March 2014             

#1 - Universal Pre-Kindergarten Programs will be expanding - are you ready?  

While the NYS budget process is still underway, the Governor has proposed increasing the PreK program by $100 million.   The Council supports the expansion of PreK but we want to make sure that parents will also be able to choose from community-based PreK programs that offer the schedules that working parents need.   Follow our Advocacy Alerts to find out what's happening with PreK and the state budget.


#2 - Our Spring Infant Toddler Conference is coming 

Stay tuned for details on our exciting, half-day conference on Saturday, May 31st for those working with infants and toddlers in both center and home-based settings.  Registration will be open soon.

 #3 - Meet the new DSS Subsidy Program Manager, Ms. Iris Rivera

Welcome Ms. Rivera at a meeting at the Council on Thursday, March 19th at 1 pm.    An invite to register will be emailed shortly.


Training Needs Survey

Each year, the Child Care Council sends out a survey to people who work in all modalities of child care - center, family and group family, and school age - to find out about their training experiences at the Council and elsewhere. We ask about the topics the Council should be offering training on as well as other services we could provide.  


Thank you for your responses!  This is some of what you asked for:  

  • On-site training for center and school age programs

  • Half and full-day conferences

  • Training on:   

    • Supervision of children
    • Managing challenging behaviors/guiding children's behavior
    • Healthy meals and snacks/preventing childhood obesity
    • Language development
    • Building positive relationships with parents
    • NYS OCFS regulations
    • Team building
    • Stress management
    • Activities for mixed age groups
  • One-on-one technical assistance with a quality improvement specialist
  • Online distance learning 

We will use your feedback to design future trainings and other Council services. 


                      Health Tip - Asthma  

 Asthma is the most common chronic disorder in childhood, currently affecting an estimated 7.1 million children.  In the past 20 years, asthma has increased worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control, asthma is the number one reason for school absenteeism in America and more children suffer from it than any other chronic disease.


To read more about asthma from the New York State Department of Health, click here: 


Managing Asthma in a Child Care Setting

Children with asthma need proper support in child-care settings to keep their asthma under control and be fully active.  Uncontrolled asthma can interfere with a child's attendance, participation, and progress in child care and in school.  Child-care staff, health professionals, and parents need to work together to remove obstacles and promote children's health and development. 


Questions to consider:

Is your child care program Asthma Friendly?

What are asthma triggers and how can you remove them?

How can you take better care of the children with asthma?


For more information regarding the benefits and the process for endorsement read the Asthma Friendly Child

Care Endorsement Informational Sheet, click here:  AFCCE Informational Sheet


Regulation Reminder
Know Your Regs! 
New Background Check Requirements.

As of December 15, 2013 all programs are required to conduct additional employment checks through the Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs. This additional employment check by the Justice Center is called a Staff Exclusion List (SEL) check. This SEL employment check identifies persons who are former employees of programs serving people with special needs who have been found to have committed an act of abuse or neglect regarding those service recipients. All staff, as well as household member over 18 years old residing in a Family or Group Family Day Care home must complete the newly required SEL check.  This newly required background check will further protect employers like you, and the children you care for, from hiring unqualified caregivers.   


Successful "1st Annual Provider Day"
This free event was designed to extend awareness among family care providers of the resources available to help them provide better care and grow their businesses.  Staff, family, friends and providers attended  to learn about the benefits of Council membership, receive free training, and collect giveaways of diapers, books, resources and children's clothing. A business workshop was presented by Idie Benjamin, Director of Professional Development and a tax workshop was presented by Steven Pordy, CPA of Pordy & Co in White Plains.  


"It was an enjoyable afternoon of networking, education and fun, and we look forward to hosting more provider-focused events."


Business Training in Spanish Gets Off 
to A Great Start 
Over 35 family and group family providers attended the 1st of 4 sessions on home-based child care business operations on Saturday, February 22nd at the Council. Topics will include:  insurance/taxes, record-keeping and regulations, pricing/payments and marketing/making a profit.  Each topic features a follow-up session focused on technical assistance and support.   Providers who attend all 4 sessions will receive grants toward the purchase of business materials/supplies.  
We would like to thank our good friends at the Women's Enterprise Development Center, which is providing trainers and resources for the series and at the Westchester Community Foundation, which made the series possible. 
If you would like more info on this series, please call Aniberca Rosario at 914-761-3456 ext. 142.
Join us for a special event!

Thank You for Your Support! 
Thanks to Mrs. Patricia Lanza and the Lanza Family Foundation, the Council is providing child care scholarships to 40 Westchester families on behalf of 46 children.   With a year of full-time child care for a preschooler averaging over $13,000, many hard-working families find themselves unable to afford the kind of safe, reliable child care they want for their children.   Mrs. Lanza was honored by the Council as a Champion for Children in 

On Board at the Council

We are delighted to announce that Meg Gardinier, Director of the Arigatou International (New York)  has joined the Council Board of Directors. Meg Gardinier is an international, not-for-profit advocate specializing in women and children's issues. She has over 25 years experience in Non-Governmental Organizational development, advocacy, fundraising, strategic leadership and volunteer management.

