October 2014             
#1 Live Q&A: Ask the School Safety Experts FREE webinar on October 21st at 1:30pm
School Reach will bringing two of the top school safety experts in the country together for you on a live Q&A webinar. We'll start with 20 of the best questions that you've asked over the past few years. Then we'll open the floor up for attendees to send in their questions live. We'll answer as many as we can during the 1 hour webinar. Click Here for more information


The Trouble with Time-Outs

Does this scenario sound familiar? Your preschooler asks for more grape juice. You tell her she's only allowed one cup of juice at dinner - and besides, there's none left. "I can give you a cup of water," you tell her. "I don't want waaater!" she wails, and throws the cup at you. "That's it!" you snap. "Time-out until you calm down. In your room, now!"

#3 Are We Crazy About Our Kids? 

"Are We Crazy About Our Kids?" from The Raising of America - Oct 2014 (click Video Above)

Are We Crazy About Our Kids? (32 minutes) is one of the supporting episodes to the forthcoming documentary series, The Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation, now in production. More information available at www.RaisingofAmerica.org. 



Group of kids with leaves   

5 Ways to Experience Fall


Go outside! Fall is not paper leaf shapes hanging on a bulletin board.  It is exciting and beautiful and to be experienced.  Fall is bright colors, cool air, and changes.  Go for walks and play in the leaves. 


Bring fall inside - Let the children collect leaves, acorns, and drying flowers.  Put them in the water table or large bin.  The children will continue to explore what makes these things different.


Paint with red and yellow and let the children make their own orange.  Watch their reaction as the colors change.  Give them this opportunity many times using many different ways to mix colors.


Explore a pumpkin.  Cut it open and let the children see and touch what is inside.  Let them try to pull it out of the pumpkin themselves. Give every child some of the insides and encourage them to pick the seeds out of the "goo."  Some children might be a little hesitant but with gentile encouragement may try it.  Cook the pumpkin seeds to show the change from wet to dry.  Pumpkin seeds can be a choking hazard so only preschoolers should eat them.


Animals in the fall - What changes can the children and you observe as animals get ready for winter?  This is an opportunity for children to learn about what animals need and do.

Do you hear the honking of the Canadian geese as they head south?  Can you see them flying in a vee? Are the squirrels and chipmunks gathering acorns and other food?  Do you see monarch butterflies as they fly to Mexico for the summer?


Child Care Regulations Corner - 

Nutritious Meals

Regulation: 417. 12(C)


Regulations require that each child in care for more than ten hours a day must receive a minimum of two nutritious meals. 


Health Tip - Serious Respiratory Virus 
(Enterovirus D68)
This is a rare and serious virus that is spreading nationwide and there are now confirmed cases in New York. It has been responsible for emergency room visits and hospitalizations of children. The most vulnerable are children under five & those with underlying respiratory problems, such as asthma.

Click below to read more:



Finding the Best Child Care or After School Program for Your Child


The Referral Department is available to help you understand your child care options and discuss financial resources. 


Our Free Services Available to You:

  • Consultations with trained child care counselors Mon-Fri from 9am to 5pm
  • Online child care search, available 24/7/365
  • Guidelines for choosing a quality child care program
  • A checklist to bring along when visiting child care programs
  • Profiles of full-/part-time regulated child care programs
  • Assistance finding day camps and nanny services
  • Link to look up complaint history of child care programs
  • Information about resources to help pay for child care, including public subsidies, tax credits and scholarships
914-761-3456 ext 140 or Click Here

The Digital Arts Experience (DAE) and the Child Care Council of Westchester invite you to Family Tech Day @ The DAE.

Join us in your halloween costume for an afternoon of tech-focused family fun for all ages!

October 26 2pm - 4pm

Click the link below to learn more and register TODAY:


What Do You Know About Child Care? 

Take a One Question POLL

click here


Join the Conversation by using 



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Workshops for Parents


Free Workshop Available 

November 5th at 6:30pm

at the Child Care Council 

Your Child With Special Needs: Making Their Future More Secure




2015 Council Awards Breakfast

Friday, June 5th 

Look for early announcements for Joey Award nominations  
Council Events

Family Tech Day
Sunday, October 26th
The Digital Arts Experience 

For more information click below:

Report Card Challenge 
Friday, November 7th
YWCA of White Plains
For more information click below:

Member Collaboration Brunch
Sunday, November 9th
at the Council Office

For more information on Council events email
Tell Your Caregiver about the Training
We Offer

Fall Into Our Professional Development Opportunities!


The FALL Training Calendar is HERE!!!

We have an exciting schedule of trainings this fall.  

Click below to see the Fall Calendar.

Fall Training Calendar 


We are delighted to present two conferences, one for those working with infants and toddlers and another for those working with school age children.   Both events include inspiring keynotes, a range of training topics, giveaways, refreshments and chances to network with colleagues.


Fall Infant Toddler Conference - "Protecting Play."

Thursday, October 23rd at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital.  Click below to see the conference brochure and registration form. 

Infant and Toddler Conference Brochure 

Infant and Toddler Conference Registration Form 


School Age Conference - Saturday, November 1st,  at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital.  Click below to see the conference flyer and registration form.


Read Aloud To Children From Birth!

Reading aloud to children from birth is one of the best activities to stimulate language.  

Learn more:   

 The New York Times 

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Scarsdale, NY 10583

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