Welcome to the new quarterly newsletter of the USA National Phenology Network, intended for the phenology research and science community!

You are receiving this message because you've either attended a meeting we've hosted or are otherwise associated with phenology research. We plan to use this newsletter as a way to keep you abreast of opportunities and developments in the field. If you wish not to receive these mailings, you can use the 'unsubscribe' button in the footer of this message. Please share it with others you think might be interested!

Welcome to the community!


What's new at the USA National Phenology Network
A phenology research Community of Practice


You do research in the field of phenology, we offer phenology data, information and tools...we should work together! 


This new newsletter is a first step toward growing and nurturing a phenology research "community of practice." We're hoping -- no, expecting! -- that it will be the start of an active dialog and research community.


Data and data products

Phenology data available for your use


The pool of phenology observations that we curate continues to grow - we're at 4.7M records now! These data are available for anyone to download and use, in both raw and summarized forms.


Summarized data provide information on when a phenophase started, stopped, and how long it lasted.


Both data types can be accessed through the USA-NPN's Data Ouput Tool. The instructional videos in the sidebar of the download page provide an introduction into how to download and analyze these data.


Download data �  


Quality control measures in place


Data available through the USA-NPN Data Output Tool now undergo new quality control measures. When you download raw or summarized data, you can check a box to see flags associated with conflicting records or series. Additionally, site locations with implausible geographic locations are flagged and corrected. 

Read more �  


Programmer hire

The USA-NPN National Coordinating Office (situated at the University of Arizona) seeks to hire a programmer with a background in data analysis to advance the Network's data and research infrastructure.

Candidate's primary responsibilities will be focused on maintaining existing web infrastructure and supporting the development of data products from Nature's Notebook plant and animal phenology
monitoring program as well as analyzing and integrating third-party data sets.
Apply at University of Arizona's CareerTrack, under job number 57315.
Upcoming meetings
  • George Wright Society. Oakland, CA. Mar 29 - Apr 3, 2015.
    Be sure to join the panel discussion, "Phenology for the Next Century of Science and Engagement in Protected Areas".
Research spotlight
Keep in touch if you're using USA-NPN data!

We love to hear when others use data we curate. Let us know, especially if you get something published! 

We'll help promote your accomplishments, post pubs to our Bibliography, and more.

Theresa Crimmins 
Partnerships & Outreach Coordinator
Kathy Gerst
Data Product Coordinator