Once again, I find myself wanting to heap thanks on every one of you that support the USA National Phenology Network by submitting observations through Nature's Notebook, telling your friends about the program, or engaging others in observing phenology. The information you collect and share is being used in more and more ways all the time - learn more below. It's so exciting!

Have a wonderful summer, and enjoy watching flowers fade and fruits begin to ripen. 


What your data are telling us
How are your data being used?
Webinar recording: How are your data being used?
How are NN data being used? Webinar available

The observations that you and others collect through Nature's Notebook are used by a growing body of researchers, managers, and educators. Hear about how public works professionals in Minnesota time their street-sweeping activities, how managers in Arizona time the spread of herbicide on an invasive grass to minimize damage to native plants, how managers in New Mexico are timing restoration activities and more based on your phenology observations.
What's new at Nature's Notebook and USA-NPN
New USA-NPN data visualization tool released!

You can view your own observations when you log into your Observation Deck without lifting a finger (other than logging in!). But do you want to know more? Are you curious about how your observations compare to those in your region? Or do you wonder whether the timing of phenological events in your region are driven by temperature, precipitation, daylength, latitude, or elevation? You can explore all of these patterns and more in the new Visualization Tool!

Want a quick demo on what you can do with this tool? Check out the recording of a recent webinar our short "getting started" videos.
Troubles with iPhone app?

We have had a small number of reports recently from iPhone users that the data they enter via their phone doesn't upload properly to their account. If you use the iPhone app, we suggest you log into your Observation Deck and check to ensure that your observations are being uploaded properly. 

If it seems that your observations are not appearing as they should, please send us an email, including what iPhone device and what version of iOS you are using. This information will help us to troubleshoot this problem and find a solution as quickly as possible.

Welcome, Jeff, our new programmer!

Our newest employee, Jeff Switzer, will be using his programming skills to enhance and debug all aspects of the USA-NPN's IT infrastructure. From solving problems with the mobile apps, to creating features for the website to optimizing the database - Jeff will be an asset to the team, using his skills in tandem with the team's existing capabilities to make the program ever better. We're thrilled to introduce him as a member of our team!

Recent happenings in the field
USA-NPN data a part of the Whenology project

The Whenology project brings previously separate data sets together to begin the process of studying relationships between climate change, phenology, and bird migration. This data is collected primarily by citizen scientists through different organizations such as Earthwatch, eBird, the Hawk Migration Association of North America, and the USA National Phenology Network. See how your data are being integrated!

Photo by A. Bell
Mountain phenology research that will "peak" your interest

The Appalachian Mountain Club has tracked flowering times of northeastern montane plants since 2004 through a program called Mountain Watch. A recent analysis of these observations revealed an the advance in the timing of flowering for three northeastern alpine species that was much less than that of lower elevation plants in the region. This finding is in opposition to patterns from other mountainous regions on Earth, and has prompted further research into what might trigger flowering in these high-elevation plants.

Nature's Notebook Nuggets
Flowers have closed up...next up, fruit!

Watching your plant for the first signs of developing fruit can be tricky.  An observer need only report "yes" for the "Fruits" phenophase when they are sure a fruit is developing.  Each species' fruit phenophase definitions will define some detailed clues to watch for.

More ways to get involved
Mayflies in your area? Let us know!

This summer, Mayfly Watch observers are tracking the phenomenon of mayfly emergence along the Upper Mississippi River through
Nature's Notebook. Though their adult lives are only hours to days in length, mayflies can emerge in numbers large enough to be picked up by weather radar! Do you live where mayflies appear? Share your observations with this important project!


Learn more �

Theresa Crimmins
Partnerships & Outreach Coordinator