April 2014             

#1 - Celebrate the Week of the Young Child

April 6, 2014 - April 12, 2014

Be proud of your work preparing young children and supporting their families.  Hold an open house, plan a special activity, recognize your staff.   The Week of the Young Child was established by NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) in 1971 to focus attention on the needs of young children and honor early childhood programs. 


For more info and ideas for activities click on website below:  



#2 - Nominate someone who has made a difference in the lives of vulnerable children: 
Do you have someone in your program who has helped to prevent child abuse and neglect or provided support and services to children who are victims of abuse or neglect?   The Westchester Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect is accepting nominations  through March 24th for a recognition event on April 17th.  We encourage you to recognize your staff for this very important work - keeping children safe.  

Click here for the nomination information:

Nomination Packet  

 #3 - Be ready for the changes in family day care regulations: 

  • As of May 1, 2014 in addition to the background checks currently required by regulation all substitute caregivers in a Group or Family Day Care Home must have three references, medical exam/ TB test, and the educational and experiential qualifications of an assistant.


    Training Needs Survey

    Last month we shared the results of our Training Needs Survey.   Everyone who completed a survey was eligible to win a $50 VISA gift card.   Congratulations to the winners:


    • Kalsi Johnson, Mount Kisco Child Care Center
    • Novell Siebert - All Aboard Child Care
    • Vicki Luongo - Healthy Kids Extended Day Program
    • Frances Smith - Kids Care of Westchester  

    Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback.   Your input helps us to design trainings that fit your needs and interests.  

    Help Us Market Your Program 

    We talk to thousands of parents each year who are looking for care for their children.   Keeping your program info current in our referral database helps us provide better referral services to parents and helps you gain potential customers.   
    It's easy!   You can view your current program profile on line and complete an update on line or by calling Ellen O'Brien, Resource and Referral Database Administrator at 761-3456 ext. 117.
    To view your profile or update it, click here: 


    Regulation Reminder
    Know Your Regs! 
    Working Smoke Detectors 


    You  just moved your clocks ahead but did you remember to change the batteries in your smoke detector. Please remember that there must be one smoke detector on each floor of the home and a smoke detector must be located outside each area used for naps. It is recommended that when  you change the time on your clocks you should change the batteries in your smoke detectors.


    "6th Annual Book Drive"

    The Child Care Council of Westchester invites you to be a part of changing a child's life. 

    Many children in Westchester County do not have their own books. Please consider donating books in very good condition for children ages zero to twelve. 

     March 24, 2014 to April 25, 2014 


    "There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world.  Love of books is the best of all."

    -Jacqueline Kennedy-


    For more information call Miriam Kerness

    (914) 761-3456 ext. 134



    The Next Generation:  Legislative Breakfast on Children and Youth 
    Many of you enjoyed our Legislative Breakfast on Friday, February 28th at the Greenburgh Town Library.    Twelve legislators participated, responding to questions from young people and the audience on gun violence, school suspension, early learning funding, early intervention services and more.    A big thanks to everyone who came out for "The Next Generation".
    Thank You for Your Support! 
    A new grant from the Sexauer Foundation will support the Council's Early Literacy/Family Book Bag Project in preschool classrooms serving economically-disadvantaged children.  Participating centers will receive free training, assessment and intensive technical assistance along with books and backpacks for a home lending library.     The Council has carried out this project primarily with infant and toddler classrooms for the past few years and is excited about this expansion.   For more information, contact Pre-school Quality Improvement Specialist Jennifer Sorby at 761-3456 ext. 136.   
    With this grant, the Sexauer Foundation is helping young children love reading, enjoy wonderful books with their parents, and learn early literacy skills related to kindergarten readiness.     
    The Council Board Advocates
    The Council's Board of Directors takes its responsibilities as advocates for affordable, quality early care and education very seriously.  This summer they spoke at rallies to increase funding in the 2014 county budget which helped to secure new Title XX funding of $900,000.
    This fall, they accompanied Executive Director Kathy Halas on visits to members of the Westchester state delegaton in support of more funding for child care, PreK and afterschool. 
    We want to thank Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the office of Senator Jeff Klein, Senator George Latimer, Assemblyman Tom Abinanti, Assemblyman David Buchwald, Assemblywoman Sandy Galef, Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer, Assemblyman Steve Otis, Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, and Assemblyman Gary Pretlow for their interest in and support of our issues.    Both the Senate and the Assembly have announced new fundng and we are very optimistic about this year's state budget.




    The snow is gone and warmer weather is here.  Time to go outside!


    The Importance of Outdoor Play

    Outside there is air and sunlight and room to move.  Sunlight gives children vitamin D and stimulates the immune system.  There is less sharing of germs in an environment where children can spread out. It is a place where children can be children.


    Outdoors is the place for young children to develop physical skills - running, rolling, jumping, climbing, carrying large things, pull a wagon, and push on a swing.  They can throw and catch. Children engaged in active, outdoor play also burn calories, which prevents obesity. Here they can be loud and active.  They can use big muscles to do all those things they cannot do in a classroom. 


    Outdoors children are developing their cognitive and social/emotional skills.  They explore, try out new things, and invent games with each other.  There is a freedom outside where children can be appropriately independent.


    Outdoors children learn to respect and love nature.  There are beautiful sounds, sights, smells, and textures.  They can learn to be careful with delicate leaves and quiet when they see birds.  Children can be still and reflective and learn to love how that feels. 


