizing their group's data. You can take advantage of resources like our Phenology Visualization Tool (which we used to create the map at right), the customizable calendars right on your Observation Deck, and our Data Download Page

This is also a great time to use a resource like the Scientist Videographer website to create videos for training or to tell a story about what your group is doing. Also, don't forget to email us to let us know how your group is using Nature's Notebook

Happy Holidays, 


What's new at Nature's Notebook and USA-NPN
How are other Nature's Notebook groups summarizing their data?


During the November monthly call for our Regional Network Coordinators, a few of our partners showcased summaries of their network's Nature's Notebook data. Watch the video recording or read the call notes to get tips on how to summarize your own information. 


Are you coordinating multiple groups using Nature's Notebook? Join our monthly calls to share your experience and learn from others. 


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First phase of PopClock project complete
The PopClock project, led by a team of researchers at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) Appalachian Laboratory, is wrapping up their phenology data collection. These observations are being used to create maps of "green-up" and "green-down," which will be combined with genetic information to identify areas where trees are most and least adapted to climate change. What's next? A new "PopClock Sensor" project to use remote sensors to measure phenological change. 

Recent happenings in the field of phenology
Photo: TylerN, iStockPhoto.com
Future springs may arrive 3 weeks earlier

The earlier springs seen in recent decades may become a permanent change. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin - Madison predict that by the end of this century, spring will shift by approximately three weeks earlier across the continental U.S. Even larger shifts of up to a month are likely across the Great Plains and mountainous regions of the Western US. False springs, or the return of freezing temperatures after initial spring growth, are also likely to increase in the Great Plains and portions of the Midwest. 

Photo: Kreg Steppe, Flickr
Do arctic geese surf the Green wave?

An international team of scientists found that Barnacle Geese overtake the green wave, first arriving at the southernmost stopover sites along their migration pathway to fatten up on the peak plant biomass, then arriving at their northern breeding grounds at the local start of spring. This allows geese to give their goslings the highest amount of nutrients and thus the best chance at survival.

View all Highlighted Publications �

More ways to get involved
Webinar: Results from the California Phenology Project

Tune into a webinar on findings from the California Phenology Project this Thursday, Dec 10th at 2pm EST. The CPP was established in 2010 to engage park staff and volunteers to track effects of climate change on 30 plants across California

Get ideas about how to summarize and analyze data from your own Nature's Notebook program!

Photo: Mary Goshorn, 
Denver Botanic Garden
Let us highlight your Nature's Notebook group!

The Groups Using Nature's Notebook page on our website gives new group leaders an idea of the different ways that organizations across the country are using Nature's Notebook. 

Let us highlight your Nature's Notebook group! Send an email to erin@usanpn.org and let us know how you are monitoring phenology. 


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Job opening: Plant phenology research assistant professor at NM State University

Support on-going ecological studies of plant dynamics and life cycle events in the southwestern US. The incumbent will also provide specific support for research efforts at the Jornada Experimental Range coordinated with the Long Term Agricultural Research (LTAR) and National Ecological Observation Network (NEON) programs. This is a one-year, non-tenure track position. Submit applications by January 15, 2016. 
Learn more �

Especially for Local Phenology Leaders
Nature's Notebook materials now in Spanish

We have a variety of training resources that have been translated into Spanish, with more on the way! 
If you would like to assist us with translating more of our resources, please email our Education Coordinator LoriAnne

Learn how to create your own videos on phenology monitoring

The Scientist Videographer website has a great suite of free tutorials to help you incorporate video into your research or education activities. 

Oregon Season Trackers, one of our partner groups, used the tutorials above to come up with their own great video of how OSU Extension Benton County 4-H is using Nature's Notebook


Erin Posthumus 
Outreach Coordinator
 LoriAnne head shot
LoriAnne Barnett
Education Coordinator