Streamlines for Volunteers 2012
Special Convention Issue

Please see below for important information about our annual meeting at this year's USAS Convention.

Many thanks for all that you do,

Your Friends at U.S. Masters Swimming

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USAS Convention 2013

The United States Aquatic Sports Convention will be held at the Hyatt Regency Orange County, Garden Grove, Calif., September 11-15, 2013. Registration forms, travel, shuttle, and tourist information is available on the USAS website.


USMS meetings begin on Wednesday, September 11. The convention page at contains the schedule and other information. 


This year's theme is "Look How Far We Have Come - Swimming Into The Future!" To celebrate this, please wear your most vintage Masters T-shirt on Saturday.


Delegate Registration

All persons attending or presenting at any meeting at convention MUST be registered for Convention. You can register online



  • $170: Early bird online or postmarked on or before Aug. 20, 2013
  • $200: Regular registration online or postmarked on or after Aug. 21, 2013
  • $35: One-day registration



Hotel Reservations

Hotel information can be found on the USAS website. You are

responsible for making your hotel reservations directly with the Hyatt Regency Orange County online or by calling 800-714-750 x 1234. If reserving by phone, please mention United States Aquatic Sports. More information about the hotel is available online 



John Wayne Orange County (SNA) and Los Angeles International (LAX) are the two most convenient airports. SNA is closer to the Hyatt, about 10 minutes by car. LAX has better options for flights and is less expensive, but is farther away and traffic could be an issue. Please plan your flights accordingly. 



Super Shuttle is an inexpensive way to travel from the airport to the hotel. A trip from SNA costs $10 plus tip and from LAX, a Super Shuttle will set you back $16 plus tip. Super Shuttle offers a discount for booking round-trip travel if you know your arrival and departure times. Although Super Shuttle is inexpensive, please be aware that this service is not a nonstop ride to or from the Hyatt; you may be making several stops to pick up and drop off passengers along the way, so please budget your time accordingly. Advanced reservations are not required for traveling to the Hyatt but ARE required when leaving the Hyatt at the end of convention and can be booked online. Taxi service to and from the airport is also available. A one-way trip from SNA to the Hyatt costs $36 plus tip and $110 plus tip from LAX.


Driving Directions

If you plan on driving, directions can be obtained by typing the following address into MapQuest or Google: 11999 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove, CA 92840



You can self park at the Hyatt for $12 per day or valet park for $22 per day.



Wireless Internet connectivity is available for free in the House of Delegates and all meeting rooms. Internet access from guest rooms costs $10 per day or $40 per week.


Certification Table

The certification table will be open on Wednesday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. (vendor area), Thursday from 7 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. (vendor area), Thursday from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. (House of Delegates Room), Thursday afternoon through Saturday (come find Debbie Cavanaugh).


Pre-Convention Packet

Please note that USMS is doing its best to be green this year. Therefore, we are requesting that you either upload the pre-convention files to your laptop (that you will be bringing with you), print the documents yourself and bring them, or have them printed at a local copy shop.


The pre-convention packet will be posted by mid-August on the website. This packet includes reports from the Executive Committee, National Office, and Liaisons & Special Appointments, in addition to committee reports and meeting agendas. It also includes election information, rules, long distance rules, and legislation proposed amendments, as well as other important documents and announcements.


Welcome Letter and Delegate Survival Guide

Once the pre-convention packet has been posted, you will be sent the link with a welcome letter and delegate survival guide. Once the 2014 proposed budget is finalized and posted, a message will be sent to you with the link.


Meeting Minutes

NEW this year! In our efforts to go green, the infamous accordion files are being phased out. USMS is paying for wireless Internet in all meeting rooms including the House of Delegates. Meeting minutes will be uploaded immediately following each meeting and will be accessible from the USMS website


A limited number of copies will be printed and available if you do not have an electronic device from which to view or download documents. Please contact Tracy Grilli if you require printed meeting minutes. 

Important Delegate List Reminder
Meeting Room

LMSC Chairs: Please submit the names and contact information for your delegates ASAP to CJ Rushman. These were due on July 1st.


Chairs of Finance, Legislation, Long Distance & Rules Committees: Please contact your committee members and report to CJ Rushman if there are any members from your committee who will not be attending convention.