    Things to do outside:

    • Find safe places to explore the natural environment where children can be explorers.
    • Embrace mud!  It is so much fun and washes off of hands and clothes.
    • Take a nature walk - a seeing, listening, smelling, or touching walk - What do the children see, smell, hear, and feel? 
    • Bring indoor equipment and materials outside. How does the new setting change how children use them?  Try bringing outside blocks (especially large ones), parachutes, dishes and pots.
    • Naturally build children's nature vocabulary - names of plants trees and their parts, names of animals and birds, words for what we find in nature. 
    • Reinforce directional concepts as they play on equipment - up, down, through, over, under, etc.
    • Blow bubbles using all kinds of everyday objects.
    • Have a picnic.
    • Plant a garden - it will teach wonder and patience.  


    Inside the Community Fun: 
     Free Concert 
    Music Conservatory of Westchester presents a free concert at the Scarsdale Public Library on Sunday, March 30, 2014 2:00 pm.
    Simply enjoy an entertaining and educational
    concert for the whole family. 
    For more information, contact the
    Conservatory at info@musiced.org. 
    6th Annual Book Drive
    March 24, 2014 - April 25, 2014
    Click here for more information:

    Child Care Council
    2014 Annual Awards Breakfast
    Visit our website for more info! 
    June 6, 2014
    FREE training on the new Family and Group Family OCFS Regulations
    Free to Council members and $10 for non-members.
    March 22nd, 9:30 am -12 pm
    April 5th, 9:30 am - 12 pm
    May 15th, 6:30 pm - 9 pm
    June 12th, 6:30 pm - 9 pm
    To register on line, Click here:

    Jennifer Sorby 
    Pre-school  Quality Improvement Specialist  
    Jennifer is working with child care centers serving preschoolers from economically-disadvantaged homes.  She can provide free technical assistance in a number of areas including curriculum, room design, handling challenging behavior and promoting social and emotional development.   She can also help you with using the Environmental Rating Scales to improve program quality. Call her at 761-3456 ext. 136 to speak with her about your program needs and challenges.   

    Join the Council in 2014!
    Benefits include:         
    Valuable discounts on workshops, on-site trainings and conferences

    * Free postings on the Council's job bank
    * Membership Certificate to post at your program
    * Listing on the Council's web site
    * Free use of the Council Resource Library
    * Access to the Council's Children's Resource Corner

    Your membership dollars support the Council's:
    * Advocacy for funding and policies that strengthen our early care and education system in Westchester
    * Public education to get the word out about the importance of affordable, quality early care and education for our community
    * Representation of our early care and education system in Albany and Washington

    Call (914) 761-3456 ext. 106 or visit our website below.


    Provider Appreciation DayWestchester Early Childhood Directors Association meets every t
    hird Tuesday of the month from 1 pm to 3 pm at the Council.   Contact Howard Milbert at Ossining Children's Center at (914) 941-0230 or Dawn Meyerski at Mt. Kisco Child Care Center at (914) 241-2135 or dmeyerski@mkccc.org for details.
    School Age Directors Network 
    meets every third Tuesday of the month from 10 am to 12 pm at the Council.  Call Brent Morton of The Country Children's Center at (914) 242-0520 or Kim DeSalvo of The Ardsley Children's Center at (914) 693-6686 for details.
    Hudson Valley Afterschool Network (HVAN)
    is a new regional  network of the New York State Afterschool 
    Network "NYSAN" that includes all stakeholders in after school programs including providers, funders, policy makers, educators, schools, school districts, youth, families and diverse community
    organizations.   HVAN performs advocacy and professional development for the field.   Call Dr. Jim Bostic at the Nepperhan Community Center at (914) 965-0203 for details.  
    For flyer on March 26th program "How to Build a Quality Afterschool Program" at the Boys & Girls Club of Newburgh, click here:  HVAN
    Leadership Summit
    Notable speakers, networking, information, vendors, resources, and a great lunch are all featured at this year's Leadership Summit on Monday, May 5th from 8 am to 4 pm at the DoubleTree Hotel in Tarrytown.  Presented by the Westchester Community Foundation and the United Way of Westchester and Putnam, this special event is worthwhile not only for non-profit executives and staff, but also board members and volunteers.
    For more info and to register click here:
    Do you have parents or staff who need assistance with housing?  elder care? services for people with disabilities?  
    Put them in touch with 211, United Way's free, confidential, multilingual info and referral helpline.   It's open every day, from 9 am to 7 pm.
    For more info click here:

    A public engagement campaign to help parents, caregivers and communities create quality early learning opportunities for young children.  Offered in partnership with the United Way of Westchester and Putnam, we have free Born Learning materials in English and Spanish for child care professionals. Check our Training Calendar for up-coming workshops on Born Learning.
    The April Born Learning Tip of the Month on 
    "Celebrating Spring"
    Include in your own newsletter or info board for parents. 
    Click the link below to read more:

    The US Chamber of Commerce said -
    "Achieving a world-class educational system and creating a highly skilled workforce begin with high quality early learning opportunities."




    Amazon Shoppers!
    If you shop at Amazon, the Council could receive up to 2% of your shopping proceeds.  
    Just click this link to sign up today: www.smile.amazon.com
    Log in with your Amazon Account and then you are prompted to select your charity.  Pick the Council by entering "Child Care Council of Westchester" and then click search.   You'll then see the Council and the "Select" button next to it.  That's it! 
     (Note: each time you shop you have to use the link below but your charity information will be saved after it has been set up.)
    Please share on Facebook once you have signed up.


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    Scarsdale, NY 10583

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