Be sure to load images in this email to view all the great content!

Happy New Year! We have lots to celebrate, as well as much to anticipate this year. Since Nature's Notebook was launched in 2009, participants like you have logged over 4.5 million phenology records...and as of this writing, which is only three weeks into the new year, you've logged over 26,000 records! So much for winter being a season of rest!

This leads me to my soapbox...ANY data are useful! If you observed last spring, but then your activity dropped off because life intervened - come on back! Though we encourage regular, long-term activity, we appreciate any observations you are able to submit.

You'll be hearing lots more from us shortly, as we roll out new data summary tools, education and training resources, and more this spring (read more below). 

We'll also be promoting our campaigns again. If you haven't yet signed up to receive our special campaign messages, do so! You will only receive these messages if you specifically sign up for them. They're full of great campaign-specific results, resources, and more - here's an example of what these messages contain.

Thanks again!

What's new at Nature's Notebook and USA-NPN
Sneak peak of phenology calendar
Phenology calendars coming to your Observation Deck

Starting in March, your Observation Deck will have a different look. The data you report will be displayed automatically for you, in a graph similar to the example at right. If you have logged observations for years past, you'll be able to compare your organism's status for this year to your reports for previous years. Log into your Nature's Notebook account to see when this functionality goes live!

Botany Primer cover
Coming this spring: USA-NPN Botany Primer

What is a sepal? Do I need to care what a bract is? Get all of your burning botanical questions answered using our forthcoming Botany Primer! This 50+ page, full-color document will provide all of the background you might be seeking to understand Nature's Notebook plant phenology protocols. Best of all, it's free! 


The document will be available for download, in sum or part, early this spring. We will also offer the option to purchase printed and bound copies; the price hasn't yet been set. 


We're pinning!

Check out our new Pinterest boards... we're using them to track ways to tag your plants, phenology walk and trail ideas, trail sign options, workshop materials, general phenology pictures, and more.

Recent happenings in the field of phenology
The White House recognizes your efforts

The White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy recently highlighted the USA-NPN for facilitating broader participation of the public in the scientific process. 

The article highlights key milestones from last year, including that in 2014, 1,800 participants in Nature's Notebook contributed 1.5 million digital records of leafing, flowering, reproduction, and migration events for over 10,000 unique plants and animals. Wow!

More ways to get involved
Meet a Nature's Notebook enthusiast
Would you like to be featured on our website?

Why do you enjoy tracking phenology? We would love to share your story with others! If you'd like to be highlighted on our "Meet a Nature's Notebook Enthusiast" column, please let me know!

Theresa Crimmins
Partnerships & Outreach Coordinator


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