November 2014             
#1 - Detergent Pods... what you don't know can hurt your children!   

Since the introduction of colorful, single-load packets of laundry detergent in 2012 through the end of 2013, more than 17,000 children under age 6 ate or inhaled the contents or squirted concentrated liquid from a packet into their eyes, researchers reported... For more information: or


#2 - The Council is a drop off site for Toys for Tots....

The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. Drop off a toy today at 313 Central Park Avenue, Scarsdale NY. For more information call 914-761-3456 ext 106. 


#3 - Support Our Children, Working Parents, and Our Business Economy By Supporting These SMART Investments:  

  • An Increase in Title XX child care subsidy funding by $1 million
  • A reduction in the parent share fee for public child care subsidy from 27% to 15%
  • An increase in DSS reimbursement rates for child care/after school programs
  • Restoration of funding for a child care subsidy specialist position at the Child Care Council



Starts at 7pm; doors open at 6pm; be there by 6:15 to sign up to speak. 


Thursday, November 20th

New Rochelle City Hall, 515 North Avenue, New Rochelle

Tuesday, November 25th 

Somers High School, 120 Primrose Street, Lincolndale 

Wednesday, December 3rd

Board of Legislators Chambers, 148 Martine Ave, 8th Floor, White Plains


For more information or to sing up for Advocacy Alerts, email Kathy Halas at





Group of kids with leaves  
Ideas For An Appropriate Thanksgiving Activities with Children


Thanksgiving can be a wonderful holiday.  Families and friends may gather for a feast of favorite holiday dishes and think about the things for which they are thankful. 


However, November can be a month where children of all ages are kept very busy doing projects that do not teach anything meaningful about the holiday.  Some Thanksgiving projects may give children "disrespectful and stereotypical messages about Native Americans."

Rather than have children glue feathers on paper turkeys, which may not have been on the menu of the first Thanksgiving, you might try these ideas: 


The concept of Gratitude:

* Say "thank you" all the time to your children and adults.

*Point out how great it is that your family has a delicious snack or meal.

*Tell your children's teacher/caregiver that you are thankful for all they do. 

*Keep a "Gratitude Chart" to list anything you and your children say you are thankful for.


Thanksgiving food:

* Make applesauce, the sugar-free kind.

* Take apart a pumpkin and roast the seeds (be careful as seeds can be a choking hazard).  If your children are too young to eat the seeds, they can feel the change from very gooey to very dry.

* Plant popcorn and grow your own corn plants.  HINT - soak the kernels overnight to soften them.

* Share a special family recipe with a friend.

* Host a pot-luck dinner and share the dishes from every culture.


The story of Thanksgiving:

For older children, the Thanksgiving story can be told as an example of one group of people helping another group with big problems - the Pilgrims would not have survived without the help of the local Wampanoag tribe.   Many children would want to dress up as Native Americans or build a teepee; however, the Wampanoags did not dress as we think or actually live in teepees.


As Westchester County is the home for families who have recently immigrated here.  This holiday is an opportunity to counter misinformation and negative attitudes children may have about today's "pilgrims". 


Share with your program/caregiver this wonderful curriculum from the National Association for the Education of Young Children for more ideas:    

Anti-Bias Education


Holidays are not always happy:

Remember too that holidays can be full of stress and sadness for many children and families, and not the "Hallmark card" holiday we sometimes imagine. Families struggling financially are under particular pressure, but there are resources available in Westchester:


The Food Bank for Westchester: 914-923-1100 or their website at Food Bank


The Westchester Coalition for the Hungry and Homeless: 914-682-2737 or their website at Westchester Coalition. 

Child Care Regulation Corner-
Transportation in Child Care


Reg Reminder: Hang-up your cell phones! 417.16(k)


Cell phone communication of any kind while transporting children is a dangerous distraction including Bluetooth and other hands free devices. Please remember when child care programs/providers are transporting children the regulations state that no caregiver, employee, household member or volunteer transporting child care children shall operate a motor vehicle while using a mobile phone, or other electronic communication device, including hands-free devices. All communications made or received by the driver while the motor vehicle is in use for the transportation of child care children must be made from a legally permitted parked position off the road.

What Do you Know About Child Care? 
  1. If your child is in care with a non-family member for more than 3 hours a day, does the program/person need to be regulated? 
Workshop for Parent
December 10th at 6:30pm
Families with Children who have Special Needs - Learn how to help make their future financially secure. 
To register: email or 
or call 914-761-3456 ext 139

2015 Council Awards Breakfast
Friday, June 5, 2015

Who will you nominate for a Joey Award? 

You can honor your caregiver, teacher, director, etc... by nominating them for the Child Care Council's 
Joey Award

Nominations open in December.
Help Explaining Why Quality Early Childhood is So Important

Use these wonderful materials to make the case for quality early learning.  Perfect for meetings with community leaders and even funders.   
Courtesy of ReadyNation, a national coalition of business leaders working to increase support and funding for wise early childhood investments.

Click below:
Your One Stop Resource for Early Care & Education!


The Child Care Council's Referral Department Is Available to Help You!


Our FREE services are: 

- Consultation with trained child care counselors

Online child care search 

- Guidelines to choose a quality child care program

- Profiles of child care programs

Checklist for your visits

- Link to complaints history of child care programs

- Information to help pay for child  care. 

- much more....

For more information call 914-761-3456 ext 140 or visit or email

Need Back to School Shots?

The Westchester 
Department of Health is holding free clinics.  
Click below to read more:

Support the Council
Giving Tuesday ~ December 2nd 

During your holiday shopping, 
Choose the Child Care Council of Westchester as your charity on Amazon Smile
Tell Your Caregiver 
Child Development Associate Opportunities!

Tell your caregiver about obtaining a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™.  


given by the Council for Professional Recognition in Washington, DC, is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education and accepted by New York State licensing requirements.


Tell your caregiver that the Child Care Council offers CDA courses as their first step towards receiving their credentials. 


 Click below for more information: 

Health & Safety Corner 
Health Tip - 

It's That Time of Year - Are You Prepared?

Influenza is a serious contagious disease that spreads every winter, usually between October and May. It can lead to hospitalization and sometimes death.

According to the NYSDOH Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report, there have already been confirmed cases of influenza in Westchester County.

Click below to read more:
2014-2015 Influenza Season
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Scarsdale, NY 10583

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