New season, new template! We're pleased to have an updated look for our newsletters. We're making another change to The Connection: you'll be receiving these messages from us bimonthly. This increase in frequency will cut down on length.

This month we're unveiling a few new tools and products that we've been cooking up for your use. Hopefully this will make it even easier for you to share your enthusiasm about phenology with others!

As always, thanks for your partnership!



What's new at Nature's Notebook and USA-NPN

New Nature's Notebook materials for your use 

You can now find short summaries of recent, high-impact publications to help you stay abreast of advances in the field of phenology on the USA-NPN Highlighted Publications tool. These summaries are intended for sharing - hopefully you'll find them useful to share with your participants, members, or friends.


 View the Tool >>  

Recent webinar summarized in 1-pager 

Some key results from the "Summary of Spring" webinar are summarized in a one-page document, designed for you to share. And if you missed the webinar, you can view the recording anytime.  


Next Nature's Notebook webinar: What came first, the flower or the bee? Learn to explore patterns in space and time using the Data Visualization Tool. Learn how to see where people are observing, map species, animate their phenology, and overlay climate data, as well as graph and share your findings. 


Tuesday, July 8, 2014: 11am Pacific (& AZ), 12pm Mountain, 1pm Central, 2pm Eastern


Register for the July 8 webinar >>


From left: Jordan, Claire, and Elle mark a tree for observing
Nature's Notebook
featured in a future episode of SciGirls! 

Next spring, the PBS Kids show, SciGirls, will air a series of six episodes featuring a wide range of citizen science programs. One of these will be Nature's Notebook! This past spring, three sixth-grade girls in St. Paul, MN tracked spring phenology of three plant species and compared these data with observations in previous years.

As the air date for the episode draws near, we'll be sure to let you know!
Recent happenings in the field of phenology
Short video answers, "why track phenology?" 

Can a status update from a flower tell us something about climate change? Researchers at UC Santa Barbara explain how studying the life-cycle of plants can give us a wealth of information about climate.

Especially for Local Phenology Leaders
Phenology Days: Sep 28 - Oct 4

We are gearing up to celebrate the lovely topic of phenology this autumn through a "Phenology Days" event during the week of Sep 28 -  Oct 4. Here in Tucson, this will include events held at all of the  Tucson Phenology Trail sites and a keynote event and picnic on Saturday, Oct 4. Want to host something similar in your region? It is a great way to engage people in phenology and observing in Nature's Notebook. If you do choose to host an event, let us know on the listserv, we'll help you to promote it!

Have you joined the Local Phenology Leaders listserv?

The Local Phenology Leaders Listserv is a great way to connect up with other individuals that coordinate a group of people in tracking phenology. If you're not yet receiving these messages, join by

sending an email to [email protected] with the words "Subscribe local-phenology-leaders YourFirstName YourLastName" in the subject line. Be sure to DELETE any text in the body of the message, including signature lines. You will then receive a welcome message from the listserv. If you have trouble, email [email protected] and we will subscribe you manually.  

More ways to get involved
Upcoming meetings 

Theresa Crimmins 
Partnerships & Outreach Coordinator
 LoriAnne head shot
LoriAnne Barnett
Education Coordinator


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