Working Calendar
Below are IMPORTANT deadlines from the Working Calendar:

July 15: Committee chairs and special appointments send their annual reports to their vice presidents using the 
USMS Document Template
. Those who will be having a meeting at the convention also send their agendas.

July 15: Final cut-off for requesting Delegate-at-Large appointments for the convention. 


July 20: President appoints Delegate-at-Large for the convention

July 31: Vice presidents send their committees' annual reports and agendas to Membership Coordinator Tracy Grilli. Members of the Executive Committee also submit their annual reports.

August 1: All proposed rule or code changes from Rules, Long Distance, and Legislation Committees are due to Membership Coordinator Tracy Grilli from respective committee chairs, for inclusion in the convention packet.

August 1: Election Committee submits election information to Membership Coordinator Tracy Grilli for inclusion in the convention packet.

August: Convention packets posted on the USMS
 website and emailed to all delegates.
2014 Rulebook Artwork Submissions

2012 Rule Book The Rule Book cover is printed in full-color, 5 1/2 inches by 8 1/2 inches and in a mini version that is 8 1/2 x 4 inches. The artwork should be slightly larger for the bleeds.


The requirements are that the artwork contain the U.S. Masters Swimming logo and lettering and "2014 Rule Book." You can download the logo in several different formats. Artwork in any standard electronic format is acceptable, however, U.S. Masters Swimming may ask that artwork be sent in an alternate format if we cannot open a particular file type.


Please email the electronic artwork by September 1, 2013 to Susan Ehringer. A hardcopy of the artwork will be printed in 8 1/2 x 11 formate for viewing and will be taken to Convention to allow members to vote on their favorite cover. If you wish to send the hardcopy artwork, it must be postmarked by September 1, 2013, and sent to: Susan Ehringer, 910 Glenridge Dr, Louisville, Ky. 40242.

2015 Long Distance National Championship Bids Due!
Open Water Swimmer

Want to host a postal or open water national championship long distance event in 2015? The bidding process is open to events that have run successfully for three years in a row before bidding. Hosting a national championship provides lots of national exposure, which can help your event grow substantially. Bidding information is available on the Long Distance Championship page at Bids are due July 20, so don't delay! Apply today!

Reminder: Submit Your Expense Reports!

Don't forget to submit your expense reports to Susan Kuhlman within 30 days of the conclusion of Convention if you'd like to be reimbursed for qualified Convention expenses. Please download an expense report form (in PDF or Word formats) from the LMSC Management section of the Guide to Operations pageRequests for reimbursement must include all receipts and a description of goods or services.

New Officers? Let Us Know!

Taking notes If your LMSC has elected any new officers, please remember to notify Membership Director Anna Lea Matysek of these changes. We need this information to be sure the right individuals are receiving information in a timely manner during their tenure. You can view what is currently on file by choosing your LMSC from the map and then clicking the link for LMSC Officers.  

Moved recently? Let Us Know!

Spring and summer are common times for people to move house, and with all that's going on during a move, it's easy to forget some of the organizations that need your new address. But please don't forget us! USMS needs your updated contact information to ensure timely delivery of SWIMMER magazine and other communications. Be sure to update your address by logging into your MyUSMS page and clicking the Update your registration information link. It's simple and quick!

About STREAMLINES for Volunteers
Volunteers 2
U.S. Masters Swimming encourages all USMS volunteers to subscribe to STREAMLINES for Volunteers, however if you would rather not receive this update, please do not click the unsubscribe button, as that will remove you from all other USMS National Office mailings. Rather, please click on the "Update Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this email. Here you can select to discontinue your STREAMLINES for Volunteers service or sign up for the monthly coaches' newsletter, STREAMLINES for Coaches, and/or the monthly member newsletter STREAMLINES.
About U.S. Masters Swimming
U.S. Masters Swimming
U.S. Masters Swimming, founded in 1970, is a membership-operated national governing body that promotes health, wellness, fitness, and competition for adults through swimming. It does so by partnering with more than 1,500 adult swim programs across the country; promoting information via the bimonthly member magazine, SWIMMER, monthly e-newsletter, STREAMLINES, and website,; and by sanctioning and promoting pool, open water, and virtual events and competitions. More than 55,000 adults are registered members of USMS.
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