The Connection
Issue Fall 2012

So glad it's autumn...finally, some cooler temperatures. The leaves changing colors, the birds migrating - great stuff to be tracking! I really enjoy logging observations of the trees in my yard in Nature's Notebook using my Android phone app (we offer them for iPhones too). Makes it so much quicker!


In the USA-NPN National Coordinating Office, we're busy planning for 2013 already. We'll be hosting several campaigns this spring, and I'll share information on them as soon as they're finalized. There will be many opportunities for us to work together to engage your audiences and help you meet your monitoring goals. 


We're also hard at work on a major website redesign - can't wait for it to go live early next year! Big changes will include a clear distinction between the USA-NPN side of the website and the Nature's Notebook side of things. Our intent is to markedly improve navigation and ease of finding what you need. 


Our Nature's Notebook engagement and training materials continue to grow in number and improve in user-friendliness. Please let us know if you have suggestions or specific needs, we'd love to work with you to meet your needs. Were you aware we can offer web-based trainings for your group? It's maybe the second-best thing to having someone lead a training in-person... if you're interested, email me or make a request online.


What else is in this e-newsletter:

Phenology trails: What are they?

Results from your observations: Birds suffer in 2012

We're tweeting - join us!

We'd love to meet you - in person!

Faculty job openings at North Dakota State University

We are happy to give web-based trainings to your group!  

New to these newsletters?  
Here are some links to relevant information on our website...  

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You're invited to check out new info weekly on USA-NPN's Facebook page:
  • new articles
  • early release research results
  • special events
  • videos
  • contests
  • games

Don't miss out on discovery and learning opportunities for your organization. USA-NPN posts a lot of it only on Facebook.

Phenology Trails


What is a Phenology Trail?

A phenology trail is a network of Nature's Notebook observation sites. Linked together, these sites provide participants with places to visit, enjoy nature, collect data, and learn about supporting organizations.


Why create a Phenology Trail?

It links local and regional phenology activities, builds connections between organizations with similar missions, and provides a tool for teaching. Here in Tucson, we've established a phenology trail with 8 sites (and growing!) and we're finding that it's a great way to engage the local community to a greater extent. Learn more!



birdsMore results from your data are in!


Thanks to you, numbers of Nature's Notebook observations are increasing, and the resulting data are showing some interesting patterns!


Nature's Notebook observations of deciduous tree flowering phenology show a decrease in overlap with eBird reports of a long-distance migratory warbler in 2012. Mean and peak flowering time advanced from 2011 to 2012, but timing of warbler migration occurred at the same time in both years, resulting in less food availability for the migratory birds. 


Explore more results


twitterFollow USA-NPN on Twitter!

We're tweeting! You can follow me, our Education Coordinator, LoriAnne Barnett, and our Executive Director, Jake Weltzin. I'm frequently tweeting about recent phenology-related research, updates from the USA-NPN National Coordinating Office, and stuff I think you might care about. Join the conversation! 

meetingsFind us at an upcoming meeting

We'd love to meet you! Our staff attend meetings around the nation on a regular basis. Check out our meetings webpage to see where we might meet up!


jobsJob openings

Faculty positions at North Dakota State University


The Department of Biological Sciences invites applications for two tenure-track Assistant Professor positions to begin Fall 2013.  Find out more

final npn logo clear backgroundTheresa Crimmins

Theresa Crimmins / 520.622.0363 / [email protected]bio
Thank you! 
Thanks for being part of the USA-NPN community! It's great to have you here. Enjoy the fall, and look for your upcoming issue of The Connection, USA-NPN's quarterly e-newsletter for partners, in a few months.