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Council Connections


January  2013

Happy New Year to all! With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season behind us, it's now time to settle back in to after school programming and creating great activities for the children in your program.  Enjoy this January issue of School Age Connections, an e-newsletter from the Child Care Council of Westchester.  Welcome back!  


Susan M. Edelstein
Director, ISACC
School Age Newsletter
School Age Child Care Regulation Review
Resources for After School Professionals and News from SADN
TA Tip of the Month Creating a Welcoming Environment
Upcoming Events and Trainings
School Age Child Care
Regulation Review:
414.7 Program Requirements 

Review these regulations on Program Requirements to ensure your program follows is in compliance and offers children a wide array of activities. 

Resources for After School Professionals and
News from School Age Director's Network

News from EIP 


EIP has updated their website with new information on reimbursements for trainings.  Click here to view their website and learn about updates to the EIP program. 


The New York State Early Learning Trainer Credential


A well-trained and well-educated workforce is the most important factor that determines the quality of children's early learning experiences. The NYS Early Learning Trainer Credential serves to ensure the quality of trainers who provide professional development opportunities statewide.


In collaboration with partners statewide, the New York State Association for the Education of Young Children (NYSAEYC) has developed a trainer approval process that verifies the education and qualifications of trainers who provide professional development to early learning providers

in the state.


Having the title of New York State Early Learning Credentialed Trainer, Verified Trainer or Content Specialist Trainer means that the trainer is an "endorsed" trainer. Endorsed trainers are eligible for EIP because their qualifications have been screened as meeting the standard set to provide professional development to child care providers and early educators statewide.  


The Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) announced that on June 1, 2013, all training funded through the Educational Incentive Program (EIP) will require that trainers have received or are an approved Verified Trainer (MAT or Health & Safety) or Content Specialist Trainer (CPA, physician, social worker, etc). In addition, any trainer in the process of receiving the New York State Early Learning Trainer Credential by June 1, 2013 will be eligible for EIP funding through the end of 2013.


If you are a provider who is not seeking EIP funding, there are presently no changes in how you may obtain training that counts toward the 30-hour regulatory training requirement, although we hope that you will seek out endorsed trainers since you will know that they have met the standards of being a high-quality trainer.


If you are applying for an EIP scholarship, as of June 1, 2013, you must seek out an endorsed trainer or a trainer in the process of becoming endorsed as a New York State Early Learning Credentialed Trainer.


Click here to find a credentialed trainer.  


If you currently provide training to child care staff and are interested in becoming a credentialed trainer, or if you hire persons to train your staff and want to learn more about the credentialing process or to begin an application, click here.


To read the "Guide to the NYS Early Learning Credential", click here.  


Celebrate in January


January is National Braille Literacy Month, Hot Tea Month, National Oatmeal Month, National Hobby Month and National Soup Month.  Other special and wacky days are:

13th - Make Your Dream Come True Day

14th - Dress Up Your Pet Day

15th - National Hat Day

18th - Thesaurus Day

19th - National Popcorn Day

20th - Penguin Awareness Day

23rd - National Handwriting Day

24th - Compliment Day

29th - National Puzzle Day


Click here for more information about these and other wacky days in January.  Special programming and activities can be scheduled for several to celebrate these fun and crazy days.


This Day In January's History


To find out what happened in history on each day in January, click here.  With some advance planning, you can create special programs and activities that teach children about historical events.

Helping Children and Families Cope with Traumatic Events


After a tragedy such as the Newtown shootings, children may feel anxious and worried about their safety and security, especially while at school.  Click here for valuable resources from Child Care Aware of America that assist children and families.

News from the School Age Director's Network:  Meetings will continue to be on the third Tuesday of each month. the next meeting is January 15 at 10 am at the Council. Contact Samantha Mars at SADNPresident@gmail.com for more information.  


 Tip of the Month: 
Developing Interest Clubs

This is the time of year when getting the children outdoors is more difficult because of the shortened day light hours, homework demands and winter weather, leaving school age staff with more time to program indoors.


To develop interest clubs, poll your staff to see what special interest or skill they might have to lead an interest club with the children. Based on this interest or hobby, each staff member involved should develop a list of activities, enough for a specific period of time (maybe six weeks). Decide on a day and time to offer these clubs and market the clubs to the children. Have the children sign up for the club of their choice and at the end of the period, if successful, offer them again with each child choosing a different club.


This type of programming provides an excellent way for children to explore a variety of topics that might be enjoyable to them. It also gives them the opportunity to learn something new, giving the children the time to explore each club topic in depth.


The variety of clubs you might offer is only limited by the motivation of your staff and their interests. Support staff when developing these clubs. Offer them resources to explore their topic and the time to develop it. Be prepared to purchase the materials and supplies needed to make their interest a successful club for the children of your program.

Welcome back and happy new after school year! 


The Child Care Council of Westchester offers technical assistance and training to maintain compliance with OCFS regulations and to familiarize school age staff with best practices in school age care. Contact Mary Ann Brendler at maryannb@cccwny.org or 914-761-3456 x 172 if you would like additional assistance on this topic or any other topic relating to school age care.
Upcoming Events and Trainings

Pre-registration is required for all trainings and conferences.  New lower prices: $30 for members and $40 for non-members for individual workshops.  Special 15 and 10 hour and Training Track package deals for members and non members.  


 Check out the January - June 2013 Professional Development Calendar here.


We've got lots of interesting and unique training opportunities for

school age professionals.   


Contact us to tell us what trainings you need for your staff.  


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