Fun Activity:  Music Builds Brains

Music is something that children and adults of all ages can enjoy. It calms us or peps us up. It fills our hearts and tickles our funny bones. And music grows healthy brains. Our brains are wired to respond to music even before we are born.


What to do?

  • Sing throughout the day. Sing songs and sing instructions ( a clean-up song)

  • Play all kinds of music and move to its different rhythms.

  • Sing traditional folk songs, finger plays, and nursery rhymes. Rhyming is essential for learning to read.

Here's a finger play to help you get everyone dressed to go outside.

            Thumb in the thumb place -

            Fingers all together.  

            That is the song,

            We sing in mitten weather


(from Nancy Steward, Sing Into Reading!,


Inside the Community Fun:  "HATitude"
Arts Westchester, 31 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains.
The Arts of Westchester is having a hat exhibit which will explore the idea that hats are art.  The displays will show unique head wear from many cultures.   
Tuesdays-Saturdays until April 12. Noon- 5:00pm  Free for all ages.
Saturday, March 1, 2014 1:00pm-3:00pm 
Up-Cycling Sweaters Into Hats with Debra Rapoport
Click here for more information:
THE NEXT GENERATION: Legislative Breakfast on Children and Youth  
February 28, 2014

6th Annual Book Drive
April 2014 
Child Care Council
2014 Annual Awards Breakfast
Visit our website for more info! 
June 6, 2014

Aniberca Rosario
Bi-lingual Quality Improvement Specialist  
Ani is working with family and group family providers.  Call her at 761-3456 ext. 142 to find out how she can help you with your child care programs. 

Join the Council in 2014!
Benefits include:         
Valuable discounts on workshops, on-site trainings and conferences

* Free postings on the Council's job bank
* Membership Certificate to post at your program
* Listing on the Council's web site
* Free use of the Council Resource Library
* Access to the Council's Children's Resource Corner

Your membership dollars support the Council's:
* Advocacy for funding and policies that strengthen our early care and education system in Westchester
* Public education to get the word out about the importance of affordable, quality early care and education for our community
* Representation of our early care and education system in Albany and Washington

Call (914) 761-3456 ext. 106 or visit our website below.


a nonprofit striving to improve the safety of children's products, carries up-to-date info on product recalls, safety guidelines, advocacy alerts, and materials.  

A public engagement campaign to help parents, caregivers and communities create quality early learning opportunities for young children.  Offered in partnership with the United Way of Westchester and Putnam, we have free Born Learning materials in English and Spanish for child care professionals. Call Latonia at 761-3456 ext. 219.  Check our Training Calendar for up-coming workshops on Born Learning.
The March Born Learning Tip of the Month on 
"Creating Routines"
Include in your own newsletter or info board for parents. 
Click here to read the born learning tip of the month:
is a leading national, nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and know-how to nurture early development.   To visit their website for the latest research, policy updates and hand-outs for staff and parents, 



This business partnership for early childhood and economic success has brought together business leaders from across the nation in support of more attention to quality early learning and increased investment.    To see the "business argument" for stronger policies and prioritized funding for early learning, visit the Ready Nation website. 

is a statewide coalition working toward the goal of high-quality, affordable and accessible early care and learning for all New York families. Its members include parents, employers, children's advocates, service providers, labor unions, educators, pediatricians, law enforcement, research and community groups. 
Winning Beginning is at the forefront of the effort to increase funding for PreK in NYS.   You can join and support its efforts.   To find out more, visit their website.  
Amazon Shoppers!
If you shop at Amazon, the Council could receive up to 2% of your shopping proceeds.  
Just click this link to sign up today:
Log in with your Amazon Account and then you are prompted to select your charity.  Pick the Council by entering "Child Care Council of Westchester" and then click search.   You'll then see the Council and the "Select" button next to it.  That's it! 
 (Note: each time you shop you have to use the link below but your charity information will be saved after it has been set up.)
Please share on Facebook once you have signed up.


Kids Reading
1 in 6 children who are not reading proficiently in 3rd grade fail to graduate from high school on time, a rate 4 times greater than that of proficient readers. -
     America's Edge



Currently, 75 percent of 17 to 24 year olds in the U.S. cannot serve in the military, primarily because they are too poorly educated, too overweight, or have a serious criminal record.  Investing early in the upcoming generation is critical to securing our nation's future.  Retired admirals and generals understand that whether young people join the military or not, we must increase investments so that all young people can get the right start and succeed in life - whatever career path they choose. -
     Mission Readiness, Military        Leaders for Kids 



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Scarsdale, NY 10583

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