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In This Issue
Sustainability Roundtable
Best Companies to Work For
Educate, Network and Promote
Doing Well Doing Good
New Members
Social 2010
Our first Social of 2013!
Wednesday, February 6th
5:30 - 8:00pm


Join us for more great food, new connections and inspiring conversation.


Tour the Courtyard by Marriott's new property in Downtown Keene - see their LEED certified, NH Environmental Champion hotel.


 $15 for NHBSR members

$35 for non-members


75 Railroad Street



Register Now!


Thank you to our statewide sponsor ... 


Small Dog Electronics  




Join us for the first Sustainability Roundtable of 2013!
January 15th
from 5:30 - 7:30pm
at Schleuniger, Inc.
87 Colin Drive, Manchester
This Roundtable will have an "Open Inquiry" theme.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask a CSR/Sustainability question of the group. Attendees will vote on top five questions for discussion.
Click here to register for this exciting evening!
Many thanks to our host, Schleuniger, Inc.!
Interested in joining NHBSR's network of businesses and organizations?

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Use our online application form to quickly become part of the network of socially and environmentally focused members! 
Great jobs at great companies ... 
Job Openings 

Happy New Year!          




I don't know about you, but I'm not good at fulfilling New Year's resolutions. Maybe it's because I too often try to do it alone without the right support network to uphold my efforts.


Support networks are important in encouraging sustainable, responsible business practices, as well. Without reinforcement and encouragement, it's hard to keep "fighting the good fight".


NHBSR provides all kinds of events in order to offer a wide range of educational opportunities to support businesses just beginning the journey to sustainability to those demonstrating leadership. The most favored element of all events is the networking - the ability to learn and share CSR/sustainability experiences consistently ranks number one. So in 2013 we'll continue to focus on helping you develop the networks you need to fulfill your resolutions!


Check out the events we have planned already!

  • January 15th - Sustainability Roundtable at Schleuniger, Inc., Manchester
  • February 6th - Member Social at Courtyard by Marriott, Keene
  • February 13th - Breakfast With The Best at the Radisson Hotel, Manchester

I'm looking forward to seeing you early in 2013!


Michelle Veasey, Executive Director


(603) 391-8471   



Connect with the Best Companies to Work For ... 

At Breakfast With the Best! 


Interactive polling and dynamic interviews with company executives from both large and small companies in the state exceling in workplace practices. Learn from repeat winners like NHBSR member Hypertherm, and new comer Echo Consulting Services, Inc.

This year's event will give you the chance to learn simple and creative ways to attract and retain the best employees in the state!
Breakfast With the Best ~ Radisson Hotel, Manchester
Wednesday, February 13th, 2013, 7:30 - 10:30am
$35 per person or $280 for a table of 8.
Educate, Network and Promote
Do you have a CSR-related event? Post it to our calendar to invite others!
Antioch University New England will hold an alumni event on January 29th at the Common Man in Concord.  NHBSR Executive Director, Michelle Veasey and Polly Chandler, AUNE's Chair of the Department of Management will lead discussion around how to bring the spirit of service to your community and workplace.  NHBSR members interested in learning more about Anitoch's graduate programs are invited to attend.  Contact Michelle to register.
GreenBiz.com is offering a free webinar, "Dismantling the Barriers to Energy Efficiency" on January 22nd at 1pm. For more information or to register, click here.

Doing Well by Doing Good 

Climate Counts recently released its 6th round of company scoring relative to climate change efforts. Climate Counts Director, Mike Bellamente shared " We're seeing brands continue to demonstrate tremendous progress on sustainability - in some cases reducing absolute emissions while growing their business. However, there is still much work to be done to bring climate change back to the forefront of public consciousness." View the report here.
Checkmate Payroll Services, Inc., an independently owned and operated provider of comprehensive payroll services and cloud based workforce management technologies, is pleased to announce that it has completed a service auditor's review - SSAE 16 SOC1, of its operations. The audit was performed by a regionally recognized independent auditing firm, and was completed in November 2012.



Share your news on best practices, events and all other things sustainable and socially responsible.  We would like to feature you!  Email Michelle at michelle@nhbsr.org 

Welcome New Members!

MemberReferralGet 25%


Help connect your business and organizational networks to ours!  Bring in another business/organization as a new member and we will credit your account with 25% of their first year membership. All you have to do is ask your business connections to mention your name or business name in the referral field of the new member application. If your credits exceed your membership, you can apply the credits to event registrations or sponsorships.