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Council Connections
May 2013


Enjoy this edition of Parent Connections, an e-newsletter from the Child Care Council of Westchester featuring information on water safety, articles just for parents, advocacy, recent recalls, and more! 


Nicole Masucci

Director, Family & Employer Services

Parent Connections
Water Safety
Child Care, Public Policy and Resources
Free Services Offered to Parents
Articles for Parents
Boys 7 girls 
Little Kids, Big Questions: A Parenting Podcast Series From ZERO TO THREE™
Why PLAY is so important (Toddlers)


10 Ways to Get Ready for Kindergarten

Click Here for more information


Talk to Your School Age Child (ages 6 to 11)

Click Here for more information

Water Safety 

Pool Safety


Register for a Drowning Prevention-- Everyone's Responsibility Webinar on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:00pm ET by Child Care Aware� Parent Network (CCAPN).

The webinar will focus on water safety, including the importance of supervision, drowning prevention tips, and the national Pool Safely campaign. Kathleen Reilly, Campaign Project Manager of the Pool Safely Campaign will be joined by Kim Burgess, the Executive Director of the National Drowning Prevention Alliance. Reilly will talk about Pool Safely, the award winning public education campaign from the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission aimed at preventing child drownings and entrapments; and Burgess will address the importance of parent supervision, caregiver supervision, touch supervision, learn to swim, CPR and layers of protection for your program and home. Be sure to sign up today!

Public Policy

 Keep in the loop on how Early Care and Education

impacts our nation.  


Family Game night 

Did you know that there are numerous recalls every month from toys to car seats to beds.


Help keep your child safe by being informed and checking on the recent recalls...

Click Here for the most recent recalls.


You can sign up to be notified about recalls from the US Consumer Product and Safety Commission by simply Clicking Here. It's the best way to stay informed and helps keep your child safe.

The Council offers FREE Services to Parents

Click Here to obtain affordable public health insurance for your child(ren) and/or family.


Click Here to locate child care services in Westchester County, NY.

Click Here to learn about the financial resources and benefits available to help families pay for child care.
Additional Resources for Parents
View the Council's website for additional resourcesLearn 2
Click here for general resources 
To let us know what you want to hear about contact nicolem@cccwny.org.